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New Campaigns, New Faces Part 1

Posted on 07/03/2021 @ 4:09am by MU Counterparts Brina Tracy/Cara Letsul

1,610 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Emperors war room
Timeline: In the past - After wedding


“How’s your chair?” Liam asked his father in law.

"Comfortable." Crailo said as he surveyed the war room. There were people aplenty moving as they prepared the room for what was to come.

“Where is the Terran Viceroy?” Demanded Liam getting inpatient.

“My lord his ship has docked. I believe they are on route,”

“Honestly we throw one wedding and everyone seems to relax the rules. How difficult is it to be on time,” he hissed. “I’m not having this.”

The doors opened.

Aer wore an elegant dress. It was tight fitting with woven patterns of both her own people, the Empire and she insisted on some Betazoid inflections for her new husband. It was a show of respect as much as they were simply pretty to have on a dress. She moved with grace, but power in her steps to be seen from all around. She had been ill for some time after being poisoned but she was not seen by many. Her frailty hidden so that strength was always shown. She fought back, her assailant unaware of how resilient El Aurian DNA is, and Aer's was anything but normal.

“Empress, you grace us with your presence,” Liam said expecting this late arrival. He wanted her to make her grand debut and had suggested it so. “Your throne,” he indicated the slightly smaller version of his own. Much bigger than Crailo’s of course.

“So first order of business Niska stole away during the wedding. I am informed out of jealousy that she was not made official queen consort.”

There was a collective gasp. “I am not happy and I want her found and returned and the Empress I give her fate to you. After all she tried and failed miserably to poison you my queen.”

Aer nodded as she sat down next to her husband. "Thank you my lord. I will be sure to make her fate an unpleasant one, but she needs to be found first." She said with an expectation hanging on her lips. She had came on leaps and bounds with her new found confidence and much of that she owed to Liam.

A tumult could be heard in the hall leading to the throneroom, the sound of steel against steel, shouting, sounds of angry voices.

"You can not go in there! You have not been invited!" was a loud shout.

"Invitation be damned!" a rather loud female voice bellowed. The doors are slammed opened and woman with wildly flowing red locks, dressed in a combination of leather and chain mail armor strides in. Her eyes flashing with fire. There are cuts on her arms and legs and a bruise on her cheek. Behind her could be seen the guards, some getting up from the floor, others are nursing a wound. Others are coming up from behind her.

The woman pivoted around her hair swirling as she does so, facing them. "Don't even think about it." Pointing her blade towards the guards. "you do not want to see me angry at all." her voice rumbling. "And I have a present for the Emperor." she turned back to the Emperor but does not bend a knee to him. "I have here the head of a conspirator, I won't show it to your guests. And I am certain you don't wish your carpets to be bloodstained." Holding up a bag with her other hand. Flashing a quick smile, it disappearing as quickly as it surfaced. "I am Brina Tracy and the blood of Irish Warriors flows in my veins." Her head held high , her stance like that of a queen in the presence of an equal.

“Show it, ” Liam said simply. “It does them good to be reminded from time to time what happens if they conspire against me and the carpet can be cleaned.”

"It is truly a shame to mess up this carpet, however as you have deemed it needful so shall it be done." Brina pulling out the head from the bag, it being that of what used to be a supposed trusted part of his court, the head distinctly male. "I found him conspiring against you. And the empress. Therefore he reaped his reward."

“So you saved me the trouble I appreciate that but you have to pledge your allegiance to me to be in this room and discuss further advancement, ” he said firmly. “And your Empress. Are you true member of the empire or an enemy I now need to strike down?”

Brina put the head back into the bag, and closed it. Then looked at Liam. "I have come to throw my lot in with you, and more with her." looking towards the Empress, giving a nod. "She reminds me of Boadicea, the great Celtic warrior queen." giving a fierce smile. "I shall pledge my allegiance, but do not do me wrong." giving a look that spoke volumes to Liam. She walked up towards where both Empress and Emperor sat, laying her sword across her forearm, then knelt on one knee, extending the sword for both of them to touch. "I will pledge allegiance to you, and thus we form a bond. For it is never good to have any oath be broken on either part."

Aer looked at Liam to see his reaction. He looked quite impressed but was hiding it well behind the mask he threw up in company. For a moment he looked towards her and she closed her eyes and nodded. It was not her place to agree to this allegiance but she knew her husband looked to her for advice and even they knew each other well enough that words were not needed. 'I do like her sword... its big and impressively crafted... and she did best a few of our guard my love.' she spoke within her own mind. She knew he was always listening.

Liam looked at his wife and gave the briefest of nods. She did but wife we must be cautious. We know nothing about her nor her true intentions. She may be an ally but she has to prove herself with more than just delivering the head of a conspirator.

"Your allegiance is taken and .." Liam thought about it for a moment. One of the things people seemed to scream about was he had little female representation. Perhaps making some small changes there would be beneficial. He knew it would mean a lot to his queen in her cause. Plus it would also be fun to watch how the rest of the men took to having a woman equal to them now.

"You will replace the conspirator as viceroy for Terra. Prove your worth to me and I have no reason to do you wrong. Your seat," he indicated to the vacant one.

"And prove your worth as well, as in no abuse and we will have no trouble." Brina stated firmly, giving him a nod then taking a seat where he indicated. Leaving her sword unsheathed with in easy reach and the bag containing the head at her feet.

"You are of no threat to me. I can kill you just like the last Empress in a heartbeat. Your sword will do you no good," To prove it he telekinetically moved it to the other end of room. "And I do not need to prove my worth to anyone. I am the Emperor. If that's not good enough for you and you assume your going to face abuse why have you even bothered to come here? Why bring that head and just pledge allegiance?" Liam demanded. She had impressed him but now the show of brevity was screaming stupidity.

"Do you see any agony collars? No because one of the first things I did was restrict those only to slaves to stop the abuse that was rife in the last administration. I used to have to wear one too at one time," he hissed. "The new administration I have installed are lucky. As a wedding present to your queen I removed the abuse inflicted on her. Perhaps you ought to do your homework before running your mouth off woman. You are in the Empires court now, not to mention its inner circle so ensure you learn its decorum. My wife, I suggest you tutor this one."

Brina watched as her sword drifted away then she smiled. "Actually I wanted to see just how you would react. Whether you would outright kill me or, if you would use intelligence instead of brute force. It seems you are using more brains than brawn and I am talking about mental brawn as well. You have shown that you can rule with a fist of iron, previously but now, you are showing you have another side." giving a bow towards him and towards Aer. In the presence of others she wasn't going to say anything about him having a gentler side for others would consider that a show of weakness.

"Oh I have far more than just brains and brawn believe me," Liam said. The woman both annoyed him and intrigued him that she would risk her life to see if he had intelligence as well as brute force. He couldn't help shake the idea that she was after something though. He could push to work that out later.

"Right to business. You have all met my enchanting queen," he smiled, a brief show of affection at the beautiful El Aurian beside him. He certainly wasn't used to this at all.


Brina Tracy
Newly recruited to the Empire

Aer Feshau

Liam Reynolds


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