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And then there were more [Part One]

Posted on 03/02/2023 @ 7:25am by Captain Cara Letsul & Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah & Commander Raphael Mattix & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn & Civilian David Scarlet

2,348 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: SB 50
Timeline: MD 5


The station rocked as it was struck by a burst of heavy phaser fire. K'doc worked the sensors to pin point the damage. " Commander Letsul! The starboard aft shields are down twelve percent. Shields reinforced. We have five Breen ships decloaking! We have a Chel Grett Battle cruiser and four Ved Karm light cruisers in a V formation. The Chel Grett in the center with two Ved Karm's to either side of it. Range twenty thousand Kilometers. Firing a spread of photon torpedos at second group as they are in closer. "

Cara cast a glance over towards K'doc then to Raphael and Aer. "Son of a-" she stopped there. "The sneaky devils, they have the capability to cloak!" Cara gasped sharply taking in a quick intake of breath, feeling the concerns of those who were still on the station. Cara gripped the edge of the console for a moment to steady herself, gaining control over her mental shields. It was undeniable, the thick cloud of uncertainty and fear that was being picked up from all over the whole station.

A grim expression surfaced, as Cara uttered these words. "Now they're asking for it."

"Sirs the USS Artemis has taken on one of the Breen ships, and also the Glan'To, Loval's ship has taken damage as well. " came word from one of the people in operations.

Cara turned her attention to where that battle was raging, as it wasn't too far from the station. She grimaced as to the damage that the ships were taking.

"Commander Mattix would you coordinate the civilian ships that are out there? And do the voodoo, what you do best." Cara remarked.

Then Cara turned to Aer, "Would you contact your intelligence people who are out there, see if you can get a bit more information from them."

Cara barely caught the opening of the door which led into the operations deck of the station, she glanced behind to see the appearance of Commander Jezka the Chief of Operations, and Captain Vek arriving. "Welcome to the party" she remarked.

Vek had finished up the departure of the Kingsman and realized he needed to get to Operations. As the station rocked he changed to a full sprint as he went down the corridors of the station. In just a few moments he met with Jezka who he gave a head nod and kept his speed. As they reached the doors he stopped and straightened his uniform before the doors slid open.

"Hey better late than never." Vek grinned briefly before getting serious again and walking up beside Cara "So what can I do to help?"

"You're a Marine. Work with Lt. K'Doc on the station's defenses. We need to start barricading Ops and engineering, dig in and prepare to get bloody," Mattix looked at the Marine for a moment, before looking back at the readouts. The civilians were a little overzealous, but they were interfering.

K'doc overheard the comment from Mattix and looked up at Vek. " Captain Vek, being a marine officer I'll assume that you've had training using phaser banks and photon launchers, if not then let me know. " He paused to for the answer.

Vek didn’t hesitate at the question “I have plenty of experience in both yes. What needs to be done?”

K'doc nodded. " You cover the starboard half and I'll cover the port half of the station. Our objective is simple, If it's Breen then blow it to hell and perhaps they're space dust will be useful one day. If any of our ships are being hard pressed, then lend it some support. " Just then K'doc let out a string of curses in Klingon. " Commander Letsul !! A third group has just decloaked. Incoming torpedos! " A volley of torpedos slammed into the shields and rocking the station.

" We have another Chel Grett Battlecruiser and four more Ved Karm's coming in a V formation as well. Group one with nine ships coming in at 000 mark 33. The second group that is currently at 20,000 kilometers is at 240 mark 195. And the third group just decloaked at 120 mark 90. We have a total of nineteen Breen ships!! " He reported as his fingers flew over the control board and firing at as many targets as he could.

Vek snapped into tactical mode immediately listening to the coordinates and firing the stations defenses towards the nearest enemy to his weapons. The hardest prt was making sure the station and the ships were all protected. He was alternating fire on the ships attacking the station and the ships. The coordination was paramount and between him and K’Doc they were making sure to put up a wall of fire for the enemies. They had done some severe damage to some of the group before the other ships broke off to regroup. Vek looked at the ship formations “They’re only regrouping and I feel that round was easy compared to the next volley they throw at us.”

Joah hadn't had time to acknowledge Cara's remark as one of his Ops officers needed help with keeping up a section of the shields. It was nearing critical levels. He gave a few quick hints on how to stabilize them before saying out loud, "A glass of the best Spring Wine for anyone that can find an algorithm to predict their attack patterns. We can apply a dynamic shield output algorithm if we had that."

K'doc Targeted the Chel Gratt from the second group, three of the quantum torpedos hit the shielding on the starboard side near the secondary hull of the Breen Battlecruiser. The Battlecruiser turned away to protect the collapsed shied until they could re-enforce it. " Captain Vek, Damaged Chel Gratt Battle is moving away from my firing arc and into yours Check your targeting sensors and fire at where the shield has collapsed. I don't believe it's a critical area, But it will cause them trouble. " He said.

Vek nodded and did exactly as K’Doc suggested and watched for the collapsed area of the shields on his sensors. As soon as they came into his targeting he opened fire with the torpedoes and phaser banks. “That did some significant damage to them.”

Aer moved over to a console just off the main ops floor, away from the main bank. She needed some quiet to contact the runabout where her people were. Punching in her security code she couldn't help but have a little bit of fear for their circumstances and she hoped they would be okay.

"My team reports they have taken some fire. They have planted some charges on the enemy base and were discovered on their retreat." Aer's heart quickened. "Minor injuries, runabout has taken damage and is in need of assistance." She looked over to Cara.

Cara chewed on her lower lip as she contemplated what could be done then she sent a message to Commodore Rice's ship.

Cara then looked at Aer. "I've sent a message to Rice, maybe he can help out there, and get someone to do a pick up on them. Hopefully they are somewhere semi safe."

"I'll contact the Lucani and see if they can cover the runabout, or at the very least clear a path towards it." Aer's hands flew across her console as the station rumbled a little causing a rear console to spark. She flinched a little as some sparks came over her shoulder and one caught her cheek slightly.

"SS Wyvern reporting in." Scarlet said through the intercoms. "We're a civilian freighter with teeth. Where can we help."

The station shook once more with another barrage of weapon fire from the newly revealed Breen ships. "Sirs there is reports of damage on the station." Cara looked over at Joah, "Commander Joah, any luck finding that algorithim?"

"I was hoping someone else had time in doing that." Joah said in between the work he did on the console before him. "My team and I are just barely keeping the shields up."

Cara was reading over reports of damage through out the station. It was mostly inner damage from the station being shaken by the attacks. Cara was very glad that the station had been able to send a good amount of the population down to Aquil. Her thoughts also were directed towards those who were in the Mirror Universe. Who will come back, will all of them come back? Were they able to find that missing person?

She keyed in her response to the Wyvern, "There are a few ships out there." Cara looking out towards where there were others engaging a Breen ship. "Just be careful out there." she added.

"We'll help where we can." Scarlet replied firmly. He was mostly familiar with the Breen foot soldiers instead of their ships. That would change soon enough.

A new attack from the Breen third attack squadron rocked the station, one of the environmental panels showered the port side of Ops with sparks and a small electrical fire.

K'doc called out a warning. " Commander Letsul! Shields failing in sector 7, Attempting to re establish. A Breen Ved Karm has decloaked and launched a breeching pod and has connected to deck sixty seven. Internal sensors are reading two hundred Breen life signs pouring into the promenade. Reports of attacks upon civilians are coming in. I am directing nearby security and marine unit to intercept and defend the civilians. Additional orders Commander? "

"Lieutenant Valadorn, you are going to have to get out there and over see that. Captain Vek take over tactical, Commander Jezka see if you can get a team to get those shields up. " she watched as one of the operations people was utilizing an extinguisher to put out the small fires. "Commander Feshau keep track of incoming information if you would please and Commander Mattix, I might be forgetting something, if so let me know."

Joah nodded. He didn't mention to the Commander that he'd already summoned everyone from Operations to do just as she told. No need to add more to her worries. They would make it work one way or another.

K'doc's eyes narrowed as he opened the case and removed his Bat'leth and looked to Cara. " Understood Commander, It shall be done. " His features were like stone as he entered the turbolift. " They shall learn the error of their ways. " he said as the Turbolift doors closed.

"Don't worry, I won't be quiet," Raphael said with a nod, things were certainly getting exciting now. He looked back down at the console and a smirk crossed his face. "Wyvern, I'm sending you an updated course. There's another ship coming in."

A theta-class raider dropped out of warp shortly after he sent the updated information to the Wyvern. As the ship started to increase it's speed and prepare to engage, a new voice came over the open com.

"on it." Came Scarlet's brisk reply.

"This is Captain Irov of the Dragon's Claw. I seem to have stumbled on something you all might have been looking for."

"This is Commander Daaca of Hydra Squadron. We're a little late, but I see you've left some targets for us."

"Irov it's about damn time. You're always late to the party, join up with the Wyvern and take out some of their support ships," Raphael said with a grunt. "Hydra, keep these damn breaching pods away from the station."

"You heard the order, we defend the station. Be mindful of the point defense weapons. All fighters follow me," Daaca called over the comm.

From the sensor profile of the Dragon's claw, a group of much smaller ships broke away. The split off into groups of two for a total of six groups and began heading for the station.

"The term is fashionably late, old man," Irov's voice came back. "I'll buy the first round once I've cleaned up your mess."

"Cut the chatter and don't get yourself blown up," Raphael shook his head.

Two more Ved Karm's decloaked near the station which each dropped a breaching pod each which were quickly descending towards the station. The breaching pods gun ports began blazing away at any federation ship that was nearby.

The four breen destroyers broke off and regrouped together and then cloaked. A few minutes later they decloaked on the opposite side of the station and making and attack run on the shield generators rapidly firing their disruptors and torpedoes as they closed in at a breakneck speed and not wavering from their course.

Three of the breen destroyers suddenly broke away from the attack and cloaked. The remaining one making a suicide charge at the station and the stations sensors picking up a high energy output from the ship as it's warp core was charging into a critical overload.

Seemly from out of no where, six of the Valkyrie fighters came screaming towards the Breen destroyer. As the destroyer came barreling towards the station, the fighters stuck in a tight formation before breaking late.

"Two and four take out their impulse engines. Five and Seven, hit the bridge. Three with me, we'll go right up the middle."

Two fighters broke left and two right, with two remaining on course. The first two flew right up the middle and opened fire directly on the ship. It would do little damage. The two that went right cut across and began firing on the bridge of the breen destroyer while the other two rocketed ahead and hit the impulse engines to disable them before all six broke off and scooted away as quickly as possible.

When the destroyer exploded, it was far enough back that only some of the debris hit the shields of the station. The fighters were gone as quickly as they'd swarmed, already seeking their next target.


Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station

Civilian David Scarlet
SS Wyvern

Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Commander Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah
Chief Of Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Raphael Mattix
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Poseidon Station


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