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Party Planning - Part 1

Posted on 07/03/2021 @ 9:37pm by Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Lieutenant Kaylee Serra

1,956 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Aer/Jack's Quarters


Aer had invited both Kaylee and Teena to her new quarters. She had hoped Kaylee had spoken to Teena about helping with the planning of the Hen Party that Aer was to have as per Human tradition. She had recently called it a Chicken Party, much to her embarrassment.

She had laid out some drinks in case the girls wanted some and some food, small little snacks for picking at during the night. Truth be told she had never had anyone over before and she had hoped this would be the first of many, especially with these two. She had a good feeling they would get on and hoped they would feel the same way too.

Aer felt she needed connection on the station, more than just Jack.

Jack was thrown out, he was cast to the White Stag for the night to fend for himself whilst she took over their quarters. She smiled as he played hardball when leaving, pretending he was just going to stay and she wouldn't know he was there. His butt got kicked right out of the apartment with a smile as he walked off down the corridor with a new skip in his step.

“I can't stop eating, ” Teena confessed to Kaylee as they headed to her friends. “Its like the babies just want nourishment all the time. I hope there's snacks. Would it be rude to ask?”

"No I don't think it would be rude, as it is, we've got to figure out the sorts of food that everyone can eat. So.. plenty of samples." giving a bit of a laugh. "Here we are." pressing the chime for Aer to know there was company.

"Come in girls." Aer beamed as she moved to let them pass. She quickly moved to let Teena move in, she'd made a comfortable bit for her to sit. The only experience she had with pregnancy was some of her sisters and she knew comfort and food was most important.

"I'm so excited to see you again. Meet you properly this time. I mean last time Liam and Patton were unconscious weren't they?" Teena found herself rambling. "But they woke up and look at us now. Your getting married," she beamed at the blond. Then she caught a stray thought off Kaylee. Her eyes sought hers and looked down to her finger briefly. Her mouth made an o. She could see nothing but she had caught the thought.

She brushed it away. Now was not the time to enter that conversation. The attention needed to be all on the lovely El Aurian in front of her. "I brought lots of things," she indicated the bag she was carrying.

"Yes!" Aer laughed at the thought of it. "Liam did have some very interesting things to say about that experience I hear, Jack has told me something about cookies but when I press him on it he changes the subject." she shrugged a little before noticing the bag. "Ohhh goodies!" She grinned. "I've probably made too much." she said pointing at the table of snacks. "I'm a feeder."

"Well I do like to eat, and I've got to find out about that story. May have to blackmail the two men, or bribe them." Kaylee stated with a laugh. "What sort of yummies do you have and what sort of hen party do we want to have. I do have an idea of asking the female marines to come to the party.

“Oh yes Alicia can come, ” Teena said approaching the dishes of snacks. “Im really sorry Aer but I'm pregnant but I can be the sensible one herds you all around. Keeps order. I know the cookie story, ” her eyes sparkled popping something cracker like in her mouth.

"Oh you've got to tell me that story." Kaylee's eyes lit up at that information. "Oh and, Aer you've got to try out Teena's lotions. They are wonderful."

"Yes," Teena said mischievously, "And yes ... I brought you goodies." She started fishing out samples and bottles and handing them to Aer. "I didn't know if you wanted maybe some pampering or perhaps we could do a pampering session for the hen and then go out for dinner and drinks and dancing. Lots of ideas. But I could put on facials, perfume making if you wanted an activity. That sort of thing. Take it as my wedding gift to you both.

And yes well Liam was dreaming that Aer came out the shower and said to him, "Come join me at the dark side. I have cookies."

She burst out laughing. "He bolted upright and freaked out for a moment, do you remember? No wonder Jack doesn't want to talk about it. No one want to think of their friend seeing their girl naked, even if it was part of coming out of a nightmare imposed on half the station. Liam was embarrassed too of course."

Kaylee moved her hand towards her mouth listening to Teena's story, her eyes filled with mirth. Then she uncovered it as she laughed. "Oh my that is hilarious!" her bright blue eyes darting from one lady to the other.

"I like that idea of doing a pampering session, probably some of the marine lades wouldn't mind having session either." Kaylee responded.

"Oh I remember. The look of shock on his face is hard to forget, especially when he looked me up and down and looked happy to see me with clothes on..." she said thinking for a moment. "Was half stuck between flattered and hurt at the same time." she laughed a little as she picked up a bottle of lotion. "I do like the idea of being pampered. Station life can be so boring sometimes, although on this station there is always something, but I never really look after myself. I mean look at my nails." she said showing them.

Kaylee looked at Aer's nails, "They may need some tender loving care. Me, I keep my nails cut short. When in security, or working with my hands, I don't want to worry about a broken nail." cracking a smile. "I was raised with worrying about nails, and hair but I rebelled against when I got older. Though I will confess I will go get my hair done once in awhile. Being pampered is great fun. Especially spa treatment. All over massage." giving a bit of a stretch. "That would be so nice."

"I can't do massage but I can do nails," Teena said. She placed another cracker in her mouth and then fished around in her bag. "Bride to be first. Do you want false ones or yours manicuring?" she asked. "I'll do them for you big day if you want. Yours too Kaylee."

Kaylee smiled. "I would love that, having a little sparkle upon nails no matter how short they are can make a girl feel more feminine." taking a look at her nails. She did keep them well manicured but it is nice to make a connection with other women.

"Right," Teena said dragging Aer to her dining table and unloading items. "What do you want, false ones? Big? And patterned, or just coloured? Or just a manicure and simple and elegant?"

"I think I will just have simple and elegant please." Aer laughed as a thought popped into her head. "False nails always make me feel like a Gorn, and my skin is far too smooth for that... and I have no tail."

Kaylee picked up a few snacks and moved to where she could watch Teena's artistry at work being very interested. She knew Teena had a true creative side to her.

Teena giggled at her joke. "I've never met a Gorn but I have met a Sivaoan. A doctor one and wow. Quite the imposing figure. Gentle though. Which is a good thing. I accidently collided with them and half my bottles of perfume broke and got all over his fur. I paid for a public bath as apology. I should look him up again."

She started working on the El Aurians nails and nudged some colours towards her to look at. "So very important question. The dress? Any thoughts? Do we need a shopping trip to nail that one down?"

"A dress! Oh Goddesses there is so much to do." Aer said with a hint of panic, she hadn't even thought of a dress or anything like that yet. "We will need to go shopping I think, drinks too." a devilish glint flashed across her face. "Sure as Hells beats the Betazoid one... I mean to be naked, in front of everyone..."

Kaylee laughed, "With that sort of wedding, you won't have to worry about finding that perfect dress, if you think about it. However, I think it will be fun to go shopping for dresses with you." looking over towards Teena." you'll be up for that won't you?" then to Aer. "Don't worry, between me and Teena we'll get you set up." an excited twinkle in her eyes.

"Certainly. Just as long as there's snacks and I don't need to hurl. Or I have ballooned so big I cannot get through the door," the Betazed joked. "I get most do not understand the Betazed way nor are comfortable with it. Has your fiancé stopped blushing yet? My mother did put him quite on the spot."

Kaylee covered her mouth and said "Oh no! She didn't!" her eyes rather large trying to imagine the look on Aer's intended's face.

"She asked last minute to do it. And then the poor guy had to see not just my honoured mother and father naked, me, my husband but also Liam. I mean they are both senior staff on this station. That's got to be awkward for him. Not for Liam. Its second nature, but poor Jack. All that sea of nakedness in such a quick time," Teena mused.

"I swear he has flashbacks to that day." Aer laughed. "I ask him what people looked like to tease him. Say that I've seen him naked and there is nothing to be embarrassed about then he goes into strong man mode, puffs his chest out and assures me he wasn't embarrassed about it at all." She giggled a bit. "Such a boy."

"My mother has said, that all men have a little bit of a little boy in them. And she has said on several occasions, Good thing my father has a cuteness factor, it has saved him on quite a few occasions when she had gotten angry at him." Kaylee grinning.

"Even my husband has that. And his lover," Teena said with a giggle. She was probably one of only two would could say out loud that Rice had a cuteness factor and get away with it.

"Oh I shall come clean," she said sensing the confusion well from Aer. Kaylee not so much but she expected Liam would have clued her in. "You will find out anyway as my lover will hopefully be at your hen party. My marriage is not a traditional one. Tyrion and I are bound to unite our families and carry on the line," she said patting her small bump happily.

"Whereas I have a growing fondness for Tyrion, and I respect him dearly he loves another and I also. Everyone involved is aware and your Jack is too. Everyone's marriage is very different. Mine will end once these babies make it to viable but we are in each others lives now always to bring up our children. Back home will not be aware we will have separated legally. "


Teena O'Trei-Faye
NPC Liam

Lieutenant Kaylee Serra

Lieutenant Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer


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