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Vishti vs Breen Base [Part I]

Posted on 01/24/2023 @ 10:08pm by Lieutenant Hotaru Wymund & Lieutenant JG Stefan Zamfir & Major Tsinira Vishti
Edited on on 01/24/2023 @ 10:12pm

1,840 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Space
Timeline: MD 5


The Chal Qul sped towards the nearest of the Ved Karm.

" Increase angle of ascent by twenty degrees and set cloaked mine for remote detonate! " Commanded Tsinira. " It is as you have commanded Major Vishti. We shall pass over the enemy ship in ten seconds. " Came the response from the helm officer. As the Chal Qul closed the range and just before they arrived in front of the Ved Karm cruiser Tsinira ordered . " Drop the mine and dive over the rear of the ship! " The ship dove at a steep angle barely clearing the Breen vessel, a few seconds after clearing the ship.

" Detonate the mine NOW!! " Commanded Vishti. The mine exploded and lifted the Breen vessel as if it were punched by a giant fist and ripped off the port warp nacelle. " Hard about and fire a volley of three photons at it and fire disruptors as we pass! " The photon torpedos slammed into the stricken ship as disruptor fire raked the hull. The Ved Karm was burning and drifting lifelessly in the void. " Major Vishti, Incoming message from the Paramount. " Came the report from the security station. " Put it on my screen. " Replied Tsinira. She read over the message. " Recloak the ship. Set course for 117 mark 22 and set speed for maxium warp. Take us there now! " The Chal Qul faded from view and entered warp.

"Major Vishti, this is Ensign Cade from the USS Paramount, a request for assistance has been sent out from Commander Letsul, there is a request for you to destroy the Breen Base as well as pick up two intelligence officers in their shuttle. It is the Katsura."

Vishti nodded as she listened to the message. " Open channel. " She commanded. " Message received, Enroute. " Was all she said as the communication channel abruptly closed. " Lay in course and engage at maximum speed, This day shall see honor and blood. Let us go find it. " The ship entered warp and was hurling towards it's destination.

The Katsura

Hotaru winced at the damage the Katsura had taken, but glad they had escaped. She looked at the damage that was done to herself and Stefan as well. He was in the other seat, "Damned Breen, I really despise them" she groused, "Just can't get a read on them, so there isn't a way to get an advantage over them when in a fight. We stopped the communications though."

Stefan gave a nod as he kept watch. "We're sufficiently hidden, well at least for now. Wonder if they are able to come pick us up" leaning back for a moment in the seat, and then winced instantly regretting it. "I am looking forward to getting a nice hot soak in a bathtub when we get back."

Stefan then stopped and held up a finger, gazing out the viewport as he thought he had seen something.

IKV Chal Qul

The helmsman turned towards Vishti. " Major, We are about to arrive in the system. "

Tsinira leaned back in her command chair and folded her arms. " Cloak the ship and bring up tactical viewer at my station. " The Chal Qul shimmered and faded from view before coming out of warp.

" Short range passive scan! " She ordered.

The Tactical officer reported. " Major Vishti, we have six small mining ships working in the asteroid field. Two have broken off and are moving away from the others. "

She stared at her tactical screen. " Scan for lifeforms. "

" Yes M'Lady " Replied the tactical officer. " Each ship has a crew of one M'Lady and it is Breen. " Came the tactical officers response with contempt in his voice.

" Match speed and follow them. " She commanded.

" Matching speed. Course of 203 mark 84. Speed , one tenth impulse. " About ten minute later at the edge of the asteroid field the mining ship came to a stop outside of a very largs asteroid and sent a pulse out that opened concealed doors leading into the asteroid.

" A wicked smile spread slowly across her face. " How many anti ship mines do we have remaining aboard ship? " She asked.

The tactical officer responded. " We have fifteen remaining M' Lady. "

" Good. " She purred. " Low yield passive scan of the fifteen weakest points on the asteroid and lay in a course to deploy the mines. " About forty five minutes later all the mines had been deployed.

" Give me a scan of the base and check for non breen life signs. "

" There are only Breen life signs aboard the station M' lady. "

" Very well. Move the ship to where the space doors are and we'll wait for the next mining ship to go in, Load photon tubes and prepare to fire two torpedos into the docking area and rig mines for remote detonation. "

" It shall be done. " Came the response. A good half hour later another pair of mining ships approached the space doors and sent out the pulse for entry, as the doors slowly opened and gave a clear view of the interior.

" FIRE!!! " Vishti yelled. The Chal Qul decloaked and the two photons streaked from their tubes and and raced into the docking bay and delivered their deadly cargo. Two massive explosions rocked the asteroid from the inside.

" Move the Chal Qul back ten thousand kalikans and raise the shields!! " The fires from the inside of the base burned as fierce and any flame in hell and devoured anything in it's path, living or dead.

" Open channel now and scan for any movement . " Vishti cleared her throat. " Federation shuttle Katsura. This is the IKV Chal Qul, Your commander Letsul has asked us to lend you some aid and bring you home. Respond!! "


Hearing the voice of Major Vishti, coming over the com channel, Hotaru immediately answered the hail.

"Major Vishti, it is good to hear your voice. This is Lieutenant Wymund. Both I and Lieutenant Zamfir are still functional. If you are able, we are ready for an assist."

Hotaru breathed in a mental sigh of relief, Cara came through in getting assistance for herself and Stefan.

" Ngosh!!! " Was heard over the comm channel. The space nearby began to shimmer as a Klingon bird of prey decloaked. " Drop your shields and we'll tractor beam your shuttle aboard. Is your shuttle damaged or can you come aboard under your own power? We'll still need to tractor you into the space we have. "

"We can come under our own power, let me know when you are ready and shields are dropped." Hotaru replied. "I'll maneuver the shuttle out." her fingers deftly moving over the console. She moved away from the asteroid she had the Katsura nestled against. "Okay ready for your tractor beam, when you are ready." Hotaru conveying this in Klingon.

" We are ready at this time. " Said Tsinira. " As soon as your clear of the asteroid we shall lock onto you and bring you aboard. Our shuttle bay is full at this time so we'll bring you in the anti ship mine storage, which is currently empty. Speaking of which, we must get a move on it since there are fifteen mines deployed around that asteroid base that are set to go very soon, we really don't want to be near it when it goes off. "

Hotaru continued to move the Katsura away from the asteroid, all the while keeping a sharp eye out for possible interference.

"We are clear." she communicated back.

Stefan watched Hotaru at work, not saying anything to break her concentration.

Hotaru glanced towards Stefan, gave a slight shrug.

"We are in position Major." Hotaru stated.

" We have you locked and ready to bring you in. Once inside do not leave your shuttle until you see the light above the door come on, as it takes a moment to pressure the hold. I shall be there shortly. "

She turned to her first officer. " Domar, should you see anything that looks remotely breen then you are to send them to join they're brothers in hell. "

" It shall be as you wish Major Vishti. "

Tsinira left the bridge to meet with with her new passengers, and arrived as the chamber had just finished cycling. The door opened allowing access into the hold. She walked over and pounded her fist on the shuttles door. " You are safe now, Open your door and follow me to the bridge. "

The shuttle opened Hotaru and Stefan stepped out and followed after Vishti to the bridge. Once they were there, Hotaru took a look around giving a nod of satisfaction. "The Chal Qul is a battle worthy ship. Thank you for coming for us."

Vishti nodded. " She is indeed a worthy ship, All klingons know that there is always honor to be found serving aboard a Bird of Prey. "

The ship suddenly shook. " My Lady, The mangy curs have found some spine and are attacking! " Reported the Helmsman.

" Shields!! " Commanded Vishti.

" Major Vishti, Engineering reports that a stabilizer in section R2 has been damaged. " Reported the Tactical Officer.

" Lock it down and we'll effect repairs on the way back. Now bring us about and hail them, Hold distance at ten thousand Kalikans. " Said Vishti.

" As you wish My Lady. " Responded the Helmsman.

A few more disruptor hits were absorbed by the shield before the image of a Breen commander appeared on screen. " What do you want Klingon Bitch? Do you want to surrender before you die? " He asked.

" Your partly correct. " Responded Vishti. " Death is certain today, but it won't be Klingon blood that is spilled this day. I just want to make sure your nice and warm before you feel the stark cold of your graves. " She said with an evil smile as she held up a trigger device in her hand.

" There are fifteen anti matter ship mines that have been placed at weak points around your asteroid. I just wanted you to know that before you died. "

" Go to Hell you Klingon Whore....." Screamed the Breen Commander as his words were suddenly cut short by the roar of fifteen mines detonating together and the asteroid beginning to break up.

" Major Vishti!! " cried out the science officer in alarm. " I have detected a large power spike coming from the Breen base, They're reactor is going to go critical very soon! "

" Hard about and shields at maximum!! " Called out Vishti. " Set course for Poseidon Station at maximum warp!! Let's hope that they've saved some fighting for us. " She said.

Hotaru and Stefan gave a nod

Vishti turned to her guests. Would you care to join me for a meal? We are serving fresh bregget lung with sashimi and blue steak tartar. "

The Breen station behind them flashed on the aft view on the bridge viewscreen. A shock wave erupted from it's reactor core, as the pieces of the station scattered in a thousand different directions. The shock wave made the ship buck wildly for several moments before passing the ship.


Lieutenant Hotaru Wymund

Lieutenant JG Stefan Zamfir

Major Tsinira Vishti
Klingon Ambassador
Assigned to SB 50


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