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The Breeder

Posted on 07/06/2021 @ 2:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Junipyr Danae

2,975 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Timeline: A day after "Slave Inspection"

Kenya was grateful to have been left alone for a while, despite being in a locked room. Due to her abilities the harem leaders did not feel safe having her around the other members of the house.

She stood at the window and closed her eyes, letting her mind slowly open. It was uncomfortable, like a bandage that was stuck to the skin too much pulling. The minds here were so different, and she'd never been among non Alcaren before in her life. She spent her whole life on Jaffe. What an introduction to the greater universe, of course this one was different, and she could feel it. Every mind seemed to have a sickly, darker feel to it. Oppression maybe? There were no truly free souls here at all, even those who might think themselves free.

Even that medic Lyras. She thought back to her displaying her abilities to him. She still felt disgusting for doing it, but she didn't want to die like Kloae. Kloae had a much stronger resolve, Kenya was different. She was far more willing to compromise for survival, apparently. She knew that was in part because of her sister. Back home Alcaren who did what she did to Lyras were shunned from general society.

On their home world of Alcar there was a moon, Montouf, where hundreds of so called unclean Alcaren lived on the port world. It kept them out of the so called innocent society, and people flocked from all over to experience the pleasure an Alcaren mind could produce. They would never touch physically, and yet the weaker addicted to pleasure minds would never know the difference.

Her sister got caught up in such activities, and was banished to Montouf. Kenya was always angry about it, her people were fool to hide themselves away. Their prudish nature was a problem, and Kenya needed to settle in herself that she could not live by those rules, or else she would die. She needed to let it go.

Her musings were interupted when a now familiar mind neared. She turned from the window and looked down over herself. She was far cleaner now, bathed, and with her long red locks hanging down to her hips in soft pretty curls.

A green dress was provided to her, not that it really was a dress. It covered her top and was embedded with small silver rivets, it had straps that wove around her middle, leaving most of it exposed before joining at the low hip with a matching skirt, that actually dropped to the floor, however, it was completely sheer in color. She still felt mostly exposed, but it was better than being full undressed before the man.

The door opened and she actually offered him a smile, She felt a little bad for the state she put him in, but then again, maybe she didn't need to. Making a man so unstable might be a valuable skill for her.

"I take it since you are here the emperor has not ordered my death for my ability to make a man enjoy himself?" she asked.

"He has use for you," Lyras answered, somewhat stiffly, "but when we're done, you may well wish he had ordered your death." He gestured for an older male who had walked in behind him, the male looking Human and a little frail. "The emperor wants to make sure you get with child, and soon. We are to prepare you for such an event, and make sure that you can conceive."

Kenya felt a weight drop on her out of no where. Dread that took her breath away. "What? No no no." she stammered. "With him?" she asked motioning to the old man. "I have to bond to this man and have his child? What purpose does this serve?" she lashed out angrily. She allowed her dread and anger mental state to wash out to the two men.

"He will not mate with you," Lyras explained as he gestured the Human forward. "Doctor McGrath will take a few tissue samples for genetic mapping, and he will take elaborate readings of your reproductive system. He will also harvest eggs, so I suggest you relax and make yourself comfortable." He cast the woman a mildly apologetic look, sensing her rising anger. "One way or another you will comply. If the emperor has no use for you, your days are ending soon."

She looked between the two of them, "Then who..." she stammered, but suddenly she knew as the identity of the intended male partner of this experience was in their minds. "The Emporor wants an Alcaren child." her hand landed on her middle with horror. "I need a moment." she said as she turned back to the window. She gripped the window frame as she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

This could be good. If she was with child he wouldn't risk her being touched by any one else would he? And he wasn't going to force bond her. This could give her time. She glanced back at Lyras his last comment rising. It wasn't as if she could say no. She no longer owned even her own body. That hurt, it was a reality she didn't want to consider. To have a child with no bonding, was that something that even happened? "Does it get easier? Not having power over your own body?" she finally asked outloud.

For a moment, the now former slave hesitated, then finally shook his head. "No," he admitted, "it doesn't. And even when you have the illusion of being free, you can be coerced." He gestured towards the black and grey art that covered his right eye and cheekbone. "I said no, but was forced anyway and I'm not a slave anymore."

She tightened her jaw a bit as she looked him over. She had spent her time alone crying. She had no more tears. For the moment Kenya was focused on survival. "How many other members of the Emperor's harem have children by him?" she asked the men. "How many children does he have? Will mine be just another number to his off spring ranks?"

"I don't know." It was the truth, he didn't know, in fact he had no idea how many women there even were in his harem to begin with. And he didn't know what the plans for the child were either. "All I know is that he wants you to bear his child, and you won't have to mate with him. My companion here will work on viable embryos and we will impregnate you. And it had better work, for your sake."

She winced at his last line, "I'm worth more than just being an incubator for that damn man. I was a Doctor myself back home." she scowled. To be reduced to this was insulting and irritating.

"I have no say over that but I'll be sure to let him know. Maybe the harem can use a female healer." First glancing at the old man, he then stole the woman a mildly sympathetic look. He did feel for her, even if he couldn't show it in the presence of the old man. It was simply too dangerous. "He will take his samples now, I suggest you lie down and make yourself comfortable."

Kenya scowled, even as she felt Lyras sympathy for her. She moved over to the bed and settled on it. She looked at the other doctor. "I am on day 26, and am consistent with 29 days. You will need to start a hormone therapy on day one, I can provide you the correct mix that will be needed for my race. I will need a 7 day course, at which time the egg stimulants will have an effect. I will need an 10 day course of that before extraction." she said. "If that does not work then the next round will need to be extended." she said sharply, making it clear to the doctor she knew what she was talking about. "I'll not have you putting my life at risk by not doing it correctly, especially when I know the process needed for an Alcaren." she said firmly to the doctor. "And I will be vocal about it, if you don't listen to me."

The Human grunted in acknowledgement as he set to work. Lyras watched with feigned detached interest. "Yes give him what he needs, anything to have this go as smoothly as possible. But he will need to extract some eggs now, there's no way around it. The emperor demanded it. But I'll pass on what you said, and I'll make sure the proper procedure is followed. Don't resist, it'll ease things on you." And the sooner this was over the sooner he could return to his own place. This place gave him the shivers and, remembering how she'd been able to influence his feelings, he preferred not to be around her for longer than necessary. Even if she said she wouldn't without consent, he had absolutely no reason to trust her. "I'm sure once you're with child you'll have some privileges and comforts," he suggested uncomfortably. It was clear he wasn't exactly happy with these proceedings.

She felt his mind go back to their encounter, she turned her head to look away from him, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable. "He can try to extract eggs all he wants, but there is no denying biology. The emperor can not produce mature eggs out of nothing. He can take tissue samples but it will not produce an embryo until the eggs are properly matured, which demands waiting until near ovulation. The hormonal treatment will ensure multiple eggs." she looked at the doctor who was now standing above her. "If you don't tell your emperor the nature of the process that is your fault. Taking immature eggs can not only severely damage my ovaries but significantly increase the risk of a failure of making an embryo. Even modern technology can over ride reproductive biology only so far."

"He's the specialist," Lyras all but murmured as he watched the Human take the necessary samples. "Careful!" He snapped, "listen to what she says you stupid old man! And you claim to be a specialist!" He glared at the old man, eyes blazing. "He needs her healthy and undamaged. If you don't listen and she can't conceive that's on you. I won't be blamed for your incompetence."

In a moment of not thinking and compassion, he reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder as if to say that everything would be alright.

Kenya gripped his hand and shared her sense of appreciation directly to his mind. It was a natural way of communication for her people. As important as body language. She glanced down as the Human poked at her lower stomach and ran some scans. She bit her lower lip, and scanned the humans mind. He seemed determined to be haphazard about this, and he was ignoring what she was saying as he was internally going over the process he wanted to follow. In the middle of that he started to think about what he was going to eat for lunch.

Kenya let out a swear, and narrowed her eyes at the man. A defensive method she could use was to brush his sense of fight or flight, give him some nervousness. "You will follow my process if you want success." she said her tone getting darker. "I am trained in this process for my people, you are not, and you are thinking about your stomach, not my survival." she growled.

She felt his hand stop moving on her stomach as he looked at her with wide eyes. The fear she gave him was working. It got his attention. "Thats better. Now. I will tell you exactly what to do to have success for an Alcaren, especially one with mixed DNA." she said feeling a little surprised the human doctor seemed to suddenly be listening to her. What was this power? Were humans really that weak minded that she could manipulate them? This needed to be tested.

Lyras gasped and yanked his hand back. "That I try to give you some comfort, doesn't give you the right to touch me," he suddenly snapped, before turning blazing eyes on the Human. "You are done here, and you will listen to her. If word gets back to me that you aren't, I'll kill you myself. Am I clear?"

The Human, the sense of fear still instilled in him, nodded mutely. "Good," Lyras finished, "go and get your procedures started. And you will not go near her, without my presence." If he had to endure this, he'd better make sure it worked the first time around. As the Human scuffled away, he turned to the woman. "Don't play those mind tricks on me again, you'll not touch my mind like that again. I have no need for your fears on top of my own."

Kenya sat up and glared at him, "If the fear transferred to you as well I apologize." she said narrowing her eyes at him, "I had to get his attention and get him to listen to me." she said. "All our lives depend on it. I'll use whatever means I need to do make it happen." she said. "You have shown me kindness Lyras, I will not violate your mind nor your privacy. minor touches is as natural to me as observing body language is to you." she said standing up. "Please... do not see me as something evil. You are near as any one I trust right now." she said.

"Why would I consider you evil. You're what stands between me and freedom. My life and happiness depend on your co-operation. And your life depends on my ability to do this. And trust me, we will make this happen, even if it costs me all my free time to learn how. I have someone to return to, and I'd rather do this sooner than later. His life may well depend on my presence, he needs me far more than you do." Somehow, Lyras felt some sense of pride on being needed and actually wanted And now, he actually wanted nothing more than to return to his side.

Kenya looked at him with some compassion. "I know who you speak of. I saw him in your memories." she said. "It is nice to feel that way about someone." She stood up and came nearer to him, "I will require a padd to put together a full plan. This is going to take nearly a month, no matter what we do. Modern technology can not always override the process needed to bring spark of life." she said. "If we do what that doctor wanted, it would have failed. I am confident I can do better." she said. "As much as I hate this... its better than just being someones play thing. A child may actually protect me in many ways." Kenya said feeling sick to think of a child in such a way.

Lyras gave her a sharp look. "Feel what way. I don't feel about him as he claims to feel about me. I care about his safety, I made it my sole purpose, to keep him alive, because he saved me." But as he said it he was filled with a yearning he hadn't felt before. He wasn't lying, but he wasn't ready to admit the truth to himself either. What he felt was confusing, he had never felt this way about anyone before, and if asked he couldn't even begin to describe what and how he felt. "Yes a child may well protect you. And I do believe if you play your cards right you may yet become the most important female in his harem. You might yet even control the harem, if you're careful."

Kenya smiled at him, "Can I offer you some advice since you have been so kind to me?" she asked. "Stop lying to yourself. The rush of feelings you had when I touched your mind was real. I pulled them from your memory. Its genuine. Face it, and tell him. You will feel better." she said.

"I don't understand what I feel," Lyras admitted slowly, "all I know is this strong sense to protect him. And I don't understand why. I've never felt anything for anyone before, I couldn't afford to." He shook his head. "I have to go now. IF...if he gets here and harasses you, let me know. The emperor will have his head if he does."

"I made him afraid. Your order that he not come here with out you it high on his mind. I doubt he will mess with me. I'll obtain a padd and write down a plan. Will I have a way to transfer this treatment plan to you?" she asked.

"Have one of the girls bring it to me, or get Niska to do it." Lyras shrugged, it made no difference to me. "I need to go," he reiterated, really wanting to go home now. "If you can't, I'll come get it tomorrow."

"Alright." She said. "Lyras. You can understand your feelings. You will find your self a lot more fulfilled if you did."

"How," Lyras asked, "no-one has ever cared about how I feel on something before. This is a first... If anything, if I felt strongly about something, my former masters made certain the opposite happened, just to hurt me."

Kenya watched him, "Let yourself feel. Be vulnerable to your partner. Try to trust. its hard, but you can do it." she encouraged. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Lyras nodded. "Good night."


Brell's guard
pnpc Seklar

Alcaren Slave
pnpc Adira


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