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Astrid in Operations

Posted on 05/22/2022 @ 1:29pm by Captain Cara Letsul

1,470 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Cara's Office
Timeline: MD003 10:00

// ON//

Cara was feeling wiped out, yesterday's events seemed to have taken a bit out of her. In fact she had a slight trouble getting out of bed in the morning. This was due to her not truly sleeping well. She managed to get herself and the kids fed dressed and taken the children to childcare. Cara managed to tend to a couple of hours of work before she was nodding off to sleep. Not even the strong raktajino was helping either. She tapped on her commbadge.

"Commander Fleming, would you please come to my office." Cara hoped that Astrid was awake since the woman wasn't on night watch for the time being. It was already ten in the morning.

Astrid had not slept well and was not energetic about getting up. She grumbled when she heard the call from Cara. She grudgingly got up and got dressed trying to make herself look presentable. She snatched the cup of coffee replicated and made her way towards ops with the look that people knew. She was greeted by crew who got a quick hand raise. She arrived at Cara's office and stepped in.

"You called for me, Commander?"

"Yes I did, come have a seat." motioning her forward. "I am going to need you step in for the day. And I feel you are capable of it. Also, I need to inform you of something as well. Yesterday, our New Chief of Security found an explosive device in operations. It has been taken care of, and there are new protocols that have been put into place. There will be sweeps being made, in order to make certain there are no further incidents like that happening."

She went to get another refill of a raktajino and took a sip of it then turned to Astrid.

Astrid sat down hearing the news she was in charge of Ops today. She groaned to herself because of how she felt. Cara was her friend, but she was also her boss so Astrid had to follow orders.

"Understood." She said trying to hide her exhaustion.

"Okay Astrid, I can sense you are weary, what happened last night? Were you able to get some sleep? You look as tired as I feel." looking compassionately upon the younger woman.

Astrid sighed "No I didn't get any sleep and I feel so deprived that it took every ounce of energy to get ready and look somewhat presentable to you." She said as she took a long sip from the cup she clutched.

"Now you have my curiosity, what caused you to not sleep last night? I had intentions on you taking over operations for the day, as I've got some other things to do, however it looks like you are probably not going to be up for that." Cara's brow furrowing with concern. "I know your normal routine has been interrupted due to who we have on the station. However what caused you to lose sleep?" Cara slipping into her counselor mode.

Astrid grumbled "I don't really think it's something I should talk about, but since it's just us I will tell you. I have been tossing and turning because of some family issues I heard about plus I am really not liking being single, but that's another conversation entirely. I am sorry if I was feeling better I would love to cover operations, but I don't think given my current state I should be in command of Ops."

"What is the family issue you are having to deal with?" Cara showing some concern. "I can also understand the dislike of being single. I used to feel that tug, the dislike of being single, not having someone you can end the day with, and share the happenings of said day."

Astrid looked away from Cara out the window "My aunt passed away a few days ago. I just found out about it yesterday. And people always say they know what it feels like, but I don't think anyone truly feels it." She said in a very discouraging manner.

"I see and was that the Aunt who you told me about? When we first met? I haven't lost an Aunt but, I have lost a brother many years ago. Losing someone you love and was close to, it hurts terribly." Cara stated quietly. "I still miss my brother very much. But that was then, this is now. Are you needing some time off to go to her funeral?"

Astrid looked down and clenched her fist "They already had the funeral and didn't tell me....makes it even worse for me." She said trying to stay calm, though her nostrils began to flair.

"That isn't a good thing, however, you can have your own service even actually do your own wake. Do you have an image of her? Any recordings of her?" Cara getting up and walking over to where Astrid was, and placed a hand upon her shoulder.

Astrid wiped a tear-away "I don't want to do my own service too much pain. I do have a picture of her framed in my quarters."

"Okay so, another question I have, how often did you talk to her? Exchange letters and such? Most times a person would rather have had contact and be remembered when they are alive and not just remember them having died." Cara stated.

Astrid nodded "I do indeed have many calls with her in the past and I never will forget those times, as they were some of the best times I had. We were close and the fact that family did not let me know is what really upset me."

Cara nodded, "I can understand you being upset. I do have a question and it may sound strange but, have you felt her presence since then? Have you had dreams of her coming to talk, to converse?"

Astrid rose her eyebrow "No I have not and I can live with that...I just wish my family would have told me. Their excuse was I was probably busy."

"Family's can be the most wonderful and also the most aggravating things about life." Cara said, with a slight huff. "My own older sisters well make that one of my older twin sisters, she was upset that I am no longer a rear admiral. In fact she out and out chewed me out for not being one, therefore no one she could brag about anymore. It really irritated me, when she said that. She didn't seem to care that I didn't want to be an admiral anymore." Cara gave a bit of a sigh, "Well anyway, as I said family can be a real pain at times."

Astrid laughed "With my record there is no way I will ever make the rank of Admiral. I love my family, but right now I am upset with them." She said calming down again.

"Believe me, it isn't something I had ever wanted in my life. Maybe get up to Captain but Admiral... I was very surprised to have been asked to be that rank and Star Fleet decided that it would be good for me and them to be in that capacity." Cara giving a wry smile. "And one never knows, you could become an admiral." she regarded Astrid, "Look don't stay upset at them, acknowledge you are upset, be upset for a moment or two and then let it go. I know you wouldn't have done something like that to your family, but. It seems that they were trying in their own mistaken way, to be courteous to you. However I don't know them to be honest, so it will have to be your judgement call if they were looking out for you or just being petty."

Astrid thought for a moment and sighed "I suppose your right I guess I shouldn't have lost sleep over it, but I did." She shrugged trying to fight the heaviness in her eyes with another sip of caffeine.

Noting the way that Astrid's eyes were drifting closed, Cara made a decision. "Astrid, I think you need to head back to your quarters and get some shut eye. I will need you to be a bit more alert for the next shift, anyway." giving a slight smile.

Astrid sheepishly waved her hand "As you command." She said as she made her way back to her quarters without as much as a protest at the recommendation.

Cara watched as the younger woman left with a mixture and amused concern. She hoped that Astrid will recover from the annoyance of what her family had done. With that it time to continue to face the day.

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor

Lt. Commander Astrid Fleming
Poseidon Operations Executive Officer
Night Watch Duty Officer


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