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What happened?

Posted on 02/21/2022 @ 9:14pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Civilian Teresita Harrington

2,752 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Cara's Quarters
Timeline: January 2 2397 1445

Cara was concerned about Neil's call to her. Angry eight year old? Just what happened with Tess? She stood outside of her quarters to wait for the little girl, her brow furrowed. What happened to get Tess so upset?

Tess came storming up the hall, as a few Security guards followed. "Commander," one of them nodded, "she told us she was coming to see you but nothing more. We didn't want to leave her alone, not," he gestured, "like this, Ma'am."

Tess folded her arms, "I don't need a dammed babysitter. I am almost nine years old." Her eyes were clearly puffy and red; her cheek still red and slightly swollen from where Neil had slapped her. Tess was clearly not in a good place right now. "I guess I am staying with you," she looked up at Cara, "my father is pawning off another one of his mistakes, I guess."

"Come on in, Tess." Cara opening the door, then she looked at security, "Thank you for seeing that she arrived safely." the security personnel nodded and left. When both she and Tess were inside Cara took a look at her cheek, showing concern. "Lets get something for your cheek. And you are not a mistake either and why would would your father be pawning you off?" placing a gentle hand upon her shoulder. "Why don't you have a seat right there."

Gently guiding Tess over to where a comfortable chair was at, "I've got some ointment that will take care of the pain there." going to get the jar then returning with another chair, which she pulled to be in front of Tess.

With a gentle and practiced hand, Cara applied the ointment, which was white, cool and soothing. "Now, tell me what happened." Cara had a sinking feeling that the one who slapped Tess might have been Neil. If she went by Neil's voice and what Tess had said.

Tess was a bundle of conflicted emotions as she begin to ramble, "they are all liars, every one of them. They lied about Adira, they lied Daddy's date, and they lied about..." she huffed, "and I got mad and I told him off." She looked at Cara, "he needed it, someone needed to tell him off." She stood up as she paced, "he wants a new family, fine, send me back to Earth at least my abuelos haven't lied to me, yet."

Tess looked at Cara, as she sat back down, rubbing her cheek. "It's my fault," she finally blurted out, "I told him he was just like his Dad and he slapped me. I never met his dad but I know enough about him. I knew it was a low blow and would push all the wrong buttons." She folded her arms as best as she could, "and you know what I don't care. He's a jerk..."

Cara breathed in deeply through her nose then let it out again. "Well, your dad shouldn't have slapped you, that was wrong. And it sounds like you've got a lot going on in your life. And why would he want a new family? You've got Charlie and Ari, and you even have Mikky." Cara stated. "Your father doesn't strike me as someone who wants to lose you or the others at all. Why don't you tell me what the particulars are? What has caused the storm of distress you are going through and what date did they lie about?"

"He's already moved on," Tess proudly exclaimed the next part, "and I already told Adira," she had a smug look on her face. "Daddy had someone spend the night and I had to find her hair... I mean what father thinks that is ... does he not thinking that someone would have." She huffed rather loudly, "What if Mikky had seen it, what then?"

Cara blinked, "Okay so... your dad slept with someone and the color of the hair was?" Cara was curious, if the color of hair wasn't the same color as Adira's ... She had suggested to him to go out on dates. And he was a grown man... This was certainly a bit of trouble, especially with kids Tess's age.

"So you told Adira about that, and then you scolded your father about what happened, as you were hoping that Adira and your father will get back together. And at the moment, it looks like that won't happen. There are times that people do make mistakes in their lives. And when there are lies involved it makes a big mess. Like for instance, Adira was pretending to be the other Adira, to be here for you and the babies. And yes lying wasn't a good thing."

"Her hair was red, bright red. Adira's hair is not red," Tess stated rather bluntly. " Lying is always bad, they should have told me. How can I ever trust them again?"

"Are they being truthful to you now?" Cara asked, while in the back of her mind she was trying to figure out who Neil may have slept with who had light red hair. And who he may have come in contact with. There is one redhead that came to her mind, and mentally Cara shook her head. There was no way but... could it have happened? She will investigate, but for now she had a little girl who needed comforting.

"Trust can be worked on and repaired, Tess. And granted that must have been the first time he has ever slapped you. I also believe it is the last time he will do so as well. And your father regrets that it happened. I know I would." Cara thinking of her own predicament.

"I have to regain some trust from someone I consider a sister. A couple of weeks ago she and I got into a terrible argument, and I got so angry because she pushed my buttons that I slapped her. I slapped her so hard, I left a handprint on her cheek." Cara looked at Tess directly. "I can tell you honestly that I regret that action I took, the fact that I slapped her. I don't know if she trusts me as much as before. I will have to find out and apologize for doing so, when I see her again. And as for your father, I am quite certain that he feels a lot of sorrow for his actions."

Tess folded her arms and wanted nothing more than to believe that wasn't true. If Daddy regretted his actions, then he shouldn't have done it. "He didn't seem too sorry for what he did," she replied. Tess looked at Cara, sheepishly, "will your friend forgive you?"

"I hope she will, we fight sometimes like sisters, she's just a few days older than me. Like three days older. She has forgiven me before when we fought. I've just not really been able to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. I feel she's not angry at me anymore but still wondering what happened. And when I can get with her sometime soon, I will be able to be very honest with her as to what happened. I didn't lie to her but I haven't told her either." Cara looked at Tess. "There are times when grown-ups don't know how to tell someone something that could be awful to tell. At times they lie, thinking they are protecting the ones they love."

"I think Daddy needs to stop worrying about hurting me and start focusing on what's important," she folded her arms. "I am not a little kid anymore, I know some things... and," she stressed the word, "I hear a lot of things. Daddy thinks he's helping but in reality, he's only trying to help himself by hiding things. He needs to start trusting people," she sighed, "he's not very good at that."

"He's had his trust broken quite a bit, Tess. And I think that it stems way back to when he was a child. A child should be able to trust a parent but at times a parent does something constantly to break that trust. Like when a parent is abusive, and there isn't any tenderness. It tends to make things difficult when a person gets older. Tess, I really don't think your father completely trusts himself and that can be a big problem too. He probably second-guesses himself quite a bit. He is still sad about losing your mother, it still hurts deep inside, and hopefully, he can come to terms with what happened, talk about it to someone. " Cara stated to Tess.

"You might be right," Tess replied. "He needs to talk to someone, someone who understands him."

"I intend on talking to your dad when he is willing and ready to do so. I think we are becoming friends, possibly." Cara giving a bit of smile. "Hopefully you will be able to forgive him for what he did."

"I might," Tess tried to act stubborn a trait she got from her father even if she couldn't admit it. "And that is good, he needs to talk to someone, he tries to keep this all internal," she looked confused as she tried to form the right words, "that's not good."

"No it isn't good at all. When he gets back, he and I will talk." Cara went quiet for a moment then she asked. "When he gets back will you be having a talk with him? What are you going to say when he gets home?"

"Rip his ass a new one," she suddenly blushed realizing what she blurted out. "I mean, tell him what's bothering me and we work it out?"

Cara outright laughed at Tess's first comment. "I can see the desire for doing such. The other, telling him how you feel is a better way. About all you can do, is have a discussion and forgive what has happened."

Tess sheepishly blushed, "don't tell Daddy what I said, I'll get in trouble."

"What we talked about tonight, is all confidential Tess. He won't know what you said, all he will know is that we talked. Sound good? It will not be lying, as you have spoken to a counselor. And I am under oath to not reveal something. Well, there is a time when I may have to say something about something serious but this isn't one of them. It is serious for you, yes, but, it isn't a life or death situation. Now I have a question for you, will it be okay for you if I stay at your place? I will be watching you and your siblings." and she held up a hand. "And before you ask me, Tess, I have to say, I can't tell you where your dad and Adira are going. All I can say is, they are going on an important mission together, as they are both needed. I am staying behind to take care of the station and you."

"Great another secret," Tess looked at Cara, "they seem to be contiguous around here. Secrets just multiplying out of nowhere." She stopped talking for a second, "Dad's never kept a mission from me, he always tells us something. But, he's in a bad mood and Adira won't talk about it.. and now you. What are you not telling me?" She folded her hand on her hips, "I am tired of the secrets, and things that no one is supposed to know about!"

"Tess, there are secrets that can't be revealed, no matter what. You are having me be involved in a secret right now. Not telling your father what you said earlier. Would you like me to tell him so that you two would get into another argument? Or do you want me to not say anything? Yes you are tired of secrets, I don't blame you. Did you want me to lie and say that your dad and Adira were really running away together? Or would you rather that I say truthfully that they are going on a very important mission, and I can't tell you where." Cara giving Tess a rather firm look.

Tess looked at Cara, for a few minutes, her stern face looking right into Cara's soul. "That's different and you know it. A minor slip doesn't equal lying to people you love about someone's death and cover up," she folded her arms. Tess wasn't backing down, a cuss word didn't equate to her father's massive cover up.

"Cover ups start small and snowball into something even bigger, Tess. And right now from my perception you are sitting in the judgement seat. Putting them on trial for lying and doing a coverup once again. Raking them over the coals. Does making them hurt more help to ease the pain you are feeling right now?"
Cara countered.

"In fact, what you are doing makes even more pain as you are continuing the cycle. The hurting needs to stop and someone needs to quit generating anymore. You maybe young in years Tess, but you also are old enough to know what you are doing. You want answers and you won't be able to get all the answers you think you deserve. That isn't how things work." Cara stated firmly. "Welcome to the big girl games, Tess. Where you will have to make decisions of will you allow yourself to become bitter and full of anguish and hatred? Or are you going to be someone who is going to be supportive, and grasp on things that will give out a ray of sunshine and hope?"

Tess folded her arms as she huffed once more, "I'm still not happy." She looked at Cara, "promise me he will come back alive!" She looked at her almost with pleading eye, "promise me!"

"I truly can't promise you that, Tess. If I did that would be a lie." Cara looking at her with compassion in her eyes. "I don't think you would want me to make you a hollow promise would you?"

Tess looked at Cara for a bit as she backed down just a bit, "only a small bit," she told herself. "I can see why Daddy likes you," she looked at her, "you don't hold anything back."

Cara chuckled, "Oh.. he likes me does he?" she said teasingly. "Funny I thought I made him nervous." giving a wink to Tess. "Well I have to say he likes me enough or let's say trusts me enough to let me watch over you and your siblings while he and Adira are gone. Which reminds me, I've got to pack up some things to go stay at your place."

"Can we bring George and Fred," Tess looked at her, "they don't like to be home alone? They will ruin things?"

"Tess, I am going to stay at your home, George and Fred will not be alone," Cara said with a smile. "I just need to get some clothing, my pajamas and my Teddy Bear, my favorite pillow, and my fuzzy slippers." Cara pulled out those items and put them in a duffle bag. "And can't forget my favorite blanket."

Tess let out a small giggle but attempted to hide it. She covered her mouth as she attempted to focus, "that's probably a good plan," she replied, "the little ones don't like to stay new places, so Mikky and the twins will like that." She smiled, "besides Fred doesn't like to be alone either, and I don't want him to worry about us. He sleeps with me at night after all, he'd get lonely."

Cara nodded, "Cats tend to do so. And I am glad you have Fred." giving a smile. Her bag packed with the things she would need, got some tea to take with her. It looked like she was ready to go. She walked over to where her brother's image was and placed a kiss on her hand and then placed it on the image's cheek. "I will see you later Elias, especially to water the roses. Can't let them get wilted."

Turning to Tess, "Okay let's get going. We need to drop this off, then go pick up the others and get me settled in. Sound good?" Cara slung the duffle bag over her shoulder then held out her hand towards Tess. "Shall we?"

"Let's," Tess replied as the two took off down the corridor to her place.

Teresita "Tess" Harrington
Staff Child

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor


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