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An Alceran acquisition

Posted on 07/03/2021 @ 4:05am by Lieutenant Commander Junipyr Danae

2,884 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: tbd, mu universe
Timeline: Before Emperors wedding


"My lord," the Klingon lieutenant said. "I bring news of a very unique slave opportunity. I thought bringing it to you would please you. We have recently found out about some slavers selling Alcarens."

Liam was about to tell him to shut up he had enough slaves but the word Alcaren hit his ears. Sitting up he looked at the man with more interest.

A human man with a salt and pepper short beard strolled in behind the Klingon. He noted the Emporers interest and knew he must be bold. "Ah my great Emporer! I have recently aquiered a new stock of slaves and you... You oh great one were the first to enter my mind." The man said with Great sweepings of his hands. "I wish only that I had been the first to find these exotic slaves, but to you I bring my first offerings. I have been told they are from another place." He said.

The man turned around and snapped a finger, one of his own men yanked on a Cable and a line of six figures hobbled forward under cloaks. ", They're called Alcaren, they all have the most luxurious red hair, lovely silver eyes, and what's more, they are telepaths! One has even revealed to me mild telekinetic powers! ah your eminence! I found the best and knee I must give you the first chance to purchase my stock." The man said as he yanked down the hood of the first slave, revealing a terrified young woman, with Long red curls of silky hair and stony silver eyes.

Now if the man had not mentioned telekinetic powers the Emperor may have been inclined to purchase all 6 but as he had, one knew that when you had an advantage over others it probably wasn't wise to let into the fold people who may also have that advantage.

"I will take one. To study. To understand these beings before I look to purchase more," he informed him. I do not wish that one he indicated the redhead. "She looks miserable. You five reveal your faces. Drop the cloaks lets have a proper look at you all."

The five others did not hesitate in complying, they dropped their hoods. Two more females, and two males, both males tried to look strong, both physically and mentally, while the woman copied the first ones projection of fear and misery's.

The seller spread his hands, "eeehhh?!" He grinned. "great stock! I think all six would serve you well, as well as your studies." He said. "they certainly have other skills linked to their telepathy. I have found my personal slave is quite good introducing pleasure beyond anything I have ever experienced. I would love to make a deal with you for all of them" he said waggling his brows.

The Emperor turned to one of his men. "Pay the man for all the slaves double the cost." He could sense the buyers happiness at that much money however he added ...

"You will keep the others in custody for me and I will take that one presently," he pointed at one of the females "to do my research on in the mean time. Once I evaluate them safe to be around the Empire I will take the rest. If they are not safe, I will kill that one and expect you to do the same with the remaining stock.

I have met one of these Alcarens before, one Junipyr Danae. Do you know that name?" He addressed the slaves.

Their eyes flickered bit as they spoke amongst themselves telepathically. THe questions moved quickly, in the space of two breaths, such was how it was among telepaths.

~Danae is the Quenyan name~

~Who is she though?~

~Is she the one that left?~


~Yes, I think I remember that name now, She caused a big rukus in the Quenya ranks for refusing service and joining the Federation instead~ one of the older males said. ~So how did she get to this vile place?~

~We better answer him~ another thought.

"I know the name." The female selected said. Despite starting by showing fear, as that seemed to work for the first girl, now that she had been chosen, she didn't want to allow this man to think she was afraid, despite the fact she truly was.

“Good, then you shall tell me all about her, take her to the Harem.” he ordered one of his men,” Have Niska prepare her, she needs a bath and certainly new clothes. You are part of the imperial household now. I will not have my slaves dirty and in rags. And you can put on that brave front all you like, I can see inside you, ” he said sinisterly.

The woman, by the name of Kloae looked a at her new owner. She opened her mind a little and felt the power of his mind towering over her. It was like and aura of darkness around him and it caused her to shy back.

The others in the group reacted nearly as strongly, "Take me!" one of the males cried, "Leave Kloae, if you need to experiment on one of us take me!" he said leaping forward.

"No," Liam said simply. "I want that her. And besides I think she will clean up nice," he stepped forward and approached her putting his hand under her chin and pulling it up to look her head on. He moved her head one way then the other and nodded. He was right under all that dirt and terror there was some beauty.

Letting her go again he walked back and addressed the peddler once more. "Make sure if I see these ones again they are in better condition."

"Of course! I should never have allowed them to dirty themselves before presenting them! I'll ensure they are cleaner next time, when you wish for them to be returned. I know you will be impressed with her. They are very skilled. So unique, and not many of them are available for sale. We've only managed to get our hands on a few in this universe." the peddler rattled one.

Kloae watched the emperor, she wanted to be bold, but she was a simple woman, and had been living a simple life on Jaffe before she'd been taken. She was not some high level political person, she didn't know much, and she knew only of the name of Danae, why was this man so interested in the Quenya? How had he met her before? She glanced down as the peddler unclipped her from the chain, her hands were still in shackles. She looked around, wondering if escape would be possible once she was out of this room. It dawned on her that he had said something about a harem. She felt a cold shiver of fear go through her, "I can not be in a harem!" she cried. "We can't be used like that, we bond! Its a mental link that can't be broken, a harem is the worst place to put an Alcaren! I'll do other work for you, just not that!" she stammered.

"Now you see," Liam stated irritated at the peddler. "That is the sort of thing I need to be knowing. Exactly why I'm right to be evaluating these slaves before taking everyone off your hands. Bond how exactly? And what other work can you possibly do in a Harem?"

Kloae rubbed at the bonds around her wrists and she blushed. This was a deeply personal thing to each and every Alcaren.

"I did tell you, my Emperor, that they have extra unique skills." The peddler said with a slimly smile. "From my studies of them they don't HAVE to bond, as long as you don't actually you know..." he made some rude gestures with his fingers, being clear that he meant fully sleeping with them. "But they can simulate a good ol time with out even touching you!" he said. He slapped the rump of one of the other girls, "This one's real good at it." he said. "You hardly know the difference!" he said. "I even thought up setting one up in the middle of a room, a nice display of womenly flesh... tell her to let loose with those skills and get the whole room all hot and bothered. Then every one has a good time, all enhanced by these clever little red heads." he said.

"You're degusting." Kloae growled, "But he speaks the truth. The bond is formed upon intercourse, and it creates a mental link between us and our mate, which can not be broken." she said. "Its meant to be a beautiful thing... we mate for life." she said. "It has its benefits such as enhanced pleasures. Subverting that is not pleasant, and not something any reasonable Alcaren wants to do. As for other work, I'm an artist by trade, paint, stone, and wood work. I can make you valuable and beautiful pieces of part to make your palace more beautiful." she offered.

"That is no good. My wife is making the palace more beautiful. I do not wish a slave playing around with paint. Your going in the Harem, so we will find a way to break any mental links like that. I doubt you could enforce a mental link on me anyway but in terms of others, my scientists will find a way. Otherwise these slaves are of no use to me Peddler. And they will only end up in a cell or dead after providing me information on your people," he stated firmly.

The peddler grabbed his heart, "My liege I would never want to sell you useless stock." he said. "I only thought your harem could use them all." he said. "You never realize just how real it can feel with out ever touching. Its quite an amazing trick." he said. "Your wish is my command, if you do not wish these others I will sell them else where. First choice of the best for you my Emporer!" he said.

Kloae looked at the peddler with a shake of her head, how badly she wanted to invade his mind and shut his mind down. She was not strong enough to do that, few Alcaren were. It was possible, but not something she could do, or she may have already done it to free herself and her friends. "You must understand that a the link is not forced by will. It is natural and unavoidable in the act of intimacy. Breakable only in death." she said, "I freely warn you not to attempt it. It would be foolish." She would rather die than let this man bond to her, which was spurring her show of bravado, inside she was still quaking with fear, but she didn't want to let him see it.

"I have paid you and told you what I expect in terms of the other ones already," Liam said louder at the man. "If you sell them elsewhere I will send someone to get your head. Are we clear?"

"Of course." the peddler said with some nervousness. He quickly picked up the rope holding the other Alcaren and started to back away, giving slight bows every few steps as he did so

"I do not intend on bonding with you," Liam hissed at the slave beginning to think they were too much trouble for their worth. Maybe he should just execute all of them now. "But we will find a way to make you worthwhile in my Harem or you will die a worthless purchase on the Empires part. Your previous master says there's a way round it so your holding out on something there woman. And let me freely warn you my time is precious and my patience is waning."

Kloae looked back at her companions, her bravado faltering knowing they were being forced to leave her behind. She would be alone in this. She took a deep breath as she met the mans eyes. She opened her mind to the other telepath, although his mind felt dark and disgusting. She wanted him to feel her resolve. "Then to die a worthless purchase on the Empires part shall be my fate." she said, before she closed her mind again before her fear revealed itself.

"As you wish," Liam stated firmly. He found her throat and started to squeeze the life out of her. Lifting her up in the air and firmly in front of the rest he made them watch her gasping and flailing to stay in this existence. It seemed she had been all false courage and not expected this outcome but he was the Emperor and he wasn't engaging in this kind of behaviour. He might have to NOT kill all his inner circle but a slave in his presence for 5 minutes was of no consequence.

"Look at the faces of your brethren. Let them be the last images you see," he said loudly. "I'm showing them what happens when you defy me, your Emperor and you talk back to me."

The other five cried out, but were bound in their ropes and could do nothing to stop this. None of them were strong enough to fight against such a strong mental power.

Kloaes mind cried in panic, sending waves of the emotion through any one present as she struggled and fought against the invisible force that held her up and stole her breath from her. Soon her fight slowed as her mouth gaped, still struggling to breath.

As her eyes began to roll back into her head the spark of life that was present long gone, he dropped her at the rest of the slaves feet.

As her body fell the five seemed to drop to their knees in front of her. The two women were sobbing, the three men hiding their faces as tears ran down their cheeks as well.

"Now that one," he pointed at the second female. "You are coming to my Harem and we are going to find a way to make you useful. Your friend here stupidly covered up a way you can exist there doing what I expect a slave in a Harem to do. And then decided to try talk back to your Emperor.

For whatever reasons you people are weird about all this ... I would have thought that survival was paramount there is something you can do as that man. The Peddler spoke the truth. I am empathic so I know he did not lie.

So you now have an choice. Ive already paid for you all. I own you so Im loosing nothing. I have ways to find out intel in the Prime universe if needs be and I will find out about your people. Your planet ... but right now you can either play by my rules and all get to live or I'm just going to massacre all of you right now. Which is it?"

The mental feeling of a telepath dying in such a horrific way was profound, especially to the other telepaths. Not a single one of them had dry eyes, or a heart that wasn't racing. No matter how they tried to comfort their sister in her dying moments her terror shot through their minds, almost imbedding in them. The 5 slaves clung together, striving to pass comforts to each other.

~She is with Eyeam,~
~It is the fate she wished~
~I know her brother, he will never know how she died~
~No one will we love will know...~
~He will kill us all~
~Eyeam allowed this for a reason~
~This man is evil~
~We should not all die. Comply and see what happens. Peace and union with Eyeam can always find us~

Their thoughts bounced around among them, all seeming to agree with the last thought, none of them wished to die. They looked at their friend with blue lips, the spark gone from her wide open blood shot silver eyes, their resolve to not push the line as she did solidifying.

Kenya, the female the emperor had addressed knew she could not remain silent long. She closed her eyes against Kloaes dead body. "Our telepathy allows us to influence the nervous system of another being, it allows us to inflict pleasure." she said slowly. "Bonding only happens in intercourse" she clarified. "Mostly... Its very rare that someone can bond with out the act, they must be so strong that their mental presence would... over power everything." she stammered. "None of us are that strong." she said holding her hands up and opening her eyes again.

“See you have a way to be useful,” Liam said pleased. “Right this audience is over. Bring her.” He to,d his guards.

“You keep them until I send word. Don’t spend all those credits at once,” he said perkily getting up and leaving.

"Oh no wise Lord." the peddler said nervously. That was a display he had hoped never to see. What the man was capable of was terrifying. He tugged on the rope for he remaining four slaves, "Move, move!" he hissed at them wanting to be away from the dead body quickly.


MU Liam
NPC Liam

The Alcaren
NPCs Danae


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