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An Informal Meeting?

Posted on 10/09/2022 @ 3:16pm by Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn

1,003 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Valadorns Office

Skol made his way to Valadorn’s office just as he had planned to he was there right on time. He stopped and activated the chime waiting to be acknowledged to make his way into the office.

" Enter!! " Boomed the voice from the other side of the door. His back was turned towards Skol as he entered as he was hanging a wicked looking Klingon battle axe upon the wall. " Just leave the report on the desk Ensign and I'll get to it in a minute. " The large klingon finished hanging the axe and turned around and looked at Skol. " What do you want? " He asked.

Skol knew Klingons weren’t known for their manners “I am here to meet as requested by the Commander. Captain Skol Vek, CID Officer for the Marines detachment on the Station.”

K'doc motioned to the chair for his guest could sit. K'doc sat himself down at his desk and opened the bottom drawer and pulled out two tankards and a bottle of blood wine and poured both drinks and slid one in front of Skol.

" I am Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn, Chief Security Tactical Officer for this station. I am currently on long-term loan to the federation to pay back an honor debt. I am also still listed as active duty in the 132nd Ground Assault Division within the Empire as a House Hurric Marine. Is there something you wish to discuss on an official level? Or is this more of an get to know you type chat? I have already gotten to know some of your marines and I'll say that they are well trained and loyal to the federation, You have some very fine people serving under you. "

Skol shook his head "I was asked to come and meet you by the operations officer. I am able to talk about whatever you would like to talk about. I do appreciate the kind words, but sometimes the CID officer isn't loved by the crew or detail due to the work I do. I am used to not being liked." He shrugged.

K'doc picked up his blood wine and took a sip. " Does it matter if your liked or not? As long as they respect you and you provide them fair justice and good intelligence to do their job is all that matters. We're officers and we build a bond with those under us to be the best we can make them. They will serve and do their duty just as we will do ours, is that not so? "

Skol nodded after hearing the logical answer "This is very true and I have never let what they think impede my job, but it has made it harder on many occasions. I guess I do the hard job so others don't have too." He smirked.

" We serve to protect those we are sworn too, And we do our duty because of our training and the honor that makes us who we are. Ifg our people see us do our jobs the way it is intended and expected of us, then they will do there's to the best of they're ability and be the better for it. i don't have to tell them this, because they already know. And if they do an exceptional job then I will let them know or put a commendation in they're file to let them know what their doing matters and is noticed. i imagine you do the same with your own troops. " K'doc stated and then took another sip of the Bloodwine.

Skol nodded “That is a true fact for sure. I do my duty because I swore to uphold the safety and protection of those in the Marines. I have saved more lives than I could even count and that alone outweighs the people that may not like me. As you said though it’s my job and I do it well. I never will keep from my duties and it won’t stop me I’m just telling you what is probably the worst part of being in this position.”

" Those that serve under me know that I'll be right there beside them to protect that which we are sworn to defend or die with my brother warriors side by side. I fear not pain or death, there is only the task at hand to accomplish and the honor and pride of the unit to uphold, if we didn't we wouldn't be marines would we? " He asked with a grin. " The first in and the last to leave. Our hearts are steel and there is iron in our veins and our gaze is long. You know as well as I what it means to be a marine."

Skol nodded it was obvious to see that K'doc was a man who was respected and demanded respect "Indeed so I would never be the first to leave it is cowardice and does not embody a marine or a Vulcan for that matter. I am proud of who I am and the path I chose. It is forever who I will be!"

K'doc nodded his agreement. " Of that I have no doubt. I can see the fire and dedication in your eyes. You didn't become a marine captain by knitting rugs and sitting on your butt. You worked hard and was promoted on your hard work and your merits. Every marine I've ever known is a fire breathing, hard charging, life taker and heartbreaker. He conducts himself with discipline and honor. "

K'doc's combadge chirped. =^= Sir, we need you to respond to the promenade, We have a situation where a Ferengi tried to cheat a Nausicaan at a dabo table. =^=

" Understood, I am enroute . " Responded K'doc. " I must leave. I should be able to get there hopefully before the Nausicaan decides to make a Ferengi kabob. " With that said he got up and departed without another word.

Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Captain Skol Vek
Marine CID Officer
Posidon Station



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