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Breen Freeze

Posted on 03/02/2023 @ 11:30pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Commander Raphael Mattix & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn

1,057 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: The IGS Aben th'Everek
Timeline: MD 5


Zisha had an icy gaze towards the gathering of the ships aimed to go against the Breen. "Weapons charged and ready at your command, Captain Thazia." all the while she was keeping track of where ships were located. Her snow white hair was caught back in a simple pony tail, her black uniform showing off her blue skin. She could feel her pulse quickening at the prospect of a battle.

Syr manned his station at the sensor ops station and looked over his shoulder at the Captain. " Captain Thazia, the Breen ship formation is coming in at a slower speed and are keeping their formation tight. I don't like this, it's almost as if they are excepting something. "

Thazia adjusted the top of her form fitting uniform, she'd spent the time while they were traveling studying Breen tactics and they're typical strategies and any information they had on the commander of the fleet that they were about to engage. She hoped it would help. Her antenna flicked at the air in mild irritation.

"A tight formation, they're certainly trying to protect themselves," She repeated, as she considered their opening move. "We've joined Rice's fleet, what are the other ships doing?"

"From the information that I am receiving, the Paramount is taking on the larger ship, and they are already being attacked. The El Aurian ship is firing upon one of the Ved Karm ships, it looks like they have hit but the damage is negligible upon the Breen ship, looks like they are maneuvering to find a better angle of attack. The Klingon Vessel has cloaked and have intiated their own plan of attack. And the Ferengi ship, has fired upon one of the smaller ships a Plesh Brek class Frigate." Zisha took another look at the read outs, "Also two of the civilian ships are taking on another one of the other frigates. They have suffered some damage but are still fighting."

Thazia listened intently to the report, her eye watching the sensor read out on her screen. "The other Ved Karm, it's moving in to assist in the attack on the Paramount. Bring us along the Paramount's lower hull, we'll come up on the other side and give them everything we've got. Make them think twice."

Syr called out to the bridge crew. " Captain!! New contact has decloaked. Five more Breen ships, bringing the total up to nineteen enemy ships and one of the Ved Karm has broken off from the third group and is trying to get behind us. "

Zisha watched as the ship moved towards the target, as soon as the way was clear she fired the particle cannons seeing the streaks of black where the energy beams hit the side of the Breen ship. She was already making the calculations as to dealing with the target that was trying to come behind them.

"Sounds like we have our work cut out for us now," Thazia's antenna bent back and touched the back of her head, her ice blue eyes watched the new contacts enter the field of play. "Hit that ship with a full spread of photons."

A Bird of Prey shimmered as it decloaked and fired upon the Ved Karm from above and behind as it rocked with the explosions of three photon torpedoes and several disruptor pulse hits. Andorian Ship Aben th'Everek. This is the Chal Qul and are here to aid you. It's shields are down, take the shot if you have one.

"Got it!" Zisha responded sending out the full spread of the photon torpedos which hit the Breen ship blasting it to its fiery doom. She glanced at both Syr and Thazia wondering what their answer would be, "Hailing frequencies open?" she also asked.

Syr nodded. " That was timely intervention if I say so myself..." He stopped in mid sentence. " Captain three ships decloaking near by! It's three Klingon Vor'cha battlecruisers. They focus fired on a Breen battlecruiser and blew it to hell!! Reinforcements have arrived, and the Chal Qul is registered to a Ambassador Vishti. Orders Captain? "

Hotaru took a look at the crew of the IGS Aben th'Everek. This was going to be interesting to have a team up of an Andorian ship as well as Klingon ships. "Looks like a party is already starting, Major." this coming over the coms.

Thazia's antenna stood up and she watched the view screen for a few moments, before she finally nodded. "If we hunt alone our prey will be able to take advantage. Form up with the Ambassador's ship and let's show these Klingons what Andorian mettle is made of."

The Chal Qul would make an attack run on a Breen ship and decloak and make evasive maneuvers. As the Breen turned towards the attack it left a wide open target for the Andorian cruiser and shortly there after decloak behind another ship and attack once again.

Zisha watched as the Klingon ships moved, and catching their pattern, the Andorian ship worked in tandem, a harmonizing of the ships involved. Her antennae quivering with excitement, as the spreading of the quantum torpedoes along with the array of weapons upon the IGS Aben th'Everek ripped into the opposing Breen ships.

Hotaru, upon Major Vishti's ship, monitored the chatter and sent out messages keeping track of the information that Stefan was giving out.

"Major, I believe the way is clear for us to head for the Station, and finish things off." Hotaru remarked.

" Helm! Hard about and make towards the station! Tactical! If you see a Breen ship you are free to fire at will until there's another target or it's a pile of scrap. wo' batlhvaD!! ( For the honor of the empire )

Thazia's antenna shifted slightly before turning inward towards one another in acknowledgment. "Form up with the fleet. Let's not let these Klingons show us up, we are Andorian after all."

A cheer went through the bridge at Thazia's remark, as the ship was brought into line.

"Yes lets show them what Andorians can do." was Zisha's answer.


Zisha Zh'vaolnihr
The IGS Aben th'Everek
NPC: Cara

Captain Thazia zh'Zothrihr
The IGS Aben th'Everek

Syr Ch'rathihr
Executive Officer
The IGS Aben th'Everek
NPC: K'doc

Lieutenant Hotaru Wymund
Poseidon Station

Major Tsinira Vishti
Klingon Ambassador
Assigned to Poseidon Station


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