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And So, It Begins [Part Three]

Posted on 12/06/2022 @ 10:07am by Captain Cara Letsul & Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Commander Raphael Mattix & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn

1,753 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Station Operations
Timeline: MD 5 1600

K'doc thought of a KDF commander back home before he came here, he had a throw rug made from nine breen hides in his quarters and was proud of each hide that he killed. He allowed a small smirk to play upon his lips briefly. He muttered softly. " Then let them come, we have a warm welcome awaiting them. "

Raphael took a deep breath, he reached up and tapped the command to close the channel and shook his head. "The first ship that gets within firing range, I recommend hitting with everything we got. We also have six ships that have agreed to help. None of them could go toe to toe with a Breen ship, but if we keep them close and let them sucker punch it'll help."

"I am in agreement with you, Commander Mattix. I also am going to send the location of the Breen base that Lieutenants Wymund and Zamfir have found, to the Commodore." Cara looked at Aer, "You've got some good people working for you there."

Aer did think the El Aurian ship would be a formidable match for the Breen ships, but it was quite old, and truth be told she didn't know much about the Lucani, or Captain Ageas, aside from the history books. As Cara spoke to Aer she smiled, "Yes, I do. My team are the very best, although I am biased." she thought for a moment. "I do agree with Commander Mattix but leaving one of the defending ships closer to the station, such as the Caliban, would be a good idea in case the Breen slip through our lines."

There is a communication coming in, this time it wasn't from the Breen ship.

"Commander Letsul, there is a communication it has a Star Fleet signal."

"Send it through." Cara stated.

"SB50 this is Lieutenant Wymund, we have sightings of Breen ships. I repeat we have sightings of Breen ships. One is a Chel Grett Battle Cruiser, two Ved Karm class destroyers and four Plesh Brek Class frigates and they are on their way. Anything you'd like us to do while we are out here?" Hotaru asked.

This was a call that Cara could make but, she looked towards both Raphael and Aer. In essence with both Aer's and Raphael's experience it was going to be their call.

She turned to them both. "Any suggestions, this is actually something you both have to make the call on."

She then turned to communications. "Send the information to Commdore Rice's ship, quickly."

"That's... That's it?" Raphael blinked a couple of times, before he started laughing. "Seven ships and only one that could actually do some damage? I stick with my original recommendation, blow the first ship in weapons range back to hell. We use the civilian ships and our fighters to keep the Plesh Brek Class ships busy, deploy all external weapon pods, and show the rest just how much punch this station has. I did have one other idea, it's a delicious irony, but I don't think anyone else will like it."

"Is it possible to disable the base? Their communications?" Aer asked. "I would imagine that is where they will retreat to. If we cut that off, their ability to speak to their hierarchy, we may be able to take advantage of that confusion." she added. "I know the craft they are on is capable of covert manoeuvres. If they are quick, they could get it done and get out."

K'doc worked at the tactical station inputting information. " Targeting systems set for maximum range. All phasers and external weapons pods are deployed. Currently delaying shield activation until we have conformation that the new shield units have been installed. We also have marine and security units preparing to go to their assigned areas. Reporting that the station is battle ready and ready to send those mangy flea ridden curs to their graves. "

Cara was quietly listening once more to what was being said. She was curious as to what Raph was thinking about doing and was about to open her mouth to ask when she was interrupted once more.

"Two more ships have arrived, trying to get a read as to what class they are." came Hotaru's voice there was quiet for a moment then came an answer, "There are two more Ved Karm class ships"

Cara looked at Raphael, "What sort of wild idea do you have?" she then looked at Aer.

"If we cut off their base, cause confusion and a bit of panic then some ships might return to 'defend' the base'. Give us some breathing room and time to deal with the ones that remain." Aer looked at the group. "Although my suggestions are more on a smaller scale, more pinpoint, I know there is more tactical experience at this table than I can offer." Aer's experience was more intelligence based, not pulling from the tactical and security, and overall experience of Valadorn and Mattix.

"There is a Dominion garrison at Yadera, it's only about nineteen light years away. They would get here a lot sooner than our own reinforcements," Mattix arched one of his brows. "They're going to want something big in return."

"What if we give them the data..." Aer said as she felt the drive in her pocket. "but change it a little. Add to it. A little Trojan horse maybe?"

"We should destroy it," Raphael said flatly. "But no, we're not going to give that data up. I suspect they'll want something else. I think we should offer a diplomatic place on the station and a potential trade and defense pact."

"I sincerely do not like that idea, Commander Mattix. Just what or who would we be dealing with?" Cara defintely wasn't pleased would it be Vorta? the Jem Hadar?

"Look at it as a way to open diplomatic relations with the Dominion, something Starfleet and the Federation would love to do," Raphael pointed out, before giving her a half smirk. "And you should say yes, mostly because I sent someone to negotiate the moment I knew about the Breen attack."

K'doc folded his arms across his chest. " We know that the Breen have a base nearby. They can rearm their ships and repair them; they can also continue to send strike after strike into federation territory. And if left alone they can expand they're base and bring in more ships, supplies and troops. " His voice raised slightly in volume to emphasize the point. " We know where the base is, I suggest we send the Chal Qal to the base and destroy it. Do that and we take away their ability to communicate or bring in re enforcements. They will not be able to repair or resupply their ships and we remove a threat and their ability to fight in the gamma quadrant. " He said with conviction in his voice.

Aer listened to the suggestions and comments. She wasn't going to destroy the data, not yet. Yes, it was dangerous but also valuable and Starfleet didn't want the research erased when they could potentially see a use for it. There was a slight annoyance at her idea being so wholeheartedly rejected, but at the moment did wasn't getting the chance to explain that it wouldn't have been the actual data she would send. Cara had chosen Mattix as the XO and she would follow the orders given. Not every idea makes it off the shelf.

"I agree with K'doc. I get the feeling from the Breen they will attack regardless but they don't know that we know of their base. They hit ours, we hit theirs. It may not stop what is going to happen now but it will shift their power here right now." Aer spoke.

"I also am in favor of that plan. I still think Rice should send some of his ships," Mattix spoke up. "We hold until more ships show up and destroy them."

"Say yes to the Dominion? You sneaky, scruffy looking nerf herder." Cara fumed, not happy with Mattix at the moment. "I guess it is a little bit too late to tell said contact to not go there. And as this is under your jurisdiction you felt right to just go ahead and do this without my say so." gritting her teeth.

A person came towards Cara and handed her a padd, Cara looked it over and clenched her jaw at this. "The fighters are not at the station right now. Looks like we'll have to get creative right?"

"We've got shuttles, right?" Mattix raised one of his brows. "This is a boxing match where we're under weight, we're going to have to dance and hit when and where we can."

Cara gave a nod, "And we still have some civilian ships that are with us."

K'doc spoke up. " Our Marines and Security are well trained and will do they're duty and defend the station to the last man. That and the shopkeepers and civilians that have chosen to stay on the station will fight tooth and nail to take down the breen and survive." K'doc pulled a PaDD from his console. " I took the liberty after I arrived at the station to research some of the long time residence on the station to see if anyone had prior law enforcement or military experience. I've confirmed a little less then sixty persons. I'd like permission to contact them and have them be given temporary status as station security for the duration of the crisis, since they've already had training. "

"Do it," Raphael said, he knew Cara might not like him jumping in like that but anyone who knew how to use a phaser would be valuable. "All the help we can get."

" Aye Commander, The order has been passed to security to gather those persons for duty. " As K'doc acknowledged Lieutenant Commander Mattix. " Commander Letsul, We are within firing range of the Breen vessels! Weapons are standing by, Permission to fire! " As the large klingon worked the controls and targeted the bridge of the battle cruiser.

K'doc checked the sensors. " Commander Letsul, the Chal Qul has cloaked. We are unable to tell the ship's disposition at this time. "

Just as Cara was about to give the command, the station was hit from an unknown source....

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor
SB 50

Lieutenant Commander Raphael Mattix
Chief Diplomatic Officer
SB 50

Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
SB 50

Commander Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
SB 50


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