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Posted on 10/06/2022 @ 8:42pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Civilian Terrin Faux

1,003 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Station
Timeline: MD05 1000

Cara rubbed her temples as she surveyed her listings of what was needed. She had thought of who Astrid could get help from to help cooridinate evacuations and an answer came to her, Faux! She hoped that he wouldn't mind her asking for a favor, but this was an emergency.

She tapped on her combadge to get patched into the owner of Admiral on Deck, Terrin Faux.

"Terrin, this is Cara. I have a big favor to ask of you. And I hate to drop this into your lap but I need your help, the station will be coming under attack by the Breen. Would you help coordinate with Commander Astrid to get as many citizens evacuated as you can? I will be sending other help as well."

As she waited for Faux's answer, she sent a message to Astrid. I am gathering a team for you to get people off the station.

Terrin had already seen the writing on the wall. He'd dismissed Andre and the rest of his staff. However old happens were hard to ignore. He'd found his old comm badge and clipped a phaser to his belt when the call came from Cara. Tapping his communicator, "things must be bad, is you're calling me. What's going on Admiral?" He locked the door to his establishment as he moved down the corridor.

Cara didn't bristle when Terrin called her Admiral. "We've got an incoming Breen attack and its coming Today. I am needing your help, Admiral." returning the favor. She felt her heart lighten when she heard his voice. "And well had to hear your voice as well, as an anchor to keep me from going too insane." she quipped.

Terrin reached under the counter and pulled out a comm badge and a phaser. They were relics of his former life but something he knew he would need in time. He clipped the weapon to his belt, no one was going to tell him he couldn't carry it. He headed out the door as he tapped his comm badge, "Alright, Cara, flattery won't work, but if I am needed, I suppose I can work to help. Where do you need me?"

"Help get as many off the station, I need someone to coordinate the evacuation. And for those who will not leave, we need a place of refuge that would keep those who won't leave, alive." she paused for a moment, Cara feeling like she was over stepping her boundaries but with such dire circumstances she was going to call on all the people she could think of. " I am sorry to ask this of you, Terrin."

Faux smiled as he stepped into the main large open area of the promenade, "Elements Commander," he grinned. "It's centrally located, far enough in the station that she shouldn't come under fire, and god knows Sapphire has her own personal armory in there. She may be a pain in the butt, but she won't turn this down. Afterall, you'd owe her a favor then?"

Cara hmmnned, then replied. "Yes I would owe her a favor, much the same for you. I think I need to restart my little black book of favors I owe. I had one back at the station I was in command of. I actually paid most of them off, but not all." a dire chuckle coming from her.

"You don't owe me a damn thing," Faux sighed, "bigger picture and more important things," he muttered. "Besides seeing the look on Sapphire's face when all those people show up, that's enough of a payment." he laughed, "Sapphire's shrewd, but she's understanding. If the station shuts down, she loses business, and that dips into her profits. She'll let us use the facility. As to your owed favor, I'll see to that. Don't worry, dear.'

A slight frown was evident in her voice. "Terrin if I owe her a favor I owe her one. Its not a big deal." a bit of a sigh going over the comink. "I will be glad when this is over, though and hopefully we won't suffer too much damage. I hope to see you after this. I will be looking forward to Patton and Harrington coming back. I truly am looking forward to that. " her voice was sounding rather weary.

Terrin tapped his comm badge, "I am sure that will be a good day for most," he smiled, "now, we have a station to take care of, Cara, and like it or not, you're the one that everyone will be looking for. Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail," he spoke, "it's an old Earth quote means something like finding the courage to do something you have never done before. You're the Captain; show them determination, courage, and support everyone else will follow behind you, Commander."

A soft chuckle from Cara, "You are preaching to the choir, this is old hat to me. I was just whining just a teensy bit. And thanks, you've given me a boost in my spirits like you normally do, and I love you for that. Give me a holler if you need an extra hand or two to get things moving. Hmmnn maybe I can call upon another person who's been an admiral as well. He must think I have forgotten about him, his name is Nicholas Hall. Anyway, guess this is it for the conversation for now."

"Thanks my dear, we'll get this taken care off just keep that lumbering Klingon out of the way," Terrin replied, with a bit of a laugh, "I don't need to babysit him too."

Cara laughed, "Oh don't worry, he'll be babysitting me in operations instead. Okay I gotta go, I'm being called for another session of questions. Thanks once again."

"Take care my dear," Terrin replied.

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor

Terrin Faux
Owner - The Admiral on Deck: Bar & Grill
NPC: Harrington


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