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Promised and Delivered

Posted on 08/02/2023 @ 2:10am by Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah
Edited on on 02/25/2024 @ 10:02am

1,755 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Poseidon - Graphic Zest Art Gallery
Timeline: MD 003


The first thing Emma did after Cara’s visit was to buy a copy of the "The Time Traveler's Dilemma" by Jackson Porter. She wanted to see what was so special about this writer. She was already halfway through the book - pondering over the Novikov self-consistency principle and the free-will paradox – when the chime announced the arrival of a customer. Looking up from her book, she saw Commander Jezka (curiosity being what it is, she had checked his profile), three pips as promised, and a perfect Starfleet specimen.

“Ah, Cmdr Jezka,” Emma said, with a smile which she hoped was more friendly than commercial. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I’m Mrs Moreau. “Cmdr Letsul said you might have a look at the gallery’s ceiling. It was damaged during the Breen attack. A group of Ferengi – don’t ask – repaired it, but I’d like to have your opinion on what’s been done.”

Joah smiled back, albeit a bit forced. “The pleasure is all mine, Mrs Moreau.” He then looked up to the ceiling but couldn’t spot any damage. “What part of the ceiling was damaged? If it was where I was looking at then I must say that the Ferengi delivered what was promised.” He smiled once again. Being social never had been his strong side. It was still a work in progress .

Emma noticed the Cmdr’s uncomfortable smile and continued to look at the ceiling. “It’s a good thing to know that those workers did a good job. Ferengis who deliver, though... It almost sounds like a threat.” She then refocused on Jezka. “ So, Cmdr, can I offer you something to drink? Tea, coffee? Or maybe you’d prefer something stronger?”

"Ehm, Bajoran tea, please. I haven't yet checked if the Replicators are able to replicate it. If not, then I'll just have Chamomile tea." It was a little odd for Joah to opt for that kind of beverage, but right now he could use some of the warm liquid that was said to have a calming effect.

“Tea...” Emma echoed, maybe a little puzzled. She hadn’t expected the Chief Ops to be fond of that sort of beverage. This, she realised, showed she didn’t have a clue who Jezka Joah was. “I have a box of chamomile tea here. It won’t take me long to prepare it. Please, have a look in the gallery. Maybe you’ll find something you like. We are running a special exhibition on Jackson Porter. The famous Terran writer. Scifi stuff he does.” Emma said as she walked to her office. There, she left the door open, so that she could continue her conversation with the Cmdr. “I can see the appeal. The grand vista of the universe and its mysteries. The limit of space and time, that sort of thing. Do you like speculative fiction, Cmdr?”

Joah meanwhile had taken Mrs Moreau's advice and started to look around. The painting he was standing in front of now depicted some deep space scene with some large starships of unfamiliar design and a enormous nebula in the background. "Fiction? I, eh, I never had time for that. How about you..." Joah thought for a moment. She hadn't mentioned her first name. "...Mrs. Moreau?"

“Please, call me Emma,” She said from her office, “Art is often fiction, so I have plenty of time for it.” She reappeared in the gallery with a little tray and two cups of hot tea. “Here we are: Terran tea. I hope I prepared it to your satisfaction. Ah, I see you are admiring one of my space views. The artist is a young Vulcan woman, with a penchant for science. This is the Tarantula Nebula. A very active star nursery, apparently.”

"A Vulcan? I would never have guessed." The Bajoran Chief of Operations took the tea from the tray Emma was holding. "How can it be logical for a Vulcan to paint?"

Emma looked at the Cmdr with a little smile. “There is more to art than throwing bright colours on a canvas. For a start, art is an imitation of life, it is also a mode of expression that requires complex skills. But I shouldn’t lecture you on this topic. We all have our own views on the matter.”

The right thing to say now, would be to ask the Cmdr if he would be interested in buying the nebula painting. She glanced at her visitor and found him agreeable enough to give him a 10% discount. Instead she changed the topic. “So, are you looking forward to this grand wedding between Lieutenant Colonel Patton & Commander Feshau?”

For a brief moment Joah looked sideways at Emma, before looking back at the painting again. "I.. I don't think I've been invited. Not surprising really since I haven't met either of them yet. I only have been on the station a short while."

Emma took a little sip of tea to conceal another smile. “I have never met the bride or the groom, either, but I have been assured that I would receive an invitation. With your rank, Cmdr, you are bound to be invited too. You might have to don your dress uniform, though. I’ve heard that Patton might insist on this detail. In any case, I’d be delighted to go to this wedding with you. If we were to go there together, this whole event might feel a little less intimidating...”

It took Joah a few seconds to process what Emma had just said. "Something tells me this meeting was not about the damaged ceiling at all." A faint smile crossed his face. "Let me guess. Commander Letsul, right?"

“I’ll say...” Emma added with her own little smile, “the Cmdr promised me something and she delivered, admirably. So yes, this little meeting of ours is less about structural damage and more about this upcoming wedding. You don’t seem to mind too much, since, although you aren’t interested in art, you are here, drinking Terran tea in Terran company...”

It seemed that Emma didn't find it really difficult in sensing his state of mind. Perhaps that was a skill honed during the many conversations she must've had with customers in trying to sell her art. "I can't really argue with that. And I do enjoy the tea, well as the company."

“I’m also appreciating your company, Cmdr.” Emma took a little sip of tea. “Very much so.” She reflected on this for a couple of seconds. She did indeed like Jeksa’s quiet and reflective personality. “It is quite extraordinary,” she continued, “because we don’t seem to have a lot in common. What with you managing the Ops Department and me selling art. So, Cmdr, tell me, what do you like to do in your spare time?”

"I haven't had much spare time since I arrived on Poseidon station, but when I have time off then I like to hike in mountainous areas, or do Astronomy using an old fashioned telescope. Tinkering with technology to see what makes it tick is another hobby of mine." Joah felt his tea got too cold so he made haste drinking it. "What hobbies do you have? I think art is one of them, right?"

“You have interesting hobbies. They allow for contemplation. Life can be such a flurry of activities at times.” She sighed. “As for myself, I guess one could say that I’ve monetized one of my hobbies by selling art. But when I want to distance myself from this gallery, I like to bake. It’s creative in its own right and surprisingly satisfying. Well... it looks like we’ll have several things to talk about at the Patton/Feshau wedding. Can I take it as a given that you’ll accompany me there, Cmdr?”

Joah was still wondering how quickly they had gotten to this point. Being social wasn't his strong suit. Truth be told until now he'd never let anyone too close to him. But Emma was not one to beat around the bush and had no trouble in letting her intentions be known. So finally he said, "I'd be honored."

As relieved as she was to have company for the wedding, Emma gave a barely perceptible nod. "I'm sure we'll have a great time together. In fact, I can promise you that much.” She smiled, and then she returned her attention to the nebulae painting that had caught the Cmdr’s attention earlier on. “Do you think that this painting would make an adequate gift to the bride and groom?”

"A painting made by a Vulcan. I don't see why not." Joah answered. Turning towards Emma he smiled briefly and offered her his now empty tea cup. "Compared to flowers it's much better."

“My thoughts entirely,” Emma replied with a pleasant smile. “Gifting is also an art. Why offer flowers that will withers away and die within a week - and good riddance to them - when you can have a long lasting picture. Not only that, a painting can always be sold or given to someone else.” She took Jezka’s cup and added: “This is decided then, I’ll make arrangements to have The Tarantula Nebula delivered to the wedding venue.”

She was on her way to the reception desk, where she wanted to put their cups of tea, when a group of teenagers, all girls chatting and giggling, barged into the gallery and went directly to the wall where the paintings connected to Jackson Porter’s novels were displayed.

“Oh, I have visitors,” Emma said in a whisper. “I will see you at the wedding, Cmdr. Although, if you would like, we could always meet again. Perhaps in a restaurant of my choice?”

Joah wasn't exactly sure what to say about that. It was another unexpected turn. "Ah...yeah,..yeah, perhaps we can." he said, though he wasn't sure it was really what he wanted. It felt like this all was going too fast.

“Ah Cmdr, you must not let Emma become a pest, otherwise she will take liberties,” Emma said, amused by Jezka’s reaction, but also concerned that she had gone too far. “We'll see each other at the wedding, without failing. For the time being, I have a sale to make....”

Mrs 'Emma' Moreau (pnpc played by Brek)
Graphic Zest Art Gallery
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah
Chief of Station Operations
Poseidon Station


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