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No Tea Party

Posted on 01/30/2022 @ 10:34pm by Major Tsinira Vishti
Edited on on 02/22/2022 @ 5:38am

1,582 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Klingon Embassy
Timeline: MD001 - 1400 Hours

It had taken ages for Brek to decide how to approach the Klingon Ambassador. In the end, he had decided that even if she was likely to be formidable and to look at him as an insignificant worm, it would pay more to take a bold step and use the ‘unannounced method’.

This was usually why diplomatic gifts came in handy. You make a conciliatory offering; a silent way of saying ‘please bear with me” and even if it's not enough to become friends, at least you don't turn into instant enemies. But what could he offer to Major Tsinira Vishti? Certainly not tea, for this would signal the desire to take part in a Klingon Tea Ceremony, and he didn’t care for that sort of entertainment. This conundrum also took him some time to solve.

In a bid to avoid any indication of frivolity, he was clad in a black suit. He had, in his hands, a little box. Dark red in colour and square in shape, which contained the perfectly harmless metal sculpture of a scorpion.

He pressed the door chime, and he waited, as fiercely as he could.

The door opened and in front of Brek stood a large male klingon with his hand upon his disruptor. " Who are you and what do you want? " Growled Kreven.

A second bodyguard stepped forward with a scanning device and scanned him. " He carries no weapons nor is there any traces of poison or explosives Lady Vishti. "

She looked up from her plate. " What is it that you wish ferengi? Speak quickly before my lunch grows cold. "

Brek was suitably impressed by the presence of the two guards, and rather envious too, for there were no bouncers at the Ferengi embassy. He should have some too, once the ambassadorial coffers were once more plentiful.

He caught a glimpse of Vishti’s stupendous red hair, and he almost made the mistake of stepping forward. “Lady Vishti,” he responded quickly, with as much confidence as he could muster, “my deepest apologies for interrupting your meal. I’m your neighbor, Ambassador Brek. Would you have a few minutes to receive me? I have been so looking forward to meeting you, and I bear a gift of a ... hmm... decorative nature.”

Tsinira stood up and looked to her guardsmen. " Permit him to enter. "She said in a neutral tone. She gestured to the seat across from her. She walked over to a nearby table and brought back a plate and a tankard and filled the tankard with blood wine. " Since you intrude upon me during my meal time you shall dine with me, " She personally dished up the plate. " Here you are. Pipius claw, a healthy portion of fresh Gagh and a generous portion of rokeg blood pie. " She sat the plate in front of him. " To be honest with you, I didn't think you had the balls to even approach me. So I'll hear what you have to say as we eat. "

“I am... thoroughly impressed by your generosity, Lady Vishti, Brek said as he sat down. Such royal food portions you serve.” Eying the food, he tried not to turn green. “What a pity that I’ve had such a hearty breakfast, and couldn’t possibly do honour to this rich meal.”

He pushed the little square box towards the Ambassador and promptly withdrew his hand (one could never be too prudent). “This is a token of my deep respect towards the Klingon Empire, Lady Vishti. I really mean it. Don’t see fear in my gesture. It is an attempt at opening a channel between our two embassies. One where we might exchange information beneficial to our respective faction.”

" As for what information we exchange, that would be up to the high counsel. " Stated Tsinira. She picked up the box and opened it. " Ah.. It's a scorpion from earth. It's a hunter killer insect. " She said with a slight smile." We'e you aware that a scorpion has two types of poison? " She asked. The one they hunt with and kill their prey with , which is produced in smaller quantities and the other is to cause pain in larger creatures to drive them away. The sting is rather painful for a short while. " She said as she rubbed the back of her hand. " I remember it well. "

Seeing that the Klingon Ambassador seemed to be in a better mood now, Brek relaxed a little.

“Indeed the scorpion is a fitting Terran symbol.” He remarked. “Poseidon belongs to Humans after all, and we are mere guests. I didn’t know about the hunting habits of those scorpions, though. A reminder, perhaps, that Terrans are versatile. Have you been stung by a scorpion in the past, Lady Vishti?”

Tsinira chuckled. " Three times in the same day. Or at least until my husband told me to leave the poor thing alone. I'm not afraid of a little pain, it reminds us of who we are and that we're still alive. Is the blood wine to your liking Ambassador Brek? Or would you prefer something else? "

Brek took a sip of the blood wine, which allowed him to reflect on Vishti’s words. She had not taken his bait on Humans, and he felt better for it. As for pain... to him being in agony was more a reminder of his vulnerability. Whenever he wanted to feel truly alive, he needed to count his latinum.

“Your wine is excellent, Lady Vishti,” Brek said, wondering if he would be able to finish his glass. The alcohol was so potent... “I propose a toast: To pain, which is inevitable, while suffering is optional.”

He drank some more, then added: “Going back to what I was saying about our embassies sharing information, I was thinking in the line of trivial data. Would it be within your remit to inform me of any Ferengi suspicious activity you come across? My people being incurable profiteers, I would like to keep an eye on them, for their own safety.”

Tsinira's eyebrow went up. She reclined back in her chair and steepled her fingers in front of her and grinned like the cat that just ate the canary. " So it is a favor you seek of me. " She almost purred the words out. " Information on suspicious Ferengi activities, You could profit well from such information. " Just as quickly her face darkened and her eyes turned to ice. " In exchange I demand information on any renegade Klingons that comes to your attention, especially those of House Duras!! I will....Deal....with them in my own way. " Her words flowed like ice, She took a heavy swig from her goblet and then set it down and closed her eyes briefly. She opened her eyes and smiled sweetly. " Do we have an agreement? "

Brek forced himself to smile. He should have seen it coming. The Lady was bloodthirsty. But then so was the House of Duras.

“I suppose that in Klingon parlance, we are talking of a favor. In Ferengi lingo, it translates as coopetition: a collaboration between business competitors. I propose that we add a little clause to our verbal agreement, though. No matter what information surfaces, we must deal with the ‘difficulty’ with reasonable discretion, so as to protect our position. Would you agree to this?”

Tsinira smiled. " Of course I'll agree to that. Nothing will happen to them while they are on the station. It doesn't mean that they won't be attacked a few sectors from here. Simply put, I don't make a mess where I eat and sleep. "

“Wise words. We have a deal, then. My very first one with a Klingon Ambassador.” He took a quick sip of bloodwine to celebrate the event. “Whenever I have something to report, I will contact you via a secure line. I have the reputation of a fearful creature to maintain, and so cannot be seen to venture too often to your embassy... Has the House of Duras provoked your family directly, or are you acting on behalf of your Empire?”

Tsinira gave a sinister chuckle. " Do you really want to know the answer to that question? It would be safer for you if you didn't know. In my culture, there are subjects you don't want to get involved in. And this is one of those subjects. Let's just say it's personal and leave it at that. "

Brek produced a tentative smile. “Hum... yes of course. Curiosity often gets the best of me. It might even be my downfall one of these days... Well, unless there is something you wish to know about me or my embassy, maybe we should conclude this little meeting here? I wouldn’t want to be too much of a time thief.”

" I have no questions at this time. " Said Tsinira coolly. " If we appear to be on friendly terms after first arriving here, It may arouse suspicions. It's a shame you didn't try the rokeg blood pie, I made it myself. " She stated with a wry grin. " Now if you'll excuse me I need to get ahold of the operations chief for some modifications before we open the embassy. "

Brek promptly got up. “I think I’d enjoy your comradeship more than that of your cuisine, Ambassador Vishti. Anyway, I’ll see myself out, apace, so as to look the part of a spooked Ferengi.”

Major Tsinira Vishti
Klingon Ambassador
Poseidon Station


Grand Proxy Brek
Ferengi Embassy
Poseidon Station


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