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Posted on 12/07/2022 @ 5:08am by Civilian David Scarlet & Ensign Max Trevor & Civilian Annie Parker & Civilian Annabelle Parker

1,760 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: SB 50/SS Wyvern
Timeline: MD 5 1500


The entry point to get to the station prime was crowded, there were an influx people who were leaving the station. There were two people in the heat of an argument, a blonde who had a little girl next to her clinging onto her leg. The little girl was also holding a cat with a tortoise shell fur.

"Max I need to stay here and help stop what is going on." the blonde glaring at the security officer.

"Annabelle you can't stay here and you need to go somewhere safe with Annie." the security officer answered in a huff.

"But Max!" the blonde woman huffed.

Scarlet tried to avoid bumping into anyone as best he could. It wasn't easy as he felt like a salmon swimming upstream.

He had almost made it past the arguing couple when a pair of heavy set Bolians elbowed their way past him causing him to bump into the woman.

Scarlet's first instinct would have been to go after the Bolians, but he caught sight of the young child and instead held out a hand to the mother in a peace offering.

"I apologize, it seems like I'm heading in the wrong direction today."

The blonde woman gave a slight smile and accepted the man's offered hand. "Its okay, we've got people leaving the station for safety. My brother is trying to get me to leave. I want to fight but-" she was cut off by her brother.

"Sis you need to go. I don't want anything to happen to you. Just take Annie and go to where it is safe." Max pleaded with her.

"Mama I'm scared, please can we go to the planet below?" the little girl pleaded with her mama. "I want to see my friends they are already there."

"Without training you'd not only get yourself killed, but anyone else who would depend on you." Scarlet said with a grumble. He looked down at the child. "Besides, you have to look out for the best interest of the child. And a battleground isn't the place for that."

He looked at the Ensign. "I just arrived, what's happening here? I have military training so I can help."

Ensign Trevor took a look at the newly arrived as if to take his measure then gave a slight nod. "Well, perhaps you can help me get some of the more obstinate people off the station." giving a meaningful look towards his sister, and a slight gesture with his head.

Annabelle was getting a rather determined expression in her eyes, as if she were about to do some more arguing. When her little girl squealed out, "Mindy, you get back here, right now." as her tortoise shell cat seemed to want to wander off.

Scarlet was about to say something about being relegated to crowd control with his experience, but he was a civilian now. And it was the same arguement he was having with his sister. Scarlet grinned slightly in spite of himself.

He turned to Annabelle and the little girl. "Let's get you three to safety. Even the girls cat wants to leave."

Annie, the little girl quickly grabbed onto Scarlet's hand and pulled him in the direction that her cat was heading off to. "Mindy you get back here!" she squealed out, not letting go of Scarlet's hand.

Annabelle huffed, "Annie you can't just grab someone by the hand and drag him along!"

Max couldn't only shake his head and then make way for others who were leaving the station. "Anna get Mindy and get Annie out of here!"

He was about to protest. With his training he could be an asset on the station. But the instant the young girl grabbed his hand he knew he was needed elsewhere.

Scarlet followed Annie and glanced back at Anna. "It's ok. Let get everyone to safety. The planet will need support as well in an emergency."

They weaved through the crowd, Annie was nearly as graceful as the cat itself in dodging people while Scarlet bumped nearly every shoulder along the way.

"Hey watch where you are going!" were some of the growls and grumbles from those heading in the opposite direction.

Annabelle followed after Scarlet as best as she could having to dodge out of the way of a few. Annie finally caught up to Mindy who had hopped up onto a small side wall to clean her paw. Annie letting go of Scarlet's hand and scooping up her kitty who meowed. "Mindy are you looking for Buster?"

Mindy meowed as if recognizing the other cat's name. "We'll find him but will have to do that later." Annie looking at her mama who finally arrived.

"Mama please lets leave, I don't want to lose you." Annie pleaded yet again.

Annabelle gave a nod. "But, my ship I can't lose it!" she stated, "That's how I make the money to keep us going."

"Can your ship land?" Scarlet asked quickly. "You could ferry people and then use it as a shelter on the planet. Starfleet would compensate you."

He paused for a moment before looking back to where the ensign was. "And I can assist in keeping the ship and your crew safe of course."

Annabelle nodded, "it can land, and if we can help get people off the station lets do so." her face brightening up at that suggested option.

Max looks at his sister. "On one condition you." spearing Annabelle with a firm gaze. "stay on the planet and let him do the shuttling. I just don't want you to be well shot out of the sky so to speak. Well, don't want anything like that happening, but still. Just can't lose you sis, nor even Annie."

"Or Mindy!" Annie piped up, having her cat in a snug hold.

"or Mindy." Max giving a slight laugh.

Annabelle turned to look at the man who was there. "So... I'm gonna trust you, and gonna let you utilize my ship okay?"

Scarlet's eyes widened for a moment before he gritted his teeth. "Show me. You'll be on the first run to the planet. I'll handle the rest."

As Annabelle began to walk them to her ship, his mind raced. He wasn't a pilot, he was a fighter. This was way outside of his wheelhouse. But this was where he could do some good so he was in.

"Is there anything I should be aware of? Defensive or offensive capabilities?"

"It has deflector shields and phasers." Annabelle replied. " Enough to keep the pirates away when I make my deliveries. Plus I do travel in a group. Well when deliveries are being made."

Scarlet looked out the viewing port and then back at Annabelle. The ship was surprisingly sleak for a freighter. "It looks very well maintained. That'll help. I can keep out of direct combat but if the breen see a ship making runs I'll probably end up a target regardless."

"Show me the basics and I'll do what I can to pilot it without getting blown out of the sky."

"If you've flown a runabout and another craft like that, then I think you will be okay." Annabelle replied. "and what I am looking at, there will be other ships out there too. Just don't get blown out of the sky. All in all, I'll give you a quick run down on the way to the planet below then she will be under your command." Anna replied. She looked back towards Max. "be safe little brother, I expect you to be here waiting when we come back." walking over and giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Max gave Annabelle an embrace, kissing her on top of the head and also giving Annie a hug too. "Be safe." then looked at Scarlet. "I trust you to do what is needed to be done." holding out his hand to shake Scarlet's, "I'm trusting you to some very valuable cargo." giving a wink towards Annabelle who playfully glared at her brother.

Scarlet firmly shook the outstretched hand. "I'll get them to safety." He looked back out the large port hole and nodded. At least it was more to work with than what he had expected. Cargo freighters weren't usually that well upkept.

"Come on," The former marine said to his soon-to-be passengers. "The sooner we leave the safer it'll be." While he would be piloting the ship he quickly fell in step behind Annabelle as it was her ship still. "What's it's name?"

"The name of the ship is Wyvern." Annabelle replied. "It is part of a relative of a dragon. In case you didn't know that."

"Mama really loves that ship almost as much as she love me." Annie spoke up, as she jogged slightly to take Scarlet's hand, holding Mindy tightly up against her with the other.

Mindy meowed in protest.

The small group made it to Annabelle's ship and was able to get on there.

"Okay lets get to the bridge, it is simply easy enough to fly it." Annabelle commented. Once at the bridge, she waved towards the command chair. "Okay give it a try and lets get her warmed up."

Scarlet looked at the offered seat and was about to protest taking over the command as casually as it was offered but remembered that this wasn't a star fleet vessel. Instead, he nodded and took the seat.

"Hmmm..." He began as he looked over the console before him. It was at least federation standard, but with some obvioua tweaks and several other high level star fleet interfaces missing. There was almost a poetry in the simplicity. He just hoped he could make it sing when he started it up.

Scarlet's hands moved hesitantly across the console as he powered up the systems and got ready to contact the station for departure.

He looked over at Annabelle and nodded. "Systems online, awaiting departure clearance."

The clearance was given, and then Annabelle gave Scarlet some instructions. "You have had some basic training in flight, and I have confidence in you."

Annie and her cat were safely off the bridge of the ship, as it was off limits to cats and children.

Settling into the seat, Scarlet fought through the hesitation and set the ship in motion. This was a far cry from what he'd been used to, but as long as he could help he would. His hands still missed the feel of a rifle though.


Annabelle Parker

Annie Parker

Ensign Max Trevor

David Scarlet


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