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Redheads, Honor & Diplomats Oh My....

Posted on 02/20/2022 @ 9:43pm by Ensign Rugasi Kiyo & Commander Raphael Mattix & Major Tsinira Vishti

3,265 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Chief Diplomats Office
Timeline: MD 01: 1100

The IKS Chal Qul docked at Poseidon Station. Tsinira looked about and saw station security. " I am Ambassador Vishti, Ambassador Mattix is expecting me, take me there. " She turned to her staff. " Kreven you will come with me. " Tsinira stated. " Yes my lady. " Responded Kreven. " The rest of you prepare my things to be moved to my quarters and diplomatic office. ' She turned and followed security to the diplomatic offices.

Tsinira arrived at the outer office of Chief Ambassador Mattix. " I am Ambassador Vishti, Ambassador Mattix is expecting me. Get him. " she said in a neutral tone.

Kiyo set down the PADD she was making notes from, when the red headed Klingon sailed in. She rose from the desk, "Ambassador Vishti, welcome to SB50 if you will please wait I will see if he is finished with his call. May I offer you something while you are waiting, and would you care to have a seat?" the bajoran diplomatic aide taking in the woman's stance. "It won't be long, Ambassador."

Kiyo sent a message to Mattix, Sir, Ambassador Vishti has arrived, are you finished with your call? Kiyo wasn't going to be letting the Ambassador beyond the outer office until he was actually free. She then said with a smile. "Can I get you a drink?"

" Klingon bloodwine is acceptable, as long as it's not that replicated federation swill. If you don't have that then Japanese matcha tea would be fine, lightly whisked . "

"We have both, Ambassador. And the bloodwine is real, not replicated." Kiyo said pleasantly. She looked over towards the Ambassador's escort, noting the solid build and the wary stance the male had. He definitely seemed primed for trouble. She also noted the battle scars on the Ambassador, including the red hair. Red the color of blood was what Kiyo thought to herself.

Kiyo retrieved the blood wine, and poured it into a tankard meant for such a purpose, it being Klingon in design. She brought it over to the Ambassador, then glanced over towards who she figured was the bodyguard, then back to Ambassador Vishti. It was her call for him to have something to drink or not. "I do hope that your travels to here was pleasant enough."

Tsinira took a sip of the bloodwine and then smiled. " I would say this is a 2360 vintage, A good year for bloodwine. My compliments to Ambassador Mattix, he has good knowledge and taste in bloodwine. As for my trip here, it was long. I had two days to pack what I could and come directly out here. More of my gear will be arriving from my San Francisco ambassadors house within the next week, you'll let me know when it arrives of course, won't you? "

" I was getting used to living on Earth, I was learning the Japanese tea ceremony before coming here. The Japanese are a good and honorable people, and come from a fine warrior culture and that is something I admire. "

Kiyo remarked, "A notice will be sent to you, when the rest of the gear arrives, Ambassador." the diplomat's aide giving a nod.

" That would be acceptable. " Tsinira stated. " Oh, by the way. Could you tell me if there are any members of house Duras currently on the station? I have some business I need to conduct with them. " She looked to Kiyo. Would it be permissible for Kreven to get himself a serving of Warnog? " She asked.

" Lady Vishti.. Would that be wise? " Kreven protested.

" Do you think they're going to poison a diplomat and her bodyguard? What would they gain from it? They're not Romulans, By the Komerex Kreven!! You're the most uptight Klingon I've ever known. "

Kiyo raised an eyebrow at the interaction between Vishti and her bodyguard. Then decided to answer the Ambassador's other question. "I cannot answer that question Ambassador, as to the Duras family." nor did Kiyo feel it was right anyway.

Tsinira turned her attention back to Kiyo. " No? " She shrugged. " It is of little importance. Just a minor transaction, but it can wait. She said smiling sweetly. " It will be nice when Ambassador Mattix is finished with his call, I take it He'll be the one showing me my embassy suite? "

Raphael had finally finished with the call, he took a nip of whiskey from his desk as it had been a rather frustrating call and he was just taking a minute to refocus his mind. When he finally came to the idea that he could no longer keep the ambassador waiting, he headed up to his door and opened it.

"Welcome Major Vishti. I am ready for you to join me in my office."

Tsinira picked up the nearly full tankard of blood wine and brought it with her. " Kreven , stay and enjoy a Warnog while the ambassador and I talk, You need not fear for my safety. "

" I don't fear for your safety Lady Vishti. " Stated Kreven, As he pointed to Mattix. " I fear for HIS safety!! " Kreven paused. " The last man who tried to touch you in an inappropriate manner was made a eunuch by your hand Lady Vishti. "

"Don't worry, I like a woman who knows how to use a knife," Raphael said to the other Klingon, smirking at him. "I can assure you there is no safer place on this station."

Tsinira smiled sweetly as she entered the ambassadors office. "Thank you for your time Ambassador Mattix. " As she sat in a nearby chair and sipped her blood wine. " So what shall we talk about ? "

Once the door was closed he headed around to the small bar he had and poured himself a small glass of bourbon, before moving around to the sitting area and sat down on the couch across from Vishti.

"There are a great many topics to discuss. I was surprised the Klingons wanted to send an ambassador here, we're a smaller station," Raphael commented. "Have you had a chance to see the facility we set aside for you?"

" As you know by now, I was recently the Ambassador to Earth and have been for the past four years. Whatever the reason high council seemed to believe was so urgent, that they pulled me from that station and brought me here in under a week, with no explanation. "

Tsinira thought briefly. "Perhaps your people might have heard of something stirring out in this direction? Or perhaps it's another attempted assassination." She shrugged her shoulders. To answer your question, No I have not seen the facility as of yet or my quarters. Now I have a question for you, Is there berthing space for my ship the Chal Qul? It is but a small bird of prey that I came with my bodyguards and domestic staff. "

"I can help make sure the Chal Qul gets a permanent birth while you are stationed here. Once we're finished here, I'll make sure someone takes you down and gives you a tour so you can let station operations know if you need any modifications," Raphael said with a nod. "Now, to answer your question is things that are stirring, you'll have to be more specific. There are always things stirring on a space station like this."

Tsinira inclined her head slightly. " Thank you for the berthing privileges, And a guide to show us the facility's is most gracious. Now what I meant by something stirring, Is there anything thatcould be considered a threat to the interest of the Federation, The Empire or The Alliance? "

Tsinira watched Mattix face for any hint of what it might be, but saw none that she could read from his expression. " Now a couple of nuggets of information for you, about me. " She paused for effect. " My husband was General Vishti. He died in battle during the Dominion War and died an honorable death. " She stated with pride in her voice. " This next fact I will tell you because you deserve to know. Before I married, I was of House K'mpec. " She let it sink in for a for moments. " That's right, My uncle was Chancellor K'mpec. The same one that your Captain Picard assisted, And that means I have some enemies. The House of Duras is first and foremost. "

"My Lady Vishti, I am a diplomat," Raphael's face was neutral, he wasn't going to give her anything. "I can assure you, that if there was something of that scale brewing, I likely would be in talks with those that had intended to threaten any of us and I am not. I'm familiar with the broad strokes of Chancellor K'mpec and the house of Duras. As for myself, I have been in Starfleet for a long time, I even served in the Dominion war. I commanded a much smaller station than this one for a time before moving into the diplomatic core."

" It doesn't surprise me that you were a warrior Ambassador Mattix. You have the spirit of a warrior and the fire in your heart and eyes. I also have seen combat, I served as a gunner aboard a ship and fought with my husbands unit during the war. i was with him when he died, and it was a glorious death. Surrounded by fallen Jem Hadr, and his last words to me etched into my heart and mind forever. enough of that for now. I wanted to tell you of my enemies, because I felt you had the right to know and for the honor and respect I hold for Captain Picard and for the honor he has done for our house. This is why I told you. " She stated plainly.

"I appreciate the honesty, please take no offence but it means you're not much of a diplomat by Federation standards," Raphael said with a half smirk. "If I catch any information on the house of Duras, I'll make sure you are kept in the loop. As for me, I was in security during the war and saw a lot of up front fighting. I stood with many Klingons during the fighting."

Tsinira shrugged. "No offense taken. I care not what standards the federation has for their diplomats. My duties serve my people well, That and I thank you for in advance for agreeing to keep me in the loop where house Duras in concerned."

"They're usually quite stuffy and boring on the surface and usually are sneaky as hell," Raphael grunted. "I don't plan on being any of that, so I may not make a good Federation diplomat myself. As far as your needs, please let me know. I am happy to make sure you are settled."

" Good, I like a man be straight forward in his speaking and actions, Nor can I imagine you being sneaky, unless it is to stealth up upon your enemy. " She sipped a bit more at her Blood wine. " I may have a few items for your operations officer to take care of, My personal quarters are on the dry side and I would like for him to increase the Humidity to a more comfortable level. " She paused and grinned. " So you'd be happy to see me settled? Is that your way of asking me out to dinner or showing me around the station at a later date? "

Raphael couldn't help but grin slyly, "It is my way of offering whatever help you need, if that means dinner I am more than happy to enjoy a meal with such a violently beautiful woman. Traditional Klingon or something that would be more exotic for you?"

Tsinira gave a slight smile and nodded in approval. "I have had plenty of Terran cuisine while stationed on Earth. That and I'm quite a decent cook myself, my family never complained. My specialties are braised heart of Targ and Rokeg Blood pie. But I am curious what you would consider to be exotic? Perhaps it might be something I haven't tried as of yet."

"I'm a simple man Lady Vishti, the fanciest I get is usually a good steak and a good glass of bourbon but there are a couple of fine dining establishments on the station. Elements would be my choice, but I'm an old friend of the owner."

Tsinira smiled. " There is nothing wrong with enjoying something simple, in fact they are some of the best things one can find in life. When I was stationed on earth, there was a hotel called the embassy. They had a steak and egg breakfast that is first rate. Paired with a glass of Vadaros Warnog it made for a satisfying meal. Since you've fought side by side with klingons and served with them, I don't have to tell you that warnog is klingon beer as the terrans would call it. Just with a lot more kick to it. " She gave mattix a side glance. " I prefer a good steak to be cooked in what you'd call either Blue or Blood Rare. That way it is still tender, juicy and full of flavor. " She paused briefly. " Oh and one more thing. Since we're going to be working together for awhile, when we're engaged in non official duties you may call me Tsinira. "

"Tsinira," Mattix replied with a nod. "I've had both Warnog and blood wine in my time, you can call me human for it but I'd much rather bourbon but there are some good blood wine vintages. When would be a good evening for us to have a dinner?"

" I would say in two days would be fine. I'd like to spend some time getting to know the station and doing some exploring. Only a fool doesn't take the time to get to know they're surroundings and the lay of the land and tends to put oneself at a disadvantage. and on the subject on beverages, I've had several fine bourbons in my time. But the drink frim earth that I like the most is Sake. I like the warmth and how it compliments the food it is paired with. "

"Perfect, I will put something on the schedule to make it easier for both of us to remember. I am glad to have you on board the station Tsinira," Raphael said with a nod. "If there is nothing else, I am sure you'd like to be on your way."

" Don't worry, I'll remember. " Said Tsinira with a smile. " I am looking forward to getting to know the station and it's people, and thank you for the hospitality, you've been a most charming host. Now if you'll excuse me there are other task I must attend to. " She got up and walked to the door. " Kreven, we're leaving! Attend to me. " Kreven nodded in the direction of Mattix. " As you wish Lady Vishti. " With that , the pair departed the ambassadors office and returned to the Klingon embassy.

Out in the waiting area

Kiyo looked at Kreven, after handing him a warnog. "I think that you should not be worried about Commander Mattix, he is a smart man and why would you think he would be accosting Ambassador Vishti? I actually thought that was... a bad assumption where Ambassador Vishti were concerned as well as towards Commander Mattix." She turned to go back to her desk. " I do understand that you were trying to be polite and give fair warning but, trust Ambassador Vishti, like I trust Commander Mattix. After all they are diplomats and do know how to negotiate and keep harmony."

Kreven looked at Kiyo coolly. " It is not a surprise that my statement was taken out of content and misquoted. " He said dispassionately. " I stated that the last man who tried to touch her in a inappropriate manner was made a eunuch by her hand. It was a polite warning from one warrior to another that she is also a warrior and has known combat and death. " He slowly poured the warnog out onto the floor and set the glass on the table. " Did you not think that I wouldn't have researched Ambassador Mattix and briefed Lady Vishti on the matter? We are not fools. " He said coldly.

Kiyo watched as Kreven poured the drink onto the floor, then looked at him stating rather calmly, "I was not insulting you nor the Ambassador and yes you would have researched where she would be going. After all that is part of your job and I do acknowledge that you were giving him warning. I was merely stating, which was taken out of context as well, that the warning needn't to have been stated. However before we continue sparring with words, let us acknowledge that we both have a great amount of respect for those whom we serve. And may I provide you another glass of Warnog?"

" Actually the warning was needed and part of my duty. I did it out of respect for him AS a warrior. He fought and served with honor with Klingon warriors during the dominion war. It seems that you do not understand klingons very well. "

Kreven laughed. " You think I merely have respect for Lady Vishti? She fought while her husband was killed in front of her, She fought on until the last Jem Hadr had fallen and carried my broken form back to the ship. I am alive today because of her and owe a debt I can never repay. Nor will I be accused of trying to covet my cousins wife. "

His last statement made her eyebrow quirk up, and she would state in Klingon "I would not accuse you of such." There was a spark of fire in her eyes. "I will still see your respect and you are someone with a great deal of honor. You have shown yourself to be that. You have a debt that one can not pay in this lifetime, except with your own life. I do understand what a life debt is." Kiyo replied.

" For Lady Vishti I would die a thousand times if I could. And from what I've read on Commander Mattix by other Klingons during the dominion war from what I've found. I would not hesitate to fight beside him, but why do you object when I show respect to him? He deserves respect the same as Lady Vishti. I have not dealt with many Bjorians, So perhaps I don't understand your mind set. But then again, I'm not a diplomat nor do I pretend to be. "

Kiyo thought over her previous words, a blush rose in her cheeks, "Kreven, I apologize for how I stated things. I had felt you had insulted Commander Mattix, but by your explanation, it showed me the truth of the matter and I value that. Thank you." She looked once more at the now wet patch of carpet gave a mental sigh. Kiyo then proceeded to go get some towels from the supply closet and placed them on that area.

Kreven nodded. "Then we have an understanding of one another then? Misunderstanding has been abated and nothing further need be said about it." said Kreven in a neutral tone, which was far better than it was before.

Kiyo gave a nod looking into Kreven's eyes. "Agreed, like you said, the matter is now closed." Another step on the towels, she left them there to go back to her desk. She will most definitely be needing to clean that up a little bit later.

Lt Commander Raphael Mattix
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Poseidon Station

Major Tsinira Vishti
Klingon Ambassador
NPC:T'ra Navassa

Ensign Kiyo Rugasi [ Letsul ]
Bajoran Female
Diplomat's Aide


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