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New Horizons

Posted on 02/26/2022 @ 7:58pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Zaos Orihana

3,666 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Various Locations, Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD002 1300, January 4th 2397

Zaos watched as the station got closer. It was a marvel of Cardassian design but still there were some that viewed it as garish and unwelcoming. The planet below, Aquil, shone like a bright jewel of the system and it was a planet he was yet to visit 600 years of life.

His shuttle docked with a little bump and his large frame rose from his chair. He waved off the fussing of his aides, he didn't like to bring anyone really but Chairman Hopki insisted, so there he was on a Starfleet ran, Cardassian built station.

Zaos was a military commander in the El Aurian Exploratory Force was hundreds of years but turned to religion after The Exodus of his world. He sought comfort in it and changed careers, and now his new world is ready to come out to others.

Starfleet, and Federation, were on the top of their list and Zaos was seen as the best candidate as Ambassador to usher them into new Horizons.

Cara was at the docking ring where the ambassador would be arriving, she had just gotten word that he would be arriving and had to walk at a rather fast pace to be there. She smoothed down her hair, as best as she could before the docking ring opened. And she did her best to not gawk when he stepped through.

She felt rather small compared to his height, he was tall and broad shouldered. She recovered quickly, and spoke "Welcome to SB 50 Ambassador Orihana." a pleasant smile of greeting on her face, and a twinkle in her eyes. "I am Commander Cara Letsul."

He found himself having to duck a little as he left the docking corridor as the large door wheeled from his view. He felt quite claustrophobic in there but he hadn't let it show.

As Zaos stepped down he heard an almost angelic voice speak to him. He looked down to find a Starfleet Officer with dark hair and deep dark brown eyes. He smirked as he had been told his arrival was not to be broadcast just yet but it did not surprise him that the Council changed their minds without telling him.

"Thank you, Commander." he said inhaling deeply the air of his new surroundings. "I was not expecting a greeting from Starfleet so quickly. I usually like to be more discreet." he said laughing softly and gesturing to his large frame. "But that is not as easy as I would like."

"They barely let me know just minutes before you arrived, I had to make a dash to get here to greet you." Cara giving a light laugh, "I barely had time to smooth down my hair." there were still some errant strands that simply refused to cooperate. A strand had escaped the pony tail she had her hair in, softly curling down just in front of her ear. "You almost got away with discreetly arriving. I wouldn't have known until afterwards."

"Yes, I have the same problem." Zaos replied rubbing his right hand over the top of his bald head. "But you could have came to me with you hair touching the pylons and it still would have been a beautiful hello." he added giving her his attention once more as she explained he almost got away unseen. "Well I have to know who leaked my plans. I had at least an hour planned for exploring before someone found me."

She smiled at his compliment, then Cara took a look at her own uniform. "At the moment I would be considered a... look he is over here and is someone important! I could leave you to explore for an hour then catch up with you?"

"Not at all, Tolan has pushed us together now and we must see where the path takes us." Zaos said referring to one of the Gods of his people. He then gestured forward, the robes he wore stretching to fit his arms. He swore they made it a size smaller out of spite, or at the very least in the hope he would burst from it. "I see your station as a diverse population." he stated as they began to walk.

"Yes this station definitely has its variety of races here. Each with their unique ways of living. I worked amongst them before I became part of the command staff." Cara remarked. "There are good people, there are those who do not act kindly to others." the commander commented. She walked backwards as they walked, "Where would you like to go to? The Arboretum? Or to an observation area to look at the beautiful planet we are above? Or to the Promenade where a good amount of the populace come to interact and go about their everyday lives?"

"You worked amongst the civilian populace and then became part of the command staff?" Zaos asked as they moved forward. "Does Starfleet usually promote from their promenade floor?" he added.

Cara shook her head, "No, I was on sabbatical and working to find my way back to my own path and my destiny. Some things had happened and I made the decision to come off sabbatical and invariably became part of the command team.

"I see." he replied as someone ran out of a shop barging into him, and near bouncing off. Zaos grabbed the smaller man by his jacket, his feet rising off the floor for a moment. "I would suggest you put that back, accidents befall on those who perform ill deeds." The man stared at him for a moment and placed what he had taken on the table next to them. "Wise choice." he said letting him go to scurry back into what ever hole he'd came from.

"Yes, it seems that everywhere you go there is a dark element at work." Zaos said dusting off his hands. "I am keen to see how people here interact, I have been planet side for a while now and sometimes dealing with purely ones own people can revitalise a need to see others interact."

Cara nodded, "Hence the reason why I came here to rediscover who I am. I even requested my rank to be lowered, before I took up the mantle of being a part of a command team and going back to my first profession as a counselor. Where I can help heal people's minds and bring them happiness." Cara stated.

"It takes someone very wise to take a look at themselves and take a step back. To reinvent, to look inward and see you are not being who you are meant to be is no easy task to rectify." Zaos said as he remembered his past.

They were passing a bar and were waved inside. He told his aides to leave him and for a moment then looked lost, without purpose. Zaos gave them some currency and told them to go find something to put a smile on their face.

"I understand the need to change." he said sitting down at the table as Cara did so in front of him. "I was in charge of El Auria's exploratory division for hundreds of years before The Exodus. That event caused me to shift focus, and I became a follower of Tolan, he is the God of Time and Fate on my world. I believe Humans would say I 'found God' after a tragedy." he said placing his large forearms on the table and waited for someone to come take an order.

"That tends to happen, me, I used to be an admiral, ran a station after those who had served with me had left for their continuation of life. I tried to leave but was requested to stay as they needed me, and I saw that was true, years passed and I became unhappy. It was time to go."

A server came over to get their orders. Cara paused to check the time, she was still on duty, so no alcohol for her. "I'd like an ice tea non alcoholic please."

The server looked at Zaos for his order.

Zaos smiled at the server, "Just a water for me." He only really drank alcohol on special occasions. He liked to take care of his body, mind and soul, and he found alcohol to hurt all 3.

"I think what you do now suits you." Zaos offered. "I mean I don't know you well but you carry yourself with someone who seems happy, if not happier. There is a glow around you, gives off the impression of a warm heart, an open mind and of a caring individual."

"Thank you, I feel it suits me as well. And I am happier, this place feels like home and that is a good thing." Cara stated with a soft smile. "I even found a family member."

The server returns with the beverages, and then left to take care of others that were there.

"It almost seems that this station had a pull towards it, offering second chances a way to a new life, new horizons." Cara added before taking a drink of her iced tea.

"Speaking of family, I am keen to know of how Aer Feshau is doing here. She is my kin of sorts, her father asked me to watch over all his children should anything happen to him. I believe Humans call that a Godparent..." Zaos enquired.

Cara smiled at the mention of Aer. "She is doing well as far as I know. She is engaged to be married and has found a love that seems to be good for her. Plus she and I, along with others have become or are becoming friends."

"That's nice to hear. Of all the Feshau's she is the most sensitive, so I have worried about her more than the rest." Zaos replied then took a drink of his water. "She has more of a gift in regards to our time perception and I often thought her father would have kept her close for that very reason. Looks like Crailo is losing his touch." he said with a grin.

"She came here for freedom, I guess. I've not met her father, so have no clue as to what he is like. I am feeling curious about her family, what are they like? Also I do have interests in the El Aurian culture as well. I have had more interactions with El Aurians here on this station than I have before. And I have found that I have had a couple of encounters but didn't know they were Listeners. It is interesting to contemplate on different encounters I've had in the past." Cara swirling her ice tea to hear the clink of the ice in the glass.

"You got it right though. Crailo is a suffocating and controlling individual who would use family for personal gain and glory. I can say this because he is my friend of many centuries. He hasn't changed..." Zaos sighed. "However, the Feshau's truly are an impressive family with a wide range of skills within." He added taking a look at the vibrations in his water. For a moment you he looked around and saw a large Nausican walk by and nodded to himself that he must have been the cause.

"As for my people, you can ask away. I am 601 so have a lot of history from the old world to the new, Kaitos, one of the reasons I am here. We are a colourful people with a rich history and I do love sharing it with those that are interested in it." Zaos had to admit he found Cara's interest pleasing. "As for previous encounters I can only hope they were positive. There are people who use our listening ability for their own gain and pleasure. I cannot abide selfish arrogant people like that. Our pheromone is not a toy or party trick."

"The ones I have had more contact with are Aer and also Thorrin. From talking with Thorrin, a memory had surfaced to my mind, about my having had met another El Aurian who had taken on a personae of a Vampire in New Orleans. I really thought he was but when talking to Thorrin, he thought the man was El Aurian."

"It is possible. I know of some El Aurians that took up places of residence on many worlds. It would have been a bit easier on Earth as we look near identical to them and there are many fairy tales that end up being not too far from the truth. Take for instance Earth's fables of an Elven race, and no not the Vulcans. The Elven race is a loosely based mock up of how El Auria was so I do believe it must have came from my people who stayed on Earth and wrote of home in some fictitious way to bring a little of El Auria to them. Aside from the pointed ears, we were embedded with nature in most places, we believe in the magic of Gods & Goddesses, we try to follow a path of enlightenment and patience. Quite funny actually I have read Lord of the Rings, a book series by J. R. R. Tolkien, and I have a cousin called Legolas." he chuckled to himself. "Of course I am not saying we are responsible for the fable of Vampires..."

Cara smiled, "No I never thought that but, just the fact that he decided to have some fun and help to continue the legends." taking a drink from her glass. "Joshua York, he was rather handsome with longish white hair, it barely brushing the top of his shoulders. He was dressed in old style clothing." a distant look appeared in her eyes as she thought about Joshua. "I wondered what happened to him, if he is still in New Orleans. We had dinner together, had a few drinks and talked the night away. Then we parted ways before the light of the new day touched the sky."

"Nothing wrong with harmless fun as long as it doesn't involve the cannibalism of other species." he said raising a glass the a fake toast. Sometimes his sense of humour could use some work. "It is not a name I recognise but it does sound more Human than our own, probably an alias." Zaos reasoned. "I am sure he is still there, could check most likely. It is much harder to disappear on Earth than it used to be." he commented. "Although it does sound like a nice evening. Drinks and talking with a beautiful woman have always been a weakness for me."

Cara gave a nod towards him raising her glass. "It is asked at times where counselors are concerned, who counsels the counselors? That question can also be asked, Who listens to the listeners? Someone out there, is there to do so. Everyone needs a listening ear from time to time. And apparently he and I needed someone to listen to us." Cara replied with a gentle smile. "I think I will see if he is around or if he's changed his name, or not. Its been almost 20 years since I've been to New Orleans."

"Cant hurt to look." Zaos replied. "My guess is that he is probably still there in some fashion. New Orleans, or what I have heard of it, seems to be a place filled with mysticism. I wouldn't be surprised if he was still there with the same name. After all, what's 20 years to an undying creature of the night?" he asked rhetorically.

There was a clatter behind him that caused Zaos to look over his shoulder. Thankfully it was nothing but a server being clumsy and dropping his tray of empty glasses.

"Tell me though, Commander, have you ever heard of a world called Kaitos?" he asked. He had hoped not but there were some of his people that were not as tight lipped as the Council wished.

Cara gave a slight jump at that clattering, then tilted her head slightly, her brow crinkling up. "I have not heard of a world called Kaitos, is this a newly discovered planet? Truth be told I am a bit behind in reading about the newly discovered planets out there in this system. I've been reading a lot to catch up on things here."
She took another drink of her tea, then stated, "You are right, he may still be there in New Orleans."

"In a sense it will be, for everyone else." Zaos replied rather cryptically. He thumbed open a version of a PaDD and slid it over to Cara. It opened up to reveal an image of a planet very similar to Earth, if not bigger and with less ocean coverage. The poles were large, covered in snow and continents almost shone with a vibrancy of colour. "This is Kaitos. My people discovered it in 2345 and have been colonising it for the past 52 years. We have kept it hidden using our phase technology for this long as many of my people feared coming out of the shadows and revealing ourselves. The fear of losing another planet holds a great many of my people still." he added as the image panned out to show the rest of the system. The 4 moons of the Kaitos, then 6 other planets in the system before resting on the two suns that give the system life.

"That is absolutely beautiful." her voice low and reverent. "I don't blame you for keeping it undercover and hidden away like a precious gem." She knew of the devastation of the El Aurian world. She remembered the havoc that had been wrought upon Earth due to the Breen attack. And the battle of Wolf 359, that was why and how she was able to get into Star Fleet at the young age of 16.

"I am glad you were able to keep it hidden." Cara replied. Her hand reaching out towards the image.

"As am I, but that time has passed." he said acting a little more official and serious. "I have been pressing the Council now for many years that we need to be a part of the community here. Hiding away, being xenophobic will only lead us down a path to destruction but this time from within. Chairman Hopki can be a cantankerous old man, but I swayed the vote my way and well, here I am. I suppose I am speaking to you for many reasons, most of which is I find your company quite enjoyable and you actually like to hear what I say..." Zaos thought back to the women on his world that hung on his every word, but they were more of his 'followers' than people he would want to know. There was an attraction to Cara but he knew better than to openly admit such on a first meeting. "But officially I am here to start our journey in joining the Federation and gaining an embassy on board this station." he left that last part hanging.

"I do know the Chief Diplomat, and he's a straightforward man, and a good one at that." she looked away from the image Zaos had put up to look into his eyes. "Zaos, I do like hearing what you say. You have wisdom from the various paths you travelled upon in your lifetime." a warm genuine smile. "And I do find your company enjoyable as well."

"Yes, I have heard of Lt. Commander Mattix and I appreciate a straightforward person. This is what the majority of my people now want and it is their wish that I am the person to do so." Zaos replied with a hint of pride. "Well thank you, you are certainly a bright spot in the dark and dreary galaxy and I have enjoyed meeting you greatly." he said with a small head nod. "As for wisdom, well... I think anyone who lives as long as we do can be mistaken for wise. I am simply a man of experience with the need to push my people forward."

"Wisdom comes from the knowledge a person gains during their life's journey. A much more prized possession, at least in my mind. One can have a great amount of intelligence but if they do not have the wisdom, the experience to balance things out then, what good is it?" Cara replied. She drank a bit more of her ice tea. "I am very glad I came to greet you."

"It seems you have a few hundred years stored in you somewhere too, Commander." Zaos said with a smirk. "I am very glad you were the one to greet me as well." he said rising from his chair. "It has been truly a highlight, one we should do again if you care to."

Cara laughed, also rising from her chair. "Sometimes I feel older than what I actually am. And I would love to have another conversation with you." the last drink of her tea, she then says. " As it seems our first conversation is at an end, I will bid you adieu and I am sure you'll be able to find your way to the main Diplomatic office. Won't be difficult for you to find. A pleasure, Ambassador Orihana. Its funny, your name almost sounds like the word, Ohana, which means Family in the language of the islands back on Earth."

"Well I suppose I am very well named then. Family means everything to me and that is what my people are, my very large and extended family." Zaos spoke. "Now all I need to do is help us join a bigger family and we can protect each other. After all, an island alone is a single link where as multiple islands together form a chain stronger than anything. Side by side against strong winds and stormy waters." she smiled. "Until next time, Cara."

Zaos Orihana
El Aurian Ambassador

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor


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