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The Elements of Safety

Posted on 04/14/2023 @ 1:25pm by Civilian Terrin Faux & Captain Cara Letsul & Lieutenant Commander Junipyr Danae & Civilian Sapphire Desire

2,128 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Elements
Timeline: MD 06


Vurom Tok, Bajoran Owner of The Nexus, closed up his shop and headed towards the Elements. He had been told that this was the place to hole up in during the attack of the Breen. He had been given the option of leaving for the planet below, Aquil but he declined. This was his home and Tok darned well wasn't going to leave at all. He was bound and determined to help protect the place. He stepped inside Elements seeing if he could spy Miss Sapphire or anyone else for that matter, he was familiar with. It already looked like people had arrived to seek safety.

Stopping someone who was one of Sapphire's employees Tok asked, "Do you know where Miss Sapphire is at?"

There was a slight sound coming from the entrance of which he took notice, Vurom smiled, it looked like Faux had arrived with some other people.

"Salutations Faux!" Vurom giving a wave of greeting towards the owner of The Admiral on Deck.

"Where's the Princess," Faux smirked, certain that Sapphire wasn't going to like all these extra people here. Especially if they didn't spend any money. "We've got a lot of civilians coming here," Faux looked over at Vurom, "they are going to need places to stay, and supplies. I don't need your boss bitching about profits or credits."

Sapphire emerged from her office, a set look on her face, but still cheery. "Oh a Princess I am my dear Faux. You truly have no idea." she smirked. "Tok, I need the stock to be moved into the supply room and locked down. No need to keep temping drinks out when our visitors can not pay." she said.

"Not all of it," Faux reached over picking up a bottle of some sort of whiskey, "this one is on the house." He poured himself a glass, and then a second for Sapphire, "if this thing goes the way they are saying we both are going to need this." He may not have liked Sapphire, and he certainly didn't trust her but right now she was providing a service that the station needed. He was going to have to be semi-workable.

Tok nodded and proceeded to go lock down the stock, minus the one that Faux has claimed as his own. He worked for Sapphire part time. Other people were coming in as well. Giving a shrug he swiftly went about his business.

Sapphire downed the glass and smirked, "Oh I'll find a way to charge you for that." she said. "But you are right, hell is coming, but nothing is getting through that door that I don't allow." she said as she reached behind the counter and pulled out one of her weapons, one of many pistols she had hidden around. She'd been in a lot of rough places.

"My dearest Sapphire," Terrin smirked, "I am certain you will try but we both know that won't work." He looked at the weapons, and smiled, "I expected someone like you had a small arsenal here, just don't let Security see these. I hear that Klingon is a bit sticky when it comes to armed civilians." He picked up one of the pistols off of the counter, "even pretty little red-heads like you."

"I can charm the ridges off a Klingon. Even the spots off a trill." Sapphire smirked. "but it is wiser he doesn't know about them. The fewer people know, the better for those that do." she said passing a weapon to her employee and another to the bouncer before she locked up the compartment again to hide what was left.

Tok accepted the weapon, "And Sapphire charmed me into working for her." the Bajoran shop owner commented with a grin. He checked the weapon gave a grunt of approval. "besides I know nothing about any sort of weapon stashes." he added.

"Nothing at all." Sapphire said as she strolled around the place. "Tables can be moved if needed, to make barriers or emergency surfaces," she said motioning to the open areas and the alcoves. "I wouldn't suggest letting anyone behind the bar unless we must, there are still a lot of breakable things that I'd rather not get pilfered through," she said.

"Fair enough," Terrin replied, "I would also suggest having a couple of your people on the upper floors. Should someone get in, a higher advantage point could help." He motioned to the upper floor that overlooked the main floor.

Sapphire smirked, "You don't think my only staff member is Tok do you?" she scoffed. "What do you take me for?"

"That's a loaded question," Terrin smirked, "and a topic for another day for now we focus on getting as many of these civilians to safety," he took notice of another wave of people entering the facility. No doubt travelers on Poseidon for a vacation.

"This way folks, hurry up," he motioned to the center of the room, "there are areas near the back set up for your protection."

He looked back to Sapphire, "these people are going to need water, and the little ones snacks, before they all start to cry."

Tok came over to help get the people situated, setting them up in different areas along with others of Sapphire's staff. He looked up towards where there were those set up ready to repel invaders. Sapphire was most impressive, more came in running, all looking panicked, and running towards the barriers that were set up.

"They're on their way, heaven help us they are on their way here!" A woman cried out in fear.

Terrin pulled the phaser from under his coat, "You," he looked to Tok, "get these people to safety and far away from all the entrances." He motioned to a few more of Sapphire's people, "all of you if it isn't Starfleet or a Civilian it doesn't make it through the doors; understood. Humans have a saying, shoot first and ask for forgiveness later," he paused, "I think that is how it goes."

He looked at Sapphire, "If you have any other surprises tucked away in here, now would be a good time to let the dog out of the bag as they
say." Terrin looked directly at Sapphire, "if those Breen get in here, I promise you, honey, it won't matter what secrets you try to hold onto."


The station shook more from the blasts it was taking from the ships outside, there were sparks flying about. Some ceiling panels dropped down to the floor. Then came the call over the commbadges of security.

"Intruder alert! I repeat intruder alert!" as Breen crew members from a destroyed ship arrived onto the station through a weak point in the shield.

Two Breen materialized onto the promenade, holding weapons, looked around and started to jog towards the area where there was a turbo lift. A couple of people had stepped out from where they had been holed up in and were shot at by the Breen. The snouted helmets of the Breen intruders, having turned to confront them, sought to pursue them, the civilians running for their lives. There destination somewhere safe below the deck where it was said to be safer.

Juni had been in the Alcaren Embassy reviewing a lead on missing Alcaren woman when the alarms went off. She whistled and ran out of the door, her large cat like creatures following behind, now on alert.

As she moved out on to the promenade she spotted a Breen, in an instant she looked at the cats, identifying to them that the Breen were the enemy.

Over the intercom came the voice of the Chief of Security Lieutenant Valadorn This is Lieutenant Valadorn, The Breen are killing civilians. I am authorizing the use of unrestricted use of force against the Breen. Take them down any way that you can and protect any that you can. Heghlu' meH QaQ jajvam!!! ( Translation. Today is a good day to die. )

Terrin checked the setting on his phaser, "you heard the man, nothing get through that door." He looked to Sapphire's people, "whatever force is needed."

Tok raised a hand, looking at Faux, "Except if they are friendlies. Shouldn't be difficult to figure out who."

Faux looked at the man, "kill them all and let the gods sort it out." He smirked looking at Sapphire, "just kidding."

Just at that moment, more people came running in, and behind them could be seen the snouted helmets of the Breen Invaders, one of them shot down a fleeing civilian as they came through the door. Tox dove for cover to get in position to fire, a shot just missing him as he did so. "They are coming in hot!" he shouted.

There was a loud cry from near the doorway as one of the invaders dropped to the ground, a large feline tearing into the back of his leg. Juni wasn't far behind, driving a blade down into the neck of the Breen. She let out a low whistle and her cat disengaged and moved on to the next one who was giving her other cat a hard time. She glanced inside and saw defenders lined up, looking a bit shocked at the show, "Hold the line!" she yelled at them before she ran back out to join her cats, who were fighting hard against one Breen as another was trying to drag them away. The claws from her cats and their hard long teeth were as sharp and powerful as any knife.

Terrin pointed a finger, certain the look of utter confusion was evident on his face, "what is that? who is that?" He turned to Sapphire, "we didn't have one of those when I was in uniform." He held his phaser but smirked, "is she one of yours?"

Tok popped his head up and moved towards the door of the Elements, to help assist the people who had come in to safety.

"Good heavens Mister Faux, haven't you heard? That there is Commander Junipyr Danae, she was the Chief of Security of this station. A force to be reckoned with!" Vurrom Tox had the sound of awe in his voice. He'd heard about Danae and how well she kept the station safe, had even seen it with his own eyes, even now. He sighed though he'd not mention it, but Tok had a slight crush on Junipyr. He knew he'd not be able to really say anything, but hey a guy can dream, right?

Sapphire chuckled, "She's not in security any more, but she clearly can still fight." she grinned. "I may have to see about getting one of those cats." she leaned towards the opening of the club seeing a dash of lean cat flying by with the dark Junipyr dressed in Alcaren armor running behind to catch up. She seemed to work in sync with the animals, "Telepaths... Must be amazing to be able to connect with a working animal like that. I'll admit, I'm a little jealous." she winked at Faux, "and maybe a little turned on." she laughed. "If she keeps that up we won't have to shoot any one, she's keeping them back..." she commented before she raised her hand and motioned to another small set of civilians rushing towards them. "In Here!" she yelled.

The civilians ran in Sapphire's direction.

"I'm more than a little turned on and I am in love." Tox ending up verbalizing his crush. Having a huge grin. "Dang look at them go!" as he in turn looked out the entrance as well.

"If we could move on without the commentary on your love life, or lack thereof," Terrin replied, "we have wounded coming in and civilians that need care." He gestured to the crowds, "I am sure personal will be here shortly but until then we are probably on our own."

As a few more civilians and officers alike rushed into the large open space of Elements, Terrin turned to the nearest staff member. "Get them water, or something," he stated firmly, "there has been a lot of damage we don't know how long these people will be here. Treat this like an emergency shelter for now."

"You," he looked to Tox, "our battle appears to be over, but for now nothing gets through those doors that isn't a member of this station crew or civilians." he gestured, "go."

The older Trill turned to Sapphire, "So, where do you keep the good stuff?"

Tok gave a grump and mumbled something, that wasn't heard. He shrugged and Faux was right, and he headed on his way.

Terrin Faux
Owner: The Admiral on Deck
PNPC: Harrington

Sapphire Desire
Owner: Elements
PNPC: Vedan

Vurum Tok
Owner-The Nexus
NPC- Letsul


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