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A Nice Normal Meal

Posted on 07/07/2021 @ 6:38pm by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Civilian Teresita Harrington & Civilian Terrin Faux & Captain Cara Letsul & Civilian Macrea McKauley

4,248 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: The Admiral on Deck: Bar & Grill


The change of pace was rather nice, most of the diplomats had left the station. The station repairs were getting underway, and the murder was still being investigated. Things weren't that bad, overall. Yes, he still had the Advocate to deal with and Adira. But, he knew these things were not going to be fixed overnight. For now, he had to do what everyone was telling him to do; get things back to normal. With the twins in the stroller and Mikky and Tess on, either way, Neil was certain nothing could go wrong; right?

"Well, well, well," Faux looked at the incoming family, "come down from your lofty office to mingle with the commoners," the old man winked and laughed. "Just the five of you," Faux looked behind Neil as if waiting for someone.

"Just us tonight, Admiral," Neil replied, "just a nice, normal family dinner."

Faux nodded, gesturing to a table, "I'll have someone come over to help you in a bit, Captain."

Neil nodded, and smiled, "thanks, old friend."

Mikky swung his feet off the chair and picked up a knife and fork. He stood them on their ends. "Hi pretty lady!" he said with a deeper voice while shaking the knife,

"Hi handsome!" he said with a higher pitch, shaking the fork. "You wanna be my wife and kiss me lots?" he said with a deeper voice.

The fork jumped up and down, "yes! Kissies Kissies!" he said before he put the hair together and made kissing sounds.

"Ewww Mikky! A fork?! No no no" Tess said as she fluffed her napkin and wrapped it around a spoon, "A nice wedding dress! Oh Mr. Handsome knife! Look at me! I'm so much prettier!" she said with a high voice herself.

Mikky had the knife look back and forth between the spoon and the fork. "Uhhhhhhh." he said with a deeper confusion. "Daddy can Mr. Knife have both of them as his wife?" He asked, scrunching his nose.

Cara came out from the back tying on an apron. "Okay I'm here, where do you want me to start?" giving her boss a smile. "It's been a busy day for me and sorry for the lateness." She looked around the place and then her eyes widened. "Okay, well looks like someone is out with his family. And those kids are adorable." Cara stated to Faux.

Faux smirked, "not really a place for kids in my opinion. I think our dear Captain should take his herd someplace else," the man sighed, "but no one around here listens to me, after..." His comment was interrupted by the screaming. Faux looked over as one of the Harrington kids appeared to be throwing a fork, or something. "Just get him his food and get those kids out of here," he spoke rather loudly as he stormed off into the back room.

From the other side of the room, Neil was attempting to process Mikky's comment, it was definitely an odd one. One that Neil wasn't entirely prepared for. "I don't think Mister Knife needs to worry about a wife just yet," Neil wrinkled his nose as he smiled, "maybe it doesn't need a wife at all." He laughed, "Besides, I think if Mr. Knife were to get married to one wife would be more than enough." Neil knew the joke would go over the boy's head but perhaps the humor would help end the conversation.

Neil was about ready to say something else when something Mikky said clicked. Mikky had called him Daddy. Neil wasn't sure if this was the first time, or had he just been so busy that he hadn't noticed till now. He smiled, to him this was a step in the right direction. He looked over at the twins just in time to see Ari toss a fork on the floor as she let out a playful scream. "What's the matter sweetheart," he looked at Ari, "someone wants to be the center of attention?"

Ari pointed both her fingers at Neil, joining them together as she grinned, "Da, da, squeeeee, ta!" she babbled happily to have his attention.

"But what if Mr. Knife WANTS a wife? Everyone wants a wife, even my mama wanted a wife!" Mikky scoffed. "Charlie do you want a wife?" he asked as he handed a spoon to Charlie.

Charlie swung the spoon through the air while blowing raspberries before he banged it on the table.

Cara stared after Faux as he beat a hasty retreat into the back, finished tying her apron and headed over to where Neil and his kids were at. She greeted Neil first.

"Well fancy meeting you here, with your family. You know, Faux isn't happy with you right now." then Cara looked at the kids her heart just melting at the cuteness of them all and bent low to be eye to eye contact with the babies,

"Hello" momentarily playing peek a boo, with them. "Peek a boo!"

As her father attempted to keep the twins occupied and Mikky was doing whatever boys do, Tess looked over to Cara. She had a kind face, a warm smile; Tess liked her. The small child stuck out her hand in a rather forceful manner, "Hi, I'm Tess." She didn't wait for a reply, "do you have food for kids here?" The girl looked around, "cause this place doesn't exactly look kid-friendly." She glanced over at Faux, "he looks grumpy. I only ask because my brother and sister," she paused, "and Mikky will want a kid-friendly place. I don't care but they will."

"Mikky only eats chicken nuggets," she added, still attempting to be the adult in the family.

"Well hello, Tess and Mikky. My name is Cara. I am sure we can get some chicken nuggets for Mikky. How about you? What do you want to eat? Also, this place can be kid-friendly right here. Especially if I say so." giving a conspiratorial wink towards Tess. "I do like how you look out for your siblings" Cara shaking her hand. "How old are you, Tess?"

Tess looked over to her father, who was still wrapped up in the twins, and Mikky seemed to be doing odd things with silverware, she just gave him a puzzled look. "I'm eight," she smiled, "Daddy says I need to stop taking care of the babies and just be a kid," she shrugged, "but I like to be in charge." She realized she didn't answer Cara's questions, "I want a cheeseburger, but no lettuce," she wrinkled her nose. "Do you work here," she looked at her carefully, "or are you one of Daddy's friends."

From the opposite side of the table, Neil looked up, "now Tess, don't bother Cara too much," he looked around the establishment, "she's got a lot of people to care for," he winked as he lied.

Tess rolled her eyes, "Daddy, the place is empty... no one eats here."

"Tess, be nice," he looked at Cara, "sorry. It's good to see you again," he thought for a second about making a joke, with clothes on this time as he thought back to that red-silk robe she was wearing the previous night. But, something told him that joke wouldn't be right, not in front of the kids. "I didn't realize you were working today," he mentioned.

Mikky looked up at both of them, "adults," he muttered, turning his attention back to the silverware.

"Well Tess, I do work here, and I don't know if your daddy and I are friends, we might be friends someday." giving a slight shrug. And not talking to Neil at the moment as she wanted to engage with Mikky. "Mikky, how old are you or will Tessa have to tell me your age?"

Cara wasn't totally ignoring Neil though, her eyes widened for a moment catching the stray thought from Neil, Cara's cheeks turning a light color of pink.

"I can say it myself!" Mikky said. "Tess is not the boss of me!" he cried as he shifted in his chair, standing upon it, unable to keep still. "And she likes chicken nuggets too!" he said before sticking his tongue out at Tess. "Look I have Mr. Fork, and He wants to get married. Wait... Mr. KNIFE! See? Look, Fork can marry him, and Tess said Spoon could too." he said, reaching across the table to grab Tess's spoon wrapped in the napkin.

"Hey!" Tess protested and snatched her spoon.

Mikky's forward momentum kept him reaching for the now further away spoon. His foot slipped on the chair and he landed face-first on the table.

Ari pushed against the high chair and squealed loudly and reached for Neil. When he didn't pick her up she added a whine to the squeal and pushed again against it, trying to wiggle free. Charlie just watched Mikky, giggling with drool coming from his mouth, showing off his two lower teeth.

Cara gasped and hurriedly went to Mikky's side to assist him off the table. "Mikky, are you okay?" actually picking him up and checking him for any injuries. Cara had to do that with Brina's triplets when she babysat for Hall and Brina would get a night out. That was quite the workout.

Mikky's face was reddening as he glared at Tess. He rubbed his cheek where it hurt, but he was showing his pain in anger "It was Tess! She was mean! Give me Ms. Spoon!" he said angrily. He pushed against the woman that was holding on to him and tried to crawl onto the table to get to Tess's spoon. "It was my game! Give her to me! You're not sharing!" he bellowed.

"Mikky, leave Tess's spoon alone, and let's get you back in your seat, now." Cara's voice was rather firm, but had a gentle tone as she determinedly moved Mikky to his chair. "If you want to be treated as a big boy, then you need to sit down, otherwise you are going to be treated like a baby. Is that what you want?"

Mikky did not take well to a new person moving him into the chair. He'd had enough of strangers forcing him to do things recently. When Ms Jules was in charge she and her friends were forcing him to do all sorts of things he didn't want to do. "STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!" he cried as he sandbagged the strange lady. "Daddy help!" he cried, launching himself towards Neil, grasping his pant leg and dragging himself towards him.

Cara gave a bit of an amused sigh then turned to Neil, as Mikky was grabbing onto him. "So what would you be wanting to eat?" deciding to just keep on going. "And your babies? Have they had their food yet? Are they starting on solids?" Thinking from her experience with Brina's boys, teeth meant they were getting into starting soft foods. "Peas, carrots, or something else for the little ones?" looking from him to Tess and back.

Neil set the boy down in the chair next to him. Mikky was struggling with a lot of things, but Neil couldn't allow this dinner to spiral out of control. Counseling assured him it was best to show all the kids that life could go back to normal. He just ran his hands through Mikky's hair, "it's OK, I promise. Cara is a friend."

As he started his order, something caught his eye. He glanced over at Mikky. The boy was still mad, and was trying hard to ensure everyone knew it. Mikky reached over, picking up his silverware and started to make them dance, trying hard to ignore everyone. Neil smirked a bit as it was clear Mikkjy had no idea what he was doing. "That's a very interesting, " he paused, "waltz there kiddo...."

"Daddy would know, " Tess interrupted, "he used to dance all the time, he was very good." Tess looked at her father, "how come you don't dance anymore, " she folded her arms.

Neil blushed, "I need a good partner, first," he admitted.

"But you danced with Mama'Dira!" Mikky said. "She said so! In your room. She said she liked to dance with you so much you both would sing! I didn't like that song though, it wasn't a very pretty song."

Neil gave the boy a puzzled look, "me," he paused, "sing?" He smirked.

Tess chuckled, "Daddy can't sing," she pretended to plug her ears, "he's terrible." Tess looked to Neil, "sorry Daddy."

"It's ok," he ruffled Mikky's hair then Tess's. "Daddy did dance with Adira, but that was a long time ago." He couldn't remember the last time the two of them danced. Adira had been so focused on fitting in, and spending time with the kids that alone time was rare. He realized Cara was still standing there, "what about you, Cara," he asked, "do you dance?"

Cara was taking in everything, Mikky's fork dancing, Tess's questions. Neil dances or danced? Cara realized that really didn't know Neil well at all, well that was due to them just only having met. And now he called her a friend. This was making her head swirl just a bit. Her cheeks colored a dark pink when she realized what Mikky was talking about, the dance in the room. Yeah, that could be called dancing. Cara mentally shook her head to clear it. Okay, she was here to do her work.

Just as Cara was about to ask for Neil's order her brain froze, "Wait what? Um... yes I do dance, now what did you want to have for your meal?" her mind reeling over what he had just asked. Okay, she just needs to get through this, she can do this. Did or didn't Adira talk to him yet? Probably not, as he was being nice. Cara gulped, mentally preparing herself for what may come.

Neil felt an odd odd sensation rush over him, something that definitely wasn't there before. He looked at Cara, a bit perplexed, "my apologies if I came off too forward," he assured her, "the dancing comment was just a passing thought. I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." He glanced over to Mikky, "just trying to ease the tension..."

His statement was interrupted by Tess, who had turned around in her chair now and was facing Cara. "What type of dancing do you do? Daddy has been trying to teach me to waltz, but I keep stepping on his toes. He says he doesn't hurt, cause I'm light as a feather." Tess's face beamed from ear to ear as she spoke of the dancing lessons and the interaction with her father. Clearly, the girl enjoyed their time together, something that probably was a rare treat in a family of this size.

All Cara wanted was to actually get the orders taken, she inwardly gave a slight sigh, and answered Tess's question. "I do all sorts of dancing, I do waltz, and one way I learned to waltz was my daddy having me put my feet on his and he taught me to dance that way. It was great fun. Especially since he liked to twirl me around and around while I was still on his feet. Then we'd fall down." Cara's face lit up with that memory, and she chuckled warmly.

Mikky just grunted in disapproval, he was clear that all this dancing talk was boring.

Tess smiled, "that is what Daddy does with me." She blushed, "sorry, I think I interrupted your order taking," she tucked her head.

Neil just grinned, he could see Tess' excitement and didn't want to hamper her discussion. "Just some soft veggies, and making some mashed potatoes for the twins," he looked at Mikky, "nuggets and fries for both kids." He realized he hadn't picked anything for himself, "I'll just take a bacon cheeseburger, cheddar cheese, and fries as well." He couldn't help but feel something odd, the longer Cara stood there. It wasn't an attraction, it was something else.

Cara took the order, Except she did remark, "Tess wanted a cheeseburger, she requested that earlier before Mikky's request for chicken nuggets." she turned to Tess, "Is that right or do you want chicken nuggets and fries instead of the burger." smiling at the little girl and her enthusiasm for dancing.

Cara's attention drifted towards Neil again, something seemed to be up with him, she wasn't certain what it was. "Um, do I have some broccoli in my teeth?"

Neil blushed, "no, no," he tried to ignore that feeling in his gut. "You are fine Cara," he gestured, "my family will leave you alone, thank you for your help." He watched as Cara headed off to the kitchen to place their order.

Tess made her way over to Neil grabbing his hand. She looked around as the establishment was virtually empty, she looked at her father. Mikky was busy still playing his odd game with the silverware and the twins were babbling to each other, she was feeling left out. "May I have this dance," she briefly covered her mouth with both her hands. She let out a smile giggle, before trying hard to regain her composure. She coughed as she tried to act serious, "come on Daddy."

Neil reluctantly gave in, not wanting to let his child down. There was no one around, who were they going to bother. "There's no music sweetheart, so we will have to," he was interrupted as oddly music filled the room. He looked around but didn't see anyone. He gently kissed the top of Tess's head as he took Cara's advice and lifted her up so she could stand on his shoes. Neil took one of her hands as they started to twirl around, carefully. He could hear Mikky making gagging noises behind them. But, Neil couldn't feed the boy's negative behavior. He looked in Tess's hand, "I hadn't realized till now just how grown-up you are getting." He gave a warm smile.

"Shh," Tess commented, "you're not supposed to talk."

"It's just us dear," Neil chuckled, "I mean it, you are growing up so fast." He touched the side of her cheek, "are you happy with our life?" he asked. It was just the two of them for so long, and over the years their family had grown. Sometimes in the confusion, he knew that Tess got pushed to the side, especially recently.

Tess rested her hand on her father, "yes, Daddy," she poked his ribs, "now stand up straight, head up, and keep posture."

"Yes, Ma'am," he playfully laughed.

Cara walked in back to give Faux the orders for Neil's family. She smiled when the music started to play. "You old softy, nice touch there." glancing out to see Neil dancing with his daughter, in time to the music.

Faux just waved his hand dismissing her, "I needed something to drown out the screaming kids," he huffed as took the order.

She reached up and gave the so-called grumpy man a kiss on the cheek. "I will say you are a softy, you hired me or were you just that desperate." giving an impish grin.

Remembering that she hadn't found out the drinks that they wanted, Cara went back out, loath to end the daddy-daughter dance. When it seemed to come to a natural end, she'd say, "Sorry to disturb you, I forgot to ask you what you wanted to drink."

Once the song has ended, Tess returned to the table attempting to cheer up Mikky. "Apple juice," she stated.

Neil gestured to all the kids, "for all of them please, and I will take an iced tea."

Tess looked up at Cara then to her father, "you should dance with Cara." It was an innocent childlike request, spoken from the heart. She enjoyed watching her Daddy having fun. He hadn't been doing much of that lately.

Neil blushed, "let's not embarrass Cara, besides she's working right now." Before Cara had time to reject the offer, music once again filled the space. Neil knew this song, it was "Fascination" by Nat King Cole. "I think our mutual friend in the back is playing around," he looked at Cara apologetically.

Cara looked at Tess, at her eager look. That smile on the little girl's face melted Cara's heart, then she looked at Neil and nodded. "I would love to dance. Can't disappoint someone there, can we? I love seeing her smile."

Placing down the PADD and stepping towards Neil. "Shall we dance?" The music was so appealing to her and she'd not danced in such a long time.

Neil extended his hand, "let's." In traditional fashion, Neil placed his right hand on Cara's left shoulder. In turn, Cara placed her left hand on Neil's upper arm, near his shoulder. With their elbows extended, arms slightly raised, the almost perfect posture they started to dance gliding across the floor as Tess began to quietly cheer.

Their steps were in sync as if they had danced together before, Cara's training taking over, her mind connecting with the music. Neil's cues were flawless, and Cara felt her spirits take flight. Her eyes locked with his, she was smiling, then as the song was beginning to draw to its close, another man's image came to her mind. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears, the emotions elicited by this song, the last time she had danced with him. Her smile faltered, then slipped away. She managed to not break the rhythm of the dance, but what she felt before, the connection, it disappeared.

From the entryway of the restaurant, green eyes watched. Having spent the day focused on herself, making a new friend, Adira felt that maybe she could make an evening of the reunion with the children. Knowing they were at dinner, using the computer to find out where Neil was, she wanted to join them. She wasn't expecting this.

He was dancing, something he had talked about, but never took her to do. In his arms was the lovely dark-haired cousin. Dread and pain tightened across her chest as she pressed her hand against the door frame as she stared, numb yet angry, baffled, yet hurt. What was worse was her children were at a table nearby. Watching.

When the song came to an end, Cara asked quietly, "Have you gone dancing a lot with Adira? You dance so well, I can tell you've definitely had quite a bit of practice." Her back was towards the entrance of the Admiralty.

Neil looked up briefly but turned his attention back to the kids almost immediately, "my first wife, Lucia, demanded lessons, as a couple. It was something we could enjoy together, " he smiled, "that was her intention at least. No, I hadn't taken Adira, yet. We both have been a bit preoccupied as I am sure you can imagine. "

"Perhaps once this is all over," he commented. He nodded thanking her for the dance. He hadn't realized how much he missed it. After all this was over he was determined to make some changes.

Adira couldn't stand to see more. It hurt too much, and now she had conflicted feelings about Cara and her truthfulness about her relationship with Neil. Even if Cara was innocent and intended friendships, did Neil? He was clearly enjoying himself. She wanted to trust them both, she really did, but appearances were making it hard. She darted away from the restaurant trying to figure out what to do, but her feet carried her back towards her lonely hotel room, trapped in her thoughts and fears.

"That was a boring song to dance too!" Mikky complained. "There wasn't enough drumming. I wanna do drumming. Can I go to the holodeck and do drumming?" Mikky blabbered on.

Cara nodded towards Neil, "I think that you do need to take her dancing. Even with all the things going on, in some way take a stand and just do something normal. Don't wait until once this is over, things are never quite over as a new layer is uncovered as time goes on. I know that all too well. " an odd regretful expression crossed her face then disappeared. "Thank you for the dance Neil, it was wonderful" giving a slight smile. "But now I am going to get your drinks and bring out your orders, as by now I'm sure they are ready."

She then looked at Mikky, "sounds like a brilliant plan. Anyway, I'll be out in a few minutes." Cara picked up the padd and headed towards the back. "Okay I take it the food's ready." getting a tray plus a stand to take the food out. "And, thanks for the unexpected dance. Perhaps I should have said no, but I didn't want to disappoint the little girl."

Neil nodded, "I am sure Tess appreciates that you didn't." He smiled, still uncertain of what just happened, but he brushed it off. Cara was right, he needed to talk to Adira and work some things out. He wasn't sure what would happen when they finally got the chance to talk. Correction, or when the Advocate would allow them to truly talk. But, this wasn't a conversation he could put off.

Cara Letsul
Admiral on the Deck: Bar and Grill

Captain Neil Harrington
Commanding Officer

Tess, Mikky, Charlie, and Ari
The Harrington Herd

Terrin Faux
Owner: Admiral on the Deck: Bar and Grill

Adira Toril Harrington
Stalker Extraordinaire


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