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In Search of...

Posted on 09/02/2022 @ 11:07am by Civilian David Scarlet

507 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Poseidon Station Approach
Timeline: MD 5 0030

The comm in his quarters beeped again before Scarlet pressed his finger against the panel. The screen flicked to the logo of Starfleet Medical before changing once more to the familiar Andorian woman.

"Good morning David." The doctor greeted him, it was warm but also a little sarcastic. She knew Scarlet long enough to know he never had a good morning. "Just wanted to check in on your recovery."

Scarlet nodded and rubbed his hand across his leg below the desk. He could feel it. The pressure and warmth from his fingers pressing the texture of his trousers against his skin. "Alright."

The Andorian woman chuckled. That was about all she could hope for. "I still recommend you touch base with a councilor. You'll need to if you want to get back on active duty and really I'd recommend it anyway."

"Noted." Scarlet replied with a nod. He owed this woman. She had repaired his spine and allowed him to feel again. While he had always been able to walk he didn't realize how much he'd been missing because of the loss of feeling. Now his legs seemed to be hyper sensitive to even the smallest sensation. It wasn't painful, but it was strange after all this time.

"Where are you headed now?" She looked down at her PADD and made a few notes. "I'm guessing you didn't take my recommendation for leave on Risa."

"Posidon Station." Scarlet said firmly. He wasn't one for sunshine and beached. That bored him. He wanted something else. He needed something exciting. Even though he was currently a civilian didn't mean he had to sit like a lump on a log.

The doctor raised a thin white eyebrow. "Interesting choice David. Of course, you would consider some place like that to be relaxing. Just take care of yourself and don't over reach. Your body is still adjusting." A light blinked on her side of the screen. She sighed, but smiled warmly. "I have to let you go David, Fiona is calling. Keep in touch ok?"

Scarlet just nodded. ""I will... Kyhl." It was strange for him to use her given name and not her rank or title, but the woman had changed his life. He owed her that much.

Kyhl smiled at the gesture and nodded back. "Good luck there David." The screen flicked to the logo of Starfleet Medical before fading to black.

Scarlet stood up from the seat, feeling the carpet compress slightly under his weight and the lingering impression from the seat fade away on the back of his legs. He touched his trousers once more to feel the fabric against his leg before walking over to the windows of his quarters. Starbase 50. Poseidon Station loomed large outside and they would be docking soon.

Already packed, he didn't fully know what awaited him on that station but that was what he needed right now. He needed out of his confort zone and hopefully that would let him find whatever it was that felt missing now.

David Scarlet


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