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Posted on 04/13/2023 @ 12:54pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Captain Cornelius Harrington

2,183 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Cara's Office
Timeline: MD 01 0800


Cara stepped back into her office, things were moving forward as to the repairs on the station. Everyone was home, of which she was happy about. There were things she wanted to discuss with Captain Harrington, though and give him a report. With some reluctance, Cara sent him a message. She didn't want to bother him but work goes on and maybe some normalcy will be helpful.

Captain Harrington, if I may have a few moments of your time, I'd like to meet with you and speak to you about what happened on the station. Yes reports have been filed but there are things that reports will not convey. -Commander Letsul

Neil had made a promise to Adira and for all his might he intended to keep it. When they got back, it was family time, and focusing on his loved ones for a while. That said, he knew that he had to take care of a couple of things, or they would never leave him alone. He tapped his comm badge, "on my way, Commander," his reply was simple and short.

When Captain Harrington arrived, Cara had been looking out towards Operations once more, she stepped back inside, and when the door was closed behind him, Cara stated, "I do apologize for disturbing you. I wanted to say welcome back home, I know that I could have just sent that message, I just needed to see you. I also will not ask, are you okay as, well, having been on the other side of the mirror, that is something that will change a person for the rest of their lives." almost forgetting her manners, Cara also said, "May I offer you something to drink?"

"Nothing, for now," Neil waved her apology off, "you are ok; there is bound to be a bit of a debrief," he spoke. He was clearly there in the room and a part of the conversation. However, to a trained professional it was also clear that he wasn't there. Something occupied his attention, and it wasn't this meeting. "For you, we've only been gone a few days," he smiled, "it's a bit more challenging on our end. We were over there for several weeks. A lot can happen in that time frame, that people here don't understand."

Cara gave a nod. "I can tell a lot happened, based upon what I am picking up from you. Your emotions are rather pensive, and your mind is still in some aspect back on the other side of the mirror. You will in due time, be able to adjust and get more and more into what is happening on this side and in this time frame."

Cara's words had the sense of she was familiar with this sort of event. "I've not requested to see Adira as of yet. Tell me, how are you doing? How is she doing?"

"I hope things are going well there," a small smile crossed his face, "I am giving her time and trying not to push but these last few weeks have been helpful and maybe pointed us both in a better direction."

"I am very glad to hear that." Cara answered feeling rather relieved. "Both of you have been through so much together, that it is definitely time for some healing, and your family to be together with strong bonds. "

Cara walked over to get herself some tea, she had so many questions about what happened there on the other side. The scent of peppermint rose from her cup and Cara moved back over to her chair. She gazed at Neil for a moment or two, taking a sip of her tea, wondering about something.

Finally she spoke about what she felt like an elephant in the room. "I had found out from Captain Vek when he had arrived back from the Mirror Universe you had been abducted. I've not read through all of the reports yet. I am curious, who kidnapped you and how did you get back with the rest of the team?" There she asked the question, Cara needed to know.

"That is a long story and one that I am still processing," Neil took a seat in the nearby chair, "the mirror version of my father." He sighed, "it would seem that he runs the rebellions, however, I am that certain that his version of the rebellion isn't that far off from the empire."

"Both sides seem just as evil," he added.

Cara nodded, "I see, and he must have let you go, for some reason. It must have been a shock to see someone you are familiar with and who had passed away on this side of the mirror and is alive on the other side. Adira had told me that your mirror-self was killed early on, when she and I were, hashing things out between us."

"Honestly, I don't know much about my counterpart, and Cornelius was determined to point out the faults between the two of us." He paused, "and our similarities. To be honest, I am not entirely sure what his plan was taking me, and I am worried it had something to do with the kidnapping and torture of Adira."

"The only thing that was clear was that their Cornelius knew we were there and was ready for us," he was sure this was a meeting and not a counseling session.

Cara nodded,musing for a moment on what he said. Her curiosity was raised, wanting more details. "OKay I have to ask, did you see my counterpart? If so what was she like?"

Neil let out a small laugh, it was too late. There was no way he would be able to back peddle from that. "Why, yes I did," he coughed, "sis."

Cara had picked up her mug of tea getting ready to take a sip when her eyes widened at what he just dropped in her proverbial lap "Wait what are you kidding me? How so? Sis?!"

Neil followed the question with a detailed explanation of his father and her mother and the relationship that followed. He also went into their meeting on Risa, and his escape. "I would say, yes, I did meet your counterpart."

Cara was stunned at this revelation, almost dropping her mug of tea. She had to quickly set it down. She listened to Neil's tale, spellbound, not saying a word. When he finished, Cara could only shake her head in wonderment. "I just- I just don't know what to say apart from, you definitely went through one hell of an experience. And your father, well, his father. Is something else? I am glad you escaped, Neil. And that you all got back." she looked out towards the direction of operations. "and sorry for the mess that happened while you were out."

"I hear I missed a few other things while I was gone," Neil really wanted to take the conversation away from the Mirror Universe; he needed to process things before he was truly ready to talk about it. "What is this I hear about Mrs. Rice," he gave her a puzzled look, "and I kiss in a shop in the Promenade? Did you not think I would hear about this?"

"I mean my third in command snogging with the Sector Commander?" He smiled, "what's the phrase go big or go home." He was deflecting from the needed conversation and he knew it. There was so many things to work out and they couldn't be processed in a day or two. Jonas, Valentine, Adira.. it was a lot.

Cara rose to his bait, her eyes going wide, her cheeks turning pink."Good heavens, the gossip circles are still wagging their tongues? I hear rumors of my going out to dinner with Thorrin."

Then she chuckled "Mrs. Rice, eh? He told me, I was an evil woman" a bit of a gleam in her eyes. "Admiral Rice needed to be loosened up just a teeny bit. As for me being a Mrs, I don't know if I am ready to even get into a long-term relationship. After all, I ended a long time ten year ... relationship. You saw him in my mind. I will say this; I do like Tom, just a wee bit. Let's just say though, I'll need a bit of time before I go down that path."

"You keep this up, and you just might help me end the rumor mills about my own personal affairs," he smirked, "Harrington's harem," he gave a puzzled look, "I think it what some called it. Take it from a man who's been there, keep your personal life out of the public eye if you don't want it in the rumor mills."

"And for the record, I think Tom is a fantastic person," he added, "And given our past, that's saying a lot."

"I do try to keep it out of the public eye as much as possible." Cara laughed. "Just remember,I did my best for you not to be linked with me." giving Neil a saucy wink. "Besides, you dodged a bullet where I am concerned." waggling her eyebrows up and down comically.

Cara's face sobered up. "All joking aside, those rumors are just rumors. A person can give acknowledge of them and give them weight or they are ignored."

Neil nodded, "you're preaching to the choir here," he reminded her, "I've had to tell myself that a great many times. I meant to say, thank you, but somehow that doesn't seem like enough. The Breen, the attacks, and my family," he sighed, "I am sure that was a lot to handle."

"I had a lot of help, our new Chief of security, Lieutenant Valadorn he took care of the Breen who invaded the station; Commander Raphael Mattix. Good heavens Raphael, he was very instrumental in getting things done. Aer, she was great. Even our new Chief of Operations Lieutenant Commander Jeska. Commander Kodre Vedan as well with his medical team. It could have been worse if it hadn't been for everyone's team work. This even includes Petty Officer 1st Class Maisy Shields. She helped to get your family safely to Aquil. Don't worry, I have a list made in my report of all those involved." Cara's face lighting up with the memory of all the hardwork that others had done.

Cara took a breath and then said. "You are welcome, Neil. I'm just glad you are all home now."

"I am glad we made it home," Neil replied, "I can't lie there was a few times that I wasn't so sure."

Cara gave a nod, "Going into the unknown, well, sort of the known since you had been there before; it wouldn't have been a guaranteed return. All in all, you did return, and that is what is important." she took a breath, an impish expression in her eyes. "So Brother, what can I do to help you out." it may have been slightly in bad taste, but, heck why not tease Neil just a small little bit.

Neil brushed off the comment, "for now see to the repairs, we need to get this station back to operational status and ready for," he paused, "whatever." He smiled, "I just can't shake the feeling that Thorrin and his bosses are not done here, we need to make sure that if Thorrin shows up again, we are ready for whatever."

At Neil's comment about Thorrin and the DTI, Cara's smile turned brittle, a chill washing over her and she shivered. "Ah yes, the DTI, I do not think we've seen the last of them, nor of Thorrin. " a concerned frown appeared, and she gave a slight sigh. "Well come what may, things will get sorted out."

A momentary pause as she shifted gears in her mind. "Now yes getting the station back to par, with more renovations all will be hunky dory right?" giving a slightly forced laugh.

"I think getting back to normal is important for all of us," Neil stated, as his comm badge alerted him to an incoming call from an Admiral Patterson, "well, that can't be good," he forced a smile. "You sure you don't wanna cover Ops just a few more day?"

He smiled, "I know, I know." He tapped his comm badge, "Route the call to my office, I will be right there."

Cara raised an eyebrow. "You know I would actually step in and run the station for a little bit longer while you and Adira spend time together with your family. Just let me know when you want to do this. Then it will be my turn to have leave time. Now, it looks like you've got a call to take, you and I can catch up more later. And once again, welcome home."

"Thanks, Cara," Neil nodded as he turned to head to his office. He shouldn't be here, but there was no getting out of things now."

Commander Cara Letsul
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Captain Neil Harrington
Bad Husband!
Poseidon Station


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