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Jali meets Tsinira Vishti

Posted on 05/22/2022 @ 1:08pm by Lieutenant JG Jali Andloch & Major Tsinira Vishti

2,994 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Klingon Embassy
Timeline: MD02 1600 January 4th 2397

Jali was glad to get away from the Romulan Ambassador and what happened afterwards, it brought back memories of her father's first wife. She was feeling a bit irritable and wanted to get rid of the taint of meeting Loval. She heard that there was an Klingon Ambassador, and she had heard of the woman. Her father had spoken of her quite a bit. Jali though hadn't gotten a chance to meet her yet. Perhaps it was time that she did.

She exited the lift and headed to the office of Ambassador Vishti. "I have come to see Ambassador Vishti." she announced.

Kreven stepped forward directly in front of Jali. " Who are you and what is your business with Ambassador Vishti? " He asked.

A voice from behind him in the doorway revealed a redheaded klingon woman dressed in heavy leathers and her d'k Tahg on her hip. " Kreven step aside, Our guest is none other then the assistant security chief of Poseidon Station, Jali Andloch. It is good to know that the federation has shown the good sense to appoint Klingons as the Chief and Assistant Chief of Security. It pays to be well informed. " She said with a sly grin. " If you are to speak with me then you must come along with me. " She stopped and looked at Jali. " Is your visit here official and you're bringing a matter to my attention or is it more social in nature? " She inquired.

"I think I can call it both, first off even though you have your own security protocols I do need to do a sweep. Its part of what Lieutenant Valadorn has intitiated." pulling out her tricorder. "We need to check to make certain there isn't any explosive surprise waiting to be triggered." making a sweep around the area. The sweep doesn't take too long, and Jali had a relieved expression in her eyes. "Nothing here, that is good."

" You do your job well Jali, you are a credit to your job and your department. My staff sweeps for explosives, poisons in the food supplies, surveillance devices and suspicious items daily. But I won't stop you from preforming your task, I know who your superior is and why he is here. House Valadorn has a good reputation within the empire, and I personally believe that he could serve the empire better back home. But his reasons for doing this are honorable, so he can't be faulted for that. If you desire to know more then walk with me and show me your heart. " With that said she and Kreven turned and walked out of the office.

Jali fell in step with Vishti. She also said "please wait for just a moment. Before we step out of the office, we have a Romulan Ambassador on the station. I felt it best for you to know of this so you will be forewarned, Ambassador."

Tsinira shook her head and sighed. " Well there goes the sector. " without breaking stride she glanced ta Jali as she continued to walk at a brisk pace. " Male or Female? " She asked. " The Romulan Ambassador, is it male or female? " Without waiting for the answer she continued. " As long as they aren't an honorless backstabbing ale swilling assassin and keeps they're nose out of my business, things should be fine. I will be pleasant and deal with them only when I must. "

She stopped in front of a holodeck door and entered when prompted. " Well are you coming? If you want to associate with me on a regular basis, then I need to know your heart. Walk the path with me. "

Jali followed after Vishti, and also answering her question. "His name is Loval, a slippery sort of fellow, I would say. He is sly and tries to be tricky, and my honest opinion he is tricky. I am not certain what to make of Commander Letsul either. She seems capable and yet, she seemed to also be out of her league when it came to Loval. Not to speak disrespectful of her, just my own perception. She shows the markers of being Betazed. "

As the holodeck door closed behind them they were standing in a spartan room with a set of female klingon armor upon a stand. Tsinira looked at her and rolled her eyes. " Suit up before tell me anymore good news. First we have this Loval who seems to a cross between a denebain slime devil and a Ferengi used shuttle dealer. And this Commander Letsul is a Betazoid mind witch. Do you have any more cheerful news? "

Jali moved to where the armor was, and changed into it, loving the feel of the armor. If her stepbrothers could see her now. Once she was attired in the armor, she looked towards Vishti. "There isn't much else to tell, Ambassador. I do not like the Romulan Ambassador, and definitely do not trust him. I wonder what his game is, and if the command staff would be able to handle the sort of machinations he will try to pull. Or will he keep to the protocols of being an Ambassador."

" If you are dealing with Romulans always remember, When in doubt expect treachery and deceit. " They walked down the ramp of the bird of prey and into the swirling chaos of battle. " this is the battle of Garvas 3. The house of B'garna was dishonored for crimes against the empire and hunted down, here you'll face other klingons as your enemy. Fight well young warrior, because there are no safety protocols in this program. " She said with a wicked grin. " Let us work our way towards the General, that is where the fighting will be the best. "

Jali picked up the batleth that was provided, testing the weight of it, she found it good and well balanced. She walked alongside Vishti, grinning ear to ear. " No safety protocols? Then it will be a glorious fight." giving out a laugh. Her hair was braided back to keep it out of her face, "Shall we, Major?" Jali was getting a big thrill, she'd heard about Major Vishti, her mother had sung the praises of the warrior woman, the one she was walking next to.

" And while we're in here you'll refer to me as Captain K'mpec, Now lets get a move on it, the enemy is about to surge around the general and the fighting will get intense, Let's have some fun shall we? "

"Yes Captain K'mpec." Jali responded, confidently walking along side her hero. When they arrived to their destination, Jali did her best not to overtly gawk. She was having what humans would call, a fan girl moment. She hoped she wasn't going to embarrass herself in front of Vishti. She didn't want to bring dishonor to her family name.

When they were about twenty meters away from the General, their left flank was nearly overrun by nearly fifty soldiers of house B'garna and the command group was hard pressed. Tsinira turned to those that followed them. " To me house K'mpec! The Empire will sing of our honor and bravery. Let us send these dishonorable wretches to the halls of G'rethor where Fek'ler can give them a proper greeting in hell! " With that the group charged in screaming as if in a berserker rage, throwing themselves at the enemy without fear or hesitation. One of the B'garna soldiers slashed Tsinira's right thigh with a Mek'leth almost causing her to collapse. The general cleaved the fool in two from his shoulder to his hip. Tsinira gained her feet and put her back against his and was defending any and all foolish enough to come near. Tsinira called out " Jali!! Behind you!! "

Jali 'felt' it before Tsinira's call, and she pivoted around blocking the incoming blow, with her bat'leth, then did an upper slice with her blade, another came towards her and she booted him with her metal shod boot, before she sliced him, with her blade. Jali didn't move too far from where Tsinira or the General's position. This was now more of a defend the 'king' situation. Parry, duck, strike, Jali could feel the combined blood of her people rise as she got into a rhythm. All three bloodlines raged within her, and she was giving out a battle cry. Feeling the surge of adrenaline.

Tsinira was fighting back to back with the general, and was rushed by a massive enemy soldier. She barely managed to block his blow and was driven to her knees. Tsinira push upward with all of her strength forcing the large warrior back a step, he stepped forward ready with a massive strike, She shifted to her left and brought her bet'leth in an upward slash and caught him in the crotch. The massive warrior howled in pain and dropped his weapon, Tsinira swung her blade and it found it's mark and sank deep into his chest. Just as she pulled her bet'leth from his chest, another warrior did a diving leap towards her and drove his D'k tahg into her left thigh. Tsinira snarled and her blade found it's mark and split open the back of his head. Just then a shout came up from around them. " General Vishti has taken the head of the B'garna commander!! "The fight was soon over and the mop up of enemy troops was underway.

Tsinira struggled to gain her feet. General Vishti turned and watched her slowly getting up. " Carry her back to my ship. " commanded general Vishti. Tsinina snarled at the two that stepped in close to assist her. " I shall walk on my own!! Touch me and you die!! " General Vishti grinned. " Let her walk on her own then. " he told his men. He turned to her. " Report to me after you've had that removed Major. I would speak with you and would like to hear your report. " With that said he turned and walked away and the simulation faded. " Damn!! almost in the same exact spot as the first time. Come on, let's get me back to my office where my doctor can attend to me. " She said to Jali.

Jali had been pressed hard in the battle, and it was glorious! In fact she suffered some wounds as well. Her blade had been locked with another's blade and it was a test of strength vs strength. She head butted her opponent, breaking his nose, and she pressed him backwards enough that the blade was loosened from his and she buried her blade into his chest. There had been a sharp pain in her back on the left side, she twisted around like a sinuous panther and struck that coward down. Another had sliced her with his D'k tahg slashing down her leg. He paid severely for his attack, she rendered his arm crippled then for the piece de resistance she buried her blade in his neck.

When the simulation had ended, Jali stood there breathing heavily, trickles of blood going down her face, and down her back and her leg. She looked at Vishti, and grinned, "That was glorious and I agree, we will get you to your office. I thank you for this experience."

" My doctor will attend to you once we get back to my office. If you go to your medical center, there will be questions about how you were injured and why the safety protocols were turned off in the holodeck, I'm not a federation personal, so I won't be in trouble. " Tsinira said.

" We'll get you treated first, because you might have to respond to a call, that and I don't want your chief to get jealous that he missed out on the fun. " She said with a grin. " He is rather handsome, but a bit to young for me. It would surprise me if you didn't have your eye on him already, When your ready to make your move I can help you plan an assault that he will yield too." She said with a mischievous smile.

"Besides, I'll enjoy the pain a bit longer, it always reminds me of how sweet life and death can be."

Jali laughed, "Oh K'doc and I are not meant to be together. He and I have known each other since we were younger. Yes he is attractive but, I am not interested in him like that. He is and has been, more of a brother than my step brothers." Jali wrinkling her nose at speaking of her 'brothers', "They are such fools, still thinking that females should not be in head positions. They are so backward thinkers." she frowned.

"To another more pleasant subject, as I do not wish to speak anymore ill of them. Well not out in public that is." giving a slight wry chuckle and a wink. "One never knows who may hear what we speak of."

Kreven walked behind the two silently, but ready to jump in and aid if he were needed.

The blood was beginning to show through the bandage as they returned to the Ambassadors office. They heard a voice call out from the seventy year old klingon female who stood before them. " You stupid child! What the hell have you done this time? " She snarled. " Sit your ass down in that chair right now! "

Kreven quickly excused himself and went into the security suite and disappeared from sight.

Tsinira motioned to Jali " Attend to her first, I wish to enjoy this a bit longer. " She said as she approached the woman. She turned and turned to Jali. " Pay her no heed, she is my Doctor. "

The woman pushed Tsinira back into a chair and growled at her. " Since we're all Klingons here, you Will refer to me by my family title! And I will attend to her once I stop the bleeding. " She reached into her medical bag and removed the medical instrument and began working on stopping the blood flow.

" Aunt Va'ru it's taking away the pain, Pain let's us know we're alive and are stronger for cheating death once again. "

The wound had stopped bleeding, but had not been completely healed shut. " I still have work to do on you, But I shall attend to your friend now. " She unclipped a hand agonizer from her belt and slapped it on the wound and gave a several second discharge on the wound. " There's your pain, so enjoy that. She moved over to Jali. " You can sit down or I can put you down. Your choice. " As she glared at Jali. She turned and glared at Tsinira again. " My brother sent me here to keep watch over you, so show some damn respect! " As she began working on Jali's wounds. " Why are you children so reckless and stupid these day? run off and play in a holo suite and gain no honor or glory for your deeds, it's pointless I tell you. "

Jali's eyes were large as saucers, this woman was a force of nature, a tsunami and tornado or maybe even a hurricane all combined. She sat down demurely, not knowing if she would dare to speak then realized she needed to. "Thank you." she spoke up finally. "What is your name doctor as I do not think I can call you by Aunt Va'ru." her tone rather respectful.

" your asking my title? Very well. I am surgeon general Va'ru K'mpec, I arrived on this backwater tribble farm with my niece several days ago. The air is to dry, the lights to bright and with so many species here it smells like Rura Penthe around here. I always hated doing inspection tours there, and to make things better I caught the scent of a Romulan! " Va'ru broke into a string of vile curses that was certain to make Fek'ler himself cringe and blush. She continued to work on Jali as she cursed.

"There you're done." Said Va'ru as she moved back over to finish working on Tsinira. Va'ru glanced over her shoulder at Jali. Every year the Klingon military gets more then it's fair share of the yearly budget, for the past fifteen years the medical field has had an increase in it's budget for two reasons. The first I go directly to the high council chamber and negotiate with them myself. and second I know things about each of them that they don't want others to know. Have you ever walked into the high council chamber and find it empty except for one trembling cadet with a PaDD granting approval of your request? I do. " she stopped and took Jali's chin in hand and turned her head to examine both sides of her face. " I guess your not a bad sort, unlike certain nieces you 've got some manners. You may call me Auntie, if not I'll cut your ear off so i can dig the shit out of that ear. "

"Y-yes Auntie. I will be most honored to call you my Auntie." Looking at Var'ru with a combination of awe, great respect but not fear. Fear was something one should not show. And she was honored. " once Auntie was finished with the care of her wounds, "Thank you. Now I must get back to my duties."

Va'ru just nodded as she went to work on Tsinira, She stopped briefly and looked over her shoulder at Jali. " You better come by from time to time, I don't want those federation Doctors messing up my work, understand? " She gave Jali a quick glare and resumed her work.

Tsinira giggled. " You'd better listen to her, she'll hunt you down if you don't. It is good that I got to meet you today. We walked the path today and you showed me your heart, You are welcome here anytime my klingon sister. "

LTJG Jali Andloch
Assistant Chief of Secutity
Poseidon Station

Tsinira Vishti
Klingon Ambassador
Poseidon Station

Va'ru K'mpec & Kreven Vishti
Personal Doctor & Security Chief for Ambassador Vishti ( NPC Staff)
Poseidon Station


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