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Kitchenette and Nanites - Part 2

Posted on 04/25/2021 @ 6:09pm by Lieutenant Kaylee Serra & Lieutenant Hiro Yoshida

2,215 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 21: The Trouble with Technology
Location: The Admiral On Deck


Kaylee arrived right on time, looking around the place. She checked this off her sightseeing list, as she really hadn't been here before. She looked around for Hiro, seeing if she could spot him.

In the back, away from most of the noise and conversation by the other visitors of The Admiral On Deck, Hiro sat at a table with a PADD in his hands. This one was larger than a standard PADD so it was easier to put together designs for a kitchen and show it to Kaylee. Every now and then he looked up and around to check if she had entered the establishment, and now he saw her near the entrance. He raised his hand to show her where he was.

Kaylee waved back and walked in his direction, when she arrived at the table, she took a seat. "Hi, nice place here." smiling. "What's recommended here to eat? Anything you particularly like to eat?"

"Actually, I don't know what the favorite dish is here. I've only been here a few times. But there's enough to choose from the menu." Hiro laid down the large PADD. "I usually stick to a few sandwiches when it comes to lunch. Plus maybe a small salad to the side."

Kaylee nodded, "Well those are quick to eat in order to get back to work. Something I normally got along with some soup."

A waitress came over to the table. "What would you like?" she asked the two people at the table.

"I'd like a chicken salad sandwich, some tomato soup and a small salad with a lemon wedge and some water with lemon." Kaylee answered.

"And you?" the waitress turning to Hiro.

"Two peanut butter sandwiches and green tea, please." Hiro said as he looked up at the waitress.

The waitress nodded and left to turn in their orders.

When she left Kaylee looked at Hiro then at his larger PADD then back at Hiro. "Okay, so... how do we go about creating the kitchen or kitchenette?"

"Well, I've already got quite a few designs here already, depending on where exactly you want to have the kitchen." Hiro handed her the PADD. "Have a look. If there isn't one you really like, then we always can alter the one you like best so that it meet your needs."

Kaylee took the PADD to look at the designs, "I had a very small kitchenette in the ship I had been on. On a ship you do have to make certain things fit in a small space." She remarked, looking up at Hiro for a moment. "And the size of my quarters here are, spacious in comparison. And this will be my first ever space station kitchen. I am trying to figure out how to do things though, to optimize space and what to have and not have. And definitely not looking to do a... fancy kitchen. Something simple, like say... sink, counter, fridge unit, storage and the cooking area maybe like on an island with burners and an oven. " stopping on one that looked simple enough to do. "What do you think? Do you have any suggestions? "

Hiro chuckled. "Oh, I'm eh, not really into cooking. I can prepare simple things but that's it. I'm just the one that makes sure it works. Besides,'s your choice."

Kaylee lightly laughed, "Simple things like eggs. bacon... things like that? " she looked again at the designs. "It maybe my choice but I just don't want to mess up with a kitchen design, and most assuredly I don't intend on having a kitchen like the one back home in Italy. That kitchen was large, spacious, with room for a family to eat around the table together. It was a combination of dining room and kitchen. It was warm and lovely, inviting. with a window that looked out on the gardens in back."

She looked at Hiro, "Sorry, memory lane moment."

"Sounds like a nice home. I assume you haven't been there for a while." Hiro saw the waitress walking towards them with the meals and drinks they'd requested. She placed it on their table and Hiro thanked her.

Kaylee thanked her as well, and started on her salad after squeezing some lemon upon it. A few bites then she spoke. "I was at home not to long ago, I was sent home for a little bit of a break before I could return for duty. You see, before I came here, I was chief of security for a ship. I froze when on the bridge. We had passed by an asteroid that was conical in shape and I freaked out. I think I blacked out and they had to take me to medical. A few weeks went by and it got to where I couldn't go on the bridge at all. I sought help, and it was determined that I was having some PTSD, so to speak. It was traced back to a former ship that I had been serving on as Chief of Security.

She stopped speaking to eat a bit more salad, also looking at him while she did so.

"I don't want to pry,..but talking about it seem to come easy to you. Perhaps that's a sign you're making progress on dealing with it?" Hiro took a sip from his tea and then took a bite from one of his sandwiches. "Of course..I'm no Counselor. That's Liam's Department." he continued after he'd swallowed. "On which ships did you serve before transferring here?"

"Well, I had talked to Liam... but not as a counselor." she blushed slightly thinking of when she and Liam had first met. "And he won't be my counselor, for ethical reasons. If he is my counselor, we'd not be able to date. As for your other question, when we first met, he was able to put things in a manner that helped a great deal. You see, the latest ship I was on was the USS LBurton, and the ship before was the USS Europa. She was utilized in taking down a Planet Killer. I had the fortune and maybe the misfortune to actually look down the mouth of that awful monstrosity. It was scary, and I hadn't realized it was rather traumatic to me, until the USS LBurton. Liam had brought up that there was no loss of life, and that it was an amazing rescue and that actually has helped me to talk about it. Concentrating on the positive. Though on the negative, I can not eat ice cream if it is served in a cone."

A slight smile crossed Hiro's face. "Yes, Liam does have his ways." The statement both covered his talent to help people as to his ways with women. Though he suspected Liam would deny the latter, Hiro thought his friend was better around women than he himself believed. Proof, if you could call it that, where the rumors that floated around the station. But Hiro decided not to bring that up. That would be inappropriate. He was happy that Liam and Kaylee had found each other.

He picked up the PADD again and looked at the design of the kitchen Kaylee had last looked at. "Is this the one you want? Or do you want to look at more designs?"

"I think this will be the one, it matches what I would like, and it could possibly have a warm wood paneling? And a sort of stone backsplash for the sink. Sort of like what it is back at home. And it would give enough space to have dinner at a table. You could say it will be a piece of home, in this corner of the universe."

After Hiro had selected the design for implementation in Kaylee's quarters he added some extra notes to it concerning the wooden paneling and stone backsplash. "Adding that won't be a problem. You only have to choose what type of wood you want. Same goes for the type of stone."

"Red cedar, and for the backsplash, hematite." Kaylee answered. "It's native to my home country." giving a bit of a smile. "I am looking forward to this. Is there something I need to do to help prepare for this. Well it will have to be after a certain something is taken care of. " Kaylee not saying anything about the nanites.

"The only thing you have to do is clear the area where it will be installed. That's all." Hiro noted the other wishes of Kaylee. "Red cedar and Hematite." He looked up. "What color do you want for the Hematite? Red or silvery-black?"

"The silvery black Hematite, I think it would go well with the Red Cedar. Makes for a good contrast. And don't worry, I don't have a lot in my quarters anyway. Plenty of room to work in. You see, I traveled light as in not having much. When you have to evacuate a ship rather quickly, you really don't have time to grab items. Gives a person a better insight as to what refugees go through."

Moving to finish up her sandwich.

Hiro nodded in agreement. "Makes sense. One doesn't need much if it comes down to it. On the other hand, some nice things for your quarters gives it that personal touch. So, alright, red cedar and silvery black Hematite. Got it. I'll save this request for later."

Kaylee nodded, finishing up the last of her food and drink. " Thank you. Sometime I may or may not see about redoing the shower, maybe get a bath installed. I'm just a small bit leery of the sonic shower, at the moment. I think it will pass once the situation on the station is taken care of."

It was only now that Hiro continued with his lunch. He hoped he could finish it before being called back to work in Operations. "We're working on it. The EMPs should do it. The real trick will be to get the dormant Nanites out of all the systems."

"That is going to be a bit of a difficulty, would getting a scan of their... I don't know what you would call it. um their signature signal and be able to get them that way via transporter? Doesn't that work with signals from the comm badges and our... bio scans when we use the transporters?" She shrugged, "I'm not really an engineer nor operations so you already have a better idea as to how things work."

"If they have something unique to them which you can lock onto, then yes, we can use the Transporter. One that works. It's one of the things I'll be looking for in Dr. Salar's research." Hiro started on his second peanut butter sandwich. "But first we'll activate the EMPs this day or tomorrow. We can't wait too long with that."

"I fully agree with you on that. I don't know what else is going to go wrong if we don't get them stopped." Kaylee getting a grim look on her face. "Well I probably should let you finish your lunch, would probably be quicker for you to do so without anyone talking to you." giving a bit of a laugh, her grim look changing to a more pleasanter one.

Hiro returned a smile. "I'll be done soon. I can't stay away from Operations for too long in the situation we're in." He took another bite off his sandwich and after some chewing swallowed it. "If you have another few minutes I can walk with you on the way back. If not, then say hi from me to Liam."

"I still have some time so, sure. I'll walk with you." Kaylee giving a smile, settling back against her chair. "Besides, I can actually get a better feel and ambience of this place."

"It's a nice place, yes." Hiro drank some more of his tea and finished his sandwich. "There are many good restaurants and bars here on the station. I've only visited a few of them though."

"I visited a strip club here, not of my own volition, and wound up on stage. I think it was called Elysian Dreams. Found a bathhouse as a result of it though. Both in the red light district, of the Promenade. The bathhouse's name is Rudia's Bathhouse. Nice lady, a little eccentric. I think I owe her a favor though. And the bouncer of the Elysian Dreams as well. I have no clue as to why I owe them though." Kaylee gave a perplexed shrug.

Hiro raised both his brows slightly. "Must've been a strange little adventure. It's not the most friendly part of the station. Personally I think we should try and change that. People should feel safe wherever they go on the station." He drank the last of his tea, placed the cup back on the table, picked up the PADD and stood up. "Shall we?"

Kaylee rose up from the table as well, giving a nod. "Yup, we shall and I agree, changing that to a more safer spot would be a good idea. " walking alongside Hiro as they exited the Admiral on the Deck and towards their destinations.

Lieutenant Hiro Yoshida
Chief of Station Operations

Lieutenant Kaylee Serra


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