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Posted on 04/14/2023 @ 12:54pm by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn

1,473 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Captain's Ready Room


"In for a penny," Harrington commented as he continued to get caught on all on things Poseidon. His list grew with each item he checked off. Tapping his comm badge, "Commander K"Doc, please report to the ready room," the Captain stated, pulling another silver box from his desk.

He didn't know the Klingon; he wasn't sure he had met the man, but it was time to meet the Chief of Security. He didn't have a good track record with Klingons, but perhaps this was a good start.

Aye, Sir! I shall be there shortly. Came the response over the combadge. A few minutes later the door chimed and the Klingon entered the room upon being given permission to enter. K'doc did his usual as he entered the room and ducked slightly under the door frame as he came in.

" Lieutenant K'doc Valadorn reporting as ordered Sir. "

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant," Neil stated, "I am sure your first couple of days here wasn't entirely what you expected. I promise that is not our norm, around here. Or, at least I hope it isn't."

" Even if it was the norm Sir, I wouldn't complain. I am here to do a job and I shall do it to the utmost of my ability, I was chosen to lead the security division on this station and I have very good people in my command. They will be even better with some training and a little restructuring. " Stated K'doc in a neutral tone.

"I have run some suggestions through Commander Letsul and have received her approval for live situation training in crisis matters and cross-training with civilian security and Marine units to make all the units more effective in case of a situation like we just had here Sir. "

"Prior to arrival and my training at Starfleet, I was assigned to the 132nd ground assault division of the Hurric Marines, they are considered to be some of the best in the empire. They are equal to your Starfleet marine special forces. Whatever challenge may arise before us, the security division will be ready, and of that, I will assure you."

Neil nodded as he opened the silver box, "then there is only one more then left to take care of," he took a small solid black pip out of the box. "It would seem that Starfleet should have done this sooner, but Starfleet's problem is my pleasure, "Lieutenant Commander K'Doc," he nodded, offering the small black pip.

"Security has always been lacking here on the station," Neil added, "I am confident you will lead them and help the department grow. Also, cross-training is a great idea. In the end, this station is all of our homes. No one the position or status, it benefits everyone if we learn to work together."

"In some fashion, we all are a type of," he paused, hoping he didn't ruin the Klingon translation, "qorDu'."

K'doc nodded, "I accept Sir. " As he received the pips and added them to his collar. " I have done some reviews and there are some areas that are lacking and I intend to address them. In six to twelve months you will not be able to say that the security on this station is lacking in any aspect. I also would like to have weekly briefings with The Marine unit leaders and civilian security to assure that we're all on the same page and have good communication between our units to be able to work effectively with each other. "

"I think that is a wonderful idea," Neil replied, "yes, the station has a security department, but Poseidon is home to many people. Bringing in a little interaction with the civilian side, and the marines is a valuable tool and one that only helps further keep this station safe."

" Since Security can't be everywhere at once, nor can civilian security or the marines. I want them to know that if they need help, then we'll be there to assist them and vice versa. Overall making this station safer in the long run and adding more manpower to the security of this station without overtaxing our resources. After all this is there home as well, and they have as much interest in keeping it safe as well. "

K'doc continued. " I also have ideas for mixed patrol so the groups will know each other capabilities and personnel perhaps two or three times a month and a disaster or emergency training session at least once per month so they'll be ready for anything that comes our way. I take it I have your permission to do such? " He asked.

Neil nodded, "Please, by all means. I am sure you read over the recent reports, the explosion, and the attacks this station has seen. It's time to put all that behind us, learn from our mistakes, and find ways to ensure that events like this don't happen again."

"We have a lot of resources here on the station, and it's time to start putting those to work. Besides, my family lives here, so," he smiled, "I am all for things running a bit safer."

"It shall be as you wish, Captain Harrington... I shall keep you informed of any and all newly implemented projects to safeguard the station. As you stated, Sir, you have your family to protect, As do many others and federation personnel as well. My Intended lives with me here upon the station as well. I have very good reason to want to protect the station myself, Sir."

"Well, congrats on your pending nuptials Commander," Neil nodded, "life has taught me the hard way that family and those we love are all that is important. It's a lesson I've had to recent learn again. When all this is done, and we all have finally moved on, those loved ones are all we will have left. Just do me a favor, Commander; take time away from this place once and a while. There is more than just this uniform," he spoke as if he was talking from experience.

"It won't be a large event. " Stated the Klingon. " We'll just take the oath in front of witnesses and send in the recorded proceedings to the Klingon Embassy to be filed and copies sent to our houses so it can be recognized. After that, if we can get some time off for a week or two, we will go somewhere on our honeymoon. And I assure you that I will take time away from here when warranted. Besides, family is very important to a warrior; life, love, and honor are what is important in life and into the afterlife as well. " Said K'doc as he nodded in agreement.

Neil didn't want to say how formal that sounded, but it was familiar with Klingon customs, and he wasn't surprised. "Well, it certainly sounds like you have it all worked out," Neil instantly wished he could take it back, but it was too late. "I am glad we got to meet today, I am very excited for the Security Department. It will be nice to have that department squared away again. It's been far too long."

"And if I can make a suggestion, perhaps adding sweeps for explosive devices," he smiled. It was a joke, but perhaps a needed measure nonetheless. He stood up, "Anyways, Commander, I have a lot of things to take care of before my family comes up here and drags me out of this office. And you," he gestured to the door, "have several new security protocols to put into place."

"Congrats, Commander, and good luck," Neil added, offering his hand.

K'doc looked at the offered hand for a moment before remembering the earth's custom and accepted it and gave a firm handshake. " Thank you, Sir. " He said. " But bomb detection has already been added and everyone is currently training in such. While you were off the station Sir, We found and disarmed three more Bio Memedic bombs. The first one in Ops near the outer wall which would have sucked out about half of the Ops staff before the force fields would have been able to kick in. The second was in the transporter room nearest Ops where VIP's come in and the third in the promenade. I shall take my leave prior to your family dragging you out of here, Unless you'd like me to provide a security detail to prevent that. " Stated the large Klingon with a slight grin. Before he turned and headed to the door.

Neil shook his head; this was certainly going to get interesting. He wasn't sure who to feel more sorry for: the Marines or the Civilian Security.

Captain Neil Harrington
Commanding Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station


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