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Wedding Plans

Posted on 04/11/2023 @ 2:49am by Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Captain Cara Letsul

2,920 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Cara's Quarters
Timeline: MD001 - 1900 Hours


People were home from the away mission, and Cara was happy for that. However right now, though, that part she was going to put far away in the back of her mind. Instead there was something Cara wanted to focus on and that was, Aer and finding out if she had been able to do something wedding wise and when the wedding was going to take place. She tapped on her comm badge

=/\=Aer, this is Cara, would you come to my quarters? i was wondering if you'd like to come for some tea =/\=

=/\= Yes, I'd like that. I'll be right there. Aer out. =/\=

It hadn't taken Aer long to get to Cara's quarters. She was also off duty and thankfully the senior staff liked to stay quite close together and near Ops just in case of emergencies. Smart rule, but sometimes Aer wished she'd a bit farther to travel.

Of course, Jack suggested being nearer the marines... Aer said where they were wasn't so bad after all.

Aer approached the doors of Cara's quarters and pressed the chime. As she waited she played with the plait she had made in her hair. It cascaded down the right side of her head and just above her chest.

Cara called out "enter" and the door opened to allow Aer to step in. She had water already heated up with various types of tea offerings, including matcha. Plus there were some goodies that were upon the small counter in her kitchen. Cara went over and greeted Aer with an embrace. "Thank you for coming over."

Her quarters had some boxes in a corner, and a it wasn't a neat and tidy place currently. in one corner there was a planter box with plants in it and in another area against the wall was a image of her brother and a miniature rose garden.

Aer could smell the variety of teas in the room. It made her think of a small tea shop on Kaitos that always had lots of things for you to try to see if you liked. Lavol tea... do not...

The embrace between Cara and Aer was comfortable, warm and loving almost. They had been through a lot recently and their friendship had bloomed somewhat much to Aer's happiness. "Thank you for inviting me. Your place looks..." Aer looked around. "homely."

Cara chuckled as she looked around, "yes it has the look of someone living here. I am slowly, but surely, allowing myself to set down roots here. Part of me feels though, that I can be almost single handely be uprooted from here and who knows where I may end up at, once more."

Cara shivered slightly, "I am feeling slightly cold, definitely tea is in order. I'm planning on having some green tea matcha, what type of tea would you like?"

"Do you have anything with honey in it?" Aer asked. "I've had a real sweet tooth the past couple of days." she admitted. "And I think that most of us feel that way. When you reach higher rank they can just transfer you without so much as a reason. That's why I was reluctant to take the rank of full Commander..." she shrugged.

"I am happy to be shuck of my Admiral rank, that was giving me trouble. I despised that title, so much." Cara responded, as she walked over to her cupboards and brought out some honey that still had the honey comb in it. Along with it she had a knife and spoon to which would be used for the honey. "Here you go." Cara setting the jar of honey upon the table.

"Thank you." Aer spoke as she accepted the honey and spooned some into a cup of poured tea. "I can't imagine being an Admiral, not yet anyway. I'm only 74... far too young for such responsibility... although I suppose I am in charge of the intelligence collected in this region." Aer shrugged.

"Yes, you are in charge of the region. A wide reaching informational web." Cara giving a bit of a smile. "Now, the big reason why I asked you here besides wanting to visit, is to move things forward for you and Jack getting married. Much has happened and people have left and changes made to the station. Therefore, let me help get it organized and make sure it happens. I feel very strongly that too much time has passed already. And honestly not only would it be lovely for you and Jack to be married, this would give the station a boost in morale as well."

Aer nodded. "Yes, too many people have left and quite sadly they did not leave with much of a goodbye." she sighed. "I appreciate the help you've been, especially of late with my injury..." Aer's mind trailed back to that night. Her eyes glazed over and she could feel the knife again. Subconsciously she had placed her hand over her stomach where the wound had been.

Cara reached out to touch Aer's hand. "Things will turn out alright. Even though people have left but, you are not alone, and heck Jack is back. And now comes the fun part. Working out a wedding dress for you and finding out who you want at the wedding. And if you want a relaxed sort of event. And what sort of cake you want to have for your wedding." flashing a grin.

"Yes." Aer's cheeks flushed at the thought of Jack, it was very noticeable how rosy her face went. "I am glad he is back." she added as she squeezed her legs together ever so slightly.

Aer nodded. "I've never been to a Human wedding before... well I know I'm not 'going' to one, that I am in one but still... you know what I mean." she waved away her own babblings. "Who gets cake?" she asked.

"From the however many wedding's I've been to or officiated, it definitelhy boils down to how do you want your wedding to be done? As for cake, you get the choice of flavor. Though I don't recommend a huge cake. Maybe a cake for just you and Jack to cut then, smaller cakes for everyone else to enjoy." One thing Cara was thinking there maybe people who would be slightly nervous about a large cake. Jack especially. Even she would be rather uncomfortable with a large cake. And definitely security will be tight where the cake was concerned.

"That's sensible." Aer thought out loud. "Less of a security risk." she added as her mind cast back to the night she almost lost Jack and the explosion that caused to much damage to property and injured more.

"We are having it in a holosuite. My father provided me with a back drop of an old El Auria cliffside over looking the Nevarian Sea. It is as blue as you can imagine with streaks of green, the cliffside is lush and beautiful with wildflowers and playful Sehani..." she saw Cara's face, a small frown at the word. "Oh, I think the closest animal would be a butterfly." she scratched the back of her head.

"I have been told the programme is very much like cliffs in Ireland on Earth, or even Scotland... just warmer." she laughed.

"Oh that sounds rather lovely. " Cara getting a dreamy look in her eyes. "If I were to get married, if I ever do, I don't know where I would have it take place. Maybe somewhere pretty in the country side, in a forest near a waterfall." she gave a slight sigh. "Heck Brina's wedding took place in her hometown on Ireland, in the town square. It was beautiful." her eyes got more into focus. "So what you are speaking of it will be paradise. Lovely thing about holosuites you can design a place that reflects what is near and dear to your heart."

"It is." Aer smiled. "I never saw the rising waters of Scila... the closest I can describe is as is like a waterfall but instead it rises from the ground where the planets gravity is slightly off. It is a beautiful sight, or so I am told." Aer shrugged.

"To be honest everyone here is what is near and dear to my heart, but I don't think Ops would make a nice wedding venue." Aer smiled.

"No it wouldn't but, the view would be fantastic." Cara giving a chuckle. leaning back in her seat, Cara thought of that waterfall, "That waterfall sounds like it would have been lovely to see. " she absentmindedly picking up her tea and taking a sip of it. "Do you have a dress for the ceremony?"

"Yeah..." Aer sighed. "I missed a lot with the destruction of my ancestors world. I just wish I'd had the chance to see it, now it lives on in the stories my parents, the elders tell." Aer got lost in her imagination before coming back at the mention of a dress.

"I did..." Aer had a pang of sorrow strike through her heart. "Niska had been making me one... but, well..." Aer shrugged.

"Oh I remember meeting her, when I had the Katra in my mind, of T'Mar. Niska got to see her." Cara closed her eyes for a moment, giving a slight shiver. "At least that is over now. And Niska is gone. That chapter is closed now and the place is gone." Cara speaking crisply. For some reason she was feeling a little bit irritable where Niska was concerned. She shoved it aside as she wasn't going to let that thought or emotion take up residence. Not anymore that is.

Cara went back to the current subject "Now here we are at a new time and place. Something to definitely celebrate and to get a different dress made. Time to move on towards a lovely future with Jack with a dress that will make you feel lovely and radiant in. Which is what you are. A most lovely lady, and someone who I call friend, which is you."

"Yeah." Aer looked at her feet a little before lifting her head and putting on a smile. "She was... well... it was complicated with her." Aer mentioned not remembering if Cara knew about their time together and Niska's slight resentment over how she felt Jack 'stole' Aer.

"And thank you." Aer's smile broadened. "You are my friend as well. Us women need to stick together and show these guys who's boss." she laughed. "If they had the Captain and Jack really run the station it would fall apart!" she joked.

"Um.. I don't know about that, I was put in charge while they were away, and look what happened." Cara's eyes going wide and placing her hand over her cheeks with a mock shocked look on her face. "I did know about the complicated situation with you and Niska. Kaylee had spoken to me about it before she had left." lowering her hands.

"Well that was hardly your fault... I mean they were after me and the data I had so if anyone wants to point fingers, paws or claws then I'd be the one." Aer assured her. "I am not looking forward to the debrief to come."

"Who do you think will be doing the debriefing? Harrington or... Jack?" Cara giving Aer a bit of a teasing look. "Or both in one form or other." trying to hide a smile.

Cara got up abruptly. "I don't know about you but I am in the mood for some chocolate cake. Care for a slice? I got it from the Big Easy Bistro, it just melts in your mouth."

Aer blushed, "Well I am hoping both go the way I want them too." she giggled a little.

That sacred word, chocolate. She never knew why but it always seemed to be somewhat addictive to her species, the mere mention of it exciting and delighting them all in one go. "Oh yes please!"

"I think that a really large piece, one for me and one for you is in order." Cara said bringing out the cake, plates and silverware needed. "Would you like more tea or something stronger." giving a chuckle. "Mayhap should stick with tea?" slicing down a good portion of cake for herself and one for Aer. "Hopefully it isn't too big of a slice of cake for you."

Aer's eyes were like saucers at the sight of the cake that she almost didn't hear what Cara had been saying. "No!" she exclaimed and then cleared her throat to compose herself. "I mean no, thank you. That is perfect." She took the plate gently.

"As for something stronger... I think if I get drunk on cake adding alcohol might not be the best idea... plus I have some things I need to check in on within my department. Murmurs and whatnot of some discontent." she shook her head almost mournfully.

"As such, an Intelligence officer's job is never done, be it department head all the way down to the lower ranks." Cara responded, and poured a bit more tea for the two of them, to wash down the cake.

"Oh this is so good." Cara moaned in ecstasy almost going into a euphoric mode. Her mouth slightly full of the cake. "I most certainly am needing this." she stated once her mouth was a bit more clear.

"Yes..." Aer sighed. "There is always something happening somewhere and... I am still chasing the man who gave me this." she lifted up her top to reveal the scar on her abdomen where the Klingon stabbed her.

"It's not just revenge... well maybe most of it is... but they did steal weapons from this station and sold them to someone else. I don't like being fooled, or stabbed." she continued as she then ate some of the cake for herself.

"This cake... is... good." she mumbled through cake.

"Definitely need to get that Klingon found or the weapons but for now, we eat our cake." she paused and pulled out her Padd. "Oh I've got an idea for your wedding dress." scrolling through the images until she found it. "Here what do you think?" setting the padd upon the table and sliding it over to where Aer could see it.

"I know someone who can make that for you. I don't know how but I do know someone who can with real cloth. Not made by, well, the computer." Cara state. "Something of the softest fabric, comfortable to wear."

"That sounds lovely." Aer replied as her mind and imagination went into a little bit of sugar fuelled overdrive. "You are being too good to me." she commented.

"In what way am I being too good to you?" Cara asked, "I am just enjoying being involved with helping you out, Aer. I love seeing someone happy. It makes things so much better when people can achieve happy moments." then taking another bite of her cake. She was in heaven at this moment.

"By just being you." Aer smiled at Cara. She listened as she spoke further and she was right. "It is not very often we have truly happy moments and I am happy that in this moment, I get to have one bright spark in the galaxy."

"How about we take a break and just enjoy the cake for a few, working on wedding plans can take a toll on a person." Cara taking off her shoes to be more comfortable. "The guest list could easily get done via texting. That is a headache that a person wouldn't want to have. You are in luck though, as, I can help you out with that." giving a wink.

"I would be very happy if you could. I don't know much about what I'm doing so it is nice to have someone to help 'guide' me through it all." Aer said as she nibbled a bit more of the cake. "A break sounds nice, can have my cake and eat it too."

"Oh I almost forgot." Cara rising quickly from her chair, "Ice Cream, I've got to have some with my cake!" What she brought out was real French vanilla "Do you want a scoop of that? Or would that be too much for you. I've got chocolate chip, rocky road..." she looked over to Aer. "Okay I indulge in frozen sweet treats."

"No judgement from me." Aer giggled. "I am what I have been told is a 'Plain Jane'." she shrugged in confusion almost. "I like vanilla, does it being French make it any nicer?"

"Well this one has real vanilla bean in it, plus its how the ice cream is made, more of an added custard rich flavor. I like it better than the other vanilla ice cream. " bringing over a scoop to dish up some ice cream for herself and then handing the scoop to Aer so that she could dish some up for herself.

"Thank you." Aer replied accepting the scoop. "If only everything was as simple as chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream." She mused.

"Oh most assuredly I agree." Cara taking a mix of cake and ice cream and eating it. "We can tackle the next part later on, listen to some music, set up a spa time to just relax. For now, cake and ice cream, enjoy the simple things."

Commander Cara Letsul
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Commander Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station


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