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And then there were more [Part Two]

Posted on 03/02/2023 @ 7:27am by Captain Cara Letsul & Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah & Commander Raphael Mattix & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn & Civilian David Scarlet

2,092 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Operations Station SB50
Timeline: MD5


The two Breen breaching pods were still on their relentless downward journey towards the station. The first was targeting the fighter as they retreated from the exploding destroyer and sending explosive disruptor bolts and singing the exteriors of the fighter craft and tossing them around.

The second breaching pod was targeting the civilian freighters lending aid in the fight and scoring hits and causing damage.

The first task force of nine Breen ships approached the station in a staggered formation and firing volley after volley of disruptor fire and torpedoes at the station.

The second and third task of Breen vessels turned their attention outward towards the defending ships and began to focus fire one ship after another in an attempt to destroy their enemies ships in quick order to end the fight and focus on the station that they hoped would soon be bereft of defenders.

Both Breaching pods fired their braking thrusters to slow they're descent and making contact with the station. The Breaching pods were within fifteen hundred meters of the station and it's crews were preparing to slaughter anyone who opposed them or stand ready to enslave those that they could capture. The threat to the station grew with every second that passed.

====Claw's Bridge====

"I think we've made them angry," Irov's tone was humorous over the comm, but on the bridge of his ship his blue antenna were bent back, and he was watching the battle from his Captains' chair.

"Two breaching pods are about..." Kass, Irov's brother, growled from the tactical station but was cut off.

"I see them," Leara, currently sitting at the Conn station, snapped back. "We've got ships right behind us."

"Knock it off," Drev, a short but portly tellurite with a big beard was at one of the stations along the side of the bridge. "We're covering the Wyvern."

"Is there anyone else?" Irov asked, the ship shuddering as it was hit with another wave of fire.

Cara growled as she watched the screens of what was going on outside of the station. She swept back one of her strands of hair getting in her way then looked at Vek.

"Vek, you are needed inside the station, get going!" Cara ordering the Marine to leave. There was much going on and she needed him elsewhere. The station shook more from the onslaught several other consoles sparked, the one nearest Cara sending sparks, causing her to jump, and slap sparks off of her uniform.

Cara turned to Aer, "Aer, go take over tactical we're gonna need you there."

"Any time..." Mattix muttered under his breath. "Two fighters are disabled. A third is toast. They're having a hard time covering. I'm redirecting my diplomatic security team to cover those two pods."

Cara looked over at Mattix and gave a nod a grim look on her face then turned back to watch the screens, trying to dampen down the emotions she was picking up, from others.

A small civilian ship dropped out of warp, it was back away from the battle but was in the perfect spot to lead in the last of the help that the station was likely to muster. Isabelle reached up and tapped the comm to open a channel to the station.

The Andorian pilot, Azyv, was already accelerating to attack speed.

"Sherwood Forest."

Raphael's smile couldn't be bigger, "Acknowledged."

He opened a channel to the entire fleet, "All ships, this is Commander Mattix. The next wave of assistance has arrived. Let's keep in mind we're all one big happy family."

Mere moments after Raphael's message, seven signals dropped out of warp. Moments after that, the sensors picked up two wings of Jem'Hadar attack ships and a Jem'Hadar battleship. An unnerving sight if one were on the wrong side of them during the Dominion war.

Raphael accepted a call from the battleship and a male vorta popped up on the screen. "You are Mattix."

"I am and you are Relnut."

"I found your offer most curious and you will honor the word of your offspring?" Relnut bowed his head slightly.

"We will."

"First," Relnut turned to the Jem'Hadar next to him. "Send in the attack wings. Bring us in to cover the damaged defense fleet. Make sure no Breen survive this battle." He looked back at Raphael. "I look forward to meeting you."

The screen went blank and Raphael took a deep breath. It had been a gamble from the beginning, but he could only hope this would get them out of the fire. The frying pan would be tomorrow's problem.

"All six attack ships are moving to engage the Breen. The battleship is moving to support our fleet," Raphael adjusted his uniform. "Let's finish this."

Cara felt like she had been suckered punched in the gut, just seeing a Vorta on screen. She felt a tightness in her chest, and her breath hitched. She saw black for a moment, then her vision cleared. Placing her hand upon the console to steady herself. With a deep breath Cara powered through it, much like she did other things, she shoved it to the back of mind.

"Yes.. let's finish this." Cara said through gritted teeth.

"Aer, blast those son of guns." she called out. "Blast the Breen to smithereens!"

"Sure thing, Cara! Blasting them to smitherBreens!" Aer had moved over to the Tactical station when Valadorn left to help repel the boarders. Her hands danced across the console at speed, targeting the closest and most vulnerable of the ships. Say what you want for Cardassian weaponry but she often felt it lack the punch of a Starfleet issued phaser bank. Some had been installed but not nearly enough for a station of this size.

Cara cracked a smile when she heard Aer's words, it was funny, then her attention was taken by a message coming in from the Paramount. Reading it she sent one back letting them know the status of the station and what happening. She assured them that things were being taken care of and that reinforcements had come to help. Cara didn't give much in the way of details. All will be put in the official report. Right now, they were in survive this battle mode. She did send a message to the Paramount and it read,

Hold fast, do not waver.

Cara then contacted the Wyvern. "What's your status!"

"Alive." Scarlet grumbled over the comm. "Still kicking, but we're in rough shape."

Scarlet glanced back as Ellis came back to his post from disposing of their guest. He thought for a moment about the trust placed in him for this ship and the livelihoods of those who depended on this ship.

"We can support where you need, but we can't take much more fire." Scarlet said hesitantly. He didn't like handing a fight to someone else, but the truth was that this ship wasn't a combat vessel and he promised to bring it back.

"Wyvern Keep yourself out of the line of fire and do not... Do not fire upon any dominion looking ships." Cara could scarcely believe what she was saying, feeling her stomach lurch a little bit. "They are taking care of things. Just stay safe and see you when this is over." Cara signing off on that bit.

Scarlet shared a glance with Ellis and shrugged. He never did understand the motives of the Dominion or the Breen so having them at each other's throats seemed like a win to him. "Acknowledged."

The com channel opened on the ops deck. The sounds of fighting and phaser fire could be clearly heard in the background as the message came through.

This is Lieutenant Valadorn, The Breen are killing civilians. I am authorizing the use of unrestricted use of force against the Breen. Take them down any way that you can and protect any that you can. Heghlu' meH QaQ jajvam!!! ( Translation: Today is a good day to die!! )

The channel closed as suddenly as it opened, and nothing else was to be heard.

Cara glanced around, looking at those there on the Operations Level, towards Mattix then to Aer.

What with the current battle being fought on three fronts, it looked like they were going to survive, and the Breen were being shown the errors of their ways. Cara could only hope that there won't be a huge amount of loss of lives, besides what had been lost already. It made her wince, and she also felt more anger. She sucked it back inside though. "Everyone hold fast, hold steady." was her comment.

"The tide is turning. Wyvern if you move to the Dominion Battleship, they'll provide cover and give you time to repair," Raphael said over the comm. "Claw, try to cover their retreat and form back up with the fighters. Keep as many of those damn drop pods off of us as you can."

"Acknowledged," Irov's voice came over the comm.

::Ouside the station::

Another breeching pod clamped onto the station and a minute later a hole had been blasted into the side of the station and the Breen prepared to disembark from the pod.

Due to intelligence, the location of the breeching pod was passed onto security and the marines. A security fire team was ready with four grenade launchers and the marines with them had set up a Gatling phaser and began pouring heavy fire into the breeching pod until there was no further movement.

::Operations Level::

The deluge of information being fed towards ops Cara was weaving it together, into a somewhat manageable flow of reports and data. With the reinforcements that Raphael had pulled into play, they were definitely making headway even more. The breeching pods that managed to penetrate the station, the intruders were being eradicated. Then K'doc sent out a message of wanting a couple of Breen to be captured alive. Also news of success from the Paramount was received with a bit of joy as well.

Cara's thoughts turned towards the other away mission,that went into the Mirror Universe. How were they faring? Were they successful? Will they be coming back soon? Of course with the Herodotus being a time ship, then time was just a relative thing.

Her musings were interrupted by a shout. "Commander Letsul, it looks like the Breen ships are disengaging their attacks!"

Cara shot a look towards Raphael then towards the staff on the operations level. "Give me the readings!" she exclaimed.

From the numbers she was seeing, the Breen ships had been whittled down enough to where they decided to make a tactical withdrawal. It looked like the attack was finally over. "We made it!"

K'doc's voice came over Captain Letsul's combadge. Lieutenant Valadorn to Captain Letsul, here is what we know so far. Seventeen marines, twenty security and sixty eight civilians were killed during combat. The Breen that were captured, convulsed and melted into piles of sludge inside of their encounter suits and are dead, their dead also melted in a similar fashion. We have no prisoners. I will send you a full report once all the facts have been compiled. Valadorn out.

Cara balled up her fists, clenching them tight enough that her knuckles were white when hearing K'doc's report. Tapping on her commbadge Cara responded, "Thank you, Lieutenant Valadorn." ending her transmission.

The muscles in her jaw tightened, and Cara made herself to loosen up her clenched teeth. There was too many loss of life in her opinion. A breath in through her nose catching the scent of fried circuitry, causing it to scrunch up.

She had to say something. "Alright everyone, thank you for your teamwork. We've got a bit of work to do for clean up, but we've made it through. You can mark yourself down for a job well done."

There was a ping on her padd, and Cara raised an eyebrow at reading the message. She looked at Raphael. "Well now, it seems that your aide, Ensign Rugasi and my aide Ensign Shields have set up an area with food and drink."

"Nothing quite like a drink after a hard fought battle," Raphael took a deep breath. "I'll join shortly. There's going to be a lot of work getting this station back together."

Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Raphael Mattix
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Poseidon Station

Commander Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah
Chief Of Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station


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