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Operational Conversational

Posted on 07/05/2021 @ 1:07pm by Lieutenant Kaylee Serra & Lieutenant Hiro Yoshida

1,746 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Deck 6
Timeline: Current


Kaylee had left the intelligence office, and informed the other security teams of Samson's desire. However something was nagging her in the back of her mind. It finally came to Kaylee, did the Magnificent Operations team and others get rid of the nanites? The best way she could find out and allay her own worries would be to talk to Hiro. Besides that, there was something else she needed to speak to him about. To the turbolift she went and up to main operations. When the lift doors opened, Kaylee stepped out and went to where she last saw Hiro. Would he be there?

Less than a minute before Hiro had stepped out of his office with the intention to head to Station Operations on Deck 9. He saw Kaylee coming towards him at the end of the corridor. He smiled briefly. "Lieutenant Serra, can I help you?"

"Actually yes, I've got questions, as well as something to tell you." Kaylee giving a smile in return. "Where shall we talk? Your office or.. out here?" motioning the whole of operations.

"That depends if any of it is of a sensitive nature." Hiro stopped a few meters in front of her. "If not then we can talk on the way to Operations."

Stepping up closer to him, Kaylee says quietly, "I wanted to ask about the Nanites." her voice low in tone. "Among other things."

Hiro was a bit surprised with Kaylee moving so close to him. It wasn't often he was this close to a woman, other then Melinda. He instinctively lowered his voice a bit. "Everyone knows about the Nanites by now, so I assume you're concerned about the other things."

"Well I didn't know who all was informed, and did you find anything as in, was somebody controlling them? And were you able to collect them all?" Kaylee stopped there, to give him the chance to answer her two questions.

"Oh, I meant that everyone on the station knows we've had a Nanite problem, but nothing more." Hiro chuckled. "And no, we didn't find anything that told us someone or something was controlling them. What we did find was that every Nanite from Dr. Salar has a subspace resonance circuit. That's how we're able to locate and remove them from every system. We should have them all in one or two days."

"That is good, the other matter is.. I am now staying with Liam in his quarters. So, do you think that requisition for the kitchen in my former quarters be transferred to his?" her cheeks turning a light pink when Kaylee asks this.

Some moments passed before Hiro started to smile, and that smile turned into a grin. That sure went fast. "Of course that is possible. No problem. Tell him he can expect a house call soon."

"I will certainly do so, um Liam and I really clicked, and found out that, he and I met when I was ten." she stopped, "I don't know if you want to hear the details though." Kaylee lightly biting her lower lip.

"You don't need my approval,..if that's what you're looking for. I'm already happy you two found each other again." Hiro gave her a reassuring smile. "Believe me, the timing couldn't be better."

"Well maybe a little bit of approval to be honest." giving a chuckle. "I truly feel it was good timing. It is as if the goddesses had a hand in bringing us together. " she stated. Kaylee gave a happy shrug. "Sometime, I would like to get to know you, as a friend. Things that you are interested in, that sort of thing."

"Any friend of Liam is a friend of mine. Perhaps, when things have quiet down a little..." Hiro thought about what to say. He wasn't against getting to know each other better as friends. But he wasn't that quick with sharing personal details about himself and his loved ones. That took more time. Of course, there were always exceptions to the rule. "Liam and I used to have a drink together every now and then. Usually when one of us needed to talk. Maybe the three of us together sometime?"

"That would be marvelous, I would like that." then a thought came to her mind, it was something she had come across in her connection with Liam and mirror universe. "Um, can we talk in your office, there is something I want to find out but I don't know if its for everyone to hear what I'm going to ask." Kaylee looked at him, worrying her lower lip with her teeth.

"Of course." The Asian man stepped aside to let Kaylee pass. "Is it about the other things?"

When the door closed behind them Kaylee, looked at him somewhat perplexed then stated, "Other things? Well I do want to know something. I have caught images of things that are not of this universe but of a Mirror Universe. Have you been there? Were you there with Liam? I only know of that other universe from some files in history. And the mental images, that sometimes disturbs his sleep."

Hiro had not expected her question to be about the Mirror Universe. It had been a long time since he heard anyone talk about it. He sat down on one of the chairs that stood in his office. "I've been there, but not for very long. It was during my first mission on the USS Nogura. It was in the Calson Nebula where the whole ship crossed over to the other Universe. I never left the ship, but I remember that Liam, Commander Seklar, and Lieutenant Commander Danae did."

"I see, from what I've been gathering, the experience over there didn't seem to be all too pleasant" Kaylee taking a seat as well. "I am concerned, do you think that there will be a repeat of going into the Mirror Universe? " her mind paused and took another path, realizing why Hiro had asked about Other Things

"Oh forgot to ask, if your department had found anything more as to why the nanites were acting like they were. Or is that another hush hush piece of information above my paygrade. " its becoming noticeable that at times, Kaylee's mind likes to shift gears to another topic.

"To answer your first question, it's possible I guess. But I see no reason for us to go back there. I think it's safe to say we all prefer to stay here in our universe." Hiro shifted his weight a little in his seat. "And the Nanites, they were just feeding off the linear memory crystals found in most systems on the station. They needed that make copies of themselves."

"Okay whew now that is a relief. Now that is basically solved, Security and Intelligence along with Portillo are working on finding more clues as to the death of that doctor. Selar I think it was? That is still being slow. I really hope that we can find out who had planted the details into the station programming." she adjusted herself in her chair, then asked, "Do you know anything about that mystery ship out there. the Herodotus? That ship really is a mystery to me. Maybe you have more information than what is out in public as in its a Science ship. Have you met the Captain?"

"You mean the DTI Herodotus? What I know is that it is a Merian class ship with the standard specifications. Anything beyond that, your guess is as good as mine." Hiro looked at her as he wondered if she knew more about the ship. "What are you after Kaylee? Do you know more about it? They don't let any of of us near it, save for delivering some new hardware every now and then. Apparently they manage all by themselves."

"I had been talking with Patton and the ship came up in conversation. He says its a science ship. And he also said that only the captain comes off the ship. I am getting more questions coming to my mind. I find it strange indeed. I would like to see about meeting that Captain. Or get on that ship." she frowns. "Sorry when a mystery surfaces I tend to like investigate. And I know less than you obviously. My mind likes to go off on tangents. Especially when one mystery a solution hasn't been found as of yet, so my mind goes to the next until something for the previous mystery comes to mind and a solution or a resolution becomes evident." Kaylee stated.

"I'm curious too, not denying that. But right now I have enough to do. The Herodotus will have to wait." Hiro said. "Besides, they're Starfleet right? I mean, there's more going on than we know, but I assume they have a legitimate reason."

"Probably they do have a legitimate reason as you said but still.. Well tell you what, I'll be looking into it and I can keep you up to date on what I find. Also if you have come up on any leads on Doctor Salar's death, let me know. I do want to get that wrapped up." Kaylee pondering over things. "And let's get with Liam and set up a time and place where all three of us can grab a drink."

Hiro nodded. "Sounds good to me. But, you still think we can catch the persons responsible for Salar's death? It seems to me they covered they're tracks pretty well. Maybe we'll never find out. Just saying.."

"I will find out who did it, I am a very determined individual, I just have to find that one person or that one lead then I will be on it." Kaylee smiled, though she had grim determination in her eyes. "I probably should go now and let you get back to work."

"It's alright. Work will still be there waiting. An hour more or less won't matter that much." Hiro stood from his chair. "Besides, I don't have to do everything alone in Operations." He smiled as he looked at Kaylee and pointed towards the exit of his office. "Ladies first."

Kaylee laughed and rose from her chair as well. "Thanks, Hiro, I can see why you and Liam are friends. You're a good man." proceeding out the door. "I'll see you around."

Lieutenant Kaylee Serra

Lieutenant Hiro Yoshida
Chief of Station Operations


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