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Another Social Call Pt 2

Posted on 03/25/2022 @ 12:19pm by Zaos Orihana
Edited on on 03/25/2022 @ 12:20pm

2,846 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: El Aurian Embassy
Timeline: MD003 - 1200

Another Social Call Part I...

Brek had listened to Orihana’s words with marked interest. “No apologies needed, I find your words fascinating. Our paths are so dramatically different. You are right, though, Ambassadorial privilege means little to me, and it also took me time to get used to my title. To tell things bluntly, there is nothing grand about my presence here. I was ushered into this position by my grandmother, who is the unofficial authority within my family. She is rarely seen, and uses a great variety of ploys to evade the Alliance’s strict regulations on women. Me being a Ferengi Ambassador also marks the first time I actually work for my own people. Before that, I served Starfleet for some 13 years. It’s often seen as a weird choice, but Nog, the very son of Grand Nagus Rom, had paved the way, and I wanted to see if I was cut out for it. Those were good years, which brought me discipline and the ability to make my fortune.”

Here Brek made a pause. He ran a finger under his chin, wondering whether he should continue to speak up his mind. Well, since Orihana had proven to be tactful and receptive, he decided to move on with a question that troubled him.

And Now The Continuation...

“I don’t usually take time to ponder on spirituality and the meaning of life. It is truly foreign territory for me. I gather that, being from a species with a short life-span, I’m bedazzled by all that shines and can bring material comfort. I was, after all, indoctrinated that way. So… a question I have... is... regarding your Gods. Do they really exist, or are they meant to be viewed as a metaphor - the founders of your species and compiler of beautiful sacred texts?”

"Looks like our starting path was not all that different." Zaos offered as a link to their shared experience. "We both served in an institution that served the greater good. Starfleet for you, the Exploratory Force for me. Then we found a different calling, and I have found it never wise to argue with a woman of any age or species." he said in reference to Brek's grandmother.

Zaos watched as Brek went into a deep thought before asking about religion once more. "To be honest I never gave it much thought about it either before The Exodus, but life events such as that have a way of changing ones perception of things. As such, it just depends if it is a big enough event to make you take stock." he admitted.

"My species has the ability to control our aging process. We can speed it up, slow it down, reverse it, or keep us in place. It really is up to us how we choose to live, and for how long providing we don't get ourselves in harms way. So I suppose we look at a long game as opposed to our shorter lived friends." Zaos smiled before realising he'd gone a little off topic.

"But to answer your question, they did exist at one point in our history." he said thinking about if he should further explain, and he agreed with himself to do so albeit be a little cryptic. "The evolution of my people can be slow, as you can imagine. At one point certain people in our civilisation manifested abilities, skills and you could say 'god-like' qualities. These people became living Gods amongst our people millennia ago. One day they disappeared." he shrugged a little. "Not a lot is known of where they went, or why they chose to leave. Nor do we know why no-one has manifested any of these types of powers since, but it is said that the gene exists in some of us, it just lays dormant and undetectable until it calls to us, or us to it."

While Orihana spoke, Brek took several sips of water. His mind had focused on the El Aurian Exodus, and the cold water had a soothing effect on him. He couldn’t wrap his mind around such an immense loss. Life, resources, culture... It took men like Orihana to restore their civilization. And on his side he wasn’t sure he would have much strength left if such a disaster were to strike Ferenginar. This despite the fact that he had never even liked his homeworld.

“Your words are enlightening, Ambassador.” Brek added. “Even the Ferengi have their blessed exchequer, a sort of supernatural accountant, who paved the way to who and what we are now.” He spent a few more seconds thinking about that, and then he moved on. “I didn’t know that your people had the ability to control the way they age. So in your own way, you can bend time. Have you taken advantage of this ability? Perhaps to spend more time among the shorter lived species?”

"Once." Zaos spoke as he cast his mind back. "There was one species called the Orinocos that I spent time with earlier in my exploratory career. Very similar to Humans, except they had a chin protrusion and spikes where the eyebrows would normally be. I was integrated into their world as a younger man and I let my aging flow normally." Zaos spoke with a kind twinkle in his eye. "I spent 50 years with those people, it was a wonderful experience, but when I left I de-aged myself a little to what you see now and have stuck with this more 'seasoned' appearance. Sometimes a face just fits, you know?" he asked half rhetorically.

Brek, who had spent a minute or so imagining himself as an ageless alien, felt a little scowl appear on his face when he heard Orihana’s latest comment.

“I suppose it does... “ Brek conceded. “I wish my people had such talents. Instead I get the distinct impression that Mother Nature, or the Gods, have short-changed the Ferengi quite tremendously. Still,” he sighed, “it’s useless complaining. We all have a role to play in this great galaxy, and I aim to play mine well.”

This statement encouraged him to be bold. He finished his glass of water, leaned slightly forward, and continued.

“Now, Ambassador, between the two of us, if you don’t mind entertaining me a little more... I have views on a certain young Ferengi woman, and I wonder if you could impart some wisdom on the art of seducing women? For all I know, on your side, all you have to do is flex your biceps and you find yourself a new girlfriend. But you are also a spiritual man, and I’m more interested in what you have to say about the intellect of women.”

"Mother Nature, as you put it, gave your species other gifts. I do not know a more passionate and driven people than yours. If your life you choose what profits you best and go for it. I admire that in a person, see what you want and fight to get it, by any means." he implied knowing that some of the Ferengi's attitudes were not all above board.

"What these?" Zaos asked with a little flex. As he stared at his right arm, his bicep grew and his shirt ripped a little. "Ahem well, damn." He said lowering his arms with a little sigh. "I do have women fawning over me, and I do enjoy the attention to a point, but as you say the mind of a woman is far more interesting and worthwhile. Looks fade, where as a mind doesn't as much over time." he said taking drink of his water.

"I treat a woman with respect, compliment their appearance and let them know they have my attention, my full attention. Also a little gift here or there doesn't hurt. I like to listen to what a woman say, trust me they will catch you out if you are not listening and in most species, a woman is always right, even if they are not." he laughed to himself.

"I wouldn't call it wisdom, or even insight, I muddle through like everyone else. Sometimes I make good calls, sometimes I made bad ones. I just try to be myself, as if they fall for you as you then you don't need to pretend to be someone else to fit their expectations." Zaos finished.

Brek thought ‘damn’ too when Orihana flexed his bicep. How many hours did it take to build a body like that? Too many, when one thought about the pyramids of latinum that could be built in that same amount of time. One truly couldn't have everything all at once.

“Women are always right even when they are wrong?” He echoed. “Rather like foreign diplomats and Starfleet officers, then. As for the rest,” he nodded. “I believe I’m on the right path. Being respectful and the sending of gifts are part of my job. So that’s good. The last point, well... I wouldn’t be surprised, Ambassador, if you are one of the rare persons on this whole station who doesn’t pretend to be someone else. Most of us non El Aurians, we are great pretenders and we tend to hide behind our responsibilities to broadcast a better image of ourselves. It’s a matter of survival, I think, even when no women are involved.”

“This said," Brek continued, "I will heed your advice. At the moment I’m in what can only be described as a long distance relationship. Sadly, from afar, I have the greatest difficulties in getting my message across. Anyways, enough of those futilities.” Are you enjoying your stay on Poseidon so far, Ambassador Orihana?”

"Long distance can be tough." Zaos admitted. "But it does making the meeting up with each other all the sweeter when we get the chance." He added before addressing something else Brek had said.

"I will say though do not think we El Aurians are above the masquerade of showing people what they want. I know a great many of my people who became criminals and con men simply because their pheromone, the one that makes the receiving party more susceptible to suggestion and trusting enough to reveal all secrets and fantasies, gives them an edge they can abuse. Sometimes it can be handy in... challenging negotiations." Zaos hinted.

"As for my stay so far, it has been fairly pleasant. I met with Commander Letsul on my arrival and have been setting us up here. Apart from that the only highlight has been your visit Grand Proxy, a very enjoyable and insightful highlight." Zaos said as his eyebrows raised and a smile formed on his face. "How have you found the population to be? The promenade and such too?" He asked.

“You have a point, I’d never, offhand, have thought of any El Aurian as being able to con other people. But now that you’ve mentioned it, I’ll be more prudent.” Brek couldn’t help smiling here. Was Orihana using his talents to make him feel comfortable? He was certainly feeling a lot more relaxed now than he had just before meeting the El Aurian.

“On my side I’ve been quite busy, meeting with as many people as I could. First, Cmdr Letsul, quite by accident. Obviously, I’ve had far worse accidents than that in my life. Then Lt Cmdr Mattix and Captain Harrington. I even had myself a little fright when your god-daughter, Lt Cmdr Feshau, paid me a little visit. Intel and embassies, I don't think they go too well together.”

Brek made a little strategic pause here, and then he went on: “I also met a number of Ambassadors and soon after the most active merchants on the Promenade. It has been quite satisfying and eventful. From what I can tell, they all form a pleasant and interesting community. But as you can imagine, I have been treated, for the most part, for what I am. It’s the norm, and it’s certainly not preventing me from being in business. Which reminds me, Mrs Moreau, a friend and associate of mine is opening an art gallery on deck 67. Graphic Zest, it’s called. Don’t hesitate to pay her a visit. Who knows, you may find artworks that are to your liking over there.”

"No, even I am wary of when she calls on me." Zaos chuckled softly. "She is definitely one to watch, cut from the same cloth as her father, even if she won't admit it." he added not batting an eyelid at the knowledge Brek possessed. Ambassadors were known to have a hand in all things, strategic word and people drops were not uncommon.

"It is a shame that people still cannot see past the basest image of what society wants us to see." Zaos shook his head at the comment about him being treated on the judgement of his species. "Although, sometimes being how you look can have its advantages."

"I do like art, not as much as Bella out there, but I will be sure to pay the Mrs Moreau a visit. See if I can get some more footfall in there for you both." Zaos said thinking, wondering what kind of artwork would be there.

“Bella likes art....” Brek echoed appreciatively, his mind travelling in new directions. “The gallery is very much a work in progress at the moment. But I’m sure that if you were to let Mrs Moreau know what kind of art you prefer, she would do her best to find items you may like. As for Lt Cmdr. Feshau, she must have read that famous quote from Earth: “The world - now in our case the galaxy - belongs to the energetic.” She will go far. I must also say that I’m intrigued by her father, Crailo Feshau, from the El Aurian Grand Council. He seems to be such a formidable figure. However, this will have to be a conversation for another time. In as much as I could spend the rest of the day in your company - you are a brilliant and inspiring conversationalist, Ambassador, duty always calls. Perhaps we could meet again in a few days, my embassy this time?”

To Brek this was a splendid idea. His association with the El Aurian embassy was something he wanted to display openly. Besides, being seen in public with Orihana, well, it would be like having his own, free, bodyguard. It would bring him respect.

Zaos nodded, "I think all every gallery is a work in progress to a certain extent. The constant coming and going of new and old pieces, the themes of events and such." he spoke as he thought to himself that he'd need to pay a visit, with Bella.

"Yes... Crailo has that look about him." Zaos brushed off the route of conversation but gladly Brek moved as it looked like he was getting ready to take his leave.

"Of course, Grand Proxy. I too have enjoyed your company here and would be more than happy to pay your sanctuary a visit." Zaos knew the angle he was playing and frankly didn't mind. He liked the idea that Brek felt good around him and at the moment his needs were met. "We could even get out and you could show me around a bit, show the people on the station how two cultures such as ours can form connections and strong bonds." he suggested.

“I would love that very much. It will be interesting to compare notes on those venues.” Brek said as he got up. “I look forward to it. Do you have any culinary preference? Or maybe not. I can imagine your diet to be rather strict. Proteins, essential vitamins & minerals and some such. But it will give you a good understanding of what food does to your body. On my side, I’m led by my instincts. Fragrances essentially tell me what I’ll eat.”

"As do I." Zaos said also standing up. He did tower over the Ferengi, but he was a tall man. The only people he tended to feel shorter than were Klingons, but he had the strength and width to match, and exceed them.

"My diet can be bent for special occasions." He offered a branch of sorts. "I have cheat days like everyone else, and I'd be interested in seeing what the Ferengi eat in more detail."

They began to walk to the doors and Zaos nodded for his men to open them up. The final goodbye was upon them.

Brek smiled. “Cheat days... I believe my diet is only made of those. Well it’s been a real pleasure to meet you Ambassador Orihana. Until next time, then.”

Grand Proxy Brek
Ferengi Embassy
Poseidon Station

Zaos Orihana
El Aurian Ambassador
Poseidon Station


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