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Hello old friend

Posted on 05/23/2022 @ 9:46pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Civilian Terrin Faux

1,928 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Admiral on Deck
Timeline: MD 03 1400

It was already 1400, and Cara was now off work early. She felt rather frustrated with the day and just wanted to just momentarily step away from being a Commander, and not just sit at home. Part of her day was talking to several people who were having trouble with their personal lives; they were star fleet personnel wanting to talk about what has been happening to the station. She wore her counselor cap during that time. Giving a sigh she looked around her abode, then her eyes paused on a menu which said Admiral on Deck.

She would be picking up Neil and Adira's kids in a couple of hours and she still needed to figure out dinner. She picked up the menu and then decided she could take care of two birds with one stone. It had been too long since she's seen Faux and well, she also missed seeing Andre. Maybe Faux wouldn't mind her coming in and working in the background, maybe even let her do dishes by hand.

She pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail, dressed in a dark green long sleeve tee shirt, black pants, and lace-up runners. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt a shiver run down her spine as a ripple of memory came to the forefront. This was the very same outfit she wore when she first came onto the station and stepped foot into Admiral on Deck. A lot had taken place since that happened.

Pulling on an apron she headed out and arrived at the door of Faux's business and stepped inside. Her eyes searched to see if Andre were there as well as Faux. It looked like the place was hopping. She noticed that some tables needed to be cleared and Cara went to take care of those, filling up the bus tub and headed in the back with it.

"You look terrible in red," Faux muttered from behind the bar, coming out from his little corner, "and don't forget table two," he hissed. He couldn't entirely bring himself to admit he missed her, but things weren't the same around here.

Cara gave Faux a soft smile as she passed by him, and said in passing "I've missed you too." her ponytail bouncing with her quick steps. She emptied the bin and said, "Hello Andre." before she went back out with the empty bin, she went to clear table two. She reset the tables with utensils, then went and grabbed the order form as the empty tables filled up again. She took people's orders for the food, and got drinks for them. When she neared the bar, she handed the orders to Faux.

"What do you mean I don't look good in red, I've been told I look outstanding in a red dress." giving a cheeky smile, before she headed back out to the tables to deliver drinks.

Andre looked up from his tray of dishes, "hello Miss Letsul, it's wonderful to see you again?"

Faux sighed, "stop kissing up to Commander Letsul, she moved on. We are the little people now," he smiled. "Come down from the lofty mountains to see us?" He was being mean but he gathered enjoyed it cause he knew Cara could handle it. "Besides, from what I hear Commodore Rice might like you in a little red dress?"

Andre looked up shocked, "the Commodore, you hussy."

Cara's eyes flared open with Faux's comment then realized that people do gossip. At Andre's comment she shot a glare at him, then looked at Faux, "It is Cara here, I left the pips behind at the door." then she turned her gaze back to Andre'

"What makes you say I am a hussy? Then again you are the person who does hear the rumors and gossip. Tell me my dear Andre, what have you heard about me?" Cara was not even angry at Andre about his comment after her initial glare.

"Who me," Andre faked a blush, "I am but a simple busboy serving a vicious taskmaster," he looked at Faux. 'I hear things, but it isn't my place to share those evil rumors." He folded his hands over his heart as attempted to plead a case for innocence. He knew full well, that no one was going to buy that.

"What a load of crap," Faux's voice came from the bar area, "you playing the innocence card, don't make me laugh." Faux turned his attention to Cara, "he hears the same thing we all do. The Diplomatic Officer, Commodore Rice, and what's this I hear about a DTI Captain," he quickly added, "don't pretend you don't know. I may be retired but I still have connections."

Cara laughed, "On I won't be playing the innocent card either. Besides..." she went up close to Faux, and said softly to him. "I have been called an evil woman by the Commodore himself, and perhaps I am rather wicked, " a teasing smile. "I could even go out on a date with..." she walked over towards Andre and ran a finger up and down his arm. "Him." she then lightly stepped away, moved to a table that needed cleaning, and set to that task.

The table reset, Cara then greeted a couple of other guests when they arrived and seated them, before heading back over to where Faux was at. "My dear friend, I am a free woman at this time, someone who shouldn't be afraid to even interact with different men whom I find interesting and attractive." she leaned in close once more. "I ended a long-standing relationship a few weeks or so ago, and it was difficult to do so. I am just piecing myself back together Faux, but it is taking time."

Faux snorted, "that's not what I hear, but as long as you take my advance keep some distance between you and that Harrington. I don't care who says what, he's bad news." He picked up a cup of coffee as he took a long sip, "but it's your life, not that it matters to me."

"Harrington and I are... friends, budding friends I guess you could say that. There isn't any romance developing there Faux, and he isn't bad news. Haven't you heard, I am bad news." Cara giving a slight wink. " And I am trouble."

And she swept away to go take care of another customer, and clean off a couple of tables.

Andre looked to his employer and shrugged, "I think that uniform is getting to her," he looked confused. "Clearly the red trim is making her nuts," he stated just loud enough to make sure Cara would hear him.

Faux smirked, "I'm not sure she was sane before she donned that uniform if you ask me."

Cara came back once the tables were taken care of, "I did hear that, and can a person truly say they are sane? If they can, then they would be considered insane. Everyone has their own quirks, demons, things they have to deal with. Its all a matter of how we deal with what life hands you. I know you aren't happy I have the red uniform back on, Faux. It is something that I needed to do though. Maybe I am a sucker, and you know a sucker is born every minute." she reached out and caressed his cheek, her gaze soft and warm. "Sometimes I don't know what you saw in me to actually be a friend, but I am most grateful to you for that."

Faux just grunted as he turned and headed to the back room, "damn woman."

Andre smirked as he walked over to Cara, "you know he's just a softy under that grunt. He just doesn't like people to know it. He's been keeping tabs on you, you know."

"Like hell I have," Faux's voice could be heard coming from the backroom.

Cara laughed, "I definitely needed this." She stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on Andre's cheek. "I've missed you as well." she then made her way to the back, where Faux was. "I am sorry to have made you upset, its just things have taken a strange turn. I don't know how much I should tell you, Faux." her eyes going a bit sober, "If it weren't for Harrington, I'd not have found some missing memories that had been hidden from me. And he was instrumental in helping me to rid myself of two ghosts." and he could see in her eyes that she wasn't joking.

Andre smiled, "memories are a funny thing, some stick with us forever and others fade into nothing. I've always thought that some things are best left to memories. Like grumpy old Trills," he looked to the doorway to the back room, "he talks about you often," Andre looked at Cara. "I know he misses you, Miss Cara."

Cara looked back at Andre, " I miss him too." she gave a small sigh, "Things just can't be the same nor can they stay the same. That's how life tends to turn out." she looked at Faux, "are you going to be giving me the silent treatment?" teasing Faux slightly.

Faux humphed, 'I can do whatever I want, it's my facility." He sat down in a chair. He was like one of those children who was trying too hard to appear upset. His thin exterior was not convincing to anyone who really knew him.

Andre smirked, "see old grump Trills," he rolled his eyes.

"When I have more time, you and I can have a heart to heart conversation... maybe? There are possible things to tell you. If you want details that is, Faux." Cara placing a hand upon his shoulder.

Faux didn't acknowledge Cara, he simply reached up placing a hand on over hers. "Heart to heart," he rolled his eyes, "I suppose." He looked around the restaurant, "alright enough of all this emotional crap, you gonna stick around and clean these tables or leave as for the grand Operations," he looked up at Cara. "And you," he looked to Andre, "go see what table 7 wants."

"You have me for another half an hour then I've got to go get the kids, and I'll be taking dinner to go as well." Cara replied, "If you don't mind." giving a quick embrace to Faux then headed out to clear the tables. Her thoughts went back to the man in the backroom who had turned out to be her savior and a good friend in a way.

"Kids," Faux hissed, "no thanks, been there done that. Definitely don't wanna do that again."

Cara chuckled, "I've only had experience in... baby sitting kids and that is about it. However, I'm watching Neil and Adira's kids while on a mission." she then headed out and cleared the tables while the food was served was being prepped. This was a much needed break, for her at the very least.

Faux just rolled his eyes, "kids," he muttered. He'd been a mother, father, uncle, aunts, and even a grandparent over the course of his life. This host was certain of one thing, he didn't want kids. "Alright, alright.. everyone back to work," he looked at Cara, "even you Miss High and Mighty," he winked as he grabbed a dish towel.

Cara laughed brightly, Faux was good for her. Did her heart good and uplifted her spirit. "Okay boss, lets get to work."

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor

Terrin Faux
Owner, The Admiral on Deck


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