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Checking on the Neighbors

Posted on 07/18/2022 @ 5:45am by Zaos Orihana & Major Tsinira Vishti

2,639 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: El Aurian Ambassadors office
Timeline: MD4 - 1500 Hours

Tsinira had been past the El Aurian embassy several times and had requested information from Klingon Imperial Intelligence. They were able to provide the name of the Ambassador and were deemed a non threat as they had no fleet or military so to speak of and have had very little dealings with the Empire. The lack of information frustrated her, Without a second thought she walked towards the door. Kreven fell in step right behind her. " Where are we going to Lady Vishti? " She stopped in front of the El Aurian embassy. " Here. " Was all she replied. "Why? " Asked Kreven. We know so little of them, Nor are they a threat. " Stated Kreven. " And that is why we are here Kreven, to find out that information. " Said Tsinira.

The door before them opened and they stepped in. She walked to the reception desk. Good day to you. I am Ambassador Vishti. If Ambassador Orihana is available and has some time, I would like to greet him and get to know my neighbor in the diplomatic compound, if I may. "

Bella, Zaos' aide, was taken slightly aback by the almost abrupt burst into the ambassadorial entrance of their embassy. Klingons were not known for being subtle and this proved such a point very much straight away. For a moment she composed herself, the smell was quite pungent, and she looked at the two in front of her.

They were polite enough in their greetings but it was obvious the woman was in charge and she expected no less a respectful reply. "Greetings Ambassador." Bella spoke courteously. "I will have a look at his schedule... I do not believe he has had much change to book many things since his arrival." Bella looked down at her screen. "He does like to keep things quite fluid, quite open here in case situations arise that needs his attention." she added scanning through the days events.

"You are in luck, Kahless smiles on you, the Ambassador is just finishing his second breakfast and will be free to meet with you." Bella pinged through for Zaos' attention. He would get ready as they walked the hall up towards the large wooden doors where his office lay behind.

As they approached Bella could hear the two Klingons talking in more subdued tones as the sizable wooden doors opened to reveal Zaos moving towards them.

He wore a tight fitted, tailored shirt with a waist coat that matched his trousers. "Ah Ambassador Vishti, nuq'neH?" he asked as he unclasped his hands and opened his arms wide.

" nuq'neH. " She opened her arms and walked forward to embrace him. " You honor me and greet me like you would a family member. You have dealt with Klingons in the past and know of our culture and ways. To be honest, I've been past your embassy several times and had never seen you out and about, So I decided to drop by and make your acquaintance. Sadly I don't know to much about the El Aurian culture and people, Then again you are the first El Aurian I have personally met. Well that and your Aide when we came in, So needless to say I am curious. It is always good to know ones neighbors when your working in the same compound area. By that I mean that all the embassies are fairly close together and we're all working towards the same goal in the long run. "

" I am Tsinira Vishti, My husband was the late General Vishti who died a most honorable death during the Dominion War. Our marriage was to be a political one, that was until we met. He is the one who will never be replaced in my heart. " Her voice trailed off. My uncle was the one who proposed the marriage when I was young and would marry when I was old enough. My Uncle was Chancellor K'mpec, and an alliance between House K'mpec and House Vishti was seen to be a strong political move for both houses. " She looked up and smiled at Zaos. " So Ambassador Orihana, Would you be willing to tell me a little bit about your self? "

"You honour me with your presence, Ambassador Vishti." Zaos spoke after their embrace ended. "I have had dealings with your people before over the past century and I have always found your people to be very honest in your assessment of how things are." he spoke rather cryptically. "I do believe we should all reach for the same goals here as the diplomats of our people. The Federation, Starfleet, are an honourable group but will still always look after their own interests first before ours. As we would for ourselves, so it is true we should all speak a common language together." he added.

"I had met Chancellor K'mpec many times and he took no prisoners. A strong and noble man, who ruled with strength, power and had the grace and intelligence to keep the peace as long as he did. Sto'vo'kor gained a mighty warrior when he passed, but we lost a truly respected and needed leader." Zaos spoke of his admiration for the man.

"As for telling you about myself... I am somewhat of an open book. I am over 600 years old, have lived through a great many lifetimes. I have fought in many wars, beaten back many enemies of my people and forged alliances that lasted for hundreds of years. That was my way until the Borg destroyed our planet..." Zaos looked solemnly at the sculpture of his old world that he kept on a nearby shelf. It was always in view so that it stood as a reminder of things he had to fight for, but in a different way.

"After the loss of El Auria I looked for answers in our holy texts. Something to make sense of what had happened. It was through these that I felt more at peace and became an avid speaker for change and movement. I in fact led us to where we set up home now. I act as advisor to my council of elders, I am a leader in our religion and Ambassador to my peoples interests as I have always been in such troublesome times." He smiled at the Klingon. "Forgive me, I do not mean to bore you with how I got here but I imagine the Klingon Empire is under no illusions the painful task of rebuilding after a lost world. How it can affect the people, their morale drop. This is why I struggle through with the fight with words now, I feel a well placed word or promise can be just as effective as a phaser or a torpedo."

" I also prefer to use words over weapons, It is the best way to resolve our differences and to grow stronger as a galactic community. I'm glad you knew my uncle and had a healthy respect for him. " She stopped and stared at him for a few moments. " I think I may have read your name or a similar one in his personal journals.... I'll have to check on it later. "

Tsinira nodded her head in agreement. " Yes my people know the pain of losing a world, but the planet is not what defines us. It is our willingness to fight for what we cherish and honor, it is the spirit to fight for what we believe and to prove our worth to our ancestors to carry on their honored legacy. But you already knew this of the Klingon heart, your words have already conveyed as much. " She slightly bowed her head. " I look forward to working with you in the future here on the station and know that I can count you amongst the friends of the Klingon people. I also know that you'll do what you believe is right and stay true to yourself and your beliefs. I can foresee us being good friends. " She said with respect and all honesty.

"I couldn't agree with you more." Zaos smiled as Vishti shared his views on a interknitted community of species. "Yes, K'mpec was an honourable man taken from us too soon. It can be a shame when a youth thinks they know what is best and does not heed the wise council and vision of their elders." he said in reference to how he died.

"I can appreciate your words Ambassador, but we were connected to El Auria on a more complex level than it just being our home. Some feel it was what tethered us to our temporal sense... a small majority however. I do believe that home is in the souls of those that make one up. We, as you have so beautifully put, must honour our ancestors with every step we take." Zaos bowed at this point in return to how Vishti had done.

"You can indeed count the El Aurians amongst your people's friends. We have helped each other out on many occasions through more 'covert' means. We do not have the muscle we once did, but we are building. It was important to make our new home safe before thinking of the stars." he said with his eyes softening a touch. "You will always find truth in my words Ambassador. I do choose them carefully and they always have meaning." he extended his arm out reaching for her forearm and for her to take his. "To the start of our glorious journey together. May we find honour in the actions we take."

Tsinira reached forward and clasped his forearms. " Your words ring true and there is honor in your actions and deeds that any Klingon could plainly see. If you require any assistance, please feel free to ask me and I shall do everything I can to help out. I have met all the ambassadors except for one, And I do not look forward to meeting them any time soon. " She paused briefly. " Actually there are two groups that I desire no contact with, The Romulans and the Duras. You most likely know of the blood feud between house K'mpec and House Duras, So I need not delve into it any further. "

"You will be the first person I call Tsinira. I have always valued Klingon allies, they do not dance around truth and often act with more conviction and courage than most race I have met." he complimented them, not for flattery's sake but because it was simply how he saw the species.

"I do know of the animosity between the Romulans and the Klingon Empire, so I understand your hesitance to meet with them. I have not had the chance to meet with Ambassador Loval either... although I did intercept an attempt to infiltrate our computers shortly after his arrival. Now I do not believe in coincidences but I am telling you simply to keep an eye out yourself on your own systems." he extended some advice.

"As for Duras..." he spat on the floor for effect. Normally he wouldn't do such a thing but in Klingon company it felt appropriate given not only her families ties with the Duras House, but the nature of how they were perceived in the actions they had taken over the centuries.

Tsinira turned to Kreven. " Check our computer systems and upgrade it's security to make sure we don't have prying eyes. " Kreven bowed his head. " Yes My Lady, it shall be done. " She returned her attention to Zaos. " So I see you already know of the reputation of house Duras, They are not as powerful as they once were. With any luck they're house will burn and I will be there to send them straight to Fek'lar himself and consign them to the halls of Gre'thor where they belong."

"His name, his house, I feel have been synonymous with dishonour in some way for many centuries. It is only in recent decades sadly their disreputable acts have came to light and the impact on the Empire can truly be seen." Zaos spoke with regret. He disliked dishonourable practices. "I am sure their fate will slowly come to pass."

" That is the problem, their dishonor is known and yet their fate is slow in coming. I would prefer they're fate to be swift and the dishonor removed from the great halls and the empire altogether. " She closed her eyes and took a breath. " I know as a diplomat that I must wait and take the proper course of action. But as a Klingon, I would see this blight burned away form the empire forever and see honor restored and replaced by a new or expanded house. "

"A fine line, Ambassador. I do not envy the fight you must feel within yourself. You do strike me as a knows there are many battles fought that are not on battlefields but in ones mind." Zaos offered some wise words as he noted her body language relax from its heightened stance. The talk of Duras always set people on edge. "I sometimes find that is a line I walk also. Having previously been a warrior for my people I need to remind myself that was many hundreds of years ago, and now I am a different man."

" I am still both I'm afraid. But I didn't become a Major in the Klingon Marines by standing around and looking pretty. I was sent out to negotiate first, and if that failed , then I lead my troops into battle against the enemy. As for the Duras, It is a stain that needs to be removed from the empire, But enough about that. I have high hopes that my being stationed here will be a success and a benefit to the Klingon people and our allies. "

"I'd imagine looking pretty came to you quite naturally Major." Zaos smirked. "I see a long and beneficial relationship between our peoples. We have traded for many years and what not but to solidify a partnership as allies is something I know my Grand Council will be in favour of."

" Once I send a complete list of items and benefits of trading with the El Aurian people, I believe that the High Council will sign a trade agreement with you. You have proved yourself honorable and I will personally vouch for you. "

"I am greatly honoured by your words Ambassador. I can promise you the same from my side. Our worlds will be stronger when our bond is solidified." he said placing his hand on her shoulder. "Now... not a lot of people know this... but I keep a crate of Bloodwine in the back. Think its from 2340..." Zaos said as he shook his head as if it made no real difference. "Fancy a mug? Concrete our friendship at least?" he asked.

" I am agreeable to that. " Stated Tsinira. " 2340 was a very fine year for blood wine. It seems that you have a very discerning palate when it comes to Klingon beverages. I shall have to return the favor sometime soon. while I was stationed on Earth, I acquired the taste for another warriors drink . They were an honorable sect of warriors called Samurai, And their drink of choice is called Saki. I have a number of special bottles set aside and I wouldn't mind sharing one with you. "

"Live as long as me and you'll have tried everything at least once." Zaos laughed as he waved Tsinira through. "However I can say this, Sa-ki..." he pronounced it oddly. "Is something I have not sampled. Something for out next chat!" he grinned. "Now, lets have a few goblets of wine."

" I would love to. " Tsinira said as she held out her goblet. " The next time I shall have to have you as my guest. "

Zaos Orihana
El Aurian Ambassador

Tsinira Vishti
Klingon Ambassdor


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