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The Arrival of K'doc

Posted on 03/26/2022 @ 2:13pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn
Edited on on 03/26/2022 @ 2:23pm

2,599 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Ops, Letsul's Office
Timeline: MD02 1400 January 4th, 2397

At Station Ops the tactical officer called. " Sir we have a Klingon Vor'cha Battle cruiser decloaking off the starboard beam and they're hailing us. "

The duty officer responded. " On Screen. " He saw a tall grizzled marine on the viewer. " Greetings and welcome to...." Was all he got out.

" I am Colonel M'rec Valadorn of the Feklar's hoof, We have one to beam aboard, prepare to receive him. And good luck. " With that the view screen was replaced with the image of the ship and the sound of the Klingon chuckling.

" Sir, Transporter room one has reported that one large Klingon in a mixed Klingon federation uniform has arrived and is heading towards Ops. "

A few moments later, a rather large klingon came through the doors. He was at least two and a quarter meters in height and at least one meter across from shoulder to shoulder. He wore a Starfleet uniform and a Klingon cloak and his house sash across his chest with the symbols of House Hurric and House Valadorn which served house Hurric.
Strapped to his leg was a large knife and an oversized Bet'leth slung across his back.

" I am Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn, I am here to assume command of the security section. Who is in charge so that I may properly check in? "

The operations officer who was on duty, gulped and then pointed towards the closed office door where the one who was currently in charge of the station, was inside.

"In there sir, let me let the commander know."

Cara was in the middle of going through her daily paperwork, feeling that strong sense of dejavu . "Once again I find myself doing the same work I did when as an Admiral, on Avalon Station." she gave a slight rueful chuckle. "Oh well it is the price I pay for trying to find some happiness."

Her thoughts were interrupted by the call from the one currently in charge of operations.

"Commander, there is someone out here to see you. He says he is Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn? He wishes to meet with you."

Valadorn? Now that was a name she'd not heard in awhile. Which was probably her fault for sporadic messages exchanged. She didn't want to pull him into her personal mess.

"I will be right out." Cara rising up from her desk and going towards the door. She stepped out of her office to literally lift her head upwards to see the rather tall Klingon's face. "I am Commander Cara Letsul, I am in charge of the station. I was told your name, and the last name sounds rather familiar. Would you like to step inside and we can talk?"

K'doc followed Cara in and unslung his bet'leth and leaned it against the wall and looked at the puny chair in front of him and went into parade rest stance after he placed the PADD on the desk. He looked down at her and squinted as if to get a closer look.

" K'rang and S'hari send their greetings, but the way he described you I thought you'd be taller. He did say you were very capable and a good person to have at your back in a fight. I've never known him to give someone undeserved praise before, so it must be true. "

Cara got a slightly amused expression, then she pointed towards another chair that would suit his stature better and much sturdier, "You may have a seat upon that chair or for that matter, you may have a seat upon the sofa. This way I won't get a crick in my neck from literally looking up to your face."

"K'rang sends his greetings." she mused, "And you thought I would be taller." Cara laughed outright, then the laughter faded away. "No contrary to your thoughts, I am just my size. Though I have been accused of having a rather larger than life personality." she shrugged her shoulders. She moved to the edge of her desk leaning against it crossing her right leg over her left ankle. "What has K'rang been telling you? And may I offer something to drink? Tea or something else?"

" Raktajino would be acceptable. " Responded K'doc. " As for what he has told me about you, is that you are a good friend and ally, that you were strong and capable and that I should get to know you and decide for myself. He also said that you were an admiral, But I see that statement was in error. " He shrugged. " K'rang keep himself very busy these days, not that he has a choice in the matter. " K'doc gave a hearty laugh to follow up to what was an apparent amusing thought.

Cara got his raktajino prepared and turned to face K'doc, there was a spark of anger in her eyes, and a coldness in her tone. "K'rang did not speak in error. I 'was' an Admiral I am not anymore." she carefully handed his beverage to K'doc, then turned to get herself some peppermint tea. While her back was turned, Cara remarked almost casually. "I requested a demotion to Commander, I wasn't over a station anymore and I chose not to keep the title of Admiral. The rank may have had its own perks but, I didn't want it anymore. I hated that rank with a passion."

With her cup in hand, Cara walked over towards where she could look out towards the stars. "There is much that K'rang does not know. And much that I can not tell him nor many others either." she lifted her cup to her lips blowing upon the contents to cool it, before taking a careful sip of the tea.

K'doc nodded. " The reason I said he spoke in error was because the night he told me that we were drinking bloodwine, and the bottles littered the floor like so many fallen enemies. So I assumed he had misquoted, So you took the demotion for your own sake then." he sat quiet for several moments. " K'rang has been busy scaring the hell out of the recruits at the academy and putting them through their paces. S'hari has given him two fine sons and a daughter. La'ral has recently returned to Qo'noS with the boys to start them in they're induction at the Valadorn compound, while Cara'tha stays with S'hari and K'rang on earth. "

K'doc studied Cara for a few moments longer. "Since I have not been informed that I am on duty at this time I am going to speak freely Commander. From your reaction earlier about the error statement I assume that you're having problems or are in trouble and need aide. I shall inform K'rang and he will no doubt be on the next transport to here. The sons of Kahless do not turn their backs on a fight, Nor do the sons of house Valadorn turn their backs on a friend in need. And if K'rang says you're a friend of house Valadorn, then that's good enough for me."

Cara snarled out, her lip curled upwards her teeth showing. " You will do no such thing, K'doc, I do not need K'rang to come storming the castle for my sake. He doesn't need to be ripped away from his own life. Besides." she took a long drink from her cup, then set it down, with a sharp clicking sound. "I can take care of things on my own end." giving K'doc a rather determined expression in her eyes. "I've been in this for a little bit, so I am not someone who has had no experience." giving out a slight huff.

K'doc looked surprised briefly and then grinned. "Commander, did you just bare your teeth to me? I am... truly honored. I had no idea that you were interested or had your heart set on a warrior from house Valadorn. K'rang will be pleased to hear of this development. Shall we discuss this further over dinner later tonight? " He said as he chuckled.

Cara turned a brilliant red, her hand going up to her cheeks in an effort to cool them down. She was speechless at first then she recovered. Her cheeks still burning hot. "You... you are certainly related to K'rang!" she fumed out, shaking her index finger towards K'doc, her hands no longer covering her cheeks. "I am not available to have dinner with you tonight, either. Perhaps at a later date. And it will not be about discussing my becoming part of the household of Valadorn. " planting her fists on her hips and glaring at K'doc but this time, not baring her teeth.

K'doc burst out with a deep belly laugh that carried through the door into Ops. " You're a feisty little spitfire aren't you? No wonder he likes you so well. And of course we're related, My father is his father's younger brother and like others in my family I enjoy a good fight, a good drink and a good laugh when it is the proper time for it. But when I'm on duty " His demeanor took on a much more serious tone. " There is no time for fun and games, And I WILL do my duty to my fullest or die while performing it, nothing else matters. "

Cara gave a firm nod of acceptance of what he said, then turned to take a seat upon one end of the sofa. "I expect nothing less from House Valadorn." She paused then said "You said that there is a child with the name of Cara'tha? That is an unusual name for a Klingon female. It sounds almost like mine." her eyes were filled with wonder at that thought. Could it be based off of mine?" she contemplated then shook her head. "That would be so vain of me to even think of that being based off my name." she had a soft smile then shrugged her shoulders. "How is K'rang doing anyway?" she paused, "That's right you had just told me." She held out a hand and started counting, "He has two sons who will be going to Qo'noS with L'ral. Okay I am now catching up with what you said."

" K'rang was away on a mission when Cara'tha was born. You were also friends with S'hari his mate, it was she who named her daughter that in honor of you being a family friend. So the answer to your next question is yes you do have a goddaughter and she is currently two years old. "

He pulled out a small holocube and placed it on the desk and projected the image of a two year old klingon girl. " That is Cara'tha, the cube is yours. So tell me about the security division here, Do you approve of them or do they need work? " He asked.

Cara was stunned, seeing that little girl, who bore a version of her name. "I-I am touched. A godmother." she picked up the holo cube to gaze at the girl as a misty eyed smile drifted across her lips. "Once again I am a godmother." she lifted her eyes towards K'doc. "She is beautiful." a slight chuckle escaped her as she thought of another godmother, a fairy godmother. An expression of sadness momentarily became evident then it disappeared. "I will definitely be cherishing this. And thank you."

She returned the holocube to the desk then she looked at K'doc. "Security over all has been decent, they have faced great odds, K'doc. We've lost some, gained some, it will be you that will be the one who will decide how well they are doing." Cara sat back down. "We have had two explosions, one that destroyed Airlock 6, and another one that almost took out several of the department heads one of them Colonel Jack Patton, who is CO of the Kingsmen as well as a part of the station command staff. He and I both share equal status serving under Captain Harrington. Instead of he being XO and my being 2nd officer, we both are XO's." she smiled. "It may sounds strange but it works."

K'doc was on his feet and his eyes narrowed. " Two explosions? How long ago and how many were injured? Do we have any suspects or is that going to be my first task as the stations CSTO?" He asked. I'll be placing security in all critical areas, monitoring of other areas and armed patrols looking for anyone suspicious. That and I'll have to go over the records of how many of my people have demolitions training other than myself. "

"The first explosion happened several months ago, the one at the Elysian Dreams happened about a month ago. It has been a mess. Lieutenant Isabelle Mattix is heading the investigation on the explosion there. Chientaka the Lurian owner of that establishment has been having some ill luck there. There is coverage of security but it would probably be best for you to be looking at all the details. At this moment I feel that we have been just playing catch up." Cara remarked, "I've not been in my command position for very long either. I was here though as a civilian when both explosions happened."

K'doc finished off his raktajino and looked at his mug as if pondering something. " I shall endevor to see that something like this never happens on this station again. I'll start a training program where my officers will be trained to use a bomb detection program and have the station swept on a regular basis. If we fail, we might lose hundreds of people if not the whole station. "

Cara nodded solemnly, "This is true. There is someone you may want to speak to, she has been the Assistant Chief of Security for close to a year. She is Lieutenant Kaylee Serra-Reynolds. I did get word that a new Assistant chief of Security has come onto the station as well. A Lieutenant Jali Andloch. Anyway, Lieutenant Serra-Reynolds has been in the thick of things when she first arrived on the station. I had thought at first she could have ended up as Chief of Security but her husband had gotten transferred to another station, and well, she will be joining him once the current investigation is done. I can't blame her for not staying here. She and the former Chief Counselor had just gotten married."

" So Lieutenant Reynolds will be departing after the investigation? Very well then. If I had just taken the oath then I imagine I'd want to be with my mate as well. Permission to head to my office to begin working on this case. It seems I've got about six months of back log reading to catch up to speed on. " K'doc stood up. " It has been a pleasure meeting you and I am looking forward to working with you. I see now why K'rang has so much respect for you. " He nodded and then grinned. " And remember if you ever change your mind and decide you DO want to be a member of house Valadorn, all you have to do is ask. "

Cara rose from the sofa, her right eyebrow raised, but also having a twinkle in her eyes. "Lieutenant Valadorn you are dismissed!" having a stern look then a broad grin appeared. When he disappeared from view, and the door closed behind him, Cara laughed. She was going to be contacting K'rang, she also said out loud, "Well then, things have become even more interesting."

Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor


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