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Layer Peeling

Posted on 10/17/2023 @ 1:26pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Civilian David Scarlet
Edited on on 10/17/2023 @ 1:30pm

3,345 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Station and Aquil

Cara walked quietly alongside David Scarlet, at the moment just gaining control of her emotions. She did note that he had that rigid stance that people tended to have when around someone who had a rank. Telling him to relax wasn't the way to go about it, either. Her mind cast around to where they could walk and maybe talk. There was the Arboretum, and then there was the holodeck. She chose the holodeck, as she wanted to program a scene that would give a more panoramic view of any type of scenery, and not have anyone near.

She broke her silence glancing towards David, "If you don't mind the walk, I wish to take will be in the holodeck. I need to see some open sky, even if it is a facsimile. Unless, we go down to the planet below and watch an actual sunset , hear the sound of the waves. I just need to clear my head. What would you recommend? Have you been down to Aquil?"

"I've only been as far as the LZ." Scarlet said quickly. "But it looked peaceful from the approach." Part of him wondered how or if he was supposed to help her clear her head when his was so full of conflict.

"I don't think I've actually visited many places that weren't somewhat touched by a battle or war." He said with a frown. Nearly all the exotic locations he'd visited there were always signs of the evil that people do to others. "A nice relaxing walk on a beach might be nice."

"Then lets go, we can catch a shuttle down and go walk along the beach, and talk." Cara giving a bit of a smile. "Even bring a swimming suit. I plan on doing so. " her smile becoming even more radiant, just at the prospect of going down to the planet. She looked around at the currently tech filled station surroundings. "We can even just stop at a store to get what is needed and we then just go." an almost pleading look in her eyes.

Scarlet fought the initial urge to say no. It wasn't proper for the ranks to mingle like that. But he quickly reminded himself, he wasn't part of the ranks anymore. Instead, he nodded. "Sure, I hope you know the way to an appropriate shop though. I'm still new to this station."

A brief flash of a smile from Cara. "I do know of a shop. Come this way." Arriving at the shop which had an array of swim wear along with other clothing. Cara picked out a two piece light blue swim suit plus a cover up, just to keep herself from getting sunburned and a floppy brimmed hat. "We can change down there" she remarked.

Cara had felt the beginning of Scarlet's protest but was happy he didn't. It brought comfort to her.

For his part, Scarlet picked the first pair of black trunks off the rack that fit. Credits weren't really a problem for him considering his pension and savings from his time in the service, but he wasn't an extravagant man either.

He waited at the entrance to the shop until Cara had made her purchases. "Would you like me to carry your things?" He offered awkwardly as he fell into step next to her on the way to the shuttle bay.

Cara regarded Scarlet for a moment or two. "You are quite the gentleman, and I do appreciate that." her tone wasn't disparaging, in fact she was finding David rather intriguing. "If you would like to." she handed the canvas tote bag she had purchased to carry the swim wear plus two beach towels, they would probably be needing.

"I purchased some Citronella to make certain we don't get bitten by insects. What with the planet being tropical in nature, I wanted to make certain we don't need to worry about bug bites."

"Bugs haven't really bothered me," Scarlet replied before quickly adding. "At least the standard Earth sized ones." He didn't add that anything bigger than a rat that tried to bite him was fair game to be shot.

As they made their way to the shuttle port, Scarlet adjusted the handle of the bag in his hand. It wasn't heavy or unwieldy, it was more that he could feel the slight balance offset in his legs and wanted to adjust for the strange sensation. "I don't think I can remember the last time I was planet side for something other than a mission or some other dire circumstance."

"And it's been even longer since I've been to a beach." He paused as he thought back and really couldn't remember a time in his adult life when he had relaxed on a beach. "I'm looking forward to it."

A happy smile Cara led the way to where they could catch a shuttle. They could very well had utilized the transporters to go down to the planet below, however she was looking forward to seeing the planet via shuttle. As they entered into the shuttle and launched away from the station, Cara was excited seeing the planet, any vestiges of her being in Star Fleet seemed to fade away as they approached the planet then headed into the atmosphere. "This is exciting!" she exclaimed. "Thank you David for agreeing to come with me."

"No problem Cara." Scarlet replied. He offered a slight smile and then glanced out the porthole to see the planet quickly approach as the stars gave way to a deep blue sky.

"I just have to keep reminding myself that not everything is a mission." He sighed a little before continuing. "I guess it'll take a while to get over a mindset I've had for all my adult life."

"Well when having a life that is in someway dedicated to serving others and even serving the Federation, it is a hard habit to break." Cara answered. " It can be so deeply ingrained, like even in a relationship with someone, a person has to just find their way out of the path that had been travelled oh so long when that path ends and are at a crossroad." she glanced over to David. "Guess you and I are at crossroads of our own."

Cara turned her attention towards the shuttle pilot, "Would you take us towards the Marble Bay area please?" the shuttle pilot giving a nod and chose the course for him to go.

Cara's mouth went into an 'O' form when the shuttle lowered even further to where they could see the scenery, impulsively Cara gave David's arm an excited squeeze, not too hard just one like a hug. "This is amazing!" the shuttle drifting down to where it was allowed to land, opening the door for Cara and David to disembark. Cara released her hold upon his arm, having a slight flush of pink to her cheeks. "Sorry." giving a light laugh.

"No harm, no foul." Scarlet said with a shrug. He picked up the bags from the deck next to his feet and ducked out of the shuttle door right after Cara.

Once they were away from the shuttle and the recycled life support systems, he could smell the sweet floral fragrance of the plants around them.

Looking around, Scarlet saw that the beautiful area around the landing zone was deserted of other humanoid life. "I guess this place isn't as popular... wonder why."

"There are those who prefer the more mundane Risian tropical resort style of vacationing. This includes the popular beaches that are there. Then this here for those who are not wanting the hustle and bustle of the more crowded beaches. It is lovely and serene." Cara stated. "Plus somewhere deeper on this island is a very sacred place, which we can not go to otherwise we'll be tossed off the island, or maybe face death. Who knows." Cara giving a shrug. "However we do have this to ourselves for now." She looked around, "Though there is a changing area so we can change into our swim suits and go for a swim, unless you want to be daring and go skinny dipping. "Cara giving a teasing smile. She wasn't against going skinny dipping. "Oh and look at that, there is a waterfall there as well. Have you ever bathed under a waterfall?"

Scarlet paused for a minute and looked down at the bag of swimsuits. "I'm not one to waste credits, but I guess they could be of use later."

Looking over at the waterfall, he couldn't help but take in a deep breath. Most people thought of waterfalls sparkling in the noon sun with a rainbow in the mist. But the shimmering waters appeared a vibrant red orange in the setting sun. The falling water roared down into a the turbulent waters, but for the chaotic waters it looked beautiful and surprisingly peaceful.

"Lead the way Cara, I'm good for wherever you decide to go." Scarlet said after admiring the waterfall. "And I don't think there's much you can suggest that I wouldn't be up for."

Cara half heard what David had said, she had caught some of his emotions when looking at the waterfall, she too became enthralled with its coloration from the setting sun. How can one person try to capture the essence of this moment, with words, seeing the water as it cascaded down almost like it was on fire. Piece by piece, Cara shed her clothing and walked towards the water, itself capturing the reddish orange hue, which part of it began to turn to gold. One foot stepped in followed by the other, the water lapping at her feet. Moving forward until the water reached her waist, Cara slowly turned to see where David was. Her body a semi dark silhouette against the sunset, "You pique my interest in what you had just said." giving a warm chuckle. "Thing is, that can be a two way street, David."

Scarlet dropped the cloth bag on the sand and lifted his shirt off over his head. Stepping out of his shoes and slacks, he slowly waded out into the water behind Cara. The water was surprisingly warm, and if he knew or cared more about science he might have known why.

"Easier said than done Cara." He said once he caught up to her, stopping only a couple of feet away from her in the water. "I've been so used to being the one to follow orders. Even when I've led a company, it was about following the mission orders."

Scarlet tried valiantly to keep his eyes up, to meet her gaze. "I'll get there eventually, but I think it'll take a while to not feel lost."

Cara went lower into the water to where it reached up to her shoulders, "That is what my friend and adopted sister, Brina, had told me. She had taken a step back from being in the Marines and Star Fleet, in order to raise her babies at home back on Earth. Raising triplet sons is quite the handful to deal with. I only got a taste of it when I baby sat for Brina and Nicholas to have sometime together." she gave out a little laugh. "it was fun and a bit of work."

She playfully splashed water at David, "I am certain that you will be able to find your way on the new path you have found yourself on. And like you said, it will take time."

David raised an eyebrow as the water splashed against his chest. "Ah, I've been hit..." He said in feigned disbelief as he fell back into the water, a moment later, he was slowly circling Cara while doing the backstroke.

He looked up at the clouds, brilliant colours shifted across the sky and reflected on the water. "Thank you for this. I haven't relaxed in a long time."

Cara laughed at David's reaction, the sound ringing out in peals of delight. "You are very welcome." she remarked with a grin. "Lets head to the waterfall." she stated then started swimming towards it.

Holding his breath for a moment, David roll over in the water to get a bearing on the waterfall before rolling back and beginning a gentle swim toward the waterfall. Keeping his eyes on the brilliant sky and the coming stars of the night, he allowed himself a moment of peace and tranquility.

David could feel the pecks of water on his face as he got close to the waterfall and turned to tread water. Looking over to Cara, he swam closer before his foot touched a large round rock below the surface that allowed him to stand at chest height.

"Beautiful for such turbulent waters." He commented absentmindedly.

Cara who had been gazing at the waterfall, watching as the colors now shifted to where the drops of water were catching the ray of the moon beams. To her the waterfall was catching the very essence in how she was feeling. Turbulent in her emotions, and yet serenely soothing the soul. "it is indeed beautiful."

Cara reached out to run her fingers through part of the water that sprayed out, she having had found a place for her to stand upon. Her thoughts also had gone to the upcoming wedding of Aer and Jack.

Her gaze turned towards Scarlet, "David, an important event is coming up, the marriage of my friend Aer Feshau and her intended, Jack Patton." she paused for a moment, feeling her heart pounding as she was actually nervous in what she was about to ask. "W-would you be willing to go with me there, as my date?" feeling her cheeks warm up, Cara turned her attention back to the waterfall. Even though she exuded confidence when in her role of being part of the command staff, she still had moments of uncertainty.

"I've only heard the names in passing." Scarlet said with a shrug. In fact he'd been tempted to look up Jack Patton when he had arrived on station in regards to the Marine detachment. That ship however, was currently setting sail with him still hesitating on the dock. "I'd be happy to escort you Cara."

Carefully feeling the rocky bottom with his feet, something he'd never thought he'd be able to do, he took a few more steps until the bulk of his form was engulfed in the torrent or water. He enjoyed the roar of the water for a moment before moving back out so as to be able to hear Cara.

"I'd had surgery recently." He confided. "To restore feeling to my legs. It'd failed before, but I met a doctor who had some rather interesting ideas and she gave me a second chance."

Pausing for a moment before continuing. "I guess what I'm getting at is that before, I'd have never thought about going to a social engagement as a date of a beautiful woman. Too angry and grumbly. Now though, I don't want to be that angry grumbly person all the time anymore."

She watched as David stepped into the waterfall, her eyes blinking slightly as water from his immersion reached where she was. When he stepped out she gazed at him for a few long moments as he spoke to her about what he'd experienced. When he accepted her invitation her eyes lit up and a beaming smile became evident.

"I am glad that that happened David, glad you have a second chance in life."

She stepped up close to David, not uttering another word, raised herself up upon her toes and brushed her lips against his in a light kiss. She gave a warm gentle smile then stepped inside the waterfall herself, feeling the intenseness of the torrent thunder over her whole body, it took her breath away momentarily. She made a move to step out of the falls, her foot stepping upon a rock which moved under her foot, causing her to lose balance, her falling backwards.

His reactions were still sharp, and David quickly reached out to catch Cara as she began to fall. Unfortunately his reactions were based on already scouting out a secure footing. He managed to catch her hand and stopped her from falling back for a moment, then joined her in the tumble.

Water swirled around them, the turbulence magnified by their own flailing limbs as they attempted to untangle themselves and come up for air.

What seemed like a long moment later, David popped up from the water a short ways from the falls and blinked the water away from his eyes. He caught sight of Cara and chuckled. "That went better in my mind."

Cara spluttered a bit, spitting out the water, she had taken in her eyes peering out from the curtain of wet hair, which draped over her face. Taking two fingers she lifted part of the hair away from her face, a grin surfacing. "I'll be right back up." She ducked under the water to brush her hair back then resurfaced. Her hair now plastered against her bare back.

She swam over towards David, giving a light laugh. "That was actually fun, oh gosh this feels so good!" She paused and gave a little bit of a smile, the moon revealing it. "And you look very good with the stars dancing around you." noticing the ripples of the water catching the light of the stars shining down upon them both.

"As do you." David replied as he treaded water. He pushed his hand through the water and propelled himself slowly toward Cara. The rippling water reflected the stars in shimmering, ever changing, circles. While the waterfall still roiled behind them, he barely heard it now. Focused more on the woman sharing the night with him.

His leg brushed hers for a moment as they swam around each other. When she didn't pull back he continued to stay close to her, not taking his eyes off her. "Aside from being on the arm of a beautiful woman, is there anything else I need to know about this wedding?"

"Well, clothing wise wear something nice but comfortable. And the wedding will be a mixture of El Aurian Tradition as well as Earth and Marine tradition from what Aer had said. I will be Aer's maid of honor, and the CO will be Jack's best man. Admiral Rice will be the one to perform the ceremony. I'll be wearing civilian dress instead of dress uniform. Security will be tight, but since you will be my date, you will pass through security easily enough. It will also be taking place in one of the holosuites." Cara mentioned. "Um, any other details that is all I can think of. There will be a reception after the wedding, giving people a chance to change out of their dress uniform if they choose." her voice going soft and low, as she moved a little bit closer. "I will definitely be looking for you." Cara reaching out to touch his chest.

David took her hand in his own, placing it against his chest as he closed the distance between them. "I'll make myself easy for you to find."

He looked into her eyes and he wasn't entirely sure at that moment if they were reflecting the stars or if the stars were simply paling in comparison. He quickly made sure that his foot could touch bottom and when it did, he took a chance.

Leaning down he allowed his lips to brush hers softly.

Her eyes flared wide, feeling the almost electrical energy course through her, when his lips met hers. Cara's eyes slowly drifted closed, her hands sliding around David, to pull him close to her, still kissing him. One hand moving upwards to caress his hair. When their lips parted, Cara whispered, "Wow!" working to catch her breath. Then pulled him close to her once more...

fade to black

Civilian David Scarlet

Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Operations Commander
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station


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