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Strange News

Posted on 03/01/2022 @ 3:35pm by Captain Cara Letsul

591 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Temporarily at Harrington's Quarters
Timeline: MD1 2100


With Adira and Neil's children sound asleep and the pets also quietly sleeping, Cara took a few moments to catch up on news on the station. There were things that she would miss and so she checked the newsfeeds off and on. A story caught her eyes and she had to find out just what this was about.

Cara watched:


The Headline screamed out, "Dates gone wrong."

Bertram Hunter was the one to give the news, along with his cohost, Alice Constance. "Have you ever gone on a date, a first date and it going horribly wrong? Many of our viewers out there have turned in their own stories, as to mishaps and strange first dates. Sometimes there is a second date or more, other times there is only just the one. Our story tonight deals with two ladies who had horrid first dates. Don't quite know what happened but, this is the story. Alice would you like to take this one as you were around this event." The dark haired host stated.

Alice picked up the story. "Yes Bertram, I was at one of the local dance clubs and two women who were with their dates, were dancing when something happened to their skin. It was at first a subtle change then, bam, their skin turned an awful shade of yellow! It caused quite the panic the skin all mottled and horrible looking. The dance club had to be shut down until they could determine if that was an unknown disease that the two women had and if it were contagious! It was found out that they were not contagious and that the terrible condition of their skin was only temporary. Well it lasted for about a week, they had to be quarantined. Just in case."

Bertram looked at Alice, "I was told that you had images of the condition of their skin and what they were dressed in."

"Yes indeed I do have images of their humiliation as they termed it. They were not happy that their good time was ruined. I have it on good authority that these two women have been the sort to break hearts just for a fun game as what was said from anonymous sources. Guess you can say that karma gave them the slap down." Alice stated. "Don't know if they will continue on here, but they will probably be the laughing stock for a little bit, depending on the social circles they travel in. I had heard from those who had gone on several dates with these two women, and I will not reveal my sources but safe to say is that those who knew the two women felt that they got their just desserts. All feeling rather vindicated with the payback, that has happened."

Bertram looked at Alice then said to the audience. "Well several lessons that can be learned from here, is be nice don't treat others like a toy. Two: You reap what you sow. So be good to each other out there and make your life a better place to be at."

Cara didn't quite know what to make of this news story could it have been deemed amusing? She wasn't certain about it, but it seemed somehow someone's karma did come to collect its dues. Giving a yawn she closed down the viewscreen, checked once more on the kids she was taking care of and then climbed into bed with her teddy bear and wrapped up in her blanket.



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