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Finding Phyr Part II

Posted on 09/03/2022 @ 5:04pm by Sergeant Audie Fitch & MU Counterparts Brina Tracy/Cara Letsul & MU Counterparts Aden Phyr & MU Counterparts Audie Fitch
Edited on on 10/12/2022 @ 4:55am

2,728 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Mission 22: The Other Side of the Mirror
Location: Sidwell's on Risa
Timeline: MD003 2300

Part Two

[A few hours later]

After having some fun in the sun, picking up seashells and swimming in the sea, it was time to head back to Sidwell's place of business.

She looked at the two Audie's "Did you enjoy the relaxing day?" as they headed back.

"Yeah, it was great!" AUdie grinned, pulling her damp auburn curls into a pony tail. "Never thought I'd have a chance ta go in th' ocean. It's almost as good as..." she caught herself. "As work, right?" She laughed.

"It was nice, I don't get to the beach much," Audie agreed, although she hadn't really been able to relax enough to really enjoy herself. This was still work, so she was on alert for trouble, and she was wondering when her time would run out and she'd have to go, so she made it back to the ship on time.

They arrived back at Sidwell's, Rakeesha stepping inside to see how things were, it was near closing time, and she had returned at this time as Sidwell suggested. She was nervous, but also confident they could get away in case of trouble especially the er more confident Audie who had been nicknamed Murphy.

Sidwell was sitting at the bar nursing a beer and waiting to see if the three women were going to show up. When they walked in, he stood up from the barstool he was on and waved for them to follow him. He led them into the back and through the kitchen to a small office. The waitress that had served them was there and eyed the three of them as they walked in behind Sidwell.

"Can't be too careful these days," Sidwell said, once the door had closed behind them. He pointed to three seats before he sat down on the side of his desk. "So, I took the time to look the three of you up. Strangest thing, there's only one of you redheads we could find. If you want my help I'm going to need you all to get real honest."

Ah, well, the jig was up, it seemed, but then, Audie would have been surprised if the man hadn't checked into their background.

"I'm...well, I'm from another place...universe...we call it a 'mirror' --- mostly the same people, only different, and the whole place is different." She hadn't put much thought into explaining it, and honestly hadn't dwelt much on it until now. "I mean, the land is the same...beaches, oceans, buildings, stars...but the cultures and customs."

She shrugged, then added, "I'm just here to help retrieve one of our personnel who got stuck here."

"And how long ago was that?" Rakeesha responded, "I had no idea you were looking for someone who was from your side of the mirror, as how you put it. That's why you were at the The Lohlunat, and I had mistaken you for well.. her." gesturing to the Audie she knew the best. "What's the name of the person you are looking for?"

Sidwell sat by with interest, this was actually something interesting and he had no problem being quiet while he listened to what they had to say. "Oh, do go on. I'm intrigued."

Audie was a Marine, trained in brute force -- breaking things and knocking things down -- and intrigue just wasn't her forte. But here she was, fixing to either be the hero in all this by finding the missing crew member, or the villain who brought it all crashing down around their ears.

Well, she was in it this far...

"Valentine..." For now, she left out the part about her being 'the Empress'.

The look of surprise on Sidwell's face was genuine and he couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. "Oh, you really aren't from around here, are you gorgeous? That or this is an early birthday present and the four of us are going to be having some sexy, naked fun?"

His waitress rolled her eyes, "You're disgusting."

"Only when it isn't found as charming. They're the ones showing up asking about a dead man, saying they're from another universe and suggesting we help them 'extract' the former Empress herself," Sid just grinned at the three of them. "So why on Risa should I help you? This gets traced back to me I'm a dead man."

Rakeesha's eyebrows rose at Sidwell's comment, and chuckled for a moment then her mind focused upon the name Valentine. it couldn't be... There were rumors that the former Empress Valentine had been killed but then it seemed that the rumors of her death were exaggerated. Now there was another Empress the one that 'her' Audie was wanting to help out. Taking a deep breath Rakeesha let it out slowly. "Okay so... um Murphy?" referring to the Audie that isn't from this universe.

"You were wanting to help us 'cause you thought the Empress we are trying to extract is this Valentine? Hate to burst your bubble but, the Empress we're wanting to help out isn't former Empress Valentine. Its actually Aer Feshau, we're wanting to get her away from the monster's palace, along with those who are or were subservient to him."

Rakeesha looked at Sidwell, "I do not want anything traced to you or anyone else. If I am found out, I'm dead. The Empress Aer's bodyguard is the one who is coordinating all of this. The bodyguard is loyal only to Aer Feshau, and not the person we don't even want to mention." Rakeesha thought about it, and something clicked in her mind, and she looked over towards 'Murphy' then to the Audie that belonged here and smiled slightly, before she looked at Sidwell,

Wagging a thumb between herself and the Audie from here. "We are from here, Murphy there, is from the other universe. We have a way to get into that palace and get the people out. Audie and I do. I'm taking a big risk in telling you this, Sidwell, as you can easily tell someone and turn us in to those who are loyal to, well, you know who." she still does not want to even say the name, don't want to jiggle the possible spider web.

"Perhaps some sort of deal can be made?" Rakeesha looking over at Audie, then Murphy then back to Sidwell.

AUdie was stunned by the whole thing, although at least she had an explanation as to why there was another Audie, but the way things were shaping up, it wasn't going to matter much because they were all going to end up dead...if they were lucky...

"Valentine is dead?" Audie frowned and shook her head. "So...." Well, there wasn't anything for the team to do now, unless they'd be willing to help with whatever was going on with the current Empress, and there was that pesky Prime Directive. But maybe that didn't count in the Mirror?

"What do you have in mind? We might be able to do something."

Sid just laughed again and rubbed his hands together before he looked over at his waitress. "Oh he's just going to love this. Do you all have a plan or are you just winging it at this point?"

The waitress nodded slowly, "Indeed he will. I say they're just winging it."

"So, ladies, what do you have to offer us?" Sid asked curiously.

Rakeesha quirked up an eyebrow, actually feeling a little put off, and narrowed her eyes at Sidwell. "There is a plan, you better believe it. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten into this without one. And there is a place we're taking the refugees, I'm not going to say where though but it will be out of reach of the Empire. When we have the ships needed then the coordinates will be given." she pulled in her ire and took a breath. "Look, what would be the initial price for an endeavor like this. There can be negotiations made."

"The coin of my realm isn't necessarily coin, and I'm not being disgusting this time," Sid tilted his head slightly, as he considered it. "But I'm not the one who's going to be taking on the job, that's more a conversation with the one I will connect you with. I'm more curious what the middle man gets."

"The satisfaction of knowing you helped a number of good people to a better life?" Audie suggested, knowing that that was hardly a reward for someone who was self-inclined. Problem was, she had nothing to offer, and wasn't even sure if the crew that was here would be willing, or able, to help, especially with the knowledge that Valentine was dead.

"What's a fair price?" AUdie had no experience in this sort of thing, and, of course, no money of her own to speak of, but she figured that the others might...after all, Aer was an Empress!

"The middle man most definitely needs to be paid, she's got a couple of connections that would be worth your while." Gesturing towards the uncertain AUdie. "Are you wanting goods? A favor you can call on whenever you need it? What would you like out of this, as it has been your time we've been taking. I met someone who seems to have some connections as well, but I had her stay behind as not too certain about her, she was an unknown factor." Rakeesha replied. "Right now you've got the ball in your court, you can set a price for your services."

"Oooh, name my own price? That's a dangerous thing to offer a man like me," Sid gave her a predatory grin, as he considered. "That means you're desperate, but lets be honest, you didn't come to me because I was your first choice. What do you think?"

The question seemed out of place, but there was a shuffle behind one of the filing cabinets and a hidden panel opened up. A light blond haired and blue eyes man stepped out. He was dressed similarly to Sid, having wanted to blend into the environment.

"My interest is peaked that's for sure," The man arched one of his brows. "You want me to help you get the Empress out? I don't know if she's going to want to see me."

"I'm askin' because I don't have no idea what price fer that would be." AUdie shrugged. "I'm an Environmental Maintenance Specialist, I don't know what ta ask..." She trailed off and slid back slightly as another man appeared.

"Who'er you?" The Marine in Audie kicked in full-force, and she wished she had more of a weapon than a dagger, but she'd use it without hesitation if she had to!

"I'm just a dead man, trying to make his way in this world," The blond man gave them both a big, sloppy grin. "If you want my help, you'll need to come with me. We really shouldn't keep discussing this on an empire controlled world."

"Sure it would be dangerous for that offer to be there, that offer is there though." anything else she had to say was put on pause.

To say Rakeesha was astounded, would be an understatement when Phyr appeared from the hidden area.

"Wait, what?" Rakeesha couldn't help but stare at the sexy man that made his appearance, she did her best to recover from her surprise." Well then knock me over with a feather." Then turned to look at Sidwell, "He's been here all along and rumors of his death were... Never mind, better for some to think he is dead."

" I don't know if you've met Empress Aer though." Rakeesha then added. "She seems to think the world of the Empress." gesturing towards the Audie from this side of the mirror. Looking at Murphy, (the other Audie) "Just breathe. Its going to be okay, it should be."

Then she answered Phyr "I'm willing to come with you, sir." deciding not to push her luck and call Phyr by his name.

Just as Rakeesha said that, there would be a beep from Murphy's commbadge.

"Audie, its time to come back, please acknowlege." the lilting voice of Brina, could be heard.

Rakeesha's eyes grew round as saucers. "What in the world? That sounds like the Empress's bodyguard."

Belatedly, Audie moved to cover her comm badge with her hand, but it was too late...they'd heard, of course. "That's how we communicate, that's Captain Tracy-Hall...she's my commanding officer, telling me it's time to go home." Audie shrugged, then asked, "The Empress is Aer? We have an Aer...she's a wonderful person."

It figured that as soon as things started to get interesting she was being called back. "Is there anything we can do to help you? I can ask my commanders."

Rakeesha thought over what Murphy aka Audie had offered, then she shook her head. "It would be best for you to get back with your people, you've got your own mission you need to do and we've got ours to do. From what I've observed, the clock is ticking on your end and the same as ours. Thanks for the offer of help though, we'll take it from here." reaching out a hand to shake Murphy's. "Maybe we'll see each other on the flip side and maybe not. Just be careful, this side of the coin is rather dangerous."

"Audie say goodbye to your twin, you and I need to get moving." Rakeesha looking at her.

"While your story of being from another universe is too fantastic not to believe, I'm afraid I can't take that chance," Aden arched one of his brows. "You're in this Murphy, until I know I can trust you. I don't think you'll be a fan of the alternative."

Rakeesha quirked up an eyebrow. "Just what are you meaning? You're not going to let her go to her people? " looking from Phyr to Murphy and back to Adan. "What do you intend on doing?"

"That's up to the three of you, but I can't afford be sloppy," Aden arched one of his brows. "Once the business is concluded, she'll be free to go but I can't be sure this isn't some kind of elaborate trap. Option B isn't very pleasant, so let's stick with A."

Audie's nose wrinkled up, not that she felt threatened, necessarily, in fact, the man's suspicions were valid. But it did put her in a bit of a pickle. She couldn't linger around here too long, especially as long as their mission might take, but the alternative wasn't particularly ideal.

"I understand," she said, standing, glad that there wasn't anyone else around to observe, "but..." She tapped her comm badge and fizzled away!

Rakeesha just stared at the spot where Murphy had stood, then slowly turned back to look at Aden, she felt a bit of a cold chill and a shiver went up and down her spine.

"Well then." Rakeesha cleared her throat nervously. "Mister Phyr, can we still talk about our other subject getting those people out of that palace?" she had noticed that dangerous gleam in his eyes when he confronted Murphy. She wasn't certain if he was still willing to help out. And they still needed to find ships.

"Interesting," Aden arched one of his brows and made a face. "I'll have to see if we can track her down. As far as helping you, you still have my attention. If she was an empire plant, we'll all burn together."

Rakeesha had another shiver go up and down her spine, "You are so right, we all can burn together, so lets get out of here."

"I don't think so..." Of course, AUdie had to defend her twin, but she hadn't gotten any sort of deceptive vibes, and there had to be some sort of 'connection' between them, right. "No burning, agreed..."

Aden just grinned, the same charming grin that got him through so many situations. He placed a communicator onto each of his new companions and just before a transporter caught them up he said, "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more."

Cpl. Audie Fitch (Murphy)
Poseidon Station
The Kingsmen

AUdie Fitch
Palace Maintenance Specialist

Marine Captain Brina Tracy-Hall
Marine XO The Kingsmen
Voice over the combadge

Contact in Mirror Universe

Sidwell Graeme
Restaurant Owner

Aden Phyr
CO CGS Antioch


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