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Inquiry into the Shadows

Posted on 01/29/2022 @ 5:49pm by Captain Thorrin
Edited on on 02/01/2022 @ 1:46am

855 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 22: The Other Side of the Mirror
Location: Captain's Ready Room - Deck 1 - DTI Herodotus
Timeline: MD001 0600 hrs

Skol had been zoning in and out through the briefing as parts of it seemed irrelevant to him, but he also was more interested in meeting with Thorrin, who could have information regarding his mother. He couldn't give up hope on figuring out what happened to his mother. He was sure something was hidden, but he didn't know what.

It would be nice to know something and maybe Thorrin could tell him just what he wanted to know. He made his way to Thorrin's office and activated the chime waiting to be asked in.

"You may enter..." Thorrin said to the door as he placed T'Penga's plan for temporal displacement on his desk. When he saw who stepped in he was a little thrown off guard. He expected the Captain to be setting off to prepare for the mission, and yet here they were. "Captain Vek what can I do for you? Is there anything you need to prepare for the mission?"

Vek could tell Thorrin was surprised though he did not know why when he had asked to talk directly after the briefing. Vek was calm and collected and stood there for a moment before he began.

"Captain I have a question and it's one I have pondered for a long time. My mother mysteriously died or disappeared which I am unsure, but anytime I have tried to inquire about what happened I have been shut down. The excuse either you don't have the clearance or we have no idea as there is no record of this happening. I know in my heart something is wrong and I just want closure about what happened to my mom."

Thorrin was taken aback for a moment, this was not what he had expected from the Vulcan. However, he would hear the Marine out. "Have you spoken to Captain Harrington, Colonel Patton about this. Perhaps they have the clearance to see the records. Forgive me but I am curious why you would come to me with this." A moment later Thorrin continued. "Forgive me further for not using my manners, my meemaw would be ashamed of me. Have a seat is there any refreshment I can offer you?"

Vek nodded "I have spoken to Patton as he is my superior and even he does not know the reason. This is higher than anyone I have spoken too even the heads of CID." He took a seat and looked up "I appreciate the offer do you have any coffee?"

"Why don't you fill me in on what you do know? Then I can see what I can do." Thorrin said as he replicated two cups of coffee with all the appropriate trimmings. Thorrin set the tray down on his desk and made himself a cup. "Please help yourself..."

Vek grabbed the cup and sipped the drink feeling it go down his throat. He looked at Thorrin "That's the problem I do not know anything. I cannot find out any information."

"Then start with what you do know. Or at the very least what you were told and what you believe to be untrue. I am not even sure why you think I would be able to learn anything about this case. My security clearance is the same as any other Starfleet Captain." Thorrin replied as he looked to Skol quizzically. The El Aurian was intensely curious why this was brought to him.

Skol sit there for a moment trying not to dig up the bad part of his memories. "I was told that no one knew what happened and the ones that seemed to know something ignored me at every turn. I just want closure of what happened, though I can't be sure something as hush hush as this could be a DTI matter. I don't know that you can ever tell me, but it would be nice to know something."

"Coverups, and misinformation is not something for us. It is the stock in trade of Starfleet Intelligence and Section 31. I would check with them, although Section 31 would not give you answers even if they had them. But Lieutenant Commander Feshau may, if she has any." Thorrin replied curtly before taking another sip.

Skol was disappointed that it had not been a better meeting. He stood up "Thank you for your time Captain. I apologize for bother."

"No apologies needed Captain. If I should hear anything I will be sure to let you know. If you need any help with this please feel free to come to me. If I can help, I will do what I can. I wish I knew more." Thorrin felt for the man and knew what it was like to want to accomplish something and have it out of reach. However, he simply had no information to provide.

Skol nodded "I appreciate it Captain; however, this will not impede me in my duties on the ship." Skol smiled and dismissed himself from the room. Skol felt like this had gone nowhere, but maybe it would go somewhere soon.

Captain Thorrin
Commanding Officer
DTI Herodotus

Captain Skol "Sherlock" Vek
CID, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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