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Let's Be Bad Guys!

Posted on 04/13/2023 @ 7:44pm by Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Commander Raphael Mattix

1,048 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Intelligence Suite, Aer's Office, Poseidon Station

Raphael knew the next phase of his plan involved pulling in more assets. They needed a few things and he was going to have to expand who was in his circle. He'd met a couple of people he thought he could convince to help him but it was not without his risk. The first person on his list was a fellow officer and an interesting woman. She'd just gotten married, but he thought it was worth at least speaking to her.

Approaching her office, he tapped a couple of commands and the door opened. He poked his head in and spotted her at her desk. "Mind if I come in?"

Aer looked up as the doors of her secure office parted. Her hand shot to the well placed phase pistol under the desk but realised that it was Mattix and if she shot him it would be bad... and if he didn't die he'd just be pissed.

As she released her hand she smiled as it slid back up to the top of her desk. "Commander Mattix." She smiled softly. "Yes, please come in."

Raphael walked into her office and slid into one of the chairs in front of her desk as the door closed behind him. He was quiet for a moment, usually people were coming to see him and he needed to get his bearings. "I hope you don't mind me being a little forward, but I need your help. This would be outside of the normal operations of the station."

Aer closed down the holo screen she had open with a swipe down of her hand. There was some sensitive information on there that could only be seen from her side but she never took any chances.

Raphael's momentary quietness did leave a small bit of tension in the air as Aer waited to see what he would say. His ask for help was quite a surprise. Raphael often gave off the air of never needing anyone's help.

"I see." Aer said rising from her chair and heading over to the side table. On this table sat a crystal decanter, a gift from Jack's father and a very Human gift at that. In this decanter was El Aurian mood spice. This was a liquid despite the name. The drink itself as its aroma is breathed in finds whatever the drinker loves the most and produces that taste within the glass. Actually quite a feat when you think about it.

Aer handed him a small crystal glass as Mattix looked at it's clear liquid. As he inhaled the scent of it the liquid changed to suit his preference. "What do you need help with?" she asked.

"I'm going to be vague for now," Raphael said with a slight hand wave. He took the drink and took a sniff, he wasn't quite sure what it was but it smelled decent. He took a drink and let out a sigh. "Not bad. As far as what I need, it's complicated. Something is going on, something related to what I've done in Starfleet and I am trying to get a handle on it. I've reached a point where I can't continue alone."

"Best case we succeed and no one knows anything, the worst case is we end up on a penal colony or dead. You're either in or your out, because once you're in, you're in."

"I have a question first. Why me?" Aer asked. "We aren't exactly close, we've interacted a few times, drank together once. Surely there are people on this station you are closer to? That you trust more?" Aer wasn't trying to be awkward, she genuinely wanted to know why her. Her kind and loving nature wanted to help him, and no doubt she would regardless of the answer.

"You don't play by the rules, but you do it because you think it's for the greater good. You're a ranking member of the station. What I'm going to ask of you may require both," Raphael arched one of his brows. "I have to do the right thing, but it's not going to be the legal thing."

"I do what I think is right, sometimes rules get in the way of that." Aer admitted and scrunched up her nose as she thought. "Well Raphael..." she paused using his first name. "May as well be familiar if we are going to be in this together." she implied her answer.

"Thank you Aer," Raphael nodded. "How about we meet up somewhere a little more secure? Cargobay 177E at 2100 hours. You think you can make that work with your new beau?"

The mention of a cargo bay did make her involuntarily twitch. A flash of a Klingon, the sound of blade but quickly she came back down to reality at the mention of Jack. "Yes, I can make that work. I'll just tell him I've got an intelligence call to take and if he asks why its so late I'll just say it's from a different sector with a different time zone."

"Good," Raphael nodded. "From this point out, you are in the circle. We only trust people in the circle and no one outside of it. It's the only way this plan works."

"Makes me feel like we are part of a spy group." Aer laughed softly at the irony of her statement. She was on the front of things an intelligence gathering agent, her own field 'office' of Poseidon where she ran operations from, but intelligence was an umbrella term for so much more. "This does sound quite dangerous if you can only trust a small number of people." she commented.

"It's life or death," Raphael said with a nod, before finishing his drink and standing up from the chair. "I wouldn't be bringing in more people if I didn't think I needed them. I'll head out and see you later. "

All very serious, Aer thought to herself and watched as Mattix placed the glass on her desk once draining it. "No, I understand." Aer replied in reference to his need. "Sure, I'll see you in the cargo bay later." she added as they exchanged one last look before Raphael left.

Commander Raphael Mattix
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Starbase 50

Commander Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station


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