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Finding Phyr Part I

Posted on 09/03/2022 @ 5:01pm by Sergeant Audie Fitch & MU Counterparts Brina Tracy/Cara Letsul & MU Counterparts Aden Phyr & MU Counterparts Audie Fitch
Edited on on 10/12/2022 @ 4:51am

2,409 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 22: The Other Side of the Mirror
Location: Tiki Bar, Sid's place
Timeline: MD003 2100

Rakeesha got out of what was considered a cab on Risa, she paid the cabbie his fare and waited for the two Audie's to get out as well. When he drove away, Rakeesha paused for a moment to take in the scenery, that of a good view of the ocean and the sandy beach. She breathed in deeply of the ocean air, though caught the scent of seaweed upon the beach as well. She shrugged, it still smelled better than some of the scents that could be found in the main city.

"Beautiful isn't it? The mocha colored woman said to the two redheads. "Sure it can get a little bit rough, but hey half the fun right?" She turned around to where there was music coming from a tiki bar. "Here's the place, its run by Sidwell Ghram, and it is his business. C'mon lets go inside and I am hankering for a good drink and hopefully there will be a table for us to sit at."

"Wow! This is beautiful!" AUdie looked around, amazed. She'd heard about the ocean, but even as close by as it was, had never been here. "Never seen so much water all at once!" If this was what was waiting 'outside', she was all in!

"Looks kinda like home," Audie murmured, finding it fascinating that as different as things were, they were much the same. "A drink sounds good!" Something to calm the nerves would be just the thing, and fortunately, there was a small, empty table by a window. "Looks like we're at a party!"

The bar that Sidwell ran was a good establishment. It was half on the beach and half off, so patrons could come up to the beach bar and get drinks while enjoying a swim. The rest was set up as a bar and grill, that could make drinks and serve a verity of dishes. Sidwell prided himself on running a clean establishment that served good food and great drinks.

It was decorated with lots of colored lights in the ceiling, everything was made from Tiki wood, or bamboo and there was a large bar up in the middle of the room.

A younger woman with dark hair approached the table as the three women sat down. She had on a floral string bikini top and a matching skirt in similar material, a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon," She said sweetly. "Do you know what you'd like, or do you need some time with the drink menu?"

"Good afternoon" Rakeesha returned the greeting and smile she knew what she wanted, something she tried when she first came to this place. "I would like a Rum Runner please, and could I get some sweet and spicy chicken wings." sure she had some stew earlier but she was still a bit hungry and the food here was awesome!

It generally wasn't wise to drink 'on duty', but Audie was no stranger to drinking, and one 'adult' beverage for the sake of appearances certainly couldn't do any harm. "I'll have a tequila sunrise." She just hoped they had the same term for things, at least the basic alcohols.

As for AUdie, she wasn't much for drinking, so she shrugged and said, "I'll have sister is havin'." After all, they had to be twins, right?

"Scale of one to five how hot do you want the wings? Also, any preferences for brand of rum or tequila or is the house choice ok?" The waitress asked.

"The scale I want for the heat a three, I want to feel the heat but also want to enjoy the flavor." Rakeesha replied, "Also, I'll go with the house choice." smiling. She was excited in being here once more. This was a great place to unwind and find out information as well.

"Any other food for the table?"

Rakeesha looked at the Audie Twins, "I'm buying, so get something to eat as well."

"Ah, well, in that case!" AUdie glanced at Audie. "How 'bout some carne asada fries?" She'd heard those were great, and while she knew what 'fries' were, she wasn't sure about carne asada.

"Sounds good! I'll eat just about anything that isn't still moving!" Audie laughed, glad that she had a chance to find out more about this odd place.

"I know plenty of people who would prefer it still moving," The waitress made a face, before lingering for just a second. "I'll got put those orders in."

She sauntered off to her station, before punching in the order for the drinks and then the food before she headed off to check on some of her other tables.

Rakeesha watched as the waitress walked away, then glanced around some more just to indulge in the sights of this place, then she looked at the two Audie's "I am certainly going to be coming back here, this is more relaxing than inner city situation. I do like the sound of the waves against the shore." she looked around again to see if she could spot, Sidwell.

"It'd be nice," AUdie sighed, looking around. But this sort of soiree wasn't the sort of thing that she often had the luxury to do. Of course, it wouldn't be long and her life would be completely changed, although whether that was for the better or worse depended on the success of the enterprise.

"I could certainly get used to it!" Audie laughed, then glanced at Rakeesha. "You know, even if 'Sis' and I here are passed off as twins, we can't have the same name, me Murphy." It was a sort of inside 'Earth' joke, a very old one, but they didn't need to be winging it at the last moment.

Rakeesha gave a nod, "Sure.. with Law at the end? Murphy's Law?" she cracked a smile. "I wish I had thought of asking our waitress if I could set up a meeting with Sidwell, I'll do so when she gets back though." then she looked at 'Murphy' "So Murphy, a question for you, once you get the information you need, how are you going to get back to your people?"

"Well, Murphy's law works too!" Audie laughed. "But Audie Murphy was an actor back home a real long time ago...a decorated war hero." Then she shrugged. "I have a way to get back, as nice as this place is, I'd rather not have to stay." It would be fascinating for a while, but she was sure the charm would wear off quickly.

"Don't need ta worry 'bout another me runnin' around," AUdie chuckled. "I don't need that kinda trouble!"

Chuckling, she nodded to the waitress who brought the drinks. "Thank ya."

Out of the kitchen doors came a man dressed like he was on vacation. A light fabric button up shirt that was an island scene as the sun began to set with lots of reds, oranges and yellows, and a sail boat in the distance. A pair of khaki shorts, sandals and a pair of sunglasses hanging from his the top button he had buttoned. He stopped over at the bar and got a drink before he started heading from table to table to see how everyone was doing.

He paused when he got to the table with the three women, his waitress was in right behind him and dropped off the drinks. Once they were down, he smiled brightly. "Good afternoon ladies, I'm the manager here. I realize you just had your drinks dropped off but I wanted to see how everything was going?"

"So far everything is wonderful!" Audie declared, "Of course, any time not at work is good by default!"

"It is going well enough, came to have some good drinks, good food." Rakeesha answered with a smile. Then in a quieter tone. "I'm looking for someone, don't know if he is around anymore. Do you think you could let me know if I can find The Sexiest Man Alive? Well, besides you that is." flashing a dazzling smile. "I am though, looking for a person who holds that title quite rightly."

Sid arched one of his brows, "I'm not sure what you mean. Sounds like a winner of one of the Empire's big contests, which would be back on earth. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for if you cruise the beach."

'The Sexiest Man Alive', here was someone that both Audies were looking forward to seeing. It was a big boast to fill, and there was more than just the matter of looks. After all, appearance was a personal preference, and even then, the most handsome of men could be so ugly in their soul that the facade didn't matter.

"An excuse to have a stroll on the beach!" Audie declared with a grin. It would be a good chance to just touch the water, to say she had when she got back home.

"As if we need one," AUdie chuckled, although she, too, was looking forward to dabbling a bit in the ocean, curious to see how it felt.

"There is one in particular I have been told he lives up to that name, his last name is Phyr. Anyhow though, after we eat we'll definitely take a leisurely stroll along the beach and take in its delights." Rakeesha responded with a smile.

Rakeesha then picked up her drink and took a sip of it. Her eyes lit up when she tasted it and she exclaimed, "This is fantastic!"

"I'm glad you like the drink," Sidwell arched one of his brows, as his eyes fell on the woman who asked about the last name, "Ah, you mean the Empire's great hero. You must have been on some back water for a while. He's dead and I never knew him when he was alive. If you believe the news reels it was in a heroic battle defending the great Empire."

He was right, Rakeesha had been on a back water planet, just organizing things. She just hoped...

Rakeesha gave a slight sigh, her shoulders drooping. "I had forgotten about that, and yes I had been on a backwater planet sort of out of circulation. Maybe there was a hope that he could have escaped. He's been known in my circle as the great escape artist. A legend. Guess I was hoping that... he was able to make another escape." Rakeesha took another drink.

"You seem to know a lot about him," Sid replied, that had the hair on the back of his neck standing up. If these three were with the Empire and knew he might be a contact point he was in trouble. "I would think if he lived he'd have taken command of another ship. I served for about ten years. What makes you think I had any idea about this guy?"

"You served?" there was a slight flare of her nostrils. Rakeesha was worried, this guy served in the Empire and here she was asking some questions. "I am just looking for some help in a relief effort, well since you don't know who he was but have heard only of his heroics. Sorry to have bothered you. I was just trying to find him or others who could help." inwardly Rakeesha groaned, she'll have to go talk to that doctor who sent her on this small wild goose chase.

"Well now that embarrassing moment is over, we'll just eat and leave. And if you are wondering, a woman who is very much into relief efforts, she had told me to come here. A good place to find help."

"What woman?" Sid asked with a raised brow. "I might know some people who can help in relief efforts, but one can't be too careful in this day and age."

"She is a doctor who goes around and helps others out. It doesn't matter what faction you are with, if you are injured she'll come and help the injured or ill person. Her name is Lily Marlow. She is the one who suggested that I come here. I don't know if you'd know of her though, people have tried to get her to throw her loyalties with one faction or another. She has said, "The side I choose is the side of people, the ones who are hurt and are ill." Rakeesha stated.

"It can be hard to know who's right sometimes," Audie mused, "although I guess you can be pretty well assured which is 'right' when tyranny is involved." She shrugged and smiled. "But then, who's to say what tyranny is?" While she was clearly stating an opinion, she wasn't going to flat-out accuse the Empire....not until they were sure who they were dealing with.

"Well, we all need relief now an' then, don't we?" AUdie chuckled, trying to keep things light. She glanced at Rakeesha. "It's too bad 'bout yer friend. Gotta keep hope, I guess." In more ways than one!

"Well, just gotta do what we can do then." Rakeesha responded, staring at the drink for the moment in deep thought, she looked up towards Sidwell. "I do appreciate your information though and any help you can get would be wonderful."

Sidwell considered it for a moment, he worked his jaw before he looked at the first twin. "Talk like that around the wrong people will earn you time in an agonizer booth around these parts. As far as help, why don't you come back around closing time?"

AUdie shuddered at the mention of the agonizer...she'd heard of it, of course, and had seen the residual effects, and she had no wish to be subjected to such a thing. She surely knew she wouldn't hold off long before spilling her guts, and that would be very bad.

"Thank you," Audie muttered, then took a swig of her drink, wondering if the man's words were a warning or a threat.

Rakeesha winced at the mention of the agonizer booth. "This will give us a chance to relax, and enjoy the scenery and have some fun in the water. We'll see you around closing time. And who knows may find some lovely seashells."

The food arrived and Rakeesha set to eating, feeling the need to go for a walk but not while she was hungry.

Cpl. Audie Fitch (Murphy)
Poseidon Station
The Kingsmen

AUdie Fitch
Palace Maintenance Specialist


Sidwell Graeme
Restaurant Owner


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