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Posted on 08/02/2023 @ 11:33pm by 2nd Lieutenant Erin Inferson & 1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill

1,056 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: The Throneroom - Command Tier Deck 19 - Poseidon Station
Timeline: Immediately Following The Ivy Grows Part II

They had shared glances. Some long and longing, some short and stolen but now that the induction of Baaru was over something else had to begin.

What would they become? What did the kiss mean?

Anthony could feel Erin coming up behind him even before he thought to turn. He'd moved over to the replicator to get a drink, shuttle modding is hard work.

Erin had not intentionally been avoiding Hill. It just seemed that their duties kept them apart. Well, that was what she told herself. Alicia told her otherwise, and told her to get on the stick and tell Hill what the hell that kiss meant. She decided to test the water by acting as she believed that duty kept them apart. "Hey hot stuff. Come here often?" She allowed a seductive smile to crawl across her lips.

"Only when fleet messes up the shuttles and needs a real man to come and fix them." he joked out of reflex and turned around seeing Erin. There was a pause in the air and he smiled like a fool. "Apparently I've got the magic touch." he kept his jokes up. A veil to hide behind true but he couldn't help himself.

"It seems that fleet needs us all too often these days." Erin replied and then took a seat on the nearest chair. She gestured that he should sit next to her. She watched him and all she wanted to do was kiss him, perhaps tear his uniform off. However, that would have to wait. She owed him an explanation, owed one to herself. Having sensed that he was at least open to chatting with her, and he was not pissed with her, she decided to proceed. "All jokes aside. I wanted to talk about the past few weeks if that is okay."

The air in the shuttle became all so serious all of a sudden and Anthony put his tools down and looked at her as he sat down. "Sure. What's on your mind?" he asked, playing it a little cool.

"To put it succinctly... you... I have been thinking about that control room and the Terrans. I mean haven't you?" Erin mussed with her hair out of frustration. She didn't want to be the one to say it or talk about emotions first. She wanted him to do it, and hoped he would pick up on where she tried to lead him.

Anthony nodded rather enthusiastically. "Ah." he said. Probably not the response she had been looking for straight away but he was a proper man sometimes and spoke before he thought. "I have thought about it, quite a lot." he admitted not wanting to open up about emotion first either. "Got a little heated in there, didn't it?" he joked as he rubbed the back of his neck a little nervously.

Erin decided that perhaps it would be best to circumvent the emotions conversation and move past it. She sighed and looked over at him with love and frustration in her eyes. "Oh, for shits sake. If we are going to do this we cannot let our emotions get in the way of the mission, of the work we have to do for the Corps." She knew that they both did not want to talk about it, so, perhaps he would see what she meant and roll with it.

"Screw it!" Anthony thought and sighed. "I like you Erin, a lot." he admitted. "Thing is I would say that I wouldn't let my emotions get in the way of what we do but that's not going to be totally true, is it?" he asked rhetorically. "I could have left you down there, saved my own life and then it would only have been one name on a KIA sheet instead of two, but that's not who I am. I would give my life for you any day of the week and then some." he took her hands in his. "Frater ad fratrem in morte et vita... although I don't think of you as a brother, or a sister." he smirked playfully at his own thoughts.

Erin smiled at his comment. "Yeah if you did you would have a lot worse problems then fraternizing. I like you as well. I am glad that you stayed not only do I not want to die alone, but to be able to look at you until the end is an added bonus." She paused as she sorted out her feelings and what she wanted to say next. "We are going to have to tell BlackJack. We have to do this by the book, if we intend to make it work."

Anthony scrunched up his face and tossed his head from side to side. "Do we have to tell him? I mean he'll give us the lecture and I can't be bothered listening to it..." he grumped a little. "Can't we just have secret sex in the armoury? Share glances at briefings? Play a little dangerously for a while?" he grinned at her. She was the more sensible one though he felt.

There was a certain attraction to what he said. Something that she felt excited her in more ways then one. Erin winked at him, then took a look around to make sure that there was no one who could see. Then she pounced on him, the impact knocked Hill from his chair and she was on top of him. Her legs straddled his hips and she kissed him deeply. "Well if that is the way you want to play it, then perhaps we can have our fun."

Anthony was a little winded from the drop but as he caught his breath back he did eventually smile after the kiss. "I am definitely voting for fun!" he threw his hands around her back and pulled her in for another kiss before letting her go and playing with her belt. "I mean, why think of BlackJack at the time like this?" he grinned.

"Agreed..." Erin said as she unzipped her uniform jacket. "Computer seal this room." She ordered as the uniform undershirt came off and was tossed away.

First Lieutenant Anthony "Spitfire" Hill
Platoon CO, The Castle
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Second Lieutenant Erin "Sparks" Inferson
Platoon CO, The Swords
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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