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Being Nosey

Posted on 12/07/2022 @ 10:56am by Commander Raphael Mattix & Petty Officer 1st Class Maisy Shields

2,202 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Diplomatic Offices
Timeline: MD04 - 1900 Hours

Maisy had felt something on the horizon. The big wigs in Ops had become quite shut lipped, and the chatter had died down somewhat. Whether this was from information distributed and not shared with her she did not know.

She left Ops in a huff and decided to take a walk, blow off some steam... maybe hack a terminal or two in secret. She missed that.

Figuring the diplomatic offices were the quietest and would probably allow a certain degree of freedom she chose to go there. If she used Harrington's office, then flags would ripple in the sky, and she wasn't for advertising what she was doing... being hit with the threat of jail time again was not an enticing prospect.

Telling a passing clerk, she was there on official yeowoman business she sat down at a console, crackmaisyed her knuckles and began to bring up a few databases to tinker with.

Raphael had been sitting at his desk working on a couple of bits of paperwork when his console flashed a notice that a console was trying to access information it shouldn't. After a minute or so, he got up from his desk and quietly headed out of his office. He made his way to the console that was being accessed and stepped up behind a dark haired woman that seemed to be working on it.

"Care to explain what you're doing?" Raphael asked gruffly.

Maisy turned to see an older man standing over her as she put what she was looking at one standby for the moment. "Not really. I don't usually like to explain myself to strange men in purple clothing. Although..." she thought for a moment. "I was hoping no-one would be here at this hour."

"You triggered the security I set up, so whatever you're doing, you're not doing it well," Raphael smirked. "And I'm the head of the department, you appear to be just a petty officer. I would like to know what the hell you're doing here before my diplomatic security team throws you out of here."

"I did see that." Maisy replied. "I just wondered who'd appear as it wasn't linked to the security network but the internal one of this office." She rose from her hair to stand in front of him. "I could be here just to see you. I've heard such lovely things about you."

Raphael couldn't help but laugh at that, before he folded his arms. "Then the people you've been talking to don't know me very well. What are you doing down here, besides trying to irritate an old man?"

"Well, they did say you were surly and hard to please." She commented back with a smirk. "I could just be down here to irritate you... I mean look at you all huffy and arm foldy. I was just playing." she said in reference to the computer.

"Hard to please depending on who you are," Raphael arched one of his brows, as he looked over the yeoman. She reminded him of a few people he'd worked with in the past. "You could be down here for a lot of reasons, none of them really good. Good thing I like that. Why don't you come with me to my office?"

"Well, we'll need to see what we can do about making your happy... sir." she flirted with him. She knew she was attractive, she in fact never hid behind it. It usually came in handy at times, but she could tell that Commander Mattix was a harder man to get by.

"Good. I am glad you like a little naughtiness in your life. You're not as stuffy as the other pips on this station." she smiled and followed him into his office.

"No, I certainly am not like most of the other pips here on the station," Raphael headed for the small wet bar he had built into the place. "Would the lovely lady like a drink? I am very interested in what you were doing down here and how we can... connect."

"I would. What have you got?" she asked in reference to the drink as she watched him bend down a little to open the door of the small bar. "If you have something I like I might give you something... we'll see what that might be."

"Mostly bourbon, but a bottle of Andorian Ale that I am told is a good vintage and a tequila that a friend of mine likes," Raphael looked over at her and smirked. "Not really set up for mixed drinks here, but what I've got can get you drunk."

"I like tequila... but I think I'm in the mood for some bourbon." Maisy replied now eyeing the bottle. "As long as you don't mind getting a young petty officer drunk? I'm fine with getting you drunk."

"A problem with getting a beautiful young woman drunk? Absolutely not," Mattix couldn't help but smirk, before he grabbed a pair of glasses. He set a couple of large spherical whiskey stones in each glass and poured about three ounces in each before heading over to the sitting area and offering her one. "As long as you don't mind telling me why you're really down here?"

Maisy graciously accepted the glass and swirled its contents in a circular motion before looking over at Mattix with an almost wicked look in her eyes. "I have a thing for older men." She said then took a small sip.

"Color me surprised," Raphael replied with a smirk. He paused before he took a drink from his glass. "And I have a think for beautiful women, but you're deflecting the question. I get the feeling you were bored."

"Oh God! You have no idea!" Maisy exclaimed, her Scots accent coming through thicker as she lost a little composure. "This uniform is sooo stuffy and sometimes I like to sit at a computer and see where my fingers take me..."

"What do you do Petty Officer... I don't think I caught your name?" Mattix arched one of his brows, as he watched her closely. She reminded him of a couple of young officers he'd had blow through his own station once upon a time. He took a drink from his glass and let out a gentle sigh. "What sorts of things do you like to do?"

"Maisy Shields, I'm Harrington's Yeowoman. Not the most exciting of jobs but it keeps me out of a penal colony so." Maisy shrugged a little. Her past exploits had landed her in the red collars of the fleet. They deemed her talents too good to throw away in a cell and maybe service would fix her path. "As for what I like to do? Love picking apart organisation's by hacking and releasing sensitive data they don't want people to know. Bad stuff... I only ever targeted bad people. Like comic books, superhero and sci-fi stuff. Having a drink with a handsome man... I'm enjoying that right now." She raised her eyebrows suggestively and smirked at him.

"What about you? What's your go to fun things?" She asked him.

"I'm not sure if I am one of the good guys," Raphael admitted. "My name is Raphael Mattix. I typically enjoy drinking, smoking cigars and the company of beautiful women. There are other hobbies, but most of them I can't do while I'm here on the station."

"Well good thing for you that I don't always have problems with bad boys... just depends what they get up to." Maisy replied. "I knew who you were before I came down here. Being one of the senior staff means you're pretty high profile... that and your name comes across the Captains desk often. Although now you do have more of my interest in what hobbies you can get up to when you're not here..."

"Before I came back to work I had a homestead that I was tending too, ducks, a big garden and a couple of horses," Rapahel smirked at her, there was more to that story but he was fine with the simplicity the story. "Once upon a time I was in a line of work that if I told you about, I'd have to kill you."

"I've never been on a horse." Maisy commented almost as if a stray thought left her head. "My parents have a farm back on Earth, so I grew up in the countryside. I begged them for a horse but... well... dad said no so." She added before hearing, or not hearing, of his clandestine work. "Well, if you come at me with something pointy, I might have to defend myself."

"The only thing pointy I'm planning on coming at you with I'd hope you'd welcome," Raphael retorted with a chuckle. "If you ever make it out to my place, I suppose I could teach you to ride a horse."

"Well under the right circumstances I can be quite welcoming." Maisy smirked. "And I will hold you to that." she said rising to her feet. She had moved closer to him and was tracing the pattern around his badge before looking into his eyes for a moment.

Raphael arched one of his brows, watching the girl closely. He was still trying to figure out her game, but he wasn't complaining about what was happening. "Plying you with drinks seems to be helping. Are you hungry? I don't mind using expensive food either."

"Sounds like you know how to treat a girl. I never say no to someone who is giving me nice things. Drink, food and company. I could do worse, but so far, your company is nice. What kind of food do you like?" she asked.

"I like most things, although I've never been a big fan of Klingon food and Andorian food is usually too greasy," Raphael arched one of his brows. "I do have a replicator that can make pretty much anything though."

"No... things that wriggle on my plate are not my idea of good food." Maisy gave a little shiver as her imagination fired up giving her the image of a plate of gagh.

"Or their need for things to be raw, I would much rather a nice sear on a piece of steak," Raphael chuckled and took a drink from his glass. "So, how good are you really? I might have a need for all of your talents."

"Definitely." Maisy replied as she felt a flush in her cheeks. "I'd like to think I am pretty good. Granted I got caught and put in this red jumpsuit, but it is better than a cell. The Rising Wave group only used me to get information from Starfleet databases. I did leak the controversial story about the last Federation President, that they had a few mistresses..." Maisy shrugged before rising to her feet and walking towards Mattix. Tracing his commbadge, "It depends how badly you want something."

"Oh, well, if having a few mistresses is controversial then I might just be the modern day Al Capone," Raphael slid one of his arms around her and gave her a smile as he gently guided her to sit in his lap if she wanted. "Oh, I certainly want something. I also like knowing who I can go to that doesn't mind bending the rules."

Maisy chuckled softly as she felt his arm around her and she felt her body lower slightly and sat on his lap. Her eyes never leaving him as he took her weight. "Rules are meant to be bent and broken, are they not?" she smirked devilishly. "Makes things exciting... as long as you don't get caught like I did. Although, the thrill of the chance of getting caught does make my heartbeat fast."

"If you and I find a way to work together, I can help make sure you never get caught again," Raphael's eyes were focused on hers as he moved his hand over her side and hip. "I can be a very good friend to have."

"Promises, promises Mattix. I hope your ability matches your mouth." she said her eyes moving to look at him lips. Her chest quickened along with her breath; she was definitely enjoying the moment. "I can be a very good 'friend' to have too."

"I caught you, so either you wanted to be caught or you're not as good as you say," Raphael retorted, as he naturally leaned his head forward, towards her lips. "I guess we'll just have to find out."

She could feel his breath on her lips and for some reason she felt a compulsion to touch his with her. The kiss was passionate, it was deep and when she pulled back, she looked at him as her breath returned, "Well, we can make finding out fun."

"That's the idea," Raphael replied with a playful grin. "The question is, do you want to continue here, or would you rather me take you back to my room."

"Oh, I think it's a bit naughtier messing around here." Maisy said pulling at his uniform.

"Lovely idea," Raphael grinned at her.

PO1 Maisy Shields
Captains Yeowoman
Poseidon Station


Commander Raphael Mattix
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Poseidon Station


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