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Gone Girl

Posted on 07/02/2021 @ 1:30pm by

902 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Seklar's family quarters
Timeline: Some time after the bombing

Something was wrong. Seklar just knew it as he headed home from a long shift. That nagging feeling when something wasn't quite right, and he couldn't put his finger on it either. He shook his head at the odd Human expression that'd just popped into his musings.

Ishara and Salai probably wouldn't be home from school yet, and Sara was likely to be in the tank with baby Ariel. Resting, he hoped, as he'd heard Sara had in fact gone to sickbay before to help out. He respected her drive to help but he had stressed the importance of rest, and spending time with the baby.

He stopped short as the door to his home opened before him. It was quiet, almost too quiet. He looked down as Tabbey brushed past his leg in a feline sign of affection. Moor meowed at him from the couch, lashing her tail at him in a 'how dare you stay away so long' kind of manner. "Sara?" he called out, tossing his uniform jacket across the back of one of the chairs around the dining table.

No response, that was odd. "Sara?" he called again, making straght for the adjacent room which had been specially modified to hold her tank. Except it was gone. Dread filled him now. Why was the tank gone? Where was Sara, and where was their baby daughter?

Sara? Nothing... and now that he consciously tried to find her across their bond, he found there was an utter lack of connection. Sara? he tried again, closing his eyes in concentration. Nothing. Just how was this possible? How could the big tank, which had taken hours to put in, simply be gone, as if it'd never even been there?

For a moment, he wondered if perhaps he was dreaming, that this was all just a very bad dream. "Computer, locate Doctor Sara'draphia T'eseri."

Doctor T'eseri is not aboard this station.

"What?" Seklar choked out. "What is Doctor T'eseri's last location?"

Doctor T'eseri is last located entering docking bay two. The computer's disembodied voice replied without pause. And it wasn't going to give further details, answering all subsequent questions with a simple 'restricted information'.

The Vulcan was nearing despair. Why had she left, why didn't he sense her like he had done ever since they had bonded. How was this even possible, why hadn't he even felt it if she had somehow managed to dissolve the bond? He leaned heavily against the doorframe as it started to dawn on him. Sara had left, and had taken their daughter with him. But why?

Had she been so unhappy here? Had he been too busy to notice? He shook his head as doubt started to gnaw at him. No he was certain he had made time for his family, as it was everything to him. He had even learned how to swim, just for her! Just so he could be with her, and the baby. He bit his lower lip, hard, in the hope of keeping in the scream that threatened to erupt. He fell down to his knees and let it out anyway, a scream that came down from the deepest despair.

He was alone again, and he didn't understand why. T'Zera leaving he understood in the end, it hadn't been because of him that she had left. She simply hadn't been ready for marriage, and had other needs, and obligations. it took months, but in the end he had understood. But Sara leaving, he couldn't. He was certain he'd done nothing wrong, done nothing to drive her away. Tears started to well up in his eyes and he angrily rubbed them away. No. Now was not the time. He had to find her, he had to know why.

He stood, walking to his small workspace in his quarters, noticing a blinking light on his console. Hand shaking, he reached to activate the message. He listened in silence, all colour draining from his face as he watched Sara tell him she was leaving and he shouldn't come to find her. Told him with a straight face, that she had never loved him, and they didn't need him. She was leaving, and she was taking Ariel because how could he care for a child that needed water, when he loathed it? She was a Nissari, not a Vulcan. Nissari didn't need fathers, only mothers.

That stung, and tears stung his eyes as the message ended. Gasping breath heaved from his chest as he sank down in his chair. This wasn't happening! This just had to be a bad dream, it had to be! He would just wake up soon, and would find that all would be well. Sara would be home, waiting for him. Yes, that had to be it!

Seklar tried to convince himself as he walked back to the living area, unconsciously picking up one of the children's toys and putting it away. He shook his head again, eyes once more traveling to the empty space in his quarters. She was gone, and none of it had been real. He'd been deceived, used, and discarded.

He drew in another shuddering breath, eyes traveling to the replicator in a surging need for something he'd sworn never to do again. "Seklar to Counselor Reynolds.... I need help," he finally managed.

Commander Seklar
Station XO


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