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King Of The Hill Part I

Posted on 03/18/2021 @ 3:32am by Colonel Jack Patton & 1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill

2,072 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 21: The Trouble with Technology
Location: The Throneroom - Poseidon Station


Anthony had heard the news of his transfer to The Kingsmen and had taken it with grateful open arms. He knew they were an exceptional unit and for him to have been chosen to lead their combat engineer platoon was an honour. He had studied engineering whilst at the Academy, as well as a hobby beforehand.

Always the little builder his mother used to say before he became much taller than she but he was always using his hands to make things, tear things down as boys do.

He had served as a Combat Engineer in his previous posting and this was a step up to commanding more men and women under The Kingsmen banner.

Anthony had moved to meet his new CO, Major Jack Patton, of whom he had heard a little about. As he made his way through the barracks he watched as some marines played cards, others on PADDs. It was nice to see the comfort they had in each others company.

Jack sat at his desk and reviewed the new recruits jackets. Some were fresh from boot, some fresh from OCS and others were experienced tried and true veterans. Such was life when they expanded your unit from a small strike force to a full battalion. But the Kingsmen were expanding and as such there was always room at the roundtable.

Currently he read through the record of one First Lieutenant Anthony Hill. The Lieutenant came highly recommended to take charge of the Combat Engineer Platoon, affectionately nicknamed The Castle. His record seemed to speak for itself. Graduated toward the top of his class in OCS and Specialty School. He worried about Hill's age, the veterans may not take too kindly to that but we will have to see how that worked out. Just as Jack was going to look toward someone with more experience the door chime went off.

""Come..." he said in gruff voice, slightly more curt then he wanted to.

As the doors opened Anthony entered with his usual confidence. "1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill, reporting in for assignment Major." he said standing at attention. He held his transfer orders behind his back until he was put at ease and able to pass them over. The was in combat gear, not typical standard uniform, so you could see from his short sleeves the scarring on his arm. To him it was normal now, a part of him but it made others stare from time to time.

Jack rose as the man walked in and returned the salute. "At ease Lieutenant. Welcome to the throne room." Patton walked around the desk and reviewed his new recruit. The first thing he noticed was that he had a slightly unkempt appearance. Something that Patton appreciated as it showed individuality. Jack did not want a bunch of green robots in his unit. He was fit, but was he cut for the Kingsmen. His record was typical for a Marine. Jack needed something extraordinary. He thought he had the idea for Anthony to prove it. But, that would wait until after the interview. "Have a seat Hill, would you like something to drink?"

Anthony stood at a more relaxed stance as he was put at ease by his new commanding officer. "Thank you sir." He stood face forward as he watched him move around him, almost as if circling new prey or surveying new meat that had fallen into the pen. "No, thank you Major. I had something before my arrival on board." he said taking a seat, relaxing just a little.

Jack ordered a cup of coffee for himself from the replicator, and when it appeared he took it and turned toward Hill. "Suit yourself..." Jack walked back to his seat behind his desk taking a special moment to pay homage of sorts to the uniform of his ancestor, as well as the two pearl handled revolvers that sat in a case behind his desk. "This uniform, and these pistols belonged to my ancestor General George Smith Patton United States Army. That uniform has been in field with every Patton since the man himself wore it during the Second Great War on Earth. It is this long and storied tradition that The Kingsmen uphold and hold dear. When I say that we are the best of the best I am not just blowing smoke. The Kingsmen are an elite force and every member of the newly formed battalion will be hand picked by me. Tell me why should I make you a Kingsman let alone grant you command over a Platoon."

Anthony admired the uniform and weaponry that was displayed behind the Major. He knew of the history of the Patton line from not only his studies but from personal interest. "I would say something like my record speaks for itself, or that I deserve is for the achievements on my jacket so far if I meant it... but if I were you I'd send me back home for that." Anthony said honestly. "Truth is sir, I am honest and loyal. I would never leave a man behind if it meant the life of my own, I would always try. We are a family and we always look after our own. I will always speak my mind, if I disagree I will voice it but ultimately I will follow your orders as you give them. I have given much to the Corps already," He said in reference to his arm but made no show of it. "and I'm not done yet."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Jack said with a chuckle. "You are correct I have looked at your record and I am slightly impressed. There is a trait that I have inherited from my ancestor and that is a severe bluntness. Before we continue there is something that I need to get out there and clear the air. Up until now The Kingsmen have been a small team. We have come to rely on each other, and how we will react to a given situation. That said if given the choice between harming your team or collateral damage you choose harming the team each and every time. My first question here would be why us? Your jacket says you could have had your pick from a lot of platoons. Why the Kingsmen? What are your goals here?" Jack leaned forward and sipped his coffee when he was finished speaking. He let his words hang in the air for a moment.

"Part of it is because I have heard how the Kingsmen operate. The behaviours here are something I admire and hope to emulate as I settle in here. Part of it is because of you, your style of leadership and the type of man you are. I know Aer a little bit from Gamel V, she and her team fed us the information that put us there." He explained not wanting Jack to think he had been stalking him. "I know the sacrifices that need to be made to protect others, to stop collateral damage. As for my goals, to build up the engineering division of the Kingsmen. Give the fleet a run for their money." He smiled at the thought of that. "To build a family within one, a strong team. A spine would be useless if it only had one working vertebrae. As would tech with no power."

"We are nothing but up front with each other in private, all of us are. In a way rank means nothing in private, however, when a decision is reached that is final and will not be contested. Now that we are a ship based unit you will be asked often to lead tactical incursions and asked to make decisions on the fly. Very often these decisions will effect the lives and possibly the deaths of not only your team but of civilian assets. Are you okay with this?" Jack's tone was one that said volumes. He bought into his ancestor's view of the military, there is no crying, no remorse. There is no room for that.

"Yes sir. They are decisions I have made before but never lightly." Anthony replied as he saw Jack nod.

"I see that you are a Combat Engineer. How are you under pressure? Rebuilding weapons under fire and the like. Very often your success on equipment will dictate the success of the mission. I will admit that specialty is a place where The Kingsmen have been lacking. So tell me are you capable of what I ask." As he spoke he very subtly brought a case embossed with the Starfleet Marine logo up from the floor and placed it on the desk.

"I came second in my class in my specialised field, and have experience of using those skills in the field. Not only Gamel V where we had to use multiple pieces of tech from turrets to shield generators, to making makeshift explosives out of power cells found in disused weapons. My team was quite resourceful and I know I can instil that on the team here." Anthony answered as he watched his raise the case up with interest.

Patton began unpacking the case and produced a number of parts and tools. "You know your resourcefulness, and skills is one of the main reasons that you are sitting here. It is said that General Patton brought down an aircraft using nothing but one of those ivory handled pistols you see in the case. It is a similar boldness that you show. Now, I will give you a test... A very real test. What you see before you are the parts that make up a standard issue phaser rifle. You have five minutes to assemble the weapon and remove the trap that is attached to it. If you fail it will explode and we will both die." Patton laid everything out in front of Hill and then spoke to the computer "Computer erect a level 5 forcefield around the throne room. Security override Patton alpha 7936. Start a five minute counter on my mark." He paused a moment, a moment that seemed like an eternity. "Computer Mark..." He then sat down at his desk and waited and watched the other man work.

Anthony would be lying if he said his heartrate did not increase at the sound of the forcefields engaging around the room. Nothing like an exploding phaser trap test to get the blood pumping and the mind reeling. 5 minutes to stop the death of his superior and himself, and to negate the need for a clean-up crew required to mop up.

The minutes slowed as he surveyed the parts of the rifle before beginning to piece them together. As he worked he noticed a small hairline crack in the power coil. Fortunately Anthony always carried his tools on his belt, or a miniature version of them. Looking at the clock, 3 minutes. A droplet of sweat formed on his brow as he finished repairing the crack and the weapon rebuild. As the clock hit 4:50 Anthony called time and looked at the Major.

Patton had to admit he was both scared and impressed. Scared that for a minute there Hill may have not made it in time. Impressed that he got it done that quick. It took him five minutes to do what it took most engineers 10 minutes to do. Patton had purposely skewed the test for Hill to fail, and he passed with flying colors. He could not even try to conceal the look of astonishment and appreciation from his face. "Well done First Lieutenant, I am not afraid to admit that I am impressed. Really well done!! There is one last thing that needs to be done a second test of sorts." Jack opens a ship wide channel, "Attention Kingsmen, please report to The Throne Room on the double."

"You are not the only one sir. The hairline crack was easy to miss but I think sometime a little luck comes in to play sometimes. I mean, I don't think the universe wants to blow us up just yet." Anthony grinned at the praise. "Listening to the call his CO put out Hill wondered what he had planned for him next.

To Be Continued


Major Jack Patton
CO The Kingsmen
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Poseidon Station

First Lieutenant Anthony Hill
Platoon CO The Castle
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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