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Healing hands

Posted on 04/23/2021 @ 3:11pm by Lieutenant Kaylee Serra

2,128 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 21: The Trouble with Technology
Location: Teena's Quarters
Timeline: Sometime after Nanite Trouble


Kaylee had her work cut out for her, being that her shower still a mess after she had been transported all over the place. It took a little bit for her to get it cleaned but it did get it taken care of. Kaylee was hesitant at first, trying the sonic shower again but decided that she didn't need to add to her list of things to be feared. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside the shower and activated it. She stiffened at first but then the soothing waves of the sonic shower continued like it was supposed to. Letting her relax, however she did have her communicator right within reach just in case things went haywire once more.

Her shower done, she got dressed, taking a look around her quarters, her eyes dropping down at the blue yakuta with cherry blossoms on it as well as the swim bottoms and sequined bra she had as souvenirs from her strange adventure. Kaylee chuckled seeing Rudia's name upon the card that was given to her. Rudia was certainly quite the odd little old lady. Kaylee dressed in some soft clothing being mindful of her tender skin, looked once more about her quarters. She didn't feel like she wanted to stay there, not at this time. She needed to get out, and Kaylee wanted to go find Liam, and tell him about her day.

"Computer, where is Liam Reynolds?"

The computer told her where he was, and Kaylee went in that direction. Teena's quarters.

Arriving there, Kaylee pressed the chime to let Teena know that there was someone at the door.

Liam appeared clearly not expecting anyone, looking slightly warm in what could only be described as an old T-shirt and faded jeans. His face lit up to see her in front of him and he pulled her into a kiss. ~What's wrong?~ he asked sensing some mild embarrassment ebbing off her. He knew from how she felt about him it wasn't related to him. He stepped aside and let her in, taking her through to the 3rd bedroom where the top part of the piano was supported by a table and there was some dust and wood shavings from where he had been working trying to fix one of the legs.

~What happened?~ he asked taking a seat cross legged on the floor. ~Are you okay?~

She would have winced when he pulled her into a kiss, her skin still slightly tender from her scrubbing the covering off. "First off, I love how you look." smiling as she eased herself down to a sitting position on the floor.

~I am sore, I've had a rather, weird day.~ and more embarrassment could be felt coming from her. ~I could tell you everything that had happened or I could show you.~

~I'm sorry did I hurt you?~ He asked sensing some pain off her now. ~I didn't mean too baby. Can I get you anything for ...~ he stopped he didn't know what it was yet. ~Well can I get you anything? And whatever is easiest.~

He was worried, why was she sore?

~Well I may need some tender loving care~ giving a smile, ~and maybe some lotion and I think it will be easier to show you what happened. A lot happened.~ and Kaylee showed him, taking him on her strange and weird journey, compliments of nanites. moving next to him and taking his hand. As she shared this she leaned her head upon his shoulder.

~Oh wow. Quite the day. Well tender loving care is here in spades. Don't you worry. I'm not sure which was the worst part, the promenade, the marine barracks, Harrington's quarters or the strip club. Although wow did you manage to improvise,~ he said. He gently kissed her head.

~Teena's got some of her potions kicking around here. She's been experimenting with moisturisers and creams to branch out from the perfumes. Let me find something suitable to get you feeling better~

~I did the best I could do, in the situation I was in. I do have said outfits still.~ turning pink. ~And Rudia was awesome, what a cute little strange old lady.~

He disappeared into another room and came back a minute later with 2 bottles ~Sage salvation or Heavenly healing honey?~ he asked.

~Heavenly Healing Honey sounds marvelous. ~ Kaylee said. ~and I can be a spokesperson for Teena depending on how this works on me. And if it works wonders I can spread the word.~

~Any publicity is good publicity right?~ Liam grinned. He opened the lotion and wondered where to start. ~She definitely seems a personality. But now I'm picturing you in those sequins~ He kissed her again softly and rubbed in a small amount on her neck as it was the closest thing to him.

Then he pulled back forcing the sequin thoughts out his head and being serious, ~Lets give it 5 minutes make sure you don't burn or have a reaction before I have the "awful" job of sliding some clothes off you so I can administer it elsewhere~ he chuckled.

~What was it called again? It sounds perfect for Jacks stag do he's decided I'm planning for him and his marines.~

~It's called Elysian Dreams. ~ giving a laugh at his remark of awful job. The lotion on her neck was immediately taking effect, making that area not feel so tender. ~oh that feels so good, and I love the scent. ~ Kaylee responded, ~I can hardly wait to get the rest of that on my skin.~

~Elysian Dreams. I shall remember that then. Well lets sort you out~ Liam said seriously helping her out of her top and starting to run her tender skin. ~And you need to help me out. This piano needs needs a name. Betsy was my last one. This one feels female too but so far no name.~

~Maybe Aella, or Alala strong names as she has survived being stabbed by Klingon daggers. Or even Maia, which means brave warrior. ~ Kaylee suggested. ~Gosh this feels good.~

Liam smiled at her comment. ~Better let you keep that then~ he chuckled.

~Maia, that could work. I sincerely hope there’s going to be no more sharp weapons near this one.~ he rubbed some cream down her back, then took some time on her chest. ~Legs?~ he asked.

Kaylee felt like putty in Liam's hands, and boy did he have the soothing touch. She almost didn't answer him, then nodded. ~Yes please.. Legs.~ he definitely would feel her relaxing and ~I hope not either.~ she managed to respond.

~So aside from the hell that was today how’s the investigation going?~ he asked working on her legs.

~Still working on the Doctor's murder, and I still need to talk to Harrington and find out about the doctor's research.~ soft sounds of enjoyment, escaping her lips.

Liam found himself smiling again as he sensed how much better she was feeling. He would have to offer to do this again when she felt better. He kissed her again softer this time trying not to upset her skin further.

~It will all come together. There, all done. And I think I’m done working on legs for tonight too.~he indicated the piano leg.~plus your here now. Have you eaten? Do you feel up to a walk on the promenade and grabbing some dinner?~

~I've not eaten, and I am starved. A walk on the promenade with clothes on and not feeling.. crusty I guess that would be the proper word for it..~ she laughed ~sounds lovely ~ moving to get her clothing back on. ~I must tell Teena how this lotion feels on the skin. It is definitely healing and...~ looking at Liam blushing slightly. ~enjoyable. I shall have to return the favor~

~Well that's an offer I won't turn down," he grinned. "Teena will be very happy to hear its good. She's been working on a few new products," Liam said holding his hand out to help her up. "This will sound odd but I also need to check out some Mokbara classes. For Captain Harringtons son."

"Oh? Well that actually has my interest, I would love to learn that myself, so not odd. And I am not going to ask why he needs it, as I am not privy to what is going on with Harrington. How old is his son?" accepting Liam's help in standing up. "I do recall Neil showing me his children, when we first met on the ship coming here. I have adopted Neil as family, a brother." she laughed. "I do know that he's got some tough things going on in his life. He even warned me off of being friends with him." Kaylee shrugged, then gave Liam a kiss on the lips.

"Yeah I can't go into any details but in terms of warning you off, he does have a bit of a ladies man rep. Maybe he was alluding to that. I mean he's recently married and he might just have been concerned that a new female friendship might be scrutiny to things due to that?" Liam speculated. "Especially as his wife is yet to return back to the station. I mean it shouldn't be that way but it is."

"I did actually read up on that whole mess as much as I could stomach. I had gone and talked with him in his office about that. I don't warn off so easily, I feel for him. I am glad he cares about my reputation but, its not going to make me stop being a friend. I don't know if he's told you about the death of his father, but I was there when he got news of his father's death. Hearing the heartbreaking message from his mother." Kaylee's voice was quiet when she related this piece of news. "It struck Harrington hard. I went to see if he had contacted his mother yet. Too much silence between a mother and son is just not a good thing to have, especially when a father and husband is gone."

"He mentioned it. We haven't really had time to address it yet. He wanted to settle back in and I didn't want to push with ...other issues," Liam said simply. He wondered if he needed to come clean to Kaylee that he willingly kept along with several other senior officers the secret of Harringtons wife not being this universes Adira. He knew she would understand why he did it. The kids had always been the ones to try keep life normal and with both a mother and a father. But if she was now in a sense his "sister" it was really down to Harrington to come clean on some things.

Deciding no, she had seen some of the news. She was smart and a security officer. She could put things together and If she decided to ask, he would be upfront but unless it became an issue it was wiser to let it stay where it was. Liam didn't even know at this point if Adira was going to rear her head again anyway.

"What do you fancy to eat?" he asked leading her out of his sisters apartment and letting his arm gently clutch her waist.

Kaylee leaned against Liam, her arm about his waist. "I am not particular, just as long as it tastes good. Unless you have something you particularly want to eat as long as it includes kimden roll." giving a teasing smile. "Besides Kimden Rolls, what is one of your favourite foods you like to eat when dining out?"

"Hey Kimden rolls are the food of kings and Queens I have you know," he chuckled. "And I can't eat them all the time. They wouldn't be special if I did. I quite enjoy steak or a proper English roast dinner. Some Klingon foods. I might not have convinced them on counselling but I came out of it with a bit of an appreciation of some of their dishes. Some Bajoran. Hasperat is always good. And I'm your typical Betazoid in that I do love any kind of chocolate," he winked at her. "Okay I know where to take you. Best Hasperat and chocolate soufflé on the station. Although we will need to work it off. Both of us will be enrolling in Mokbara," he joked.

"Oh you are a man of my heart, I love what you had mentioned. And I have eaten Klingon food myself, Gagh are grubs with attitudes "Kaylee remarked with a laugh "However, Hasperat and chocolate soufflé sound great. And I won't mind working it off either, Mokbara here we come." grinning.


Lt. Cmdr Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Lt. Kaylee Serra


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