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Stranger Than The Tide

Posted on 03/16/2021 @ 5:49am by Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Crailo Feshau & Colonel Jack Patton & Civilian Michael Taggart

2,321 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 21: The Trouble with Technology
Location: The White Stag

Aer had decided it was time to call the two most important men in her life together to talk. Her recent engagement had sent swirls of excitement and joy through her, her heart truly almost skipping a beat from time to time. However, she knew that Jack would have to meet the family and seeing as how her father was on board there was no getting away from it.

As much as she would have liked it, or a blackhole to open up and swallow her father, this was going to happen.

"He'll be here soon." she said as she bit her thumbnail as her anxiety swelled. Only her father had this affect on her. She could face large, threatening armed thugs and be okay with it, but this was not something so easily combatted.

Jack sat at their table next to the fireplace wearing his class B uniform. His duty beret sat in the epilet of his uniform shirt. "Babe calm down I have known for weeks that your Dad had me followed. So by now he should know everything about me." He smiled and his boyish charm beamed.

A nervous laugh came out as he made his last comment. Knowing everything was not always a good thing, some things are better left in the shadows, even Aer didn't know everything about Jack because she chose not to do a deep background check on him. "What makes you think I am not calm?" she asked. Biting her nails had became a nervous habit she hadn't realized she did.

"You can be read like an open book." Jack replied while smiling. He was about to continue speaking when he was interrupted by Mickey Taggart. "Ere ya go, ya happy couple you. Something to loosen the nerves." Mickey set two pewter tankards down on the table. "Bee stings for the both of ya now drink up an relax."

"Thanks Mick just what the doctor ordered." Jack said with another smile. Mickey tipped his head and walked away as Jack sipped the drink. "Alright maybe it would help if you told me what you were so worried about. I mean other than the fact that your Dad seems like a hard a#$."

"Well that is not a good thing." She said with a grumpy face at his comment about being an open book. About that same time a tankard was dropped in front of her and she scooped it up taking a large drink to cover her nerves. She gave a thankful smile and look towards Mickey.

"My Dad---" she was cut off by the entrance of said person. Her father had entered the bar.

He walked up to them, alone as he'd given his men the night off. His best poker face was on as he approached and as he got to them both their air was palpable. Crailo looked Jack over, then to his daughter before looking back at Jack as a broad smile lit up his face.

Patting Jack on the shoulder he spoke with a friendly tone. "So, you are to be my son-in-law?" he asked, the smile still broad. "Nice to meet you son." he said extending his hand.

As Crailo approached the table Jack rose to attention in the way that only a Marine could. For a moment he felt the way he always did when a General entered the room. He remained still as his future father in law gave him the once over. When the hand extended Jack took it and warmly shook it. "Yes sir! It is nice to finally meet you as well." There are many things that a Marine is taught during training, among them is deference for your seniors. At the moment Jack employed that training. He remained standing until the other man sat. It was sign of respect and honor, one that he knew would not be lost on the El Aurian.

"Yes..." Crailo began looking at his daughter and shaking his hand firmly in response. "This one keeps you on a tight leash. One would think you didn't want us to meet?" He asked rhetorically. "But come, come." He said ushering them to a table.

"Barkeep, a round for us and then the rest of the tavern. On me!" He shouted as the tavern erupted into hails of gratitude and merriment.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Aer asked skeptical to his behaviour.

"Being charitable my child." He said as their drinks were brought over. Some form of ale it looked like. Crailo took a big drink before setting his eyes back on Jack. "So, I know you are a marine, I can tell as much by the way you carry yourself, not just the way you dress. Tell me a bit about the man that would take my daughters hand, as your people say."

Aer sipped her drink, all the while peering over its head at her father and his strange behaviour. It was almost like they'd replaced him with a changing...

When a round for the house was ordered Mickey cocked an eyebrow and looked at Crailo. What do ya think ya playin at... Mickey thought. His face however showed the smile he was known for as he began to pour the drinks. As for everyone else in the pub they all raised their glasses in Crailo's direction. Utterences of Huzzah and to yer good health could be heard.

"I come from a long storied family on Earth. A Patton has served in the military since the Earth year 1915. As for me I am not too different from my ancestor. I am short sweet and to the point. Which is why I really do not have much to say in relation to that question as I know you have had me tailed and had people look into my background. So you know or should know everything." Jack replied with a friendly jovial lilt to his voice. When he finished speaking in sipped his drink and savored the flavor of the mead and cider mixture.

"And should you ever have a daughter Major Patton I have no doubt you will look into the gentleman's past also." Crailo said in response as he savoured this. "I made no attempts to hide what I was doing." He said leaning back to make himself more comfortable. "And I did not ask for information about your activities on station, or past events that have made up your life. I asked you to tell me about you, the man, the Human. In here." He said in his own jovial tone as he placed his hand over his own beating heart.

Jack chuckled a real laugh. "You have the right of it, if or when I am to be a father of a young woman then yeah I would probably unleash The Kingsmen to look into anyone that she was with. "I am a Marine both in private and public. That means that I am a man of honor and integrity. Up until now I have chosen to dedicate my life to duty and honor however, now I dedicate it to your daughter, her happiness and her success. What is mine is now hers." Jack knew that these were old principles, he also knew that lying to the man would be wrong. So he told the truth this was exactly how he felt and what he wanted for Aer. Jack thought it would also impress the old El Aurian.

Crailo nodded in agreement. Jack was growing on him, he respected men who spoke clear and concisely, who took no crap and gave as good as they got. Ones with honour, integrity and dignity. "I have 3 daughters you know, but this one here." he said tilting his glass towards Aer. "She is by far the strongest."

"Dad... I..." Aer started as Crailo held up his hand to stop her. She had never heard him talk this way.

"It is true. Do you think I'd have ever taken Mel and Shy out with me on interstellar trips? Expose them to the galaxy around us? Gods your sister Shy cannot look at the suns set without shedding a tear." he said rolling his eyes. He loved them all dearly but sometimes he was not that sentimental. "You had the patience to learn, to follow and soak up the things I did without asking questions, and when you did it was in private. You had the devious strain to build up your own network outside of mine and think I did not know, and allow it. Though, and as much as it pains me to admit this, you joined this lot." he said as he gestured to their surroundings. "You broke out on your own. I know you are still helping our world even if you do not admit it. Your brother still tells me what information you feed him..."

Aer was a little speechless for once. She looked at Jack for help, anything really would do.

For the moment it seemed to Jack that for perhaps the first time Crailo was singing his daughters praises. He could tell that it was definitely something that she was not used to. "She is the most strong willed individual I have ever met. From a Marine that is an exceptional compliment. I can see where she gets it from now." He said with a smile. "I can see that you want nothing but the best for your daughter. That right there means we have something in common. As I want the same for her." Jack decided to take a stab in the dark with an old fashioned custom. "Ambassador I seek your blessing to marry your daughter."

"Yes, she gets that from her mother, not me." Crailo said with a smirk. "I am happy to hear that you wish to take care of my daughter and I would hate for that trust to be misplaced." he said in a thinly vailed threat. "You have my blessing, Aer you will need to call your mother. I have things to take care of before I return home and I think it would be best to hear the words her baby girl has found a life mate."

"I will father." Aer said as she took a sip of her drink. "You do know this is never how you act though right? I mean, what's going on with you?" she asked.

"Simply looking at things from a different perspective little one." Crailo replied cryptically. "Things are simply going my way."

Jack could understand the feeling that one had when things went their way. However, something deep within him told him to keep his new father in law at arms length. "Well I for one am glad to hear that things are going well. It is damn sure better than the alternative." Jack paused and sipped his cider as he contemplated where to steer the conversation next. "So tell me Ambassador what is perhaps the most embarrassing story you can tell me about Aer?" He smirked and gave his fiancé a playful wink.

"There was this one time, Klingon outpost." Crailo began with a smile.

"DAD! DON'T!" Aer raised her voice at him but he waved it away and he knew this was going to be good.

"We were visiting a Klingon outpost for trade. I had been there many times so knew Mikel well, Klingon male around 80 or so. Ran this outpost with military precision. I know what you're thinking, who'd take a 7 year old to somewhere like that? Well, me. I believe in immersion even at a young age." Crailo explained. "When we get to the outpost I am talking to Mikel, he asks who the small infant is following me so I explain that she is my child and that she is to follow in my footsteps making bringin her essential. He bends down and begins to talk to her, slightly forcefully as Klingons can. He asks her how she hoped to defend her father should something happen." Crailo laughed as he remembered what came next.

"Aer smiled at the man and said "My Daddy calls you a patak. What's that? Are you one?'" Crailo shook his head.

"Well our trade ended with that and we were thrown off planet is a swift fashion.

Jack practically spit his cider out when Crailo finished the story. "Heck, I can see her saying that now as well..." He laughed, while the story was embarrassing it actually had the opposite effect on Jack. It made him just love her more, and under the table, subtly he squeezed her thigh to let her know that he was there and all is fine. "So I am guessing we should start the wedding plans of course." Jack turned to Aer. "But I will leave that to you. You just tell me when and where and I will make sure that the dress uniform fits." He added with a laugh.

Aer had to wipe little droplets of cider from her cheek as they both turned red with embarrassment. Her father was enjoying this and if the smile wasn't evident enough his body language sure was. King of the hill he felt at this moment and it was pouring out of him. "I was seven." Aer said justifying her question to the Klingon with a hint of a defiant tone.

It was then she felt Jack's hand on her thigh, the small squeeze giving her a sense of calm and warmth. She smiled at him as he began to speak. "Yes, well I have never been at a wedding I wasn't invited to or had to get drunk at so... planning one for us and our families? What could go wrong?" she asked half rhetorically.

Lieutenant Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Major Jack Patton
CO The Kingsmen
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Second Officer
Poseidon Station


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