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Yet another Marine

Posted on 03/23/2022 @ 6:22pm by Commander Kodre Vedan & 1st Lieutenant Baaru Ixalia
Edited on on 03/27/2022 @ 12:54pm

886 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Medical Clinic
Timeline: MD002 - 1300 Hours


Standing on one of the stations many turbolifts, Ixalia was making her way to sickbay, or what the stations computer called the Medical Clinic. She guessed the difference in names was due to the size of the station compared to a starship so sickbay had to be bigger as well.

Feeling the lift begin to slow, Ixalia took a deep breath as the lift came to a holt and the doors opened onto one of the busier parts of the station. It reminded her a little of Deep Space 9, though a lot less Cardassian in design.

Following the map she’d downloaded from the computer, Ixalia made her way through the crowd to the medical clinic.

The receptionist saw the new person walked in, and after asking a couple of questions she directed the 1st Lt. to one of the bio beds. She signaled the doctor that there was a walk in waiting for him.

Kodre came out of his office, having been grateful for a fairly quiet day between appointments, but duty calls! He approached the new officer with a bright smile. "Hi! Dr. Kodre, what brings you in today?"

As the doctor approached her, Ixalia noticed the rank on his collar and immediately snapped to attention, “Sir, 1st Lieutenant Baaru Ixalia reporting for the required transfer medical check” she said as she stood next to the biobed as if she was in her barracks during inspection.

"Er... Uh...." Kodre stammered as he looked over the woman. "At ease?" he said. "Look, I'm your doctor, not a ranking officer right now. In this room talk to me like we're both civilians. If I need to give you an order, I'll tell you its an order. got it?" he asked.

Ixalia did her best to keep herself from smiling but a light grin managed to sneak onto her face, “is that an order sir?” She asked as a smart arse remark.

Kodre stared at her for a moment before he bust out laughing. "Oh Hell yes it is!" he said. "So relax your ass before I write you up and report it to your CIC!" he said folding his arms at her.

“Yes sir” Ixalia replied before relaxing her stance, “so what do you need me to do?”

"Alright, hop on up on the bio bed, lay down and lets get a scan of you. Give me a brief idea of your medical history, major events, concerns, how you've been feeling recently..." he said as he started to pull up her chart on the wall and telling the system to prepare for certain scans.

Giving a shrug, Ixalia unzipped her uniform jacket and slipped it off to reveal a sports bra instead of the standard under shirt. Placing her jacket to one side, she hopped up onto the biobed and laid down as instructed, “so, medical history. Three broken ribs, one on my left and two on my right, broken left wrist, broken nose and currently I’m feeling fit and ready”

Kodre looked the woman over. Though he was a doctor, he still appreciated the feminine form. He let out a breath through his nose, switching his mind to a professional state. "How long ago were these breaks?" he asked as he switched on the full body scanner and stepped back to watch the screen for results as it began to layer her body in a holographic image above her actual body, allowing him to see inside.

taking a deep breath, Ixalia thought back, "well....anywhere between 5 years and 2 months. I can't remember exactly. Shouldn't Starfleet have my medical history?"

He chuckled, "Yes, and If this had been an appointment rather than a walk-in I would have had time to review said file and be prepared." he chided her a bit. "Well I'm not seeing any signs of the injuries not healing well. Thats the goodnews." he commented on. "Any concerns with your upcoming duties I need to be prepared for? Any need for physical therapy to strengthen you up in any way needed?"

“I don’t think so, as I’m sure you can tell I’m in pretty good shape” Ixalia replied, looking over at the doctor, “I may pop in every so often for some minor repairs but nothing major”

"Minor repairs! Thats what I'm all about!" Kodre grinned at her and looked up when the scanner beeped indicating it was finished with the scan. "I've got a digital copy of you now too, so if I need a reference point for those minor repairs." he tried to joke. He offered his hand to help her sit up on the biobed. "I'd say I can clear you for duty."

Taking the offered hand, Ixalia sat up on the bed and looked to Kodre, “don’t get too excited, it’ll only be scratches and bruises”

"Awww don't make my life too easy Ixalia." Kodre smirked at her. "If you need anything. You know where to find me." he said as he backed away and started to add his final notes to her file, giving the clearance for duty.

“Thanks doc, I look forward to my next visit” Ixalia replied before she hopped off the biobed, grabbed her jacket and headed out of sickbay.


1st Lieutenant Baaru Ixalia
Recon Marine



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