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A New Start

Posted on 08/05/2023 @ 8:14am by Lieutenant Yvette Beauvoir

729 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Joint Sim Mission: The Poseidon Adventure
Location: USS Canterbury - Guest Quarters

Yvette lay in her bed aboard the USS Canterbury. The ship’s captain, her mother had been in the sector and offered her passage to Starbase 50.

A sudden crash, followed by red emergency lights and alarm woke her from her slumber.

Jumping out of bed, she dressed quickly and made for the door.

In the corridor personnel were making their way to their stations.

She stopped an enlisted engineer. “What’s going on Petty Officer?” She asked.

“Ma’am, we hit a cloaked mine and it punched a hole in Deck 8. I’m on my way to help out.” He replied.

“I’ll accompany, you.” Yvette said and followed him through the corridors.

When they arrived at Deck 8 it was a mess of twisted metal and trashed machines, but the star of the destruction was a roughly 8 metres by 8 metres hole that through which you could see open space.

A force field was only thing that separated the crew from the cold emptiness of space.

There was an explosion in one of the bulkheads and as they watched the force field began to flicker.

“Everyone out!” Yvette ordered as she donned an EVA suit and headed for the force field’s power supply.

Once there she magnetised her boots. The internal force fields would protect the others, but she didn’t want to float away when the externals failed.

Working quickly, she retrieved an engineering kit from a nearby locker and exposed the power supply.

It was fried. Only the residual power in the system was keeping the force field active and that was running out fast.

She didn’t have time for a complete repair, so she’d have to jury rig something.

Taking the tri-corder, she programmed it to act like a battery and wired it into the force field projectors, which hummed with new life.

She’d bought herself some time.

Clearing away the damaged circuits, she spotted the problem, the explosion had been cause by an overloaded EMS relay.

Yvette tapped her com. “Beauvoir to Bridge, please shut off power to Deck 8, subsection A3 Starboard.” She said.

“Beauvoir, this is the Bridge, you are a guest aboard this ship and as such don’t have the authority to make such requests.”

“Bridge, I am attempting to fix this vessel, and I was asking as a courtesy, if you are not going to be of assistance, I’ll do it myself, but I promise you things will be messier.”

“Okay, done, Bridge out.”

Now that that was done, the Lieutenant began cannibalising the off-line machines.

Finding some undamaged power relays, she rebuilt the power system and reconnected it.

“Bridge, you can return power to Deck 8, subsection A3 Starboard. The force field should now stay online until we reach our destination.”

“Acknowledged, Lieutenant, and thank you, Bridge out.”

Later in the Captain’s Ready Room after the Canterbury has docked at Starbase 50.

“Good work, Lieutenant, are you sure we can’t get you to stay?” Commander Weylan said.

“I am sure.” Yvette replied. “If I stayed, the Captain and I would be at each other’s throat in no time.”

“My daughter is correct.” Captain T’Lisa Anderson said. “Our relationship works better at a distance.”

“To bad.” Weylan said. “Best of luck in your new posting, Lieutenant.”

“Thank you, Commander.” Yvette said.

“Take care of yourself, My Daughter.” T’Lisa Anderson said.

“I’ll will, Mother, I always do.” Yvette said. “Now, Captain, Commander, if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to report to.”

Yvette left the room, crossed the Bridge and headed for her interim Quarters.

Later, now the Canterbury had landed on her assigned pad, Yvette stood at the airlock, her carryall across her left shoulder.

She took a moment to centre herself before entering the umbilical that led to the station.

Moments later her she emerged on the other side, placing her feet for the first time on the deck of the Station, her new home.


Lieutenant Yvette Beauvoir
Assistant Chief of Operations Starbase 50

Captain T'Lisa Anderson
Commanding Officer, USS Canterbury

Lieutenant Commander Thomas Weylan
Executive Officer, USS Canterbury


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