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Getting Lost Part X

Posted on 10/14/2023 @ 11:22pm by Lieutenant JG Stefan Zamfir & Petty Officer 1st Class Kaylara Loran
Edited on on 10/14/2023 @ 11:22pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Joint Sim Mission: The Poseidon Adventure
Location: Aquil

Last Time on Getting Lost Part IX

Kaylara stripped off her sodden clothes and dumped them in the sink, then took a quick, hot shower so there was plenty of hot water left for Stefan. When she was done, she rinsed out her clothes to wash later and put them in a small clothes hamper.

As she had nothing to change into, she wrapped herself in a towel and padded into the other room to search for some clothes. "Shower's all yours," she called.

And Now The Conclusion...

Stefan had found the bags both he and Kaylara had with them when they first arrived on the planet. They were set upon the bed, along with some other clothing that had been found inside the cupboards there. Stefan had a robe on, and there was one upon the bed as well for Kaylara to utilize.

"There's things to wear on the bed, I'll just go get my shower now." Stefan moving towards the bathroom. He had in hand some sweat pants along with a tee shirt. Stefan came out a few minutes later, dressed and a towel being rubbed over his hair. He rolled his shoulders to loosen up the muscles, it had been a bit since he had to fight against mother nature. He wasn't going to complain though. He looked over at Kaylara and remarked.

"That was quite the wild ride right? Nothing like an E ticket. Danger, excitement! And even a bit life threatening. Glad we made it back, thank you for the help." his eyes lighting up with a smile.

Kaylara took the time to dry off and change into dry clothes. She turned when she heard him. "Isn't that why we're in intel? Lots of paperwork and research for the opportunity of getting an exhilarating ride from time to time?"

Stefan grinned and laughed, "That is exactly why I signed up. Fun, the excitement and information gathering. And don't forget the dangerous situations." Stefan comically waggling his eyebrows up and down.

His demeanor changed to a more serious one. "The job also can be a deterrent for personal lives. Especially with what agents end up doing on occasion."

She raised an eyebrow, understanding exactly what he was implying. "that doesn't happen very often any more. There are usually ways to avoid it--if you want. And, if you don't, it can compromise any intel you find. It can also compromise the operative. How many do you know who chose to go undercover and sleep with someone who was involved in whatever they were investigating ended up losing their objectivity, their life, or their loyalty?"

"All what you say is true, Kaylara. And there is the seduction of the mind without getting completely close with the body. I've only slept with three targets. I really didn't like it. Got the job done yes, it left me cold though." Stefan went to take a seat upon one of the chairs that were there, swiveling around to where he could look at Kaylara. "I don't know where this is headed." motioning towards himself and Kaylara. "I do not know what to do, I can't shut off my thinking of you. What do you want to call this?" Stefan got up from his chair. "Part of me wants to just say this was just a gloriously strange and fun shoreleave, you and I go our separate ways. Another part of me is raising up a huge fuss as to that thought of not talking to you after this. And I do not know what you want to do. Do you have any answers for this?"

She considered him for a long moment. Her mind flashed back to their first meeting and his comment about women slapping him. He said it was because he looked like his brother. Now she wondered if he took advantage of his undercover assignments. Then she discounted that. He wasn't that callous. But he did want to use those undercover assignments as an excuse for not having any close relationships. And then there was that tension with one or two of the women at the intel meeting...

She shook her head. "I don't know. With the pirate ship I thought it was a one-off. I was attracted to you, and we had some fun. But then I couldn't stop thinking about you, of being angry at your behavior. And that also bothered me." She sighed. "I know how I feel, and I know what I'd like. But I can't tell you how to feel or what to want. Especially as one minute you're interested in seeing where this could go and the next you don't want to do anything because my ship is leaving." She met his gaze to try and read him. "If you want this trip to be strictly platonic because you don't want complications, fine. I'll leave now because I don't want to be treated like a casual diversion. At the same time, I am leaving. But life is full of choices and they're seldom easy. You have to decide which road you'll take from here."

Stefan was quiet listening to the sound of the rain outside as it thundered down, it seemed to drift away though as he gazed into Kaylara's eyes. The inner struggle that had been going through his mind, seemed to just disappear. Life was full of difficult choices, and Kaylara wasn't anyone who he was going to treat as a casual diversion. His eyes softened. "I would like to see where this will end up, I'd like to take a chance on-" he paused for a moment as he swallowed the lump in his throat licked his lips to moisten them. " I'd like to take a chance on us."

Stefan's heart was racing, feeling like it was about to burst from his chest, however his words were not a lie. He felt it deep down inside. "You are someone I would kick myself hard, if I didn't reach out and explore us. I don't say this lightly. Do you want to see where this leads? I know I do."

After his vacillating, she'd braced herself for him to tell her he didn't want any sort of commitment, so his words took her by surprise. She said nothing for several seconds, and then it was one word. "Yes."

That one simple answer from Kaylara, took his breath away. It blew away anything that had been currently clouding his mind, his doubts, his fears. The feeling of loneliness was gone. Stefan had actually feared that she may end up saying no, he didn't want to assume that she would want to have a relationship with him.

Stefan walked slowly towards Kaylara, gently wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. The pieces of his heart that had been broken, for a long time, it felt like they were being pulled back together. He felt hopeful, and felt like the sun had finally permeated through the storm clouds inwardly, like it has done outside. It seemed to do so into his very soul, the inner storm quieting down.

She hugged him back. Kaylara knew she couldn't walk away without seeing where this went, but it was the most terrifying thing she'd ever done in her life.

A kiss upon the top of Kaylara's head Stefan murmured softly. "When will your ship be leaving? I'd like to spend the rest of the time you've got, with you. I have leave time I can use to do so. We can actually do some exploring here, just be able to relax, do some more sailing?" he looked into her eyes and spoke in Romulan.

"I have four or five days," she replied.

"Il''ukiudh t'hea spend ujudhueiusmm'ukssdh keep time as a clock seijea aeiiht?" [Translation: May we spend that time together?]

It was the first time he spoke Romulan to her. it touched her in a way that both pleased and irritated her. She wasn't even sure why she was irritated. Maybe it was just the rollercoaster she'd been on since coming to Poseidon Station. "Yes," she replied in Romulan. She would like nothing better than to spend the rest of her shore leave with Stefan.

A beaming smile and a brush of his lips against hers. "Then lets get to it." still in Romulan, Stefan caressing her cheek. This had certainly proved to Stefan, that one can't put life on hold, and the fact he almost missed out on spending time with Kaylara? Stefan was glad he wasn't going to.

She practically purred at his touch. That was NOT like her. Or it hadn't been. Was this love? Only time would tell. All she knew was she'd never felt like this before, and she wanted--needed--to see where a relationship with Stefan could go. Still speaking in Romulan, she said, "Getting lost with you is the best choice I ever made." Then, getting to it, she kissed him.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant JG Stefan Zamfir
Field Officer Intelligence
Poseidon Station

Petty Officer First Class Kaylara Loran
Data Systems Analyst
USS Pioneer


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