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New Campaigns, New Faces Part 2

Posted on 07/03/2021 @ 4:09am by MU Counterparts Brina Tracy/Cara Letsul

1,593 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: Emperors war room
Timeline: In the past - After wedding

"Right to business. You have all met my enchanting queen," he smiled, a brief show of affection at the beautiful El Aurian beside him. He certainly wasn't used to this at all.

Now the continuation ....

"But have you all met my father in law Crailo? If not this man was the brains behind keeping our forces at bay, so we can learn a lot from each other I feel and hopefully send in a stronger combined force for our next campaign. We need to decide just what that will be now."

"Well..." Crailo went to speak but a softer female voice cut him off.

It was Aer.

"An exchange program would a good idea." she began. "The only way to make something stronger is to learn about it and improve upon it. The mixing of personnel, different training and perspectives offer a great advantage in increasing efficiency. We can weed out what doesn't work and strengthen ourselves from within so that our enemies wont stand a chance against our combined power." Aer looked around the room, she could feel her father pushing that imaginary control that he no longer had and for once it gave her satisfaction to cut him off midsentence. Truth be told she valued people, in her father's regime they were just tools to be used but she often felt you get the best out of people using different methods.

Maybe that was how Niska got too close, she let her guard down and that was almost fatal. She was too trusting, her husband hardly trusting at all and she hoped that would balance out their rule together. She felt a small trickle inside her nose, as she touched it a little blood was revealed. This sometimes happened when temporal incidents were in play. She suffered from Temporal Migraines, although she was never diagnosed.

If a change in the timeline is big enough it can cause collapse and seizure. Moderate are migraine effects coupled with cranial pressure that leads to bleeding from the head, this can range from nose, ears, eyes etc. Low changes result in small bleeding and a dull pain. She had told Liam of this but so far only he and Crailo knew. As far as outsiders saw she just had a nosebleed.

This time she excused herself from the table and moved off to a table of refreshments laid out for them and simply raised a napkin to her nose and cleaned herself up before returning to her chair. "So?" she asked going back to her point, the dull pain of change nagging at her.

Brina watched as the empress excused herself, and actually looked a bit worried. When Aer came back, Brina whispered, "Are you okay?" She also had noted that there was a panged expression in the Empress's eyes.

"I am fine, thank you." she said with grace and appreciation. "A little blood shed never hurt anyone." She added with a little smirk.

Inwardly and so only his wife could hear Liam projected to her, Is it as you said?

Aer simply nodded in his direction, small enough for it to look natural but so that he would know it was meant for him.

He did not wish his wife's debut to have people worrying she looked weak so he moved the conversation on. "My wife makes an excellent point. We need more integration of our two peoples. Bar their new queen is El Aurian and what they saw included in the wedding itself they know very little about your people. And I fear they may not trust at this point.

Start with the court. Make it your own now, have select El Aurian personnel come visit, I am sure both you and your father have ideas who would be a good candidate," he added to pacify Crailo. Whereas he applauded Aer for daring to do what she just did, they still had to make him feel useful for long enough, they were engaging in a subtle jigsaw right now and pieces had to be played in the correct order to get the full picture she desired "and put on some events both of the Empires culture and yours. I will accompany you to some such events. You need to introduce your fashions, your arts ... redecorate some of the dusty tapestries. Hold parties. That sort of thing,"

He knew she had a fight up against her winning the court over as Niska has weaved her poison but his attendance to some of her events no one would dare refuse his new Empress. And bringing in some she and he trusted made that job easier. Once the court was on board they would then help get things wider a field.

"Brell has your wife joined us now? I asked the Trill Lieutenant for use of his wife my Queen. She is an excellent organiser, understands the decorum and systems and I feel could be one of your right hand people," he added.

Iy'dan had been silent, watching the political sports and rivalries playing out before him in the chambers, essentially reserving himself and acting as a shadow as was his way through these kind of situations. The direct question pulled him from his musings, forcing him to finally interact with the group. He leaned forward in his chair slightly.
"Yes my Lord, she should be here post haste and I believe she is bringing 'our' daughter!" the word 'our' laced with contempt. must also start thinking about alliances my queen and planning some key marriages. More El Aurians need to be wed into the court. Cement our peoples alliance further. I leave that and the Empires introduction to your culture in your capable hands."

And you start bringing in your religion he thought to her.

"Yes Husband." Aer nodded. "I am sure there are a few of the Guardians that would be ideal for places in court as well as some marriages. Definitely some eligible people who'd make great assets for us all."

"Now our campaign within in safe hands," He nodded to the Empress, "What of our next military campaign. Brell, you usually have good ideas. I am sure there is something you have been keeping an eye on personally?

Brina, perhaps new eyes would be beneficial at this point also?"

"You know me my Lord... Give me someone to kill and I relish the prospect... Are there not any rebellion leaders to kill or instillations that need quelling Maybe a planet to make an example of?" He considered a moment, pouring over the few reports he had actually taken the time to glance through at the very least.

“Right well Mortok didn’t you have Intel on a rim planet resistance base they were stockpiling materials?”

“Yes my lord,” the Klingon bowed his head.

“Brell go forth and destroy,” he ordered.

"As you wish, My liege. " Brina responded, taking a look at Aer and then Liam. "My sword if you please?" then rose from her seat to join Mortok.

"Yes my Lord. I will set course once Lyras has finished his tasks for you... Would you like the population broken, wiped out or should we crack the planet to its core?"

A twisted smile tugging at the Trill's lips at the prospect.

"Amuse yourselves. Just return back to tell me you are victorious," Liam waved at Brell.

"By your command my Lord!"
A sardonic smile twisting the usually placid looking features of the Trill. The Symbiont in his stomach quivering at the prospect of mass murder and blood sport.

Brina looked at Mortok then at Brell, then she panned her gaze over those who are assembled, then down towards her current condition, then to the Emperor and his wife. "Before I do anything, might I avail myself of a bath and a change of clothing?" her voice was quiet, and respectful but it could still be heard clearly. It also has a musical quality to it as well.

"Go see the Harem. They will attend to you. They do good baths do they not," he laughed at his men. "And all the clothing is next to it. They can sort you out."

Wife we need to think about appointing a proper leader again now Niska has gone. I will leave that to your judgement

I will need a list on candidates but I will use my best judgement to pick a suitable successor. Aer replied internally with a nod to her husband.

Brina nodded giving a one fisted chest thump then went to retrieve her blade before heading towards the Harem to get a bath and a change of clothing.

I like this Brina, she excites me. Aer sent to her husband. Definitely one to keep an eye on. she smiled.

Liam was stuck between amused at the over enthusiasm of this new Lieutenant and focusing on his wife’s words. Perhaps. Hopefully. Candidates …..

His wife’s confidence that he was always on top of everything was nice but the loss of Niska had blindsided him. His anger meaning he had only been focused on finding her again and punishing the woman. He had let her far too dangerously close and how had she repaid him. Oh this was personal.

it will require thought.

For now though the rest of the meeting needed observing.


Brina Tracy
Newly recruited to the Empire

Aer Feshau

Liam Reynolds

Iy'dan Brell
Governor Of Trill


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