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Third Times the Charm?

Posted on 07/19/2022 @ 12:40pm by Civilian Chientaka

5,111 words; about a 26 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Ferengi Embassy/Elysian Dreams
Timeline: MD 4

A hand delivered letter is brought to the Embassy, the envelope a shiny gold in color, it being made from gold foil. Upon the front could be seen done in exquisite calligraphy, Grand Proxy Brek's name.

Inside is a missive written in the same calligraphy, "Grand Proxy Brek, I invite you to dinner and a drink at my establishment, Elysian Dreams. Please RSVP it will be set for 1900-Chientaka."

Brek put aside a file he was reading concerning Ferengi mining rights on planet Gavara, to focus on a beautiful envelope that his new servant had just brought. The sumptuous design was giving him high hopes. It looked like he had been invited by a major figure on the station. Due to this he tore the envelope and his eyes read the invitation inside with great avidity.

And then he sat back, feeling rather mystified. Chientaka, a woman who favored Klingon food, was inviting him to dinner... The mind boggled and shuddered at the same time. She had put great efforts in presenting her missive though, and he wasn’t the sort of Ferengi to ignore an invite. So, thinking that the owner of Elysian Dreams wanted to see him about the merchant association, he sent a message to the Lurian woman that read as followed:

“I’m honored by your invitation and look forward to meeting you at 1900. GPR Brek”

This done, he went to the kitchen to fetch a bottle of wine that he would bring as a gift.

Once again, Chientaka wore a purple dress, it being much like the one she had worn when at the merchants association meeting. The sleeves were short, and had a vee neck plunge, the length stopping just above her ankles. She had a dark purple flower in her flowing dark locks of hair. She had received the rsvp from Grand Proxy Brek, and Chientaka was pleased that he accepted her invitation. She was a bit nervous, hoping that he'd like the food that would be prepared, with his own desire of food. She had a class A chef in the back, who was well versed in cooking skills and his dishes were tasty. Of course she did know of the fabulous kitchen that Sapphire ran but still, Chientaka felt that the food was good as well in her place.

She paced slightly, trying to pretend not to be nervous, as this meeting would be important.

"Make certain to let me know when he arrives please." Chientaka requested of her main bouncer Khylara. "And bring him to the private dining area."

"It shall be done." was the tall Klingon woman's reply.

Brek presented himself at Elysian Dreams at 19.00 sharp. Since this wasn't - as far as he knew - official embassy business, tonight he was wearing a midnight blue suit with a white shirt, very much Terran in style. He was stopped by the club's security. Tall. Female. Klingon. Impressive enough that for one minute there, he wondered if he had been the victim of a prank. Being frisked by that sort of creature wasn't his idea of a great evening.

"Ambassador Brek," he announced, his voice a little hesitant. "I believe Chientaka is waiting for me? This," he indicated the narrow bag he was carrying, "contains a bottle of sparkling wine. Food friendly and versatile."

With another look at the Grand Proxy, Khylara nodded, " Come along." and led the way to where Chientaka waited.

The private dining room was tastefully lavish with colors of green, golds and reds. Chientaka was waiting at one of the four oaken tables that were there, standing next to one near the far corner. Her deep voice rang out, "Thank you for arriving. I wasn't certain if you would do so. What would you like to eat tonight, as the chef is primed and ready to cook whatever meal you would fancy."

Brek took in the decor, rich and pleasing to the eyes. He was getting contradictory signals though. Everything had certainly been done to receive him in the best conditions possible, but the hostess stood by one of the tables, in a way that he found formal and indicative of bad things to come. From this, he surmised that she had summoned him to ask something difficult and maybe even costly. If this was so, then he would pay himself in advance with an extravagant meal.

He walked to her, a genial smile on his face. “You need not worry, I always respond to invitations. You look splendid, Chientaka, and I appreciate your generosity,” Brek said. “Let’s see... I’m in the mood for... Sashimi for entrée, seared saffron monkfish with black-eyed beans as the centrepiece, and for dessert, why not a nice Golden Opulence Sundae? Oh, and I brought a bottle of Roederer Estate 2387.” He took the wine out of the bag and placed the Rosé on the table, so that Chientaka could see its expensive label.

Chientaka's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the wine, then she motioned towards the woman who was waiting nearby, and gave her own order as well as Brek's.

"Please shall we have a seat and talk a little bit? How are things in the embassy?" Chientaka asked as she sat down.

“I don’t mind if I do,” Brek said as he too, took a seat. “As far as I know everything is fine at the Embassy. We’ll soon have a few exhibitions related to the culture of my people. What about Elysian Dreams? Is everything going fine? You look a little preoccupied...”

"Ah, that is why I have asked you to join me for dinner." Chientaka responded. "I am wondering what your customs are as per being a Grand Proxy. Are you allowed to be involved in a business?"

“Due to conflict of interest and potential misuse of position, I cannot run a business directly,” Brek admitted. “However, a Ferengi without business interest is extremely rare, and I'm rather common. Could it be that Elysian needs... hm... funds?"

"I do have some funds but, it would be good to have this more profitable, I would like your input and if you can't be directly involved, would you like to be sort of a silent partner I think that is the human term being used?"

"It is. So my role would be to suggest investments to maximize your returns." Brek said. He then drummed his fingers on the table while he assessed the situation. He loved gambling, so this wouldn’t even feel like work. But it was work, and the thought that he might be doing it for free was having a bad effect on his stomach, this despite having just paid himself with an expensive meal. On the other hand, being on friendly terms with Chientaka would be good for his image among the other merchants.

“But I’ll tell you what,” Brek resumed, his eyes lingering for a second there, on Chientaka’s cleavage (it wasn’t his fault that it was there...) - “I like it! We’ll have to discuss the terms and conditions during our meal. Where are your preferences? Short term, long term, low or high risk investments?”

"I would like to hear the benefits of all of those terms, as it is, I intend on you having a share of what goes on here at this establishment. Even if you were a silent partner. Advice doesn't come free, unless a person offers it. Even then there would still be a price to be paid." she looked over towards where the serving staff was coming in with their food.

"Ah here we go, time to eat and to speak of business."

Brek waited until his dishes had been placed on the table, then he opened the bottle of sparkling wine he had bought and poured two drinks. “It is quite simple. Short term investments give you more liquidity and you can get your hands on your cash within 3 years. With long terms, you won’t access your money for ten years or more. High risk investments bring you a thrill and higher profits, whilst low risks give you safety and lower profits." He raised his glass for a toast. “To our profitable financial partnership. Regarding payment, 15% of the profits I bring you would satisfy me."

"15% works for me, besides I am actually going to trust you to make some good investments for us. This may shock you but as the saying goes, you do have the lobes for that. This place, yes has gone through some turmoil but, I've got faith in you Brek, I mean Grand Proxy Brek."

“Yes, I have good lobes, and it’s only right that I use them. Rest assured, I will not let Elysian Dreams down.” He drank a sip of wine and, through his glass, he observed the Lurian woman. It was foolish to trust a Ferengi so openly, and he figured that she had called him so as to test his integrity. He then added: “Call me Brek, please. Only strangers call me Grand Proxy, and even then, not always. So, what are the meals that you’ve ordered tonight, Chientaka?”

"I ordered exactly what you wanted, and it sounded rather tasty so I ordered the same. The revenues have gone up and so this is a sort of celebration as well as a possible bribe to see if you would be willing to be associated with this establishment. You see, Brek I'm taking a gamble as I feel that you maybe the one person who will change my luck to good luck. Two partners have up and gone, but you, I do hope that you will be around much longer than they were." Chientaka lifted up her glass in a salute to Brek.

"Indeed you have ordered the same as me," Brek remarked as Chientaka's dishes were now brought in. "You are terribly trusting, even with food, I see. Let's tuck in then ..." Brek selected a piece of raw fish from one of his plates, and he ate it. "Very, very good," he commented. "I certainly hope I'm here to stay, especially after my efforts to make allies on Poseidon. There is one thing I'm curious about, though, Chientaka: have you always been running strip clubs, or is it a recent thing?”

"Depends on what you would consider recent. I've had another one on another station Akaza Station, its not affiliated with the Federation then I moved here." taking a sip of her wine.

"I've been here for a couple of years. Didn't do too bad earlier, had my friend who was here at the beginning. She's now dead. Another partner helped to update things just a bit before she decided to up and leave with no explanation. Then Rafael came along and helped to add a bit more to it. Then he left." she looked bit mournful at that. " I decided to try for another erm.. partner otherwise I was going to try going it alone." Chientaka picked up some chopsticks and deftly used them to have some of the sushi.

Brek, who had been about to eat another piece of fish, stopped. “I sure hope that the bad luck you’ve had with your partners won’t stick to me. This said, as we discussed earlier, for the sake of my position I cannot be a visible partner, so it will look like you are still running Elysian on your own. This also implies that we won’t be able to meet too often. Yet it’s also important to have regular meetings, so that I can show to you how your investments are going.” He ate some fish, with a fork, because the use of chopsticks was too finicky for him. “What would best fit your agenda? Quarterly meetings? Bi-monthly? Monthly?”

"Monthly meetings would work for me, and I feel that you will be the one who will bring that bad luck at an end. I don't know if you have ever been thought of a possible good luck charm but, I feel this is worth the gamble." a slight smile appearing which was a contrast to her usual grumpy looking features. The smile did show in her eyes as well. She looked at the chopsticks, then placed them onto the table onto a chopstick holder. "I am too hungry to worry about the chopsticks." and picked up her own fork to eat the rest.

Brek grinned, yet he was staggered to see Chientaka smiling. Lurians, they have the reputation of showing happiness once every five years, or something like that, don’t they? “Monthly it is then. You know, as a young envoy, I would use chopsticks anytime it was called for. Heck, I could even eat an orange with a fork and a knife. Now that I can afford to be more spontaneous, I no longer bother with that sort of convention, and I feel better for it." He made a slight pause, then resumed. "Some people, who are able to see beyond my Ferengitude call me charming or even sweet, but that’s only because I’m funny, both haha and peculiar. I’m sure you go through the same kind of motion, with people thinking you are unapproachable, whilst you are the opposite: friendly and generous. I noticed that right away, at that merchants’ meeting. As for luck,” he shrugged, “is there such a thing?”

"I have read a human quote about Luck, it is one made by a female by the name of Lucille Ball. Her quote I found it was rather profound. She said and I quote "Luck? I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it, and I'm afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else: hard work -- and realizing what is opportunity and what isn't."

Chientaka gave out a belly laugh, "There is one other I like as well, given by a historical musician named Bruce Springsteen, and I do like his music. His quote about luck was this, "When it comes to luck you make your own."

She chuckled, "And yes I have surprised others of my personality not being a grumpy person. Mind you though I can get grumpy and not a pleasant person."

“So you are into Terran lore too,” Brek said with a little smile. “I’m not too familiar with their music, except for their classical stuff, but I simply love those Humans and their quirks. They make a good point about luck, but some of their sayings are highly ridiculous. Consider: ‘Cheaters never prosper’, ‘Cancel anytime,” “Every cloud has a silver lining’ and my favourite, the side-splitting ‘Money doesn’t buy you happiness’.” He giggled so much that he nearly choked on his fish and took a sip of wine to recover. “More seriously, like those Humans, we also have a complex personality, with positive and negative traits. I wish more people would see that. Anyways, what interests you so much in the music of this Bruce musician?”

"I just look at different songs that the dancers can dance to. Some have that beat that one can not resist dancing to, and projects a theme. Such as, I'm on Fire, by said artist." she picked up another piece of sushi and popped it into her mouth, "You see, when in this type of business, you need something that will entice someone to watch, and also have a quality performance. Nothing cheap or shoddy. I like some of Bruce Springsteen's music as it is down to earth as the humans refer it as, and also I do like that saying of his." Chientaka giving a nod. She dabbed at her mouth and took a sip of the Rose'.

“I should have thought of that,” Brek said. “The power of music, it’s crucial when it comes to Choreographies, and they are indeed your line of work, whereas I listen to ancient music to relax. I know how it sounds, I may be in my thirties, but I’m already an old fossil.” He grinned some more. “You are obviously more dynamic. Putting so much fire like that on your customers, though, doesn’t it lead to difficulties at times? I know you have an impressive bouncer, but still...”

"Khylara isn't my only bouncer, I have other bouncers who I have vetted personally. I checked out their backgrounds and then I hired them. Khylara also investigated them as well. And then there is me, I am not a nice person when I get angry, and I am strong. I will get into a fight when needed. My dancers are kept safe and if there is trouble then well... it is dealt with. And a stun stick works wonderful."

Brek set down his fork as he listened to Chientaka. “Impressive. I shouldn’t have doubted your efficiency.” Indeed, having a fine imagination, he had no problem picturing Chientaka ejecting unruly customers, manu-militari. “I like wonderful things, and this stun stick you mentioned grabbed my attention. I have... hmmm.... experienced some difficulties lately. And I’m thinking I should get one of those stun sticks, for my own protection. What model do you use?”

"There are different models that we use. Some fit just in the palm of the hand, some are gloves and others are rings. It all depends on just how subtle you want to be. There are even some which come in a cane or walking stick." Chientaka replied. "My people, it varies what they choose to wear, or use."

“Oh, I want to be very subtle and equally efficient,” Brek decided. “My dear Chientaka, is there any chance you could procure me such a weapon? It would have to be something I can conceal easily. Nothing like a walking stick. It reminds me too much of my grandmother. She is into caning, would you believe it. At her age...” He flexed his hands, in memory of too many beatings.

Chientaka reached out and gently touched Brek's hands, "I am sorry that your grandmother did that." then she examined Brek's hands. "I would say either gloves or a ring. I think a ring would work rather well. Though the gloves can help out in protection for your hands as well. All depends on what you wish to do. Though... A ring would look great upon your hand or even have two rings. One for each hand."

Chientaka giving another smile, then released Brek's hands.

Had it not been for Chientaka’s strength (which he imagined to be spectacular), Brek would have withdrawn his hands sooner. He gave the woman in front of him a quizzical look. So, the answer to getting him a stun stick was no. Instead Chientaka seemed to be interested in...what?... his well being? More? As in ‘more if there is chemistry’? As far as women were concerned, he was as blind as any noonday owl...

“Yes, maybe, but no..." He rambled. "That is to say, I’m not after any form of ornament. Besides, my grandmother has a special place in my heart and I can endure her extravagances." He took a sip of wine. "I nonetheless thank you for your consideration. So... How often do you have dinner here with special guests? You certainly know how to entertain."

"Okay so no ring, let me show you what I carry." she pulls out from a pocket, a stunner which would fit in the palm of the hand. "Here try this and as for a special guest dining, it is only on special occasions or on request." she looked at Brek. "When would you like yours and how quickly do you want the stunner?"

Brek relaxed. As soon as transactions surfaced, he was in his element. "Whenever it is convenient for you. I don't mean to be overly demanding. Also, I insist on paying for this item. True friends always pay full price. You could bring both the item and the price at the embassy, if you want."

Chientaka nodded, "I will bring the items, you may need all of what I have mentioned. The reason why I suggested the ring is due to at times you may not be able to get to the pocket size stun stick in time, there for a quick touch with the ring would help. I can have one designed that would look good for a grand proxy. With our arrangement, I do not wish any harm to come to our, friendship."

Only then did Brek take the stunner to examine it, with great care. "Impressive." He then put it back on the table and he continued: "What do you call ‘a ring that looks good for a grand proxy?' I see the value in your idea, but I don't want anything flashy. I like discretion best. And you don’t have to worry about being seen at the embassy. I’ll tell my staff you are here regarding the merchant association. Besides, they are used to seeing me receive visitors. I do it all the time.”

"I do like that idea, most definitely. I had been thinking just now instead of a ring upon your hand, something could be made as an adornment to your wardrobe that you could reach easily. Even something up your sleeve. If you would like. Almost like a hidden derringer from old earth history. A hold out stunner. This all depends if that would fit with your image." Chientaka most definitely wanting Brek to be safe.

Brek picked up his fork and he continued to eat his meal. “I like the way you present things, because I always have something up my sleeve anyway. Tricks and schemes, usually. But a hold out stunner would work perfectly for me.” He paused for a little sip of wine. “This will be the first time in my life that, as a civilian, I carry a weapon. You, on the other hand, seem to know a lot about weapons and self defense. Could it be that, in your past, you encountered multiple enemies?”

"I do have rivals, some have tried to attack me. Most times I would rather be prepared for what may happen. I will say I was not prepared for an explosive cake though. I now make certain that there are precautions put in place as I do not wish to deal with that sort of thing again. Who would have thought that someone would try to take out some of the higher ups at my establishment at a stag party." she slightly growled at the memory.

“Now that you’ve mentioned this, I’ll never see cakes the same way.” Brek remarked as he poured more wine into his glass. He then did the same with Chientaka’s. “The bombing of Elysian Dreams was a sad day indeed... We must make sure your club only sees good days from now on. ... I can’t help wondering, though, seeing you weaponize like this tonight... Does it mean you were concerned I might be... unpleasant?”

Chientaka took a drink of her wine, then regarded Brek for a moment or two. "Anyone can be seen as a danger, but my having my stun stick, it is standard for me to carry something. If someone were to come in here and try to harm you or anyone else for that matter, I am ready for it. Brek, you and I spoke at that gathering, you were pleasant to me, and I like you. If I had thought you to be meaning ill will I would not have even asked you to dinner here or even meet with me." giving a solemn nod. "I ascertained you to be someone I can work with, to do business even though you will be my mysterious partner. One that no one will know about. I do like a little bit of intrigue, if I am causing it."

Brek pictured a scene where an intruder disrupted their meal and attacked them. In holo novels, the man always tends to protect the woman; but he wasn't entirely sure that his reflexes would be chivalrous. A good thing then, that Chientaka was inclined to do the defending in case of trouble.

As cowardly as he knew he was, he nonetheless smiled. “I’m with you there, some light intrigue can be refreshing. And I like you too, Chientaka. You are full of surprises.” He glanced at her, wondering if she was concealing other things inside her dress, and then he decided to change subject. “Talking of mysteries. What are your thoughts on Ms Desire?"

"She is a very astute and sharp business woman. She is very mysterious and very beautiful." Chientaka replied. "I can see her charming the last pair of socks someone would be wearing, rather easily." laughing. Her mind skipped back to something Brek had said, "Back to the cake detail, one thing I will not allow at all is a cake with a dancer hidden inside. That is outlawed, no ifs and or but's I do not want anything like that to happen again."

Chientaka finished the wine in her glass, took a few moments then went back to the more pleasant subject of Ms. Desire. "I am glad that she had decided to put together a merchant association."

“It must have been quite something that cake. I’m glad I was well away from Poseidon when the attack occurred,” Brek reflected, “for I’m usually not far away from free food... As for Ms Desire, this is indeed how she has been described to me, only in darker terms. We could argue that life itself is nothing but a game of seduction, but I have been warned that her type of seduction is dangerous. And due to this, it would be a bad idea to have her as the head of this merchant association.” He shrugged, “For my part, I don’t care much about her looks. Women like her will always be inaccessible to the likes of me. On the other hand, I’m quite captivated by her wealth.”

Chientaka gave a nod, "I can see that it would be rather enticing. I do not know who would be the one to be head of the Merchant Association now that Mr. Ortega is gone. As per what you had mentioned, you can not in good conscience be head of the Association. I didn't put my name in the ring as I well... didn't think it would be a good idea." giving her broad shoulders a shrug. "And this Cara Letsul that has been spoken of, who will be speaking to her?"

Although Chientaka was right, it pained Brek to hear it mentioned that he couldn't be at the head of the merchant association, and so he produced a little grunt. Sure, he could push Moreau forward, and control the association through the Terran woman. That would be fun, but ultimately, it would also damage his reputation.

"Why don't you want to head this association, Chientaka? I think you'd be great in that role. As for the Commander, I'm happy to talk to her on behalf of the merchants. I met her several times, and we get on pretty well."

Chientaka gave out a deep laugh, "Me heading the association? It would have to be something that needs to be spoken about. I would have to go speak with Ms Sapphire and the others. Remember it was her idea to begin with, to have an merchant's association. I had wanted to give Mr. Ortega a chance, I thought him to be great choice." her shoulders drooped a bit. "Just more mountains to climb but I won't let that keep me from moving forward in my business." she paused then whispered. "Our business."

Brek smiled, amazed at Chientaka’s habit to laugh when he least expected it. He then leaned forward, and he echoed her words. “Yes, our business.” He quite liked labeling their little enterprise as such, even though he wouldn’t be putting his own money into Elysian Dreams. “Next time the association has a meeting, I’ll vote for you. I’ll have that good friend of mine, Mrs Moreau, from Zest art gallery, do the same. If we don’t push you to the top, Mr Faux will end up getting that position. He is a fine gentleman, but he doesn’t have your energy. You heard him at the meeting: only one thing motivates him: he doesn’t want Ms Sapphire to lead this association.”

"Okay then, I can go with that and see if that happens. I do like Ms Sapphire, it could be a friendly rivalry." another laugh from the female Lurian. "You have certainly given things a more brighter outlook, Brek, thank you." Chientaka responded. She looked up and noticed one of the wait staff waiting a respectful distance. "Ah looks like it is time to order a dessert if you would like?"

“Ah yes, the dessert!” Brek agreed. His initial idea had been to order something extravagantly expensive, but it was getting late, and he had already eaten quite a lot, so he fancied something lighter instead. “Let me see... I’ll have a slice of pineapple and ginger pavlova. Don’t feel obliged to have the same Chientaka. Have something that you really like.”

Another laugh from Chientaka, she was in good spirits. It might have been due to the good wine, the good company, the fact that she had a new business partner all of the above. "I will be having a chocolate lava cake, with the delicious ooey, gooey inside. I am in the mood for that. She gave the dessert orders to the wait staff and when they left she turned back to Brek. "This has been quite the lovely evening. You are good dinner company."

“I can only echo your words, Chientaka, you are an excellent host, and this evening has been delightful.” Brek added.

When their desserts arrived, Brek pondered on how different these two confections were. It was a case of black and white really. It highlighted their differences, and yet somehow, both of them were on the same wavelength...

Chientaka was happy to just eat her dessert in companionable silence with Brek, the delicious chocolate concoction seeming to taste better than it had before. Could it be that it was due to her having finally found a partner albeit a silent one? One could only hope.

Grand Proxy Brek
Ferengi Embassy
Poseidon Station

Owner of Elysian Dreams
Poseidon Station


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