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Medical in Action

Posted on 04/10/2023 @ 11:38pm by Ensign Max Trevor & Commander Kodre Vedan & Lieutenant Sara’draphia T'eseri & Lieutenant Chiva Abasi
Edited on on 02/24/2024 @ 9:33pm

1,471 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Triage Area
Timeline: MD 01


Ensign Max Trevor of security looked up towards the ceiling of the promenade, as he felt the station tremble and shake from the onslaught of the Breen ships that appeared.He could see some pieces of it fall towards the floor. He was really glad that his sister and neice were off the station. It would have been more worrisome with what Annabelle had planned, that of flying the Wyvern to take on the Breen ships that were out there. Even though the shields were holding up along with the armor, there was still going to be damage to the station.

Max thought he heard a cry for help and he went to go investigate, finding several who were helping to move items from off a few others. He assisted the rescuers freeing the injured.

"Okay lets get you to where you can be helped out." Max said to the others

Emergency Area

The doors opened to where the Triage Area was set up. Max looked around having not been here before. He was impressed. "I've got injured here!" he called out. "There maybe more coming in." he also stated.

Chiva had just finished healing up a broken arm, when she heard a call for aid. She looked up in time to see a security officer and several others bringing in wounded. She made a beeline towards the man with piece of metal sticking out of his stomach that had a pressure bandage around it. " Get him on bio bed three and I'll start work on him. "

Kodre ran in to the triage zone his lab coat fluttering behind him as he swung it around his shoulders and shoved his hands through the arms. He paused to hit a comm panel on the wall, "Kodre to Station Hospital, all emergency teams to be deployed, all extra hands to the triage zone." he called. The doors in the back of the massive room opened and hospital personal began to pour in, with kits and supplies. The worst would be taken directly in to the hospital, while others would wait here or be quickly treated and released.

He walked up to Chiva, "What do we got here?" he asked his already looking over the person on the bed.

Chiva bagan her report without even looking into Kodre's eyes. " The crewman was near a panel when it exploded, it caused second degree electrical burns to around forty percent of his back. Furthermore a chunk of wall support pierced him from the back and went most of the way through him. The wall support pierced his lower intestines and perforated his bowels, I have just established a surgical field and was beginning surgery. Luckly for him and off duty nurse was nearby and did field treatment to him and packed the wound and applied pressure bandages to prevent him from bleeding out. "

Kodre looked over the progress, but did not touch as he was not sanitized for such an egregious injury. Perforated bowls was bad, and the crewman could go septic even after repairs if not carefully treated. "As soon as you are done and he is stable enough to move have the staff admit him directly to the ICU in the hospital, He will need to be under close observations." Kodre said as he looked over his vitals. "You're doing well Chiva." he complimented before he backed away and looked at gathering hospital staff members.

"Alright people, lets give this a proper triage, life threatening injuries go directly in to the hospital and surgical units. Serious but non life threatening need to be assessed, so lets assign corner blue for those." he said motioning to the paint along the walls. "Non life threatening but needing treatment lets put in to corner yellow, observation people, like bumps on the head, corner red. FInally, scrapes and minor burns, corner green, lets get those people out of here as quickly as possible, if it really isn't serous, log it, and have them return when the crisis is over." he smirked a moment.

"We all know there are those nosey people, or hypoconradics who show up in any emergency with a splinter, wanting attention. We don't have time or resources to entertain them." He glanced around, "Any one here with security attachments? If so I want you stationed in near the doors between Corners Red and Green, keep focused on work, but be available if there is any one causing an issue, and of course, keep our doors secure." Kodre ordered.

Max hearing Kodre's orders squared his shoulders, "I am part of Lieutenant Valadorn's security team, I'll stand guard." giving a nod and turning towards the entrance.

Chiva shook her head in disgust about the entire situation that was occurring outside on the station. " Just great. " She muttered under her breath. " We've got Breen, Marines and Starfleet security all trying to kill each other. " She stated. " Someone get some Coffee, Sandwiches and stim patches ready! It's going to be a long night for everyone. I'll be done with this one in about five to ten minutes, Get me one prepped and ready to go on the table as soon as it's auto sanitized. "

Busily moving from one patient to another, Sara had taking a moment after hearing Kodre’s instructions to replicate several paint pens which she was now using to mark the foreheads of each patient as she went along the triage. Her first priority right now was to get this first wave sorted and moved to their appropriate places before they were hit with the next deluge of wounded. “Minor burns, corner yellow. Broken ribs, internal bleeding, Corpsmen! This one’s next for surgery!” She called out as she went along the rows of injured.

"No one over do the stim patches. I see shakey hands I'll kick asses." Kodre said as he stepped over to another patient coming in. "Burns to the left leg," he recited before he took the arm to the man on the bed, "Broken wrist. Administer pain medication and transfer to Blue. Next!" he called a couple of orderlies moved the groaning man.

Chiva swapped out gloves and raised her hand. " I've got an open table for one with no waiting. " The corpmen brought another patient to her table as she folded the sheet back and looked at the wound and turned a shade of pale. " Sweet goddess no... " She said no one in particular. " This boy doesn't even look old enough to be in the marines. Are they using grenades in the combat area? His lower intestines are filled with enough shrapnel to open up a scrap yard. " She stated as she set up the surgical field and began working on the young man.

Some time went by, Max would go check on the progress of medical staff, helping to filter in the injured where they could get help, the amount of people coming in dwindled. Then Max got the notification from Lieutenant Valadorn, his face lit up with a huge smile, he could scarcely wait to give the good news. When Kodre had a free moment and was away from surgery, Max went up to him.

"Commander Vedan, I have great news. The Breen have left and the station is no longer under attack."

Hearing the Breen attack had been driven back, Sara gave a small sigh of relief before moving onto her next patient. The last time she was this busy was on the Nogura during their sleeping sickness incident. Thankfully this time she had plenty of other staff to share the load with.

"Oh thank the Gods!! " Replied Chiva when she heard the news of the attack being repelled and the Station no longer in danger. It also meant that the number of wounded would be slowing down now. " Nurse! Could you please prepare a hypo with a super B complex vitamin booster and bring it to me? " She asked. A few minutes later the requested hypo was delivered and she used it upon herself.

" I've got a natural energy booster here if anyone wants some. " Called out Chiva. " No nasty side effects like a stim patch. And I have some hands ready if anyone needs an extra set and wants some help. Thankfully we're beginning to run out of seriously injured patients. "

Max watched as the doctors and medical staff worked like crazy to deal with those who came in to be helped. He went back out to check on anyone else who were coming in, the influx starting to slow down. He looked back towards the busy doctors, thankful for their dedication.


Ensign Max Trevor

Lieutenant Sara’draphia T’eseri
Chief Surgeon

Doctor Kodre Vedan
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Chiva Abasi
Medical Officer/OBGYN Specialist


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