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Message on a Corpse

Posted on 07/06/2021 @ 10:40pm by Captain Thorrin
Edited on on 07/06/2021 @ 10:44pm

1,654 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Ready Room - Deck 1 - DTI Herodotus
Timeline: Current

The investigation teams working on the explosion of airlock six had managed to collect all the evidence and recover the bodies of the fallen in the days following the explosion. Several containers of various pieces evidence had been catalogued and now the investigation shifted to the examination of the evidence.

Chief Petty Officer Tomlinson had been working with other members of the team to examine various pieces of debris, security footage and any other articles of interest in hopes of determining what had caused the explosion in the airlock, and why it had happened. His normal duties on the Herodotus had been placed on hold and he had been ordered to keep an eye on things. Ever since it had come out that the explosive devices had chronitons Captain Thorrin had wanted eyes and ears on the ground, and he was it. Tomlinson was examining a charred piece of a bulkhead when he overheard two junior non-commissioned officers discussing one of their findings.

"Hey John, look at this." One man stated. "This commbadge is in pristine condition, not even a fleck of debris or dirt on it. What are the odds of that happening in an explosion like this?"

The other man took the commbadge from his colleague and began to closely examine it. "Very unlikely if not impossible. The initial blast would have left some kind of marking on the badge, it's like it was placed there after. Maybe it belongs to one of the officers who assisted in the rescue?"

"You're probably right." the other man said in a defeated tone taking the commbadge back. "Better set it aside so we can get it back to its owner."

The Chief rose from his seat and walked over to the two men. "Hey guys, I overheard you talking. I am almost off shift here, how about I get that to security and get it back to its owner."

One of the men handing him the commbadge. "Thank you Chief, that would be great. We will continue examining the debris."

The Chief gave the men a quick nod before he walked off to a private room. For some reason, this discovery was placing a sinking feeling in his stomach, like the appearance of this commbadge was no mere coincidence. "Computer, identify the owner of this commbadge."

The computer bleeped. "That commbadge is assigned to Commander Maurelle Valentine." the computer responded.

The Chief's expression did not change although inside, the revelation was shocking to say the least. "Computer are you certain?"

"Affirmative." the computer replied.

The Chief tapped his commbadge. =^=Tomlinson to Thorrin, we need to meet."=^=

Thorrin had been sitting in his quarters aboard the Herodotus listening to his favorite concerto. His comm badge chimed and it was Tomlinson. Thorrin had issued strict orders no contact unless it was distinctly imperative. Reports were to be made face to face. So this must have been of the essence. =/\=Report to my Ready Room Thorrin out=/\=

He made his way to the Ready Room off the bridge. The officer of the deck acknowledged his arrival and he nodded approvingly. Thorrin sat behind his desk as he awaited the arrival of Tomlinson. It must have something to do with the explosion. he thought and hoped that the mirror had not broken again.

Tomlinson quickly made his way to the Herodotus with the commbadge. He knew he was not supposed to contact Thorrin over the comms, but anything involving the Mirror Universe was considered top priority.

It only took roughly fifteen minutes for him to arrive on the bridge of the Herodotus. He nodded to the officers on the bridge as he rushed to Thorrin's ready room. The doors slid open when he stepped close, the Captain must have also understood the importance of his message.

Tomlinson waited for the doors to shut before he address the Captain sitting behind his desk. "Sir, I know we were to maintain strict radio silence, but the glass has cracked....and I think it's about to break." he reported.

Thorrin cocked an eyebrow at the Petty Officer's dramatic entrance. "Well have a seat and tell me what you know. We can see what is going on here." Thorrin knew that something was brewing, it was the reason he had been sent to Poseidon. The reason he had recruited Adira into the fold. "So you must have learned something at the explosion site. Pray tell what was that?" His honeyed accent had a way of calming and defusing a situation.

"Thank you sir." Tomlinson said to Thorrin as he took a seat. He was nervous at what he was about to tell his Captain, the mirror universe had a way of bending the nerves of even the most stoic individuals. However, in the time he knew Thorrin, he never saw him lose his cool, so there was that. "This commbadge." he said holding the small device out to Thorrin. "Two young security officers found it, big explosion, not a speck of dirt or any marking on it. They thought it was odd, but they concluded it was likely dropped by one of the personnel that helped with the rescue, but I wasn't convinced."

He took a deep breath before he continued his report. "So I took it to a private room and asked the computer this. Computer, who is this commbadge assigned to?" he asked.

"That commbadge is assigned to Commander Maurelle Valentine." the computer responded.

Tomlinson sucked in his lower lip. "So now I am left asking myself. How after two years does a commbadge belonging to a women stuck in the mirror universe end up on a station she has never stepped foot on?"

Thorrin leaned forward as he sipped his wine at the sound of the computer's response. "Excellent question..." He held out his hand and took the comm badge. As Thorrin examined it he could see that it was indeed in pristine condition. When this news was added to the news of the explosive devices having chronitons, that totaled out to a dangerous sum. "...What do you know about this Valentine?" he asked as he punched up her service record on the computer. It listed her lost in action, but Thorrin knew better than most there was always more than what the records showed.

“I heard she was quite the firecracker.” Tomlinson said leaning back in the chair feeling more at ease. “Career in Starfleet security, worked her way up the chain until she arrived on the Nogura. Rumour has it, Harrington and her have quite the past. They were lovers from a past assignment, crossed paths again when the Captain of the Caldwell went rogue. Starfleet made her his XO for a time. On one of their first assignments, the Nogura was investigating the Carlson Nebula and gets pulled into the Mirror Universe. Somehow, the Valentines get swapped and the Empress ends up on the Nogura. She returned to the Nogura, but our Valentine didn’t get back in time. Some say the Emperor killed her, some say she’s still there.”

"Presumably she disappeared while in uniform and this comm badge was with her. Computer, what temporal information do you have on Maurelle Valentine?" A short moment later the computer began to recite after Thorrin had given his authorization code and told the computer which Valentine he wanted information on. "Commander Maurelle Valentine was stranded in universe 693 Alpha commonly known as the Mirror Universe. After the USS Nogura returned she was held as prisoner by the Emperor. It is unknown how but she escaped captivity and joined an organization known as The Renegades. All that is known about the purpose of this organization is that they want to dispose the Emperor. DTI assets have been attempting to locate her exact location in time and space for a minimum incursion. She is deemed wanted by the Department of Temporal Investigations as a priority one target." The computer intoned, Thorrin rubbed his forehead as he listened. "Well all of that is fine and well but why would she come here?" Thorrin mused as he forgot for the moment that Tomlinson was in the room.

“Harrington and the kid sir.” Tomlinson piped in not sure if he was supposed to answer the question. “Tess Harrington, she was like a mother to her. They were gonna start a family, bet she wants that back. She had a rough upbringing that Valentine.”

"It all comes back to Harrington..." Thorrin said more to himself than anyone else. "Good work Chief. Return to your assignment and leave this comm badge with me. Report any more information on this Valentine to be directly. It seems that we may have to go hunting before she comes to us again."

“Aye sir.” Tomlinson said rising from the chair. As he was walking to the door, he turned to Thorrin. “Sir, one more thing. If I was you, I’d keep Valentine away from Miss. Toril if we do get her. From what I hear, there is no love lost between those two…..and the kid you know.” He said with voice trailing off.

When the doors closed Thorrin exhaled sharply. He had a number of meetings to schedule and less time to do it in. He would have to speak with Adira, and Niel of course. But before all of that a mission must be planned this Valentine cannot be allowed to remain in the mirror. Once the mission was planned he would have to present it to Isaacs for approval and that was something Thorrin did not relish. But, one thing at a time. "T'Penga please report to the ready room." He called into the comm system, he needed his advisor for this incursion. It involved the fate of too many people to go at it alone.

Captain Thorrin
Commanding Officer
DTI Herodotus

Chief Petty Officer Malcolm Tomlinson
Temporal Transporter Chief
DTI Herodotus


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